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/lit/ - Literature

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9258104 No.9258104 [Reply] [Original]

How do I live the most ascended, patrician lifestyle? Help me make a list. I want to disassociate myself from all the pseuds and normies ruining the gene pools.

>> No.9258107

Read books

>> No.9258123

eat well. drink well. sleep well. exercise. have one passion to which you dedicate all remaining time. meditate regularly to understand the whole plight is at best a joke

>> No.9258220

>at best a joke
I plan to commit a ritual self suicide once I am out of my physical and mental prime.

>> No.9258232

Spend your days in a darkened room surrounded by piss bottles posting on /r9k/ while doing vipassana meditation.

>> No.9258233

Do whatever you feel like but don't read any literature. You can't be a pleb if you don't enjoy anything.

>> No.9258235
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Disconnect from the internet/cable tv.
Buy an ascot
Pretend to be of royal blood.

>> No.9258242

But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill. “No! I must kill the pseuds and normies” he shouted. The radio said “No, John. You are the pseuds and normies”

>> No.9258250

seems you're a bit late

>> No.9258253

Pee on the seat not the bowl.
Smell instead of looking after each wipe.
Drink tea mixed with cranberry juice instead of water for 5 years so you can say you did.
Eat nothing but Slavic cuisine.
Refer to yourself constantly in the third person.

Adopt and kill children from your orphanage.

>> No.9258254

One cannot act as a patrician and in turn be a patrician; patriandom is a mode of being in this world and flows outwards from one's spirit into his actions.

>> No.9258287

Perhaps I should phrase the question 'how do I avoid becoming a plebeian'

>> No.9258300

don't try to be a patrician

>> No.9258571
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Become a professional in some field and have 4-6 children with a loyal wife.

Read books.

>> No.9258794


quit hangin around bitch niggas

>> No.9258814

Damn, 2007 was a different era

>> No.9258817
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I got your solution right here.

>> No.9258825

buy a hill in rome

>> No.9258862

Rule #1: stop using the internet

I'll tell you the rest of the rules one you do this first one

>> No.9260338

Be Christian. Its goal is apotheosis.

>> No.9261750

>while doing vipassana meditation

Mara please.The most ill-informed pseuds-normie meditation there is. Modern Burmese Vipassana is a 20th century creation based off the most modified and least authentic translations of the Satipatthana Sutta. So at once it bastardizes a sutta-centric approach and divorces itself from the rich commentarial tradition stemming from Buddhaghosa.

In the traditional accounts/texts, both sutta and commentarial, there is no distinct fucking vipassana practice, rather it is an extension of a well established samatha practice, of which the Buddha and Buddhaghosa most heavily emphasized.

""""vipassana meditation"""" is basically for lazy retards who want to get their self-help and Orientalist kicks all in one shot but are too lazy to put in the actual work to master samatha. It is a dry and brittle practice that unsurprisingly is complete shit.

>> No.9261922

Doubt his description of a basement dwelling /r9k/ poster is particularly aware of the different forms of meditation. I'm sure your kind of bullshit is better.

>> No.9262002


I don't think the Burmese method is for lazy people at all. Going to multiple retreats where you meditate seriously for 10+ hours per day and dedicating yourself to 1-2 hours of meditation per day minimum as a householder isn't lazy whatsoever. It's actually a lot of fucking work, and the courses never say that you can get even close to the endgoal in one retreat.

Vipassana is a state, not a practice. Sure. But is it wrong to say that certain practices are conducive to generating Vipassana, provided that the right virtues are promoted during the practice?

>> No.9262188
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Stop being a bloody elitist. Talk to strangers; they know things you don't. Pay attention to mad old men who live in barrels.

>> No.9262230

Understand that the ultimate patrician knows that he can't be a patrician all the time. Which makes his patrician moments even more enjoyable.
It's like success. If you expect success in anything that you do, you're bound to feel miserable even when you do have success.
Accept that failure can happen and that it doesn't really matter. What matters is that you know who you are and that you go through that journey.

>> No.9263455

>meditate regularly
You know meditating is actually physically harmful right? Meditating has to be the most stupid meme I have ever seen.

>> No.9263460

I think you meant the word 'year' you fuck

>> No.9263476


>> No.9263482
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First step: Install slackware.
Second step: Embrace your subgenius.
Third step: Study the subgenius
Fourth step: Destroy normals.

>> No.9263507

True patricians know that a simple life spent with those that bring happiness is the best way of all.

I feel happier sitting outside with my dogs, smoking my pipe (or a cigar like now), and listening to the birds chirp. It is peaceful. No stress. No problems.

>> No.9263516

What the fuck?

>> No.9263539

Would you care to elaborate on that?

>> No.9263876


#1 Be born independently wealthy
#2 Have literary pretensions

That's it, really.

>> No.9263891
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>Cant sit on floor, hips too inflexible
>Back too weak due to being a slouch
>Meditation is physically harmful

>> No.9263900
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Hmmm that's more of an ascended peasant lifestyle.

>> No.9263924

you can meditate in a chair on lying down, lotus position is a meme

>> No.9263943


Start with the Neanderthals.

>> No.9263949


How so? I don't work (much) and I still relax and take it easy when I do. I have my hobbies that I also relax with and just have a leisurely life.

In the end, it doesn't really matter between perceived labels of peasant or patrician. They are just that: labels. I live the life of relaxation that I want to live. I don't need to call it something to live it.

>> No.9263958

Go experience suffering.

>> No.9263959


I think its pretty simple

the human body (including the mind in a different sense) is designed to move
even in their sleep the body moves
it literally cannot stop moving
so why would you ever try to stop it?

>> No.9263975

Tripfags get out

>> No.9264004

Become a freemason

>> No.9264008

>Padmasana is a meme
>Knows nothing of ancient scriptures

>> No.9264036

Your heart beats so slowly it might as well be still. Living a comfortable life is living death.

>> No.9264059


Why? It's not that I don't have hardships in my life from situations beyond my control. I still deal with loss, grief, insecurity, etc. I am human, but I try to deal with it the best I can.


How? I don't feel like I need a life of adrenaline rushes or anxiety.

>> No.9264096

Cancel your internet connection

>> No.9264114

Dedicate half your time to endurance and resistance training, and the other half to martial arts. leave humanity behind

>> No.9264121

>What is walking meditation

>> No.9264661


I don't think you know what this word means. Kindly, leave.

>> No.9264682

>How do I live the most ascended, patrician lifestyle?
If you're asking this question on an anonymous image board, you can save yourself the time and just accurately assume that you're going to waste all your precious time here on earth.

>> No.9264686

probably get off 4chan

>> No.9264696
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>> No.9265827
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Every single time I see the Burmese method criticized, I always ask for clarification. Unfortunately, I never get any follow-up, and it sucks to see the Burmese method get bashed without the shred of charity. I doubt anybody has read the lectures of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, who taught S. N. Goenka and translated quite a bit of Buddhist metaphysics and Burmese meditation techniques into comprehensible English. U Ba Khin, in turn, had been taught by another famed Burnese monk named Sayadaw. There's few other people presenting Buddhist thought in a coherent and practical way in the West, and it would be nice to give the two some credit.

The way I see it, Buddhist metaphysics (anicca, anatta, dukkha, etc.) and the proto-psychology derived from it (six sense doors, cognition, sankharas, jhanas, etc.) are the most important contributions of Buddhist thought thanks to their robustness and their universality. You can use Buddhist thought to help navigate through life, either in an abstract sense, or in a practical sense.

The Burmese method, through tradition, interpretation, and experimentation, invented a meditation style based upon Buddhist thought in order to practically achieve mindfulness, promote virtues, and train equanimity. I would go as far as to say that after enormous effort and time, it would lead to enlightenment, but that's a bold claim.

>> No.9265928

I'm so ready for that latter half. Well at least my heart is. My soul actually isn't because I need to get my shit together

>> No.9266164

Follow me

>> No.9266623


Fuck this is irrelevant

>> No.9266644


>> No.9267400
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Memes aside and realistically speaking, probably living an extremely minimalist lifestyle. Getting rid of everything you don't need or use regularly, separating yourself from social media, advertising, and constant use of technology. Separating yourself from the opinions of others. Use your money to invest wisely and ensure wealth. Train your body to peak physical potential, eat well, and learn a martial art. Train your mind. Be an expert in a few fields, but knowledgeable in most.

>> No.9269746


>> No.9269750

well first of all, you have to pick up smoking like all the /lit/ greats

>> No.9271265

Read Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Don't be a shallow psued, read more philosophy, and don't do it wrong

>> No.9271325

What's the best job for this kind of lifestyle?

>> No.9272748

Read Léon Degrelle

>> No.9272966


>> No.9273125

Wow, that's pretty remarkably stupid.

>> No.9273151

underrated post

>> No.9273183

This is the problem of 4chan. The content of the boards may change, but the approach is the same to everything. You don't read to appear something. You don't lift to appear something. You don't play a videogame to appear something. You just don't have to appear, because trying to appear is a stretch that doesn't fit in the long term. You don't need to follow the lifestyle of a "literate" because a literate doesn't choose his lifestyle on purpose, to appear and feel less lonely as anon does, his style is a consequence of his attitude to life. /lit doesn't really talks about books but it's about social rejection and inability to understand life as the entirety of 4chan. I finally understood that and so it's time to leave this place, hoping the best to everyone...

>> No.9273199


See you tomorrow