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925300 No.925300 [Reply] [Original]

"Her arms akimbo."

>'arms akimbo'

ITT: Phrases that just brush you the wrong way. Every time I read this I think that the persons arm are replaced by two guns. It's a visual I just can't get out of my mind.

>> No.925306

pic related, how?

>> No.925310

Call of Chopper Gunner: Modern Akimbo Sniper-Shotguns

>> No.925312

For the longest time I thought "arms akimbo" meant something like "flailing wildly". They still make me think of something like that instead of "hands on hips".

>> No.925317

We're Legz Akimbo Theater Company.

>> No.925320

Akimbo sounds like an African tribe.

>> No.925323


>> No.925344

I only read books which are completely original and do not reuse any expression ever used before.

>> No.925352

holy shit I thought I was the only one in the world with a copy of The First Book Ever Written

>> No.925372

>caught unawares

My gut keeps saying that S doesn't belong there.

>> No.925461

I absolutely hate, and I mean HATE HATE HATE, the overuse of undeclared articles and pronouns. It is a crutch used by talentless writers to build interest in a scene through unnecessary vagueness and leaves me more frustrated than curious. It makes the prose sound terrible, writing unprofessional, breaks immersion and I simply cannot stand it.

Never do this. If I ever see this in any work of writing I will immediately dismiss the author as a hack and send him on his way to meditate on what a terrible person his parents raised. It reflects poorly on an individual's writing ability and as far as I'm concerned, his character.

>> No.925466

It's my response if I catch you typing like that.