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File: 208 KB, 610x406, yTQQU1H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9248305 No.9248305 [Reply] [Original]

Has a book ever made you feel like this?

>> No.9248307

no and I love reading

>> No.9248313

I don't need media to derive my sense of masculinity

>> No.9248334
File: 398 KB, 989x576, ideology2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the good oe-ld Hoe-llywood *sniff* bloe-ckbuster
Nothing but ideology

>> No.9248338

>like a man
sure is spooky in here

>> No.9248514


>beta numale detected

>> No.9248650

>doubling up on the spooks

>> No.9248699

I never had a father figure.

>> No.9248702

Martin Eden

(but feels from books ain't a manly thing)

>> No.9248712

Logan was such a shitty movie.

Reading Plato makes me feel like a man though, like someone who can think for himself and rationally determine the proper path through even-tempered conversation.

>> No.9248908

I enjoyed Logan, but it didn't "appeal to my masculinity" or whatever. for the most part I was just surprised that I was watching an X-Men movie that wasn't an utter sack of shit

>> No.9249108


>nunumale betacuckcuck

>> No.9249315

Have you seen the last one? Apocalypse or some shit, I think it was the most generically and lazily written capeshit movie I've ever seen.

>> No.9249580


Who the fuck watches capeshit besides manchild troglodytes and literal children so they can beg their parents to buy them cheap Chinese plastic toys that allow them to reenact the multiple cuts of the omg so epiiiiiic stunt double choreographed seizure grappling?

>> No.9249607

It was on TV when I was having lunch and I was curious.

>> No.9250639

World peace. aka. the cure for cancer and the show of human potentional that was hidden for the past 80 years by Jew Globalist minions.
truly the greatest, its a cinfirmation that western civilization is still breathing.
sincerly, A dog in reverse.

>> No.9250643
File: 268 KB, 750x750, I'm blessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship Troopers

>> No.9250644

made me feel like a man? moby dick.

>> No.9250650

>tfw there is people that need to be sodomized by moby dick to remeber to feel like a man.

>> No.9250659

How the fuck can watching a movie make you feel like a man? You're literally sitting on your ass watching images on a screen, how does that translate to you feeling like a man. Someone explain this to me.

>> No.9250682
File: 31 KB, 600x476, IMG_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't read moby dick

>> No.9250688

Most people that watch super hero movies didn't have a strong father figure growing up.

>> No.9250691

>best action movie
>not crank
that movie was fucking untamed.

>> No.9250693

is the opposite true ?

>> No.9250699

Not necessarily.

>> No.9250710

Storm of Steel made me feel like a wimp, and grateful for this peaceful time.

>> No.9250832

Sam Hyde please go.

>> No.9251265
File: 23 KB, 704x398, 1489577591921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would sitting on your lazy ass while watching a movie and eating popcorn make you feel like a man?
Be honest OP. Did this picture come from reddit?

>> No.9252340


Imgur. I saw it and immediately posted it on /tv/.

>> No.9252379

Whoever said that is a gigantic faggot.