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9247137 No.9247137 [Reply] [Original]

>humanities degree at non Oxbridge UK university
>about 2 to 4 essays in a 12 week term
>group discussions involving tonnes of uninterested undergrads who go to yoonay for the top bants innit
>surrounded by future HR, marketing, primary school teachers

>humanities degree at Oxbridge
>10 essays in an 8 week term
>constant feedback and criticism from tutors
>very small discussion groups that involve an expert in the field
>surrounded by future politicians, scholars, literally any prestigious job

How do you live with yourself if you're in the first group?

>> No.9247141
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>humanities degree

>> No.9247145

You don't think Oxford or Cambridge is legit, even?

>> No.9247157
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>How do you live with yourself if you're in the first group?
I find immense relief in regularly in visiting the prospect of suicide.

I put zero effort into my courses because they are dumbed down for the lowest (and leftest) common denominator. I haven't read any of the books assigned this term, just skimmed online summaries and was conscious in class...I constantly receive praise for my writing, which sickens me every-time. It's not even the fact that the experience is such a waste of time, it's the fact that it's so simple to say what they want to hear and yet most of my peers struggle, it honestly feels like some perverse circle of hell.

>> No.9247164

I meme myself to sleep all men are created equal. Future generations will suffer the loss.

>> No.9247167
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>live in yuropoor portulel
>English teacher gives you the chance to go to Cambridge or Oxford because you're his top student
>tuition and living cost is 30x higher

I'm just gonna refuse

>> No.9247168

Try to be edgier and see what you can get away with

>> No.9247173

>I constantly receive praise for my writing, which sickens me every-time

>> No.9247177

I already do that. The entire semester has been spent reading black American authors and my crowning thesis was something like white privilege exists in the sense that non white people need to be obsessed with their being non-white. It was extremely condescending in a backhanded way but no-one caught it.

>> No.9247182

Because it's comfy as fuck and I don't need to piggyback like a pseud.
>>surrounded by future politicians, scholars, literally any prestigious job

>> No.9247183

I've been debating this with my step-dad.

I'm considering taking a year off to independently do a couple of GCSE's and maybe another A-Level to buff out my UCAS and apply , but he says they're massively overhyped and I'd be just as well to go somewhere mid-tier.

>> No.9247186

could you get financial assistance or a scholarship?

>> No.9247189

I fell for the "It doesnt matter where you go, no one cares after a few years anyway" meme and went to a lower tier uni
Its worse than you described, its basically thousands of noisy, undercut wearing, #streetwear nandos oi oi oi #unilads and its just awful

Got a place in a golden triangle uni for postgraduate and waiting on a cambridge application

>> No.9247196

>future HR, marketing, primary school teachers
Actually contribute to society and earn an honest living.

>surrounded by future politicians, scholars, literally any prestigious job
Future corrupt elite ruling class loathed by everybody.

>> No.9247206

>Actually contribute to society and earn an honest living.
Literal plebeians

>Future corrupt elite ruling class loathed by everybody.
Literal patricians

>> No.9247211

Do you really think you should waste a year of your life in order to enroll in a humanities degree course? I'm nowhere near the UK, but it seems to me you're in for a life of utter disappointment.

>> No.9247217

I already have a scholarship in Portugal, which pays for the tuition fees (1,000€ per year, compared to Cambridge's 20,000). For all intents and purposes, the goverment considers my financial situation to be "fine", despite the fact that I'm barely scrapping enough money for food, transport and books, so I can't get a higher paying scholarship here. I could perhaps get one when I move into the UK, but I don't know how stuff works over there and I don't wanna move without certainty that things will end up well. Don't wanna be working a job whilst studying to live and then have to pay off debt after I get my degree. I'm getting this degree because I enjoy it, so it's not worth the effort. If I wanted to be set for life, I would have taken up a STEM course.

>> No.9247222


>waste a year of your life
I haven't applied to uni this year anyway, would do no harm.

>> No.9247235


State school survival guide:

Takes 400 level lit and Phil courses. Half the students are grad students in the class. Very intellectual.

Don't even bother showing up for 1000 person lectures, just take the tests.

Joins poetry fraternity.

Listen to philosophy audiobooks while doing homework for meaningless undergrad classes.

>> No.9247395

By not being a pseud.

>> No.9247420

If you want to make it you will. No matter what group you belong to.

>> No.9247424

Of course this is bound by naturell talent.

>> No.9247444

le this

>> No.9247454
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Yeah, it sucks to go to shitty toilet schools where everyone is a blagging pseud at best or coasting retards who will stick it out at the glorified babysitters for 4 years to get their toilet paper degree and fall into some non descript HR administrative role and just ride out the mediocrity while you change the world with your 150IQ cutting edge maverick game changing STEM Humanities full spectrum dominance from OXBRIDGE getting FAT PAYCHECKS and absolutely CRUSHING the academic world, just Stylin'on em, CRUSHING pussy & brains left right and centre with datt golden laminated framed suma cum laude degree, just look at those fucking CREDENTIALS

pic related, is me reading about your conquest of academic fields from my toilet school (isn't even in the russell group) (holy shit)

>> No.9247458

stop lisping about prestige you fucking dweeb

>> No.9247462

hello fellow non russell group guy
how did we fail this badly?

>> No.9247463


>humanities degree at Oxbridge
>can't even speak German
>Doing anything literary or philosophical in english is like doing astronomy with a kaleidoscope
>Surrounded by Bullingdon Boys who make love to pigs
>Can't join because my family is lower upper class

>> No.9247465
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>he thinks he lives in a meritocracy

>> No.9247477

well I know exactly why

toilet cultured immigrant parents with zero grasp of how the world works

if you have parents who think their are two jobs (doctah and lawya) you're fucked for life

forever playing catch up to kids who've been in programs and had their tiger redpilled parents feeding them fucking fish oil and adderall as they get classically trained in music, art, full classical educations where every minute of their time is filled with real learning at the top private schools where they're already years ahead of state retards who's ears are ringing from 200 niggers yelling and gesticulating around them

>> No.9247504


>Thinking you have any shot at anything but glorified middle-management if you're not born into the top 0.1%


>> No.9247510
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>you will never be a clean cut ALPHA AS FUARKKKK classically educated 6'2 beefy WASP on a healthy diet of OMEGA 3 fish oil, caffeine & adderall, with a base IQ of 140 matriculating to OXBRIDGE to joust with the intellectual elite of your peers

>> No.9247515

Is it already time for the daily university shitposting thread?

>> No.9247519

This desu

>> No.9247532
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>he's an academicuck


Actually laughed for 10 minutes.

Enjoy wasting money and time to learn something you could learn for free AHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.9247534


I mean that's a pretty standard line of thought when talking about privilege

If I come to work smelling bad or 15 minutes late nobody takes that as a reflection on my entire race, but if I were black people would. I know because I've done it before.

Part of being a minority is being acutely conscious that people are judging your entire race based on your actions.

I guess I'd have to see the paper but the thesis is basically towing the party line as far as race theory goes

>> No.9247580
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> leftist bias in academia

kill urslefflf if u believe this my man

> going to saxon universities

mharú tú féin mo fhear

>> No.9247682

where do u get ur philosophy audio books mateo?
help a brother out
any reqs and why?

>> No.9247731

What do you think humanities graduates from Oxbridge end up doing? Their university doesn't change the fact that there are very few jobs in this field. I work for a big building services corporation, and my line manager read classics at Oxford.

>> No.9247854

Since you all seem to think uni (esp state) is so worthless, what the fuck am I supposed to do as someone born lower-middle class?

Im studying for cyber security, I don't care as long as im making at least a 40k salary by 26.

>> No.9247907


Literally youtube. Most of the big names can be found on there. Just make sure you search with tag "Audiobook" and ,long. (,long is the keyword for longer than 20 minutes, helps to filter out the 2 minute wonders)

You can also use the librivox app if you find the hidden menu check box to search only free titles.

>> No.9248258

But seriously going to a non-Oxbridge/London uni is fine if it's a good Russel group, right?
>I don't care as long as im making at least a 40k salary by 26.
It's okay to have some ambition, you know.

>> No.9248264

>kill urslefflf if u believe this my man
You've clearly never stepped foot into an American university.

>> No.9248298

Do you mean in terms of job or in terms of education? I went to a Russell Group uni and had ~6 contact hours per week - they didn't give a shit about individual students, they just wanted your tuition fee money. The literature students I knew had about 4 contact hours per week. I've always thought it was a real shame that I wasn't pushed harder - I'd have loved to be at Oxbridge where they really celebrate education.

However, if you only see uni as a bit of paper to get you a job, then any other Russell Group will be fine. It'll probably be a little bit harder than if you were at Oxbridge, so it's a good idea to get some work experience in your desired area while you're studying, but you'll probably be alright.

>> No.9248318

Yeah I'm looking at the course details and the actual contact hours are pretty disgusting. For each module you've got like twenty contact hours and 180 "self-study" hours.

>> No.9248321

>STEM degree at a top German university
>most rigorous standards of teaching
>recruitment seminars involve FTSE, NYSE, NASDAQ and DAX top 100
>surrounded by future C-suite and industry leaders
How do you live in class-obsessed shithole of an island?

>> No.9248322

>in agricultural engineering, junior year
>have had lab internships every summer
>government just cut ag spending by a fifth and is dismantling the EPA, my two sources of jobs

how fucked am I, lads? I guess I could go to medschool

>> No.9248337


Never got the appeal of medicine. It's not even well paying when you consider the amount of work you have to put in.

>> No.9248345

>Never got the appeal of medicine. It's not even well paying when you consider the amount of work you have to put in.
I personally don't care about pay

>> No.9248351

Even people with genuine passion for medical craft are losing it quickly and become bitter cynics. If you don't even have that, you will find yourself doing a shit job you hate which doesn't even pay well. Avoid.

>> No.9248388


cs major here, gonna become rich and famous while all of you poorly discuss shit philosophy

>> No.9248397

>coast through high school barely passing classes
>never do homework, never show up, pass by the skin of my teeth
>go to local cc and chill for two years finishing classes I like with teachers who actually want to teach, not write a book or research
>transfer to UC Berkeley, best public school in the country
>pay less than 10k a year because of California residency
>had fun through my teenage years and ignored school
>still going to a better school than the kids at the top of my high school class with 4.0+ GPA

I love California

>> No.9248441

You think that's rough?
>psychology at non RG

>> No.9248450

>cs major
>rich and famous
Kek. You're going to be disillusioned quite quickly, my friend, when you meat your future colleagues who are balding 30 something fat guys clocking in and out absolutely not giving a fuck about that cool data structure you just discovered. Prepare to transfer to management in several years or eternally be stuck in enterprise hell with autistic manchildren.

t. kind stranger

>> No.9248451

Tudo bem

>> No.9248456

>Prepare to transfer to management in several years

Uh, well yea, that's the plan. I don't want to be a mindless wagecuck drone like most cs fags.

>> No.9248475

But you're still going to waste several years doing it? Not to mention that actual software development will give you zero relevant managerial skills. Pretty bad deal, fampai. Look into management consulting for better deals.

>> No.9248494

You've clearly never stepped foot into one that wasn't a shit-tier community college.

>> No.9248507

He could double major in CS and management.

>> No.9248508

I'm at a top 10 school and it's progressive af, senpai. I had to take a whole class on diversity freshman year, and that was in engineering

>> No.9248659

This is my school experience minus one important detail: the textbook industry in America.
I had to keep a full time job to pay for them, first, and I had to read them, because every test was just key points in them, shit out at the professor's convenience, by someone not him (After failing a class because of an argument on subject matter on the final paper, I avoided or dropped all classes taught by a woman, not trying to be edgy, but my grades stayed consistently up).
It sucks the life out of you more than simply half-assing, because you don't have the time or energy to do automatic reading of books beneath any thinking human being, over and over again.

>> No.9249032

What unis are you at lads

>> No.9249114

My mom (along with pretty much everyone) keeps asking what I'm going to do after I graduate, they all think I took an English degree to find a career. The truth is just wanted to take a 3 year break from work. I think I might just go back to part-time work and write on the side, or save up enough to take a loan and start my own second-hand bookshop. I don't want a career that consumes all of your time, the money isn't worth it.

>> No.9249124

Same man, working part-time now and just going to uni for english for 3 years just to doss tbqh

>> No.9249137


>> No.9249142
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>tfw graduated and went into technical writing but after 5 months it was fucking awful and soul draining so left and did seasonal fruit picking inbetween tutoring school kids

>> No.9249146

>got my BA in Creative Writing at non Oxbridge uni
>4 modules a semester
>each module's final assignment is 4,000 words - apart from one, which was literally to create a physical piece of art based on your writing
>doing my MA at the same uni
>2 modules in 1st semetser, 3 in 2nd
>each module's final assignment is 4,000 words
>one module had a lecture quite literally on how to use social media - as in, how to make a Twitter account, follow someone, and message/comment them
>Masters level is literally the same 'difficulty' as undergrad, if not easier
>I'm fucking paying for this shit

>> No.9249175

that's why I just chose a general English/History major, I figured it'd look better than a creative writing one

>> No.9249269

This bothers me too. But that's one reason I liked Black Boy so much. Ironically it doesn't really focus much on his race.

>> No.9249275

>contribute to society
Good one

>> No.9249334

>I'm too stupid to pirate books or buy slightly older editions

>> No.9249738
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enjoy being an assistant manager or making minimum wage in self-employment without a degree

>> No.9249746


hey just wanted to stop by and tell you that you're objectively wrong, the ivys are cultural marxist central

>t. go to one of them

>> No.9249757

I think the obvious implication was that he's a NEET.

>> No.9249771
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>going to Irish universities.

>> No.9249781

>what the fuck am I supposed to do as someone born lower-middle class?
Kill yourself before capitalism crushes your tiny dreams.

>> No.9249821
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> 2010, be me, intro lit at state school
> massively liberal native amerikun prof
> write term paper advocating affirmative action in academics as a means of increasing the diversity of political ideologies present on campus
> thinly veiled hints at my perception of academics as largely left-learning (and thus my paper actually endorsing affirmative action hiring of right-minded profs)
> even added allusion to the confederacy in my title "A Rebel Yell: The Necessity of Affirmative Action In the Service of Preserving Political Diversity"

Get A+.. To this day I am not sure if the prof didn't bother even reading the paper or was just impressed some freshman kid actually cared enough about the assignment to even try and be edgy

(pic related, me when i did this)

>> No.9249845

>I constantly receive praise for my writing, which sickens me every-time
Iktf. At a state uni in the states, I usually throw together a paper in a couple hours the night before pulling literal random quotes without reading and end up with at least an A. Pretty sure acing a humanities class at a public university literally only requires you to have correct grammar.

>> No.9249853

>You've clearly never stepped foot into an American university.
You've clearly never stepped foot into an American university.

>> No.9249979

I just write a bunch of barely related gibberish, then type the keywords into google scholar and get the top few paper for each keyword and put them in my references

Currently averaging a 1:1

>> No.9250068

>best public school in the country

Top kek. Berkeley is shit-tier when it comes to liberal arts.

>> No.9250089

>Berkeley being shit tier at anything

they have their strengths and weaknesses like any other school, but the liberal arts programs are still better than 99% of schools in the country. don't be mad they didn't accept you, sorry you had to go to SF state

>> No.9250634

>study with an absurd intensity
>get extremely depressed
>passes test into one of the best medschools of your country because nothing really looks good
>starting to have second thoughts
>take some time away
>now I'm sure I want medschool
Feels good that I have a solid career. Even the shittiest student from my college ends up getting well paying jobs.

>> No.9250655

My course pulls students up on minute referencing mistakes, american spelling, and gives lengthy feedback.Feels good to be in UK

>> No.9250690
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>tfw the only time I've met a person who really blew me away with how intelligent they are was when I did a summer program at Oxford.

The Lit professor was beyond patrician, the students running it were several tiers above the kind of people at the state school where I'm at now and the actual university is the fucking gorgeous. I'm an amerifat STEM fuck-up but everyone who doesn't feel inferior about not going to an Oxbridge-tier school is deluding themselves. I'm in physics and Oxford isn't even that good for physics but comfiest dream for life is to just get a job teaching at one of those old Oxford colleges and never leave. I shouldnt even be thinking about this, it makes me realize how badly I fucked up high school, someone please end my suffering.

>> No.9250956

Stop wallowing. I go to Cambridge. There are plenty of professors here who did undergrad at other universities but actually worked hard and did well enough to get offered a job there at some point.

In fact everyone here is really overestimating how valuable undergrad at Oxbridge is. If you work really hard it doesn't matter what university you go to up to a certain point, as long as you're doing a good degree.

I know plenty of people here who are lazy and don't care about their subject, who are going to get low 2:1s and below. I also know plenty of insanely clever people. Most of the English students here are unbelievably pessimistic about career opportunities, like anywhere else. At the end of the day most of them are going to fuck it off and go into investment banking regardless of their undergrad choice.

Friend of mine went to Bristol for undergrad and is coming to Cambridge next year for a PhD in Molecular Biology. If you can get a first at your university it's so defeatist to give up hope, or tell people to feel inferior. Stop whining.

>> No.9250976

>Oxford isn't even that good for physics
eh, it's pretty good. other physics courses are p babby-tier

>> No.9250994
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>surrounded by future politicians, scholars, literally any prestigious job

Trust me you don't want that. They're all spoilt little brats who think they're hot shit because their daddies are rich.

>> No.9251026

>How do you live with yourself if you're in the first group?

I'm not moving to London, I'm content with the closest Russell's

>> No.9251973


all related. there is culture from birth and parents that recognize this and pushing this upon their children, then there is attending a prestigious institution that will provide these values even if you did not grow up with them (even though most attending these did)

the only person IRL i've ever been truly blown away with was this random oxbridge girl who spoke a mile a minute and was super witty. like youre typical uk smart comedy writer, stephen fry-style with the references and wit. its like they churn these type of people out regularly and they dominate the british artistic scene.

>> No.9252121

rejected from Cambridge

Warwick or Edinburgh

>> No.9252134

>tfw applied to uni 6 times
>failed each application test

anyone else with low iq here

>> No.9252147

i do this with every class besides math
4.0 gpa atm

>> No.9252156

I checked what books the unis of my country teach. It's all leftist shit in the humanities like politics and philosophy. It's disheartening.

>> No.9252436

There are often a few right leaning profs in leftist adult daycare's who conceal power levels for obvious reasons.

>> No.9252487
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Is UCL patrish or is it just another "almost" tier Russell group for people who werent interesting enough to get into Oxbridge?

>> No.9252494

ucl is certified, its the cusp of prestige and pleb