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/lit/ - Literature

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9240977 No.9240977 [Reply] [Original]

How does one truly "Ride the Tiger" in 2017?

>> No.9241041

amassing wealth, influence and arms

>> No.9241206
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lift weights, shitpost, read books, mountaineer explore, network with other likeminded people build things go to church

>> No.9241222


What's this current obsession with hitting the gym? Shitloads of people my age all go to this box filled with stuff to pick up and do the most boring mechanic routines in order to achieve... what?
Abs? A "hawt bodayy" for girls to like? When you see /fit/fags talk it shouldn't be about that because then "you're 'that' guy". So apparantly it's for the homoerotic displays or some self-transcending value you can easily achieve through meditation.

Which is the most important example of riding the tiger you missed in that whole dumbfuck list, you somatic dolt.

>> No.9241227

why do you have such a hatred of physical strength?

>> No.9241230

In the lieu of the possibility for achievement or challange to prove oneself insecure young men search for superficial ways to constitute a masculine identity

>> No.9241233

Its utterly obsolete and sentimental

>> No.9241240
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I sincerely hope you're not serious
start with the greeks kiddo

>> No.9241248
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>he thinks he can be a /pol/cuck "christian" while riding the tiger

>> No.9241250

I want to look sexy and even as an adult people bully me so I want to be big and strong so they leave me alone.

>> No.9241262


I don't hate it. It's just a fucking fad. And be honest, it's the most boring type of physical exercise you can do.
Group sports would be far better if we're talking "riding the tiger" tier shit than some lonely alternation of movements with heavy stuff.

>> No.9241269

>What's this current obsession with hitting the gym.
They used to call it peer pressure.

It's a very strange phenomenon. They seem to think that a prerequisite for becoming a great man is to reach a certain standard on a few exercises, or to reach a certain thigh circumference. But they are ignoring the fact that just about every great man in history never stepped foot inside a gym.

In reality, the lifting culture (or what used to be called bodybuilding) simply leads to body dysmorphia, extreme diets and drug dependence, and it has little to do with health.

>> No.9241271

By putting a bullet in your brain

>> No.9241272


Group sports would mean they're actually being social, actually building networks and actually learning and enacting values by being around people.

/fit/ obviously isn't about that. It's not a guarantee you'll have that useless six pack to show off.

>> No.9241273

Have you tried just not being a bitch?

>> No.9241276


Go do some martial arts.
Lifting things isn't gonna make you a skilled fighter.

>> No.9241278

I have autism so doing that is psychologically impossible.

>> No.9241279
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You exist in the physical world, why would you shy away from improving the one thing we use to interact with it.

>> No.9241280

That's probably a good idea but really I don't want to get into a real fight, I just want to be intimidating enough for people to stop picking on me.

>> No.9241281


>in the golden era, the berserkers became the fear of their day by going into the great hall to pick up things, drop things, and repeat. all in the name of Thor

This is what the alt right actually believes.

>> No.9241282
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>You exist in the physical world


>> No.9241286


>I want to be a literal frill necked lizard

Ok dude. Not sure if trolling at this point.

>> No.9241288

this thread is a living >tfw to intelligent meme

>> No.9241290

>I don't want to get into a real fight

There's your problem, you'll always be a bitch if you're not prepared to get your ass beat.

>> No.9241292
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>"When we compare femininity with virility understood in material terms, such as physical strength, harshness, and violent affirmation, it is only natural that the woman, owing to her characteristics of sensitivity, self-sacrifice, and love >was regarded as the representative of a higher principle; . . . [i]n some instances, spiritual and even social gynaecocracy did not appear in effeminate but in violent and bellicose societies." RATMW 214

>> No.9241294

>tfw to intelligent too be a conformist pleb like all of the nontraditionalist normies

>> No.9241296
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>he thought it was a meme

>> No.9241299

Well what's wrong?

Hurting people makes me feel bad.
Bullies also make me feel bad.

Why not just solve both problems?

>> No.9241303

solve all your current and future problems by killing yourself right now

>> No.9241307
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>Evola doesn't believe in gorilla mindset

Holyshit what a libcuck

>> No.9241310
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>Not wanting to be ripped and smart at the same time.

It'd be just like the animes. Or the Greeks come to think of it.

>> No.9241311
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>Evola probably shampooed his hair as well

>> No.9241312

Impossible, disproportionate muscle mass is proven to drain protein from the brain

>> No.9241313

See? I want to be big so people don't say stuff like that.

>> No.9241314

never gonna make it brah

>> No.9241315

>not emulating the greeks in mind and spirit
>not realizing that physical exercise can be a form of meditation

>> No.9241316

It was easy to get ripped and still study when people were like four foot tall

>> No.9241317
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>> No.9241319


>> No.9241324

It's still easy.

Getting minimally ripped isn't really that hard, and if you do it consistently for long enough eventually you'll be properly ripped.

>> No.9241334



>> No.9241338


Physical exercise of the gym kind isn't even remotely meditational with some Nicki Minaj blasting through the stereo, dudebro's grunting and a bunch of mute thots livestreaming their inane lifestyle.

Unless you wanna imply you're like an arhat level and can banish the demons while in the lotus position.

>> No.9241343


No one's afraid of you if you don't know how to fight even if you're strong.

Knowing how to fight makes you less likely to get into a fight. Trained fighters have much less to fear out of any melee scenario. Knowing what it looks like when someone throws at you, knowing what it feels like and how to react on an instinctual level makes you much more prepared to deal with physical confrontation. People who are trained in fighting are also to my experience less likely to fight one another because they have respect for the capacity of their opponent and understand the risks involved.

>> No.9241344

Don't forget the sweaty ballsack musk

>> No.9241347

Why not just get a gun

>> No.9241350

Youre a coward, but you at least have the motivation to try to mitigate your problems.

Don't let yourself be bullied. Build confidence in yourself and establish principles by which you live. These include defending yourself and not allowing yourself to be physically attacked.

>> No.9241351

>not having a home gym
you deserve everything that comes to you

>> No.9241353

>Physical exercise of the gym kind isn't even remotely meditational with some Nicki Minaj blasting through the stereo,
That's why you want to blast audio-books on some noise-cancelling headphones.

>> No.9241358

Yhe problem with having /lit/izens read Sun and Steel is that they will fail to grasp Mishima's views. They will end up confused thinking it to be some semi-polemic against words instead of the actual nature of the novel. What percentage of /lit/ do you think has ever truly encountered Mishima's "Opponent"?

>> No.9241361

Multiple reasons, but also, yes. Not every situation should be resolved with a fucking gun. Being strong, capable of dealing with escalation means more than just drawing a .45 on someone. If you do that, you're escalating, and if possible to resolve without firearms. Plus what if someone starts beating your ass before you can draw? Not saying guns are bad, I'm saying both are best

>> No.9241363

>Build confidence in yourself and establish principles by which you live
Any good books on this?

>> No.9241366


That, again, just adds to the isolation. It's really not fighting modernity when you're in your audiobook bubble sweating your ass off. Ok, so what, you got a bit more lean.
You're not really undoing modernity that way. You're a shining example of it.


t. new money

>> No.9241367

>Not every situation should be resolved with a fucking gun.

Bk2 reddit

>> No.9241369

cunt I spent less than 200 dollars on mine, all you need is a bar, weights and a rack

>> No.9241371

Probably a leftist.

>> No.9241372

>Physical exercise of the gym kind isn't even remotely meditational with some Nicki Minaj blasting through the stereo, dudebro's grunting and a bunch of mute thots livestreaming their inane lifestyle.

Well it's your choice whether you want to expose yourself to that or not, you can bring your own music or an audiobook of some sort, no one will bother you.

>> No.9241375

>You're not really undoing modernity that way.
Modernity is only going to end when it collapses in on itself like the big hot mess that it is.

This is the point of "Ride the Tiger", modernity has won, all we can do is personally resist it and prepare ourselves for its collapse.

>> No.9241380


And being a /fit/ fag is a necessary part of that?

>> No.9241382

Well obviously.

You can't start rebuilding a post-apocalyptic ultra-traditionalist kingdom without some muscle.

>> No.9241391


I seriously doubt that survivalism is why you do it.
Are you also learning how to hunt? Do you study botany?

>> No.9241399

you ever watch fist of the north star? It's like that

>> No.9241401

I'm not an Evolafag, I'm just explaining what he's actually about.

>> No.9241402

for the number of times this book gets recommended i think this is the first time someone sounds like they read the book

>> No.9241486

Weak people are cowardly people.
In nearly every case physical disability is the forerunner of personal cowardice.

The extravagant emphasis laid on purely intellectual education and the consequent neglect of physical training must necessarily lead to sexual thoughts in early youth. Those boys whose constitutions have been trained and hardened by sports and gymnastics are less prone to sexual indulgence than those stay-at-homes who have been fed exclusively with mental pabulum.

Sound methods of education cannot, however, afford to disregard this, and must not forget that the expectations of a healthy young man for a woman will differ from those of a weakling who has been prematurely corrupted.

>> No.9241503

Weak people are the only people who can not be cowardly

>> No.9241532

Weak people embody cowardice.
Their lack of physical strength translates into a lack of moral strength which amounts to the person being easily corruptible.
I'm sorry, that is just how nature is.
Society has been modified to protect the weak to the point where the status of victim is worn as a badge of pride. the appeal of being the victim is bourne on the wings of cowardice.
People of physical strength generally have stronger morals and are therefore less likely to debase themselves by applying the status of victim to themselves.

>> No.9241546
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>> No.9241547

>Their lack of physical strength translates into a lack of moral strength
>I'm sorry, that is just how nature is.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9241552

You're missing the point retard. The only time courage means anything is in transcending weakness
The strong are by definition less capable of being brave

>> No.9241554

>he's right
>chain of unsupported non sequitor assertions

>> No.9241555

By transcending weakness you become strong. By being strong you transcend cowardice.
Pretty easy, retard.

>> No.9241557

Not true btw

>> No.9241560

>By transcending weakness you become strong

Thats incidenental not transcendental, fucking hell
This is my last reply, I'm not wasting my time who doesn't understand basic philosophic vocabulary

>> No.9241562

>I'm not wasting my time who doesn't understand basic philosophic vocabulary

Your closing sentence makes no sense.
Go to bed, weakling coward.

>> No.9241563

you sound like you jerk off way too much

>> No.9241564

I obviously accidentaly a word

>> No.9241566

Also isn't it incidental?
Or is this a new philosophical term I don't understand?

>> No.9241568

Mods delete this board.

>> No.9241570

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.

>> No.9241571

>Oh wow I can lift slightly heavier things and my body is more lumpy

>> No.9241574

Only a coward would want to delete a whole board because they failed to argue their point well enough.
I imagine you accessorise your cowardice with physical weakness. It would be only fitting that those two traits would compliment your feeble mindedness.
Poor weak little man.

>> No.9241575

This level of insecure 'aestheticism' is sickening.

>> No.9241577

>It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.

The strongest man in recorded human history couldn't lift more than the average walmart forklift.
The human body at its "peak" is still pathetic

>> No.9241579

>humans aren't forklifts
>how can pathetic humans compete?

>> No.9241581

I was just memeing but these responses were very insightful

>> No.9241583
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It just displays how arbitrary and meaningless strength personal strength is today when pic related shits on all the worlds power lifters without even trying

>> No.9241586

>people shouldn't develop personal fitness because forklifts exist

Is this what transcending humanity sounds like?

>> No.9241588

Literally yeah, thats what they're there for

>> No.9241594


>> No.9241595

This is a ruse right? You can't actually be this out of touch with society/humanity

>> No.9241596

It's a good way to avoid being a complete wanker who tries to self-transcend through the meditation meme.

>> No.9241597

Dude you're the one out of touch, in real life where people have jobs a midget can get more work done with that little orange tractor than any man could with his flabby meat sack

>> No.9241601

ok mate but what about a situation where you don't happen to have a forklift just lying around handy? You know like 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of your day to day life unless you're a warehouse worker

>> No.9241602


Why should somebody like you hold an opinion on something you've never experienced? Does it help cope with the insecurity you live with knowing you've never actually exerted yourself in life? In any case, stop posting.

>> No.9241604


An Olympic athlete can operate that forklift 77x better than a midget

>> No.9241605

In that case I generally use my car to move things around obviously. Or any number of the machines that mean I literally could live the rest of my life without any moderate physical exertion if I felt like it

>> No.9241609

Literally impossible

>> No.9241613

So say you have to move some furniture you what, crash your car into your living room and stick your lounge in the boot, and drive it to another room?

When you have to carry some boxes up some stairs, do you have a method for turning the stairs into some sort of ramp that your car can navigate?

And I assume you avoid all interaction with nature because that mostly involves walking or doing other physical activities that can't be achieved with your forklift/car combo? So you just spend your whole life completely cut off from the natural world?

>> No.9241621
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So you don't look like this.

>> No.9241622

>So you just spend your whole life completely cut off from the natural world?

Damn right I do, fuck that shit. Won't care if I never leave a city again.

If I really need heavy furniture moved around I'll just pay some menial laborers to do it with the money I have from being qualified at far more useful skills that doesn't involve leaving a chair if I felt like it.

>> No.9241625

That guy would be fugly regardless of whether his arms were a little lumpier

>> No.9241628


An athlete has better 3D awareness, his POV is higher which gives him better visibility, his normal sized limbs and superior CNS connections allow him to execute faster, better, easier and stronger, his metabolic system allows him to remain on his position for longer, excess testosterone makes him a more happier, content and ambitioned employee, his cardio and work ethic are his life, his longer and healthier lifespan makes him a better investment for his employers...

face it musclet, naked athletes will inherit this Earth

>> No.9241629

why do you deny your humanity?

>> No.9241633

Bullshit, show me a fucking forklift driver who gets payed 77 times as much as another based purely on skill. Hell I doubt he could ever even get twice as much.

>> No.9241636

Turns out aliens like eating avocado.

>> No.9241638

I am far more proud of my identity as human than you are as thats exactly what sets us apart, what I'm not proud of is my identity of a primate like yourself.

>> No.9241640

What if the government increased the minimum wage?

>> No.9241641


I said operate better, not create value or earn 77x. Please eat high protein, high fat foodstuff, reject sugar. Become active.

>> No.9241648

well you are a primate so you're in denial

>> No.9241650

How are you defining operating a forklift if not in the value it can produce?

If we're really going with this game a Korean kid with the forklift digitally controlled could blow the fuck out of the athelete

>> No.9241653

Usain Bolt was the worlds best forklift operator before his Olympic career took off.

>> No.9241654


He coulda been one of the greats.

>> No.9241655

I'm not in denial, I'm ambivalent

>> No.9241660

Work out you fat fuck.

>> No.9241665

Lifting is a fucking joke, pathetic people, closet fags and manlets all meet in a gym to pick up and put down heavy objects. People think they will look like their homoerotic anime fantasy (JoJo) or their homoerotic real life fantasy (Rich piana other instagram models) if they lift real hard. They don't understand that they will never look like this natty and if they go for the roids they will just fuck their lives up in the long term.

Lifting is not even healthy, so don't come at me with your "u mad I am healthier than u?" bullshit. Regular cardio and some light exercise is all you need to be healthy and look good. There's a reason everybody that lifts is a fucking brainlet.

>> No.9241667

He threw it all away to run 100m in 8 seconds.
Just think of the wasted talent! All those pallets left unmoved by Bolts forklift.

>> No.9241668

Preach it brother

>> No.9241671

Whom did he vote for? Whaddya think?

>> No.9241672

If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else it will spread into your work and into your life.

>> No.9241673

ugliness can be redeemed by strength

>> No.9241674

>Lifting is not even healthy,

Muscle density is the single greatest indicator of longevity

>> No.9241676

How does that make any fucking sense
>If you put limits on everything you do, dildo collecting or anything else it will spread into your work and into your life.

>> No.9241678

kek keep telling yourself that /fit/

>> No.9241680


So much insecurity for such a small manchild

>> No.9241681

What the fuck are you even talking about? Why would I try to hurt myself long term just to pick up and put down a too heavy of an object? Do some research you brainlet, excessive lifting is dangerous and unhealthy to you. As I said, I am not against exercise and I think everybody should do cardio and some light muscle exercise every day, this is healthier and will make you look better than your lifting bullshit.

>> No.9241683

>indicator = causation


>> No.9241685


It will take a whole generation of dwarves to undo the hole he left behind.

>> No.9241686

t. brainlet
Do some research you mongrel. A regular swimmer will be 10x healthier than a mongrel weightlifter
t. brainlet

>> No.9241688

>indicator =|= causation


>> No.9241694
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>> No.9241697
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t. Aalewis

>> No.9241698

>I know more than the actual medical professionals

lmao ok.


>> No.9241701

There's literally nothing wrong with being a fat edgy atheist wearing a fedora

>> No.9241702
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I'm not /fit/, I'm incredibly skinnyfat

and sure being handsome is always better than being ugly, but if you're large and strong you basically automatically exude an aura of worth compared to having the same face but the body of an anorexic teenager

I mean imagine scooby with no muscle mass, he'd look ten times worse at best

>> No.9241705

I am a medstudent, ask any doctor what healthier is swimming or weightlifting and everybody will tell you that it's swimming. I hope brainlets like you understand that swimming, cardio and light exercise forms muscles as well? I can't wait until you brainlets need joint surgery because you thought lifting would get you pussy.

>> No.9241707


>people looking aesthetic makes me feel insecure and triggers my anger PLEASE STOP


>> No.9241708

>Oh wow I can push buttons and make squiggly lines appear
>Oh wow I can pick up and look at stacks of paper

This is what you sound like.

>> No.9241713

No the difference is there is actual propositional content to writing and reading that transcends the mere immanent physical action of the act. Menial exercise is by definition contentless outside that dimension

>> No.9241715

nice argument brainlet fagot. Surveys show that women like lean bodies more than overly muscled ones. Swimming is better in every regard than lifting UNLESS you're a (closet) fagot.

>> No.9241719

Very true. Its also far more natural too, you didn't find big oversized bulldogs running after antelope on the serengeti.
Humans are meant to lean

>> No.9241726

>Menial exercise is by definition contentless outside that dimension
But it isn't though.

By lifting heavy things and putting them back down you build muscle which is good for many reasons including but not limited to
>Looking good
>Opening jars
>Being healthy
>Other people like it
>Lifting is itself pretty fun.

>> No.9241729

Cool, glad you like your hobby

>> No.9241733
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>Surveys show that women
Dude, do you think that's who /fit/ really wants to impress?

no homo

>> No.9242169


>> No.9242488

Join a monastery or become self sufficient and live in the wilderness.

>> No.9243723


>> No.9244961

This is the Bogandorffs after /fit/

>> No.9245012

What the fuck is this bullshit?

>> No.9245022

Show us your soft flabby trap tits.

>> No.9245161

Fuck Lifting
Do Yoga

>> No.9245170

Thanks mum, will do

>> No.9245200

/fit/ is extremely gay.

>> No.9245250

Well of course.

>> No.9245432

>He thinks his mind is in his biceps

>> No.9245647

>he thinks his brain is in a vacuum

>> No.9245734

>you can only exercise in a gym lifting weights
Americans detected
Go back to stuffing your face with a plate of hormone-filled meat after huffing carcinogenic gas-guzzling truck fumes all before "pumping iron" because it obviously balances everything out and makes you healthy.

>> No.9245739

>im a scrawny european who eats organic seaweed and can't defend my woman from migrants whose diets are slop and bodies are barbarous

Wow really envious of you dude

>captcha: select all pickup trucks

>> No.9245745

>he does realize that the cranial case is literally an airtight vacuum

>> No.9245777

I don't even think "humanity" qualifies as anything more than a glorified buzzword, but it's more human to solve problems with smaller efforts than creating useless activity with an ideal-but-remote purpose. Do you even have any idea how much comfort we as a species have given ourselves for something like fucking /lit/ to exist?

Even if you wanna go far. When the neanderthal who didn't off himself because his genes would be passed to you actually found time to paint the fucking walls on his cave instead of being worried with animals and shit was already about how leisure and pragmatism favor masturbatory aestheticism.

>> No.9245798


>> No.9245981

>muh muzzies

>> No.9246732

If you're an autistic manlet like me the only way you can be intimidating enough to avoid getting beaten up is by fully sperging out. Muscly normies are much less likely to fight someone whose weirdness veers into "this is disturbing me" levels.

Some black guy tried to mug me once and I just started twitching, gibbering, blurting out swear words, grunting and squeaking, modulating my voice, smiling then frowning rapidly etc. He freaked the fuck out and murmured some sort of "fuck this shit" type phrase. Why waste your time at the gym when you can do this?

>> No.9246753

working out without making it your only hobby really does clear your mind. helped with my depression and calmed me down.

>> No.9247452

first Shii forces Anon and the Anonymous movement begins. then he starts shilling Evola and Traditionalism and the alt-right happens

this Avery Morrow guy is the true puppet master of 4chan.org

>> No.9247459

It's hilarious how a wannabe political "science" clique became a /lit/ meme. I blame Nick Land. He's a sperg and an idiot, but he's our sperg now.

>> No.9247466

>or some self-transcending value you can easily achieve through meditation

meditation and weightlifting are cross purposes. The Visuddhimagga explicitly proscribes "eating for strength like a boxer." Buddha says "no eating after the time." If you're lifting weights you have to eat every 3 hours.

Food is a soporific, it dulls concentration.

>> No.9247482

>If you're lifting weights you have to eat every 3 hours

intermittent fasting, scooby bless

>> No.9247488

They learn this in prison: you do NOT fuck with the crazy guy, even if he's a 5'7 white man with gynecomastia.

>> No.9247566


in theravada (as a monk) you're allowed one morning meal before noon, and it can only be things people give you when you go out begging

monks go out begging looking down and it's kind of a thankless duty taken on by laypeople to feed them, but the canon also encourages them to travel around

>> No.9247575

Anyone else here swim? Its the most patrish form of exercise tbqh

>> No.9248221

Why are all these dudes so offended by the idea of lifting weights for an hour three days a week? Keeps the endocrine system healthy.
Cardio is obviously important as well, but there's nothing wrong with lifting weights.
Also, lifting heavy is great for killing hangovers

>> No.9248547

>Evola isn't living off alimony while suffering from brain damage due to constant nootropic abuse

what a loser

>> No.9248784

I enjoy weightlifting, but going to big box commercial gyms that blast pop music in a strip mall saps my motivation. I have an assortment of kettlebells and dumbbells at home, but the weight range is limited (30-45 lbs) and it's hard to get some variety in. I don't even know how to work chest muscles or legs with what I currently have without buying a rack, bar, and set of plates, which is fucking expensive. Any tips?

>> No.9248985

If you can't find a cheap bar with weights then you'll have to buy an expensive one, no way around it
Racks can be found dirt cheap at sales and such, ask your mates. Otherwise just go full body weight

>> No.9249071


You could always incorporate calisthenics. The equipment is pretty much just a pair of gymnastic rings. For chest you can go through a pushup progression (e.g. normal pushups -> one-handed). Legs can be done with step-ups of increasing height/depth and/or working up to pistols (and you can obviously do squat variations weighted).