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9240957 No.9240957[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books on how to get over this feel?

Will it come back to haunt me?

>> No.9240970

Hard to say without knowing what actually happened OP

>> No.9240981

I sent my manifesto out to students 3 years ago and I still regret it.

Pretty sure that's why the security guards always looked at me weird!

>> No.9240993

you fucked up. might as well share it here too

>> No.9240995

This. If it's a "manifesto" it's bound to be delightfully autistic

>> No.9241003
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>in the shower
>suddenly an embarrassing memory of something I did years ago

It never goes away.

>> No.9241004

summarize the manifesto, please

>> No.9241009

Do you get the same moment of cringe-spasm?

It was akin to the Unabomber manifesto except I replaced the calling of violence with non-violent resistance in the spirit of Gandhi.

>> No.9241015

>trying to fall asleep
>embarrassing memory emerges

Now THATS autistic. How many pages? Whag did the students say about it?

>> No.9241017

We're going to need an excerpt to know just what we're dealing with, OP. Your diagnosis cannot be complete without it.

Seriously though, I doubt anyone really remembers--and if they do, it's likely just a quick nostalgic laugh before they forget again. I'm guessing that you're a professor, based on how you keep mentioning students, so 'll just say that some of my teachers most "embarrassing" moments are often things that I look back on fondly, and I certainly don't think any less of the teachers because of what happened.

>> No.9241023
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>Early in middle school
>Wanted to be a standup comedian
>Had no friends
>Used to try and make friends by walking around to random groups and doing my "routine" which at that point largely consisted of just screaming in funny voices

>> No.9241034


>> No.9241037

I thought I was bad in middle school, holy fuck

>> No.9241044
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>be me, 17yo
>have a crush for a girl
>she is nice to me, sometimes she hugs me and she definetel get my sense of humour

>be in class
>I want to get her attention
>sneak behind her and light a lighter in front of her face
>she gets scared and her bangs catch on fire

>3 days later
>with her at the school cafeteria
>don't know what to say
>tell her that she should eat less, and that she is getting fat
>pat her belly while saying this
>she starts crying
>never talked to her again

Fuck... how do I get rid of this feeling? I'm as appalled about what I've done as I was appalled 5 years ago. I just went into auto-pilot mode and proceeded to be the cringiest sperg I've ever seen.

>> No.9241045

sam hyde?

>> No.9241047

alpha as fuck, you should've gone harder.
find her name and address and try again bro

>> No.9241048

What made you stop?
Did you make friends later?

>> No.9241051

All this shit is great, anon. To be honest, you're too good for. I mean this unironically. You would not have been fulfilled by her.

>> No.9241052
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I unironically still think about her to this day.
Whenever I have to be productive I'll just say to myself that I'm doing for her (literally).

Someday I'll leave my nest and contact her again, but that day is not today.

>a girl gives you attention for 2 weeks
>5 years later you still think about her

>> No.9241055

You're kidding, right? I mean, the first two are believable, but patting her belly while telling her she eats too much? That's absurd if you're not on intimate enough terms for her to understand your sense of sarcasm.

>how do I get rid of this feeling?
The same way you get rid of any feeling.

>> No.9241061

you don't know how fucking fortunate you are that passion has not abandoned you
>girl pays attention to you for 2 weeks
>ignore her and 5 years later you're doing fucking nothing with nothing to live for
t. my diary desu

>> No.9241063

My twisted world

>> No.9241064

On that note, I've been feeling a horrible feel lately.
I recently have been remembering cringey things from my past more and more often to the point where it's always in the back of my head
It's surprisingly painful, each time I get over something, a new memory seems to surface or an older one recycles and I feel it again
It's like a whole new form of depression. I can't stop thinking about the embarrassing things I've done.
I can't even think about the stuff I usually think about anymore because cringe is occupying too much of my intellectual faculties

send help

>> No.9241068

>That's absurd
Do you think that I haven't realized the absurdity of it something like 2 seconds after having touched her belly?

>The same way you get rid of any feeling.
How do I get rid of feelings?

Eh, at this point I may just go full Petrarch, never talk to her again and use her as my artistic muse for the rest of my life.

>> No.9241075

Welp, this thread became /r9k/ pretty fast.

Seriously though, stop caring so much what others think of you. Read Aurelius' Meditations, it helps.

>> No.9241078

>girl pays attention to you for 2 weeks
>5 years later still think about her
t. dante

>i'll just say to myself that i'm doing it for her
It could be worse for you though. My girlfriend and I broke up a couple weeks ago, and I think about her every day desu. I feel like i'm dying inside, but I at least tell myself that i'm doing things for both her AND me.

>> No.9241094
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>tfw you remember all the times your bigger brother bullies you

I want to get /fit/ and kick his ass.
Or just shoot him.

>> No.9241112
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>How do I get rid of feelings
"Why am I having this feeling?"
"Because I fucked up with a woman."
"How can I atone for this fuck-upery?"
"Not fucking up with other women."

And then you go outside and DO SOMETHING. Do you not have any friends, at all? If you don't make some, and DO SOMETHING with them. You know you have to expiate yourself to yourself for some idiotic shit you did as a child, don't become any more of a shambling guilt-zombie than you already have.

>> No.9241149
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>suddenly remember that embarrassing shit that happened years ago
>realize I don't give a fuck anymore
>forget about it

>> No.9241538

>tfw you remember when you were little and you were on holiday with your family and you played and ate sardines and you will never go back there again

>> No.9241805

Post it.
Or gtfo

>> No.9242044

Fuck man i have the same God tier childhood memory

>> No.9242131

>do MMA
>not fierce enough when hitting the pads
>they tell me to think of someone i hate a lot
>cant think of anyone
>week later I picture hitting past versions of myself and think back to all the cringy shit i did
>hitting a lot harder
>partner, smiling, asks who i think about hitting
>i say "myself"
>his smile fades and his eyes widen

>> No.9242322
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>kissed a gay dude as a drunk 15yo
>been wondering if he told anyone ever since
He probably did

>> No.9242398


>> No.9242416

>having memories or feelings at all
fucking plebs

>> No.9242422
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dis u OP?

>> No.9242442

Ikr, what the fuck
You should all be bathing your souls in the Eternal

>> No.9242491

That doesn't strike me as particularly embarrassing. It's pretty clear that it's a dumb joke and I doubt people would take it any other way. That Anon either fabricated the story or suffers from anxiety.

>> No.9242507

except it wasn't intended as a joke

>> No.9242527

Doubt he'd reply if he got doxxed, anon

>> No.9242534

that must mean it's definitely him

>> No.9242541

I just can't see anyone taking it any other way.

>> No.9242571


Laughed heartily.

>> No.9242575

>weird guy who sits at the back of class and never talks to anyone suddenly sends weird email

I can see it desu senpai

>> No.9242582


>be me, 16yo
>had crush on chubby cute blonde
>she turned out be a fake lesbian, just to get rid of me
>aced a vocabulary test
>smeared my shitty A+ all over her face

I still think of it sometimes. I also wanked into her shampoo bottle on school holidays. Also in baked cake. Basically in everything.

>> No.9242682
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I cringe all the time when I'm not busy enough, so that little instances of embarrassment from my childhood float up uncontrollably and it takes me a minute to shake it out of my head and forget it.

the worst ones are from around the ages of 14-19, which coincidentally was when I was in a relationship with a really awful cunt who I was too pathetic and young to realise wasn't my soul mate, and so I'd take all her bullshit like a real numale faggot thinking it would all be so great when we were older and raising kids together. So I would do her English homework for her all the time because it'd make her compliment me on how smart I was because her grades suddenly shot up and was getting complemented all the time by her teacher, and of course I was thinking I was helping her out for our mutual benefit further down the line by helping her get into a better college than she deserved, even though I totally neglected my own homework and as a result was always landing in shit for being so damn lazy.

Always doing embarrassing shit around that time, man.

>> No.9242690

Did you fuck her tho

>> No.9242713

>It was akin to the Unabomber manifesto except I replaced the calling of violence with non-violent resistance in the spirit of Gandhi.
Beta and gay, violence is cool and works.

>> No.9242721

yeah we had lots of that 10/10 young teenage sex desu

>> No.9242779

A guy wrote a manifesto in my philosophy class a few years back, so i stopped going to the lectures. One can never be too careful, and stories that begin with manifestos rarely end well.

>> No.9242873

I still can't get over asking a female friend to marry me (I got rejected too), this happened when I was 15. It still haunts me.

>> No.9242920

>complemented all the time by her teacher
dohoho I bet

>> No.9242923

I literally have the same exact thing happening. I just remember shit from the past and it makes me feel like shit and I cringe so hard. Even if it's probably not important. Then I'll do something else retarded and it just adds to the list. Idk what it is, maybe some form of PTSD or some autistic shit. I thought I was the only one

>> No.9242937

>be 15 years old
>fall in love with a girl at my classroom
>she starts dating a guy from the same classroom
>I get mad, plan "revenge" and tell everyone I think it's my friend
>obviusly I'm a fucking sperg so everyone just makes fun of me

I don't know how I got through those years. I remember calling a girl whore when I was 14 year old and telling her I wish she was raped. I don't feel embarrassed today, maybe I'm just a sociopathic Fuck. I felt sorry about it later and asked forgiveness, and the first girl still talks with me to this day.

>> No.9242991

Funniest thing I've read all day

>> No.9243043
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>> No.9243091


>> No.9243108

deal with the disease, not it's symptoms

>> No.9243198
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Nuthin, nuthin

>> No.9243203

You're never the only one