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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 400x400, michel-houellebecq_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9240382 No.9240382 [Reply] [Original]

He doesn't give a single fuck

>> No.9240416


This shit is hilarious.

>> No.9240434


>> No.9240453


>> No.9240461

i too have this problem with lying if asked about my life. i can even say extremely bad things about myself! invent scenarios where i have done terrible things just to shy away from truth

at least i used to do this in my teens, now i don't talk to people

>> No.9240478


>> No.9240485

I am trying to imagine what new features despotism might have in today’s world: I see an innumerable host of men, all alike and equal, endlessly hastening after petty and vulgar pleasures with which they fill their souls. Each of them, withdrawn into himself, is virtually a stranger to the fate of all the others. For him, his children and personal friends comprise the entire human race. As for the remainder of his fellow citizens, he lives alongside them but does not see them. He touches them but does not feel them. He exists only in himself and for himself, and if he still has a family, he no longer has a country.

Over these men stands an immense tutelary power, which assumes sole responsibility for securing their pleasure and watching over their fate. It is absolute, meticulous, regular, provident, and mild. It would resemble paternal authority if only its purpose were the same, namely, to prepare men for manhood. But on the contrary, it seeks only to keep them in childhood irrevocably. It likes citizens to rejoice, provided they think only of rejoicing. It works willingly for their happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and takes care of their needs, facilitates their pleasures, manages their most important affairs, directs their industry, regulates their successions, and divides their inheritances. Why not relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and the difficulty of living?

>> No.9240495

the new Proust

>> No.9240506


>in France, he is the "bad boy" of French literature, or as we say here (in Britain) the "enfent terrible"

okay c'mon you have to give kudos to the writer who wrote that and the presenter for drily delivering that cute line, fuck

>> No.9240510

I laughed out loud, this is gold.

>> No.9240531

that woman academic is 100% a /lit/ poster

>> No.9240543


I also lost it around the point of the first hmmms.

The next logical step is to actuate the suicide which was ideated (yes, his self-insert) at the end of Whatever. Sucks that grandma was an idiot, I didn't know that.

>> No.9240547

What is this from? That was excellent

>> No.9240552


>> No.9240565


All memes aside, when she asserted with a hint of some conviction that the "critique" of political correctness is worse-than, more-boring-than doctrinaire political correctness itself, on the one hand one has to bear in mind whatever the video editor wanted to do. But the atomic comment, taken by itself, is very stupid. I experience the general critique of political correctness as an exciting multiplicaiton of ideas, while at the same time the other a whole diminution.

>> No.9240592

Where to start with Houellebecq?

>> No.9240599

Elementary Particles (Atomized) is his best book. I'd say start with Submission though. It lacks his usual sci-fi tidbits so it's just a very straightforward and cutting satire about the West.

>> No.9240608

Submission is the best starting point. Read Elementary Particles next

>> No.9240612

what a bunch of crap

>> No.9240624

Great. Thanks, guys.

>> No.9240660

wtf! lock him up in the bastille...

>> No.9240722

I can't understand your turgid comment. Please explain it to me in simple words.

>> No.9240723

Tocqueville, that's what the video was about, Houellebecq read this excerpt from Democracy in America.

>> No.9240773

the way he's holding this cigarette skeeves me out.

>> No.9241145

is this advertising? because I want to read his work now, where should I start?

>> No.9241152



>> No.9241155

thank you, I find it very difficult to read threads for more than several seconds

>> No.9241171

only the creepiest of all european creeps hold cigarettes this way

>> No.9241196

Houellebecq is the king of the european creeps

>> No.9241779

The new Hitler.

>> No.9241786

The new DFW.

>> No.9241829

same thing

>> No.9241934

What he said is that he is more interested in critiques of political correctness because the discussions are more fruitful rather than political correctness by itself. He doesnt seem eager to expand

>> No.9241953

not all provocateurs are created equal
dude's an edgy hack for suburbia

>> No.9241963

Literally has nothing to do with my post...

>> No.9241969

its everything to do with life

>> No.9241992
File: 4 KB, 205x246, 14343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only famous French intellectuals can pull that behaviour off

Feels bad.

>> No.9243269

I know that feel, but with a Vape it's not the same thing

>> No.9243659

I'm dying

>> No.9243751


>> No.9245530


I just want to acknowledge that someone actually has reading comprehension and pretty-fairly summarized my post just before this thread archives, cheers.