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/lit/ - Literature

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9238024 No.9238024 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently writing, anon?

>> No.9238033

this reply

>> No.9238034


>> No.9238045
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Currently writing a short story as a means of catharsis to relieve myself of my agonizing affection for my cousin. I'll post the story on /lit/ when I finish.

>> No.9238586

Vagina Wolf vs Evil Robot Spiders

>> No.9238595

4 column poem that can be read across of down each

>> No.9238671

A long "meditation" on my problems with women and their source (not historically, but just the honest emotional source).

I hope that by identifying the problem and by admitting that I'm wrong, I can FEEL that I'm wrong and I can come to a solution.

>> No.9239106

Fantasy short story. It sucks and I don't know what to do with it.

>> No.9239123

Email to my future self

>> No.9239124


There are like 2 girls besides my gf that I think of constantly. I've known them both for years and they constantly pop into my head. Then I always wonder about what could have been...

Is that normal? Or does that fall under the umbrella of agonizing affection?

>> No.9239463
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>thinking of other women while dating someone

You're basically cheating on your girlfriend, mate.

>> No.9239507

I have to some shitty small close reading piece on King Lear for my class but soon after I'm gonna continue working on my book

>> No.9239513

Tone poem, or rhapsody, it depends on how it's going to develop

>> No.9240334

Probably garbage tier story about a man slowly losing his mind while trapped inside during a blizzard because being alone makes him realize how alone he has made himself

I doubt it will turn out to be anything worthwhile but I really need to write this shit to get something off my chest

>> No.9240394

I know. I feel pretty bad about it but I can't help it

>> No.9240415

I think it will all work out. It's normal to have those feelings. There are girls that I've dated that I only did so because they reminded me of one I lost. I think you maybe should think about exploring those feelings and finding some closure (for both you and your girlfriend's sake)

>> No.9240460

A spooky occult thriller.

>> No.9240490


>> No.9240508

It'll probably end up hokey and silly but it's about an occult text that can prove the soul being stolen by a group of Satanists and main character's trying to get it back.

>> No.9240518

Hey a little hokiness can be fun at times. Have fun with it friend!

>> No.9240536

Currently rewriting my mother's suicide note

>> No.9240579


>> No.9240591

Trying to change the wording so my brother is written out of the will instead of me.

>> No.9240605

This is literally one of the most normal feelings to have, as a guy, when you're in a serious relationship. The fact that you're worried about them means that you're absolutely fine. Every guy starts to think about other girls for a brief period when a relationship becomes serious, and you realize that you might spend the rest of your life with this one girl--it's just your brain making sure that this is really what you want. Think about why you love the girl you're with, and keep treasuring her every day and you'll be ok: those thoughts will go away

>> No.9240630

just my suicide note family

>> No.9240665

Not cheating dude. Don't put your thoughts off just because your in a relationship.

>> No.9240666

A journey into the underworld inspired by the time I became so physically sick that my perception of reality warped.

>> No.9240677

With digits like that you are now obliged to finish it no matter what.

>> No.9240686

A Grimm's fairy tale-esque story about a boy who gets lost in a forest and has his body stolen by a fox, who then travels to the boy's home and lives as an imposter.

Both of these have a lot of potential. If you have any excerpts, I'd love to read them.

>> No.9240714

Here's an excerpt from the blizzard one, keep in mind it is in a very early state. Love to hear any criticisms. I've never written any stories before:

"I stand up from my dimly lit room and wander to the bathroom. After doing my business I take a moment to look at myself in the mirror. It’s strange how alien looking at yourself can feel. Like the person in the reflection isn’t you, but simply humoring you by imitating your movements. Like he silently pities you. Like he mocks you when you turn the lights off. I turn the bathroom light off and try not to imagine him silently laughing at me from behind the glass"

>> No.9240720

Hard to take seriously. Stop trying to be deep lad, just be deep. Don't let me know you're preaching, or to be magnanimous, musing.

>> No.9240729

That's entirely fair. I feel the same way. Thank you

>> No.9240733

I kind of agree honestly.
It almost sounds like a monologue that the main character from some comedy film would do as a voice over while showing him getting ready for work at the start of the movie.

>> No.9240734

I would suggest varying your sentence structure. There are a few too many "I do x, I do y, I do z".

For example, instead of saying, "I take a moment to look at myself in the mirror," you could vary it up and even combine a few sentences by saying something like, "The soulless gaze that met my eyes from the mirror belonged to anyone but me."

Might not be a perfect example, but the point is, try to imply action, not just state it.

>> No.9240736

Can I cast Rob Schneider?

>> No.9240739

Sure. I was picturing Ron Livingston from Office Space myself.

>> No.9240743

Alright. When you guys write stories, what is your general process? I like the idea itself, but have doubts as to my skill in conveying thought in a non-cringey way. Do you guys imitate the styles of your favorite writers? Should I start by reading books similar in theme?

>> No.9240747

I tried writing a political manifesto, then I tried writing a sci-fi lite, and now I'm drinking a beer and wondering why the fuck I can't stay consistent in writing.

>> No.9240749

Do not say shit like this. Jesus, this an extract from a YA novel. Vary sure.
Stop using like to no comparison, none of that phony DFW colloquial illusion. And don't say "the reflection isn't you" because then you're talking about "us". Talk about you.

>> No.9240751

Same. Each story I start to write ends up starting with a suicide letter to a friend of family

>> No.9240754

His point is valid though. I use "I" sentences too many times. It makes the work sound more like a diary entry than interesting

>> No.9240758

I didn't say it was wrong. I literally said, "vary sure". His example is just not something you want in any of your work.

>> No.9240768

My bad. I thought you misspelled "very sure" as in "I'm very sure it's originally from a YA novel"

He did admit that the example itself was poor

>> No.9240771


>> No.9240782

no dunt do it. pm me if u need 2 talk

>> No.9240789
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>journey to the underworld

>> No.9240805
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I should become a fashion photographer.

>> No.9240818

I'm writing poems in my mother tongue language
I can try to translate one of them if you want but it will sound bad probably

>> No.9240854

The bulb above the toilet cut a thin strip of light into my bedroom where the shades were drawn. I got out of bed only because I had to shit and after a perfunctory crouch of a few minutes I was done. On the way out, the groggy decision to leave my hands unwashed, I cast a glance at my passing self in the mirror: uncanny, caught mid-motion in an awkward hunch. The reflection never seems truly human, so obsequious in its imitation. There's no person there, you have to remember. Just a pitying blotch of colors and lines that mocks you as it bounces back your little twitches of movement, eyes above waiting for your gaze to stray back into the pupil to pupil deadlock. I can't stand it--enough for now. I'm even self-conscious as I imagine the panel display the back of my head as I leave the room.

>> No.9240879
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Nothing, I'm too afraid of making something cringey.
Any tips to overcome my aversion?

>> No.9240907

Literally, unironically, JUST DO IT.

>> No.9240910

Just do it and accept it's going to be cringey. It's a craft, an art, a skill. These things take time and effort to hone.

A blacksmith does not walk into his shop on the first day and craft Excalibur. He starts small, he starts practical and hones his craft in this way.

>> No.9240915

If you write something cringey you literally never have to show it to anyone.

>> No.9241038

Six words story, about OPs faggotry

>> No.9241054

A short story, about a Korean waitress, concerning 'To what extent do the hardships inflicted upon us by others confirm our own worst imaginings of ourselves?'

>> No.9241142

suicide notes are cliche. leave your family some mystery. the motives they think up will probably more interesting than why you really did it.

>> No.9241440
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>> No.9241455
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A translation and editing of a short story that I wrote years ago as practice. Then I will probably write another short story. A friend of mine told me to publish all my stuff on a blog of some sort, but I'm not completely sure about it...

>> No.9241471

Wright the most cringey thing ever, so cringey that the cringiest of the weebs think is cringey. Then proced with your regular writing desires.

>> No.9242036

i liked it

>> No.9242040


>> No.9242103

Why are armpits so great, /lit/?

>> No.9242155

An essay on the Schopenhauerian influence in Frost's The Wood-Pile and the Augustinian influence in Eliot's Burnt Norton and how despite having different trajectories in their writing both poets view poetry as a moment of clarity (for Frost it is a stay against the confusion of life, for Eliot it is a moment of glimpsing the sacred in an otherwise profane space) in a chaotic world.

>> No.9242177
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>get an idea to write a story where a guy joins Quantrills raiders during the Civil war and winds up doing/seeing some pretty depraved shit
>realize it would just be a ripoff of blood maridian

>> No.9242199

/lit/'s obituary

>> No.9242219

I'm writing a dark comedy dystopian PolFi novel about a future where everything is controlled by AI. Two main characters, a rich engineer and a neet living off Basic Universal Income, and some minor characters, the NEET's son and his robotic 'partner'. Writing it in Spanish because my English vocabulary is a bit too basic.

>> No.9242396

Besides the meta reply of "this post," I'm most immediately writing about Jared Diamond's Collapse. I was assigned it from school work, but I noticed he also wrote Guns, Germs, and Steel, which someone commented that I must have taken notes from when I was writing my fiction work, so I'm paying it some special attention to see what they were on about. It's a bit egotistical to say that the correlation someone made between his ideas and my story makes me more interested in what he has to say, but that's what's happening.

As for what project I'm working on as a whole, I'm writing a story about a society of dysfunctional people stuck in tribalism while the world around them evolves and they simply are unable to change, either from the overwhelming outside force inflicting itself upon them or their own desire to become different. They won't ever move beyond this tribal state, no matter how many crusades, internal or external, are conducted to change things. It also deals with the identity of the people who live in there, for example, whether they choose to view the fact that they've been barbarians for longer than anyone can remember as a brand of sub-human shame or a badge of indomitable pride. It's written as a fantasy story, firstly for ease of implementing the themes I want to convey, secondly for easily selling it to people, and thirdly because I hate the focus of the fantasy genre on junk information like worldbuilding and political dramas, so I'm writing about failing nations, social disenfranchisement, and cultural relativity in the guise of pulp fantasy.

>> No.9242406

philosophy of mind essay on anomalous monism and epiphenomenalism

>> No.9242468

I shit out a story as fast as possible and then go back and carve it down into something more worthwhile when I'm done

>> No.9242752
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I'm not good at explaining things, but I feel like the speaker is describing things in the world in a very uninvolved level. 'A dimly lit room,' is a poor description; the room is dimly lit, how does this affect the speaker? "My bare feet stand flat on the chill wood floor. I can barely make out the contours of my desk that I know sits beside the bathroom door. The jingle of the metal handle bounds on the walls behind the door. I drag my hand along the wall until I feel the switch flip, and with a hum the string of lights over the mirror burn hot. I push through, wincing, turning away, and fumbling with the door until it's closed again."
Of course, it doesn't need to be this elongated, but it gives some sense of intimate relation to the action. It's never mentioned that the speaker walked to the bathroom door, it's heavily implied through the speaker's observations that he is moving through the room (and, unless you're going for He Was Dead All Along!!!, it's one of the few things a reader can infer). If you walk to your bathroom door right now, the last thing you might think of is, despite how true it would be, "I am walking to my bathroom door."

Also, I find the most effective use of "i" as a pronoun in the first person narrative, generally, is when the speaker is unsure of something (and that unsureness needs to be expressed), or wants to be sure that something is as he thinks (and that desire for sureness needs to be expressed).

>> No.9243472
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my suicide note to be published posthumously after i die of old age

>> No.9243483

One experimental novel
book on aesthetics
epic poem

>> No.9243588

Maybe if you wrote it as an action adventure story and published it as a pulp novel you could do pretty well.

>> No.9244245

I'm about to start on my seminar paper.
It's for a class that was about "Archeology in modern times", focusing on ex- and inclusion, analyzing what kind of effect places such as barracks have on it.
I will write about containers as living spaces.

>> No.9244451

Code for my computational physics homework
It's pretty cool but I need to be more diligent in working on actual creative outlets like my short stories

>> No.9244466

Keep going, anon.

>> No.9244603

I just about completed/filled in all the gaps of the storyline for a short fantasy duology I was writing.

Then I was inspired today to instead make another branch off that follows the story of the deuteragonist with alternate timeline fuckery (which is nothing new in my fictionverse)

>> No.9245104

Depressed people use the word "I" disproportionately more than healthy people, and suicidal people use it even more.

>> No.9245119

Do you have a citation for that?

>> No.9245821

A short story about a semi-autistic university student neck deep in classical Latin studies who wakes up one morning with a vague and shapeless pain inside of him. He goes to several professionals, doctors, psychiatrists, and gurus who all give him a different diagnosis that is heavily biased towards their world view.
Pls don't shit on this idea /lit/ I love it too much

>> No.9245946

Actually not a bad decision as long as they're basically a more extreme version so you can realize your mistakes more explicitly.

>> No.9245950

That 'I love you' with my cum on your mom's ass.

>> No.9246394

My shitty fantasy novel living out all the self-inserts that I've ever wanted.

Its so liberating.

>> No.9246481

A couple things.

1: The story of a small town in the west of Ireland, in the near future. It follows a number of different character. A priest trying to restore faith in god, 2 farmers fighting over land, a young man spiralling down the path of violence and a woman trying to escape her responsibilities by repairing a old fishing trawler and making off for somewhere foreign.
I'm really happy with how this one is coming along and I've had positive responses from an editor. So I'm going to start throwing it at publishers.

2: A silly fantasy adventure revolving around the adventures of a reformed serial killer and a gestalt spirit community called "the committee" that runs itself via direct democracy.
This ones quite esoteric and I doubt I'll ever publish it. But I'm having great fun writing it.

>> No.9246529

>having a german cousin

i envy him

>> No.9247091


>> No.9248498

a story about a 15 year old mexican boy who starts torturing and killing people for local narcos in order to earn some money to help support his family. does well enough and is trusted enough that they send him on a mission to the border city of Tijuana, where he has some misadventures, witnesses and does some fucked up things, all the while making periodic phone calls to speak with his 16 yo sister and 9 yo brother, to see how they are doing. Sister is going to marry a narco and MC feels ambivalent about it, being that he and his sister used to fuck when they were younger and still messed around sometimes before MC joined narcos as child torturer. MC hangs on to his humanity somehow but ends up getting picked up by feds who interview him and determine that he has suffered almost irreparable trauma and diagnose him as clinically psychotic. MC recounts violent childhood experiences that he never told anyone before and that probably contributed to him joining the narcos and showing talent for emotionlessly torturing and killing people. Not sure what ending will be yet.

>> No.9248526

A rapist sentenced to 15 years in prison joins a penal millitary company in exchange for a reduced sentence. They are armed against mecha with only a set of landmines and anti-armour rifles

>> No.9248554
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would read/10

>> No.9248578

An essay. What are some good words, and general aspects in an essay that professors like to see? It's a literary analysis essay btw.

>> No.9248626

my sellout fantasy novel with plucky heroines

>> No.9249701

The sequel to a noir novel (I wrote that too).

>> No.9249719

A story about a college student who is upset that he has to take gender studies classes for his degree. There are two protagonists; the butthurt student and a female SJW. The story takes turns showing how each person tries to achieve their ideology. The butthurt student tries to rallies individualistic minded people to his cause but fails because they're too individualistic and never agree on anything. The SJW suceeds in recruiting people to expand the requirements on the basis of their identities, while each of the people she recruits doesn't actually agree with the things she is proposing. The faculty has taken a democratic approach to the issue, not picking sides til the end. Spoiler: the SJW wins her case and gets more classes added, even though nobody that helped her agrees with any of the classes she proposed. In the end the main ally of the butthurt protagonist gets fired, the butthurt student fails out of class and is bitter against academia. The university has to hire a shitload of new teachers for jobs that nobody really knows how to do, and ends up having to fire all the classics teacher, winding up with a university that effectively brainwashed the masses who are told they need a degree to be successful.

>> No.9250747

Is it bad if a story doesn't have any deep themes or symbolism?

I decided to start writing down some story ideas I had to pass the time. I might introduce those later on, but for now it's just a relaxed fantasy adventure.

>> No.9250807


>> No.9250835
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I'm writing a mythological allegory about the sun and moon.

A man who lives in the depths of a cave emerges to find that after a lunar eclipse the sun has stopped rising and the night has been ongoing for months. He climbs to the highest plateau of the cliff that houses his cave and makes a plea to the sky for the return of the sun, but nothing answers him. He then begins asking the moon what has happened, and through the course of their conversation it's realized that the sun only rises in order to chase the moon. He then has to figure out a bargain to make with the moon so she will set and beckon the return of the sun.

>> No.9251594
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>> No.9252214

A short story about a philosopher rabbit and his companion, a turtle, and a jazz cellist.

Also poems. Tons of them, almost all bad. 107 since December.

>> No.9252344

Same. I went from shining knight to saving the galaxy. It's fun, and I am often left surprise on what pops out of my mind.

On a serious note, I plan to write a story that focuses on moral dilemmas. How everything is not black and white and that the world is shades of all colors.

>> No.9252410

sounds cool, I would read that anon

>> No.9252421

my diary desu

>> No.9252426

I'm writing a modern-historical drama about the colonial past of South Africa.

>> No.9252434

you either have had a fucking crazy life, or you don't have the credibility to write something this heavy

>> No.9252448

My epitaph.

>> No.9252464
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Writing a story where a group of redneck neo-nazis manage to build a portal to Hell, where Hitler, who has been immunized to the hellfire by a ritual he completed just before his suicide, is waiting. They send through war supplies and soon Hitler poses a major threat to Satan's reign, so the Prince of Lies commands a Satanic cult (made up entirely of jaded ultrawealthy teenagers and young adults in California) to go get it back. The Satanists and neo-Nazis end up in conflict on both planes, and they have to recruit regular people to sell them their souls to power the portals. Everyone in America is convinced to sell their soul to one of the two armies on the basis of how much worse it would be if the other group won and conquered Earth.
The idea came to me last Fall and is supposed to be a metaphor for the U.S. electoral system. It's maybe the most reddit thing I've ever done.

>> No.9252476

alt history where Percy and Mary Shelley, Hegel and Jane Austen are all alive in 2017 instead of 1817

not sure if i should expand the cast to include whoever the fuck else was around at the time, maybe Byron but I think he died

>> No.9252498

Please don't do this.

>> No.9252749

Too late, John Green already agreed to let me publish it under his name as a ghostwriter

>> No.9253886


>> No.9254215

"pride and prejudice with zombies"

>> No.9255102

I'm working on a fantasy world. I've spent a lot of time doing world-building so the universe is pretty rich I think. My intention is to write multiple independent short stories (5K-25K words) set in the world, all of them subtly connected, and compile them in random sets of 3. So like some sort of anthology. I have 4 stories out now, editted and proofread. KDP account's all set up too. Just a cover and a pseudonym short of publishing but I'm stuck at that "the shit i write is absolute shit and should never see the light of day" stage. Spoopy...

>> No.9255109

Writing about a sculpture who attains worldwide fame but doesn't think anyone really understands his work. Eventually he is tapped for the completion of an extremely important replica of a historic sculpture that was destroyed a long time ago. He creates it and then sails off into the sea in a kayak never to be seen again.

>> No.9255844

im working on a series of emails between 21 savage and andrei rublyov. In their conversation you understand that 21 savage is one of the karamazov brothers and andrei rublyov is 21's private tattoo artist nigga skrrrrrrrrrr gang gang nigga piupiu nigga

>> No.9255929

I'm editing the first draft of a scifi techno-thriller.
Its about a clone soldier who gets embroiled in trying to stop one of her brothers from restarting the war with the aliens that invaded earth, and trying to figure out what made him do it.
Alpha readers say it wasn't terrible, which is a step up.

>> No.9256537

I regularly dream of other women and I am in a relationship. For some reason it always feels weird waking up and remembering all the shit that happened in my dream.

>wake up next to gf
>had a dream about a girl from high school sitting on my face a moment ago

Strange feel.

>> No.9256848

Get a notebook and literally just fill it up every day with whatever you've got. You'll inevitably get better. No writer ever only wrote good stuff.

>> No.9256922
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>wake up next to gf
can't say I know this feel famalam

>> No.9256934

I kek'd pretty good on that one

>> No.9256965

Technically the correct answer, but in terms of books, I'm presently writing a sort of drama. Likely only going to be a novella, I figure perhaps around 28,000 words. Right now at 24,500; not a whole lot to go yet, and I think it's really going to end with a good twist. Well... 'good'. I like some of the lines I put in there, some of the imagery, and the development of the main character as well as one of the side-characters.

I actually started the book on March 14th, and had 10,000 words written within about 6 hours, then another 5,500 words written in the next 18 hours (15,500 total within 24 hours). I'm rather proud of that, and I think this book is doing well. It's probably my best book since my 1st one which I self-published almost 5 months ago in October. If I keep up the pace, I should probably have at least 7-8 books self-published by October of this year, perhaps even more.

>> No.9257460

a grocery list desu

>> No.9258093

I have a million ideas and I haven't written anything in two years, but I am soft of working on a short story/novella tentatively called The Wager. It's about two hitmen who are hired to kill each other. One (A) is a hispanic thug who has dreams of being a legitimate professional boxer (lol) and is very close to his family (his sister and nieces/nephews). The other (B) is a white collar professional assassin who is just in it for the money and is quite antisocial. A works for cartel lords who promise him that they will leverage him into a position as a professional boxer. B works for an arms dealer who contracts him out to other fat cats who need a job taken care of.

The cartel leaders, the arms dealer, and their rich friends all get together and bet on which one will survive.

The focus will be the chase, their mutual surprise at being betrayed, their motivations towards this career path, followed by their brutal fight and bargainings between them. I'm not sure who, if either, will win yet.

I realize it's pretty cringeworthy action movie-type stuff but it's fun.

>> No.9258103

ITT: heads full of shit

>> No.9258631

Finished it.

>> No.9259445

Write porn. That should help you overcome your bashfulness. I'm serious

>> No.9260093

What's it called?

>> No.9260423

A bit of a melodramatic title, I know, but the book is quite the drama. Still in for review on Amazon but ought to be available on Kindle within 2 days and available as paperback on amazon within 3-4 days max. The title is "Another One Please, to Dull the Pain". 'Another one' meaning a drink obviously, and there's quite a lot of drinking in it. A lot of subjects are touched upon, a lot of things go on, and even though I literally wrote the nearly 29,000 word novella in less than 100 hours I think it turned out quite good.

My first crack at 'outline writing' instead of 'discovery writing'/'pantsing', and it wasn't too bad. I feel that it constantly had things on the go, will do well in keeping the reader's attention, and ended quite intensely. I don't THINK I left too many plotholes, I'm not used to including cell phones in my writing so there may have been more things i could have done in regards to that, but I think it turned out alright. Won't know for sure until I start getting reviews though. Anyways, going to probably start my next book today once I wake up. Probably going to go back to sleep; woke up too early but wanted to check and see if my book was finished its review yet with CreateSpace. Probably a sequel to my first book. That, or another drama. A lot of stuff going on in my life right now, so it's kind of a fitting time to write some more drama. We'll see. I've yet to tackle a comedy, perhaps I'll try for that. Whatever comes to mind and tickles my fancy!