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/lit/ - Literature

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9238281 No.9238281 [Reply] [Original]

tfw when I was a kid (8-14 y/o) the professors would read my creative papers aloud in front of the class but I have never been able to create anything worth afterwards outside of school

>> No.9238306

Kill yourself already, frogposting scum

>> No.9238351

Well your probably <25 years old right now so if you can't create like you used to you got plenty of time to practice.

>> No.9238379

literally me

>> No.9238622

>be a kid
>create something that isn't garbage
>everyone praises you and tells you you're great
>be an adult
>create something that isn't garbage
>literally no one cares
being the best writer out of a class of a few dozen kids who know they will never write again isn't an accomplishment, but at least back then you had deadlines for making you write things. if there's anything from school that can help you now it's the idea that you should be putting out a certain amount of work every week/month

>> No.9238644

"beginner mind"

>> No.9239925

You've got to keep going.

Thousands of rejections before success.

>> No.9240201


No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher leave them kids alone

>> No.9240209


I've never written anything; I'm 21, is it too late for a career in writing, i.e. getting paid to write?

>> No.9240437

Well if you've never written anything (outside of school obviously) you can still practice but I don't think you want to be an artist if you've never done it of your own volition. Don't romanticize it, if you really want to be a writer you shouldn't question how much time you have left to improve, you'd just write.

>> No.9240462


>you'd just write

I'm shit from top to bottom

Just writing seems less productive than reading up on style, form, grammar, sentence structure, etc.

I don't even know what I should work on improving first.

I don't think just writing is good though, as I'm not going to improve when I don't even know what good writing is, let alone how to improve.

>> No.9240563

I unfortunatley can't relate because I've been continually praised for my writing ever since I was a child and everytime I create something I'm amazed and humbled; I always feel I'll never create something as good again, but I always improve everytime I put pen to paper.

Besides, you're already on this board, which means you have taste. If you want to know what good writing is just pick up a book from your collection and read. Its not a talent (as far as I can tell), writing is more like theivery. Just steal any style you can and hopefully you'll find your prose passable. Its more about pattern recognition than anything else.

>> No.9240570

Not him, but I do actually just write, but I can't think of a plot that is not shit tier, are the ones that are not shit-tier requiere me experiencing stuff like being inside of a house on fire
I dont know, I guess I will sort myself out eventually

>> No.9240572

The process of writing is what will bring you happiness, not the quality of the work. You should find something you really enjoy doing and improve the quality as an addition to the joyful process.

>> No.9240613


How do I know if it brings me happiness?

I spent a lot of time day dreaming as a kid, but writing was something I associated with school and girls who keep diaries.

I still like to daydream, but it kind of sucks as I have nothing to show for the thousands of hours I've spent on it. Would I enjoy writing?

>> No.9240621

when i write is because i start "daydreaming" really hard, like if i was high on something, if I'm able to realize that I am in that state I write, most of the times I get in that state I just keep laughing myself into delirium, and when it stops I feel like a dumbass for not using that rush
tl;dr, get on drugs or something, stop being so insecure, when you are alone you can do whatever you want

>> No.9240628

You have no context for the advice if you're not writing.

>> No.9240631

I just realized your post was about happiness
imo happiness is a meme, stop thinking about it

>> No.9240633

also me again
if you are scared of doing hardcore drugs (you really shoudnt do any of them) drink a lot of coffee and see what happens, it works for me better than alcohol
idk just sort yourself out senpai

>> No.9240655


Okay I will do 4 hours a day for the next week during the time that I would usually spend posting on 4chan.

Can you recommend any books on style or whatever?

At the very least I want to understand the fundamentals of English and conventions so I know what I'm working with.


>get on drugs or something,

I live in a legal pot state and have some DUDE in a jar sitting on my desk right now.

>stop being so insecure

Realized this last time I smoked

>when you are alone you can do whatever you want

Realized this too. I also spend a lot of time alone

With honest assessment are you any good at writing? I ask because if you are then that means you've given me good advice. If you've given me good advice I will know to follow it. However, if you're shit then following your advice might be bad.


>just sort yourself out

Yeah, that's super easy

>> No.9240696


>> No.9241565

My [native language] teacher always praised me in HS
I think my writing is still pretty mediocre
You idiot, throw that garbage away, get some real drug instead of that normie soma
Even coffee is better
Why do you think you have frogs in your pc?
And why does the quality of my writings have anything to do with my advice? God you are so insecure

>> No.9241606 [DELETED] 
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Post em

>> No.9241611 [DELETED] 

>every week/month
Day. Hour.

>> No.9241631

holy... I want more...

>> No.9241637

>is it too late for a career in writing, i.e. getting paid to write?
Getting paid to write what? If you mean writing your own stuff, the problem is not your age but the vanishingly tiny chance that you will ever be able to make a living doing it.

If you mean journalism or advertising or something, probably not too late although the first of those is hardly a money maker.

>> No.9241836

Wut. If you can't intuitively use correct grammar in your native language you've got bigger problems than writing.

>> No.9241986


>why does the quality of my writings have anything to do with my advice

Of course it does

"Hey rich man, what did you do to be successful?"
"Hey homeless man, what did you do to be successful?"


Chill out man, I just do it occasionally. It helps me focus and brings original ideas - no big deal.


I feel very limited because I don't know the technical function of semicolons, commas, dashes, etc. If I knew what they are technically I'd have more confidence allowing me more ability. As it is, I'm not exactly sure when I should use one so I'm timid to attempt more complex sentences.

If that's a bad thing then now you know how great American schools are. I was exceptional at my high school so just imagine the millions and millions of people who have even less ability than me.

>> No.9242011

>I feel very limited because I don't know the technical function of semicolons
Just write nigga
get someone to edit your grammar afterwards if you're a tard about it, that is the easy part
and who says you need a semi-colon or en dash in every paragraph--keep it simple if you have to

>> No.9242026

>literary advice is the same as financial advice
stop smoking weed it is making you retarded
what original ideas arae you talking about, have you writen them?

>> No.9242037

>plenty time for practice
>8-hours soul-wrenching work day, hour for coming back home, hour for eating, 3 hours max for reading and hour for writing in GOOD DAY when one isnt completely numb after work, then go to sleep because you dont want to be late tomorrow wagie!

>> No.9242049

>financial advice
you could be stoned every day for like 1 grand a year, it's not exactly one of those start-stealing-for-rent-money kinds of drugs like coffee.

>> No.9242067

Is this one of your genius weed ideas?

>> No.9242083

I'm not OP and don't really like weed
but sperging out about it and trying to pass that off as financial advice makes no sense, especially when you're advising him to replace it with a caffeine addiction

>> No.9242088

should i buy 4-fluoromethylphenidate for writing?

>> No.9242100

the financial advice thing was because he compared my writing advice with the "poor man/rich man" advice in being "succesful"
read my post again
If anything, not smoking weed is basic life advice
>caffeine addiction
ffs just don't go nuts with it and you will be fine
this place is fucking tumblr tire, c ya

>> No.9242174

>this place is fucking tumblr tire, c ya
and so the redditor returns to his home planet /pol/ to enjoy his """adult""", non-degenerate stimulants in the peacefulness of a frog-loving society

>> No.9242176 [DELETED] 

>Caffeine addiction
I had one of those, was drinking 8 strong black coffees a day. Stopped completely in a week, no problem. It's just a few headaches and bad mood, don't be a pussy.

>> No.9242192

Wow this pussy doesn't even take amphetamines

>> No.9242210
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>a failed actor turned english teacher praised my work
>implying this means anything

>> No.9242250

you didn't have a professor when you were 8-14, you had a teacher, unless you were taught by people with PhDs from a ridiculously young age

>> No.9242528

wow I'm so btfo!!1!!

>> No.9243527

>brings original ideas
No it doesn't, you just think they are original.