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/lit/ - Literature

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9225338 No.9225338 [Reply] [Original]

I'm heading to Portugal, any advice on what to read on/from this country ?

>> No.9225343

Woooooooo that bitch ugly

>> No.9225352


>> No.9225378

Southern Portugal is nothing but drunk British scum, gypsies and AIDS. Visit Sintra, run aroud Lisbon, eat on overhyped pasteis and abandon this dump for Porto and glorious North. Be prepared that everyone is incredibly slow and English situation is sad - there are about 5 people who can speak it in the whole country and 3 of them are autistic /lit/ basement dwellers. French helps a lot more. The local language is Spanish with heavy Polish accent, so maybe try that. Overall 7/10 country.

>> No.9225449

1. Wrong board.
2. Don't come here.
3. Fuck you.

>> No.9225519

Damn girl, nice gut

>> No.9225522

Okay but seriously, the answer is Os Lusiadas. One of the best epic poems ever written.

>> No.9225526

Os Lusíadas

>> No.9225551

Padre Antonio Vieira (The emperor of the portuguese language desu)

>> No.9225827

I assume you mean that unironically because that belly nice!

>> No.9225843

I agree with this and also have nothing to say to OP.

>> No.9225853 [DELETED] 

A Portuguese-English dictionary
A Portuguese grammar book

>> No.9225990

Absolutely Camões and Padre Antonio Vieira.

>> No.9226006

Worth reading Portugal history as-well, from its amazing formation and the firsts kings, passing through the Illustrious Generation, expansion of Kingdom and ending in the creation of the Republic.

>> No.9226022

>Padre Antonio Vieira (The emperor of the portuguese language desu)

>> No.9226029

Cute navel, would fill with my semen to produce a babby

>> No.9226030

>Off-Brand Spain

>> No.9226031
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>> No.9226820


>> No.9226922

Camões is great. Genuinely some of the best poetry I've ever read.

>> No.9227547

>poortuguese literature

>> No.9228234

> The local language is Spanish with heavy Polish accent

lol, I don't really understand why so many people think Portuguese sounds Slavic.

>> No.9228248

Where do I start with those(except Camões which I've already read)?

>> No.9228300

Because it has a fuckton of sibilants and affricates.

>> No.9228327

Read the lower back tattoos of the chicks you'll be banging.

>> No.9228345

these are almost always written in english, no matter where you go

>> No.9228388

because its ugly

>> No.9228390

This guy >>9225378 is mostly accurate.
Read Camões, Bocage, Queiroz, Pessoa and Saramago. The rest is mostly derivative and/or higly regional, so read at your own risk.

Also, eat codfish, drink wine and be prepared to hear the natives complaining about everything 24/7. Good luck.

>> No.9228413

>has great local cuisine and a variety of dishes
>autistically imports and eats most basic bitch fish 24/7
Portukeks are irredeemable retards. No fucking wonder fado is so sad when you have to eat bacalhau all the time.

>> No.9228430

shut your mouth slut, bacalhau is great

>> No.9228586

and others by Saramago

Enjoy the country, I was there over new year and it was one of the most beautiful countries I've been to. See Sintra and

>> No.9229476

please respond

>> No.9229526

Shit thread

I want to add Herberto Hélder and Fialho de Almeida

>> No.9229534

What country are you from? Do you go for translations or original?

>> No.9229540

>Fialho de Almeida
pls leave

>> No.9229547


>centralist aristocratic scum

>> No.9229560
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>> No.9229564

Wew so you haven't really read him and only throw out the meme "poor man's Eça" to appear cultured in Loucos e Sonhadores? Who would say

>> No.9229566

Brazil, so I go for originals.

>> No.9229580

I'm a poetry guy, don't bring me that prose shit.

>> No.9229594

Well, Sermões for Padre Antonio Vieira and Obra Poética/Livro do Desassossego for Pessoa.

Personally, I don't think that Bocage is worth it if you aren't into poetry, but if you really want to read him then just get an anthology and you'll be fine.

>> No.9229626

Thanks. I never really read Portuguese literature besides what was in the school curriculum and I feel like exploring it more seriously now.

>> No.9229636

If you're new to /lit/ then I would recommend you to diversify your readings. Don't focus solely on 2 or 3 authors. There's too many good stuff.

>> No.9229669

Not new to lit, but I've always favored foreign authors over Lusophone ones.

>> No.9229703
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>> No.9229718
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haha jajaja lol what a great banter

>> No.9229723

Typical hue. They call it complexo de vira-lata. It's funny t.bh.

>> No.9229767


Nice tum tum

>> No.9229803

I don't think it's vira-lata complex, just that they were too closely associated with school and exams for me and it took a while to grow out of these feelings. Reading for school was rarely enjoyable and I didn't really give a fuck about Eça or Gil Vicente when I was 15 years old.

>> No.9229822

If you were talking Brazilian literature then I'd definitely agree though. Our cultural output is mostly lame, trite and stereotypical, or too regional to be relevant outside of our bubble.

>> No.9229836
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quem aqui ficou com tesão lendo esse livro?

>> No.9229877

You have Eça and Gil Vicente in brazilian highschool? We only have portuguese authors iirc

Livro do Desassossego is a meme. Prefering prose from such a great poet is criminal

>> No.9229936

>Livro do Desassossego is a meme
Hmm, no, is not. It's a good book. And Pessoa wrote more then 2000 pages in prose. Don't think that he is just a "poet".

And also I mentioned the "Obra Poetica", you fucking retard.

>> No.9229944
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>It's a meme because /lit/ reads it

>> No.9229973

>nothing but British scum
>5 people can speak English
What am I supposed to believe here

>> No.9230209

>The rest is mostly derivative and/or higly regional, so read at your own risk.
>highly regional

Fuck you, man. Most of the shit you read is probably as regionalistic as anything produced in Portugal.

>> No.9230235

Due to the lack of comments on my post here, I feel the need to clarify the noise you should be subvocalizing is an a long droning "wew" and not a long "woah" as in #woahke.

>> No.9230505

We read A Cidade e as Serras, O Auto da Barca do Inferno and a few others in my school that I can't remember right now.

I don't see why the Portuguese would bother Brazilian authors in schools anyway.

>> No.9231882


Here's a proof of your literacy.
>just a poet
>2000 pages
Should've written the yellow pages instead.
>Obra Poetica
That's a br anthology.

It's a même because it's like reccing a book of photography by Shakespeare, if he had one. Many of the highschoolers here that have a slight interest in Pessoa/literature in general grab that and I can see its effects

>> No.9231887

I believe in elementary school I read Os Capitães da Areia but I'm not sure if it was for school.

Couldn't we study authors like Dalton Trevisan or Guimarães Rosa?

>> No.9232331
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>It's a meme because I told you so

>> No.9232343
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>It's a même because it's like reccing a book of photography by Shakespeare

Top kek. Worst post I've seen in this board.

>> No.9232369

Have you ever pronounced the word "woo"? Try sounding it out.

>> No.9232377

These statements don't contradict each other.

>> No.9232747

Capitães da Areia is trash, I'm sorry you had to read that.

>> No.9232757

Or just read whichever book from Lusiadas that narrates all of that

>> No.9232759

Don't go to Portugal. That is my advice to you