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9231343 No.9231343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop feeling guilty about not working non stop? Apart from things all humans do plus going to the gym, I feel guilty about any of my habits. And I have no goals.

I want to read books but I feel guilty about reading a set number of pages a day. I am worried about being called a pleb for not reading ten trillion boring Western canon novels. I feel like an ADD pleb for rarely reading more than 60 pages at a time. I hate that I'm more likely to put a book down at the end of a chapter.

Similarly for working. I know I could always be working to become better off. I know that people who talk about taking breaks are just lying to themselves. I feel bad for not having the willpower necessary to work non stop on one thing for 10 hours. If I work on one thing then I miss the big picture. If I work on many things I am a dilettante who doesn't achieve anything.

And the funny thing is that I'm a Stirnerite. When you stay unspooked then everyone else's belief system feels like a personal attack. Fuck these people who say that X is so important. X is always working hard / enjoying yourself / focusing on one thing / focusing on many things / reading history / classics / philosophy / other shit.

The awful thing is that I know everyone else is a fraud. That NFL player who everyone loves and says is hardworking has never read a book. That mathematics professor known as a genius is a disgusting dyel. That literary figure who goes on about Shakespeare being a god doesn't know any maths or science greater than an 18 year old yet claims to be worldly. That billionaire who goes on about humanity's big issues does nothing but write checks for people who make social media apps.

>> No.9231360

stop posting cartoon frogs on an chinese hentai board, for starters

>> No.9231364

Go to a Psychoanalyst

>> No.9231371
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>How do I stop feeling guilty

I got you covered senpai

>> No.9231372

We need a name for this poster. Paranoid guy never stops ranting here. He's the academic-media-publishing-complex guy.

>> No.9231378

wtf does stirner have against snapchat

>> No.9231379

>When you stay unspooked then everyone else's belief system feels like a personal attack

You know how paranoia works as an ego defence right? All those people are not part of some massive evil system giving you orders my little pepe.

>> No.9231387

>my little pepe


>> No.9231391

>How do I stop feeling guilty about not working non stop?
You start working non-stop. You live your life with inhumane discipline. That is the only answer. anything else is, as you said, lying to yourself.

>> No.9231394

Good advice for someone with an extensive frog picture collection but it's impossible to totally discipline yourself. You're setting yourself up to quit in frustration like that.

>> No.9231396

But how do I learn to do this?

>> No.9231397

No sex at all.

>> No.9231404

Already done

>> No.9231415

You don't "learn" to do it. It is simply what you force yourself to do. You know deep down that you could bite off your own tongue, that you "could" do it. You know that you could, hypothetically force yourself to do do anything. Discipline is not a skill. It is a choice that is made from moment to moment. Do the right thing right now, and ignore anything beyond.
You're right that most people will quit in frustration. But it is not impossible. It is the only way to really live without regrets.

>> No.9231419

You are incredibly superegoical

>> No.9231425

But how do I make all 16 hours of my day spent not sleeping optimally productive?

Should I organize my day perfectly? How?

>> No.9231434

>How do I stop feeling guilty about not working non stop?
If you kill yourself, I can guarantee those feelings will stop.

>> No.9231438

I am giving this advice while posting on this image board. That is extremely contradictory, and should tell you everything about the state of my ego. I think you know what I said was true.

>> No.9231448

Imagine actually getting this advice from 4chan and then following it, then looking back over your life and realising you literally gave it away to some random nobody on the internet.

>> No.9231452

He is the Duncler (dunce-ler).

>> No.9231458

I don't know anything about how to schedule and organize your life. That's all up to you, I don't know anything about you.

>> No.9231466

Angels come in strange shapes and sizes, they say.

Do you have any base frameworks I could work off of though?

I realize it's an individual thing but there must be some mental set of steps or framework that perfectionalists use.

>> No.9231470

Also these are just my opinions and I'm just some random. I made some pretty extreme claims "it's the only way to live without regrets" that are based mostly on my intuition and experience rather than deep logical analysis. The worst thing you can do is accept what I said as true then be undisciplined in spite of it and fall deeper into self-loathing, the mistake that I made.

>> No.9231474

I just think "what is the most important thing I could be doing" and I do it. Then repeat.

>> No.9231485

It's more than that though.

It's analyzing problems dynamically and coming up with efficient approaches, making quick yet rational decisions and sticking to them when you encounter a problem etc.

Seems like you also need to near-constantly be running a cost-benefit analysis in your head.

>> No.9231496

No, because constantly running a cost-benefit analysis is a waste of time and energy. It is not the most important thing to do.


>> No.9231507

Holy..... I want more.....

>> No.9231521

>How do I stop feeling guilty about not working non stop?
>I want to read books but I feel guilty about reading a set number of pages a day.
>Similarly for working. I know I could always be working to become better off.

You got a paradox right here, you seem to want to "achieve" something, to be "better" at working/readin/etc., but at the same times you don't want to feel guilty about your current and paste state
but you have to realize something : wanting to improve implies looking at yourself and finding flaws (=feeling guilty)

So you have two choices to resolve the paradox :
1. You keep your will to improve yourself and you accept the inconfort of feeling guilty, note that accepting it, in opposition to fighting it, help to reduce the duration of the feeling (maybe you'll stop thinking about it, just feel it from time to time)
2. You abandon your will to improve yourself and accept the possibility of complete stagnation

I would advise for the second choice, because if you accept stagnation you can then actually improve, not for the sake of improvement, but just by pure curiosity, you'll maybe experience a first step of pure luxure and laziness but you'll find out eventually that reading philosophy, working, etc. is far more interesting than wathever shit you were on in order to get rid of this very inconfortable feeling of guilt

I hope it's clear enough, not an native English speaker obviously

>> No.9231525

I did a lot of reading as a kid, but tons of it was disguised. My school had us doing a shit ton of reading, so much that we didnt even notice, really.

At the same time, we were doing so much reading that I stopped reading on my own almost entirely--there really wasnt any time, and fuck reading on weekends, that was strictly for Diablo 2 and CS.

Soo I read a sizeable amount, but I wouldnt have called myself a reader at that time.

These days though? Shit is crazy.

What is nice your ability to read gets higher the older you get. Willpower too.

Try candle meditation and read for 5 minutes a day for 3 weeks.

You need to flip that switch in your head where you are more concerned with how you are processing information than what information is being processed. Once you are in God Mode, reading is just something that happens at a particular time of your choosing, vs a chore. And that spills over into everything, lifting, girls, career shit.

Ignore the big picture and start with 5 minutes a day. Make your goals simple as fuck, then execute. Once you can tell yourself to read for 5 minutes during a particular day and do it, the world is yours.

5 minutes turns into 20 minutes a day pretty easily. 20 minutes a day meditating on a candle turns into you going to the gym even though it just started raining heavy because what the fuck does the rain have to do with this workout you are about to have? etc.

>> No.9231527


Write a whole plan for us

>> No.9231559

But don't you see it would go further and further away from the mark if I am not getting more feedback from you as we go along? You can't go into a GP and say "cure me", they need more to work with.

Having said that...


Just kidding?

You're most likely feeling guilty because you're sad, and sadness was nearly always discouraged from your parents when you were an annoying as fuck crying baby. Organisms adapt to their social bearings, and you learned to feel anxious of sadness, because your parents treated your sadness as something wrong to be fixed. So guilt is separate to this drive to succeed. To tackle guilt, find an extremely qualified schema therapist and ask them to help you deal with moments that provided the cognitive schema for guilt (and while you're at it, shame). If you want to double-down on that intuitive faculty, you're also going to want to hone in on moments that established schemas about not trusting your own intuitive experience of situations. This is probably due to social bullying at some point or other.

Your intellect is largely irrelevant. Your organism learned to have these feelings as ADAPTION. They are underneath intellect, and do not take orders from it.

Then the day after? Time to start a regiment of writing at least 15 minutes every day non-stop, without pre-editing, on the topic of your own death. Basically like 15 minutes of writing your own eulogy. "Anon's life was good because..." If you can cross the self-conscious silly barrier across minutes and days, you will realise some things about what you want to accomplish in life.

Shit man, then you can get to the real questions.

>> No.9231563
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>And the funny thing is that I'm a Stirnerite

>> No.9231564

Pls be my therapist

>> No.9231568


>> No.9231582

What do you think I'm doing?

>> No.9231644

you sound like a sperg

>> No.9231648

>Im worried about being called a pleb
Grow some balls and do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.9231654

>Jungs psychology of types
Is it any good? I have it around here somewhere

>> No.9231726


>> No.9231733

Go on

>> No.9231775
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>> No.9231782

morality is bad
frauds get ahead
the world is bad

>> No.9231785


>> No.9231787


>> No.9231794
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>> No.9231806

not that guy but jungians are in a cult.
it works in the same way it works for scientologists. it's like living according to D&D alignments, there's truth there it's just dumb to navigate the world thinking in that way.
that's not to say jung didn't understand people, he understood them exceptionally well, hence his ability to be a cult leader. just mainly for intellectual hipsters.

>> No.9231809

What's the buy in and what's the benefit people think they're getting?

>> No.9231813

snapchat is degenerate

>> No.9231845

if i knew enough about D&D to come up with a smart reply i would.

>> No.9231890

>And I have no goals

Good. There is no ultimate action to do or ultimate thing to get.

>> No.9231933

I've heard plenty of old people complain about how hard they worked when they were young, and what a waste of time and vitality it turned out to be. I'm talking about occupational work, programmers working 60 hours a week for a startup thinking they were creating something great, and then it gets sold to a giant corporation for its IP and everyone is fired.

It might be that not working is a waste of your time, but most work is just as much of a waste. We need to discover what truly matters in our lives before we can live without regret.

I sure as hell haven't figured it out, but I'd love to discuss it.

>> No.9231952

>We need to discover what truly matters in our lives before we can live without regret.
regret is a part of most people's path to finding out what matters to them.
>I sure as hell haven't figured it out, but I'd love to discuss it.
you kind of need to live to find out what matters in your life. talking helps in getting some vague idea but experience is (almost) everything.

>> No.9231966

1. Realize that you, as a human, are limited. You cannot do everything. You will not always be motivated. Don't let your emotions stop you from taking action.
2. Deny the narrative that there exists some ultimate purpose or goal(s) in your life. Just do shit. Your passions will emerge from those things you end up gravitating toward.