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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 351 KB, 1072x1433, 2017-03-13 07.36.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9231176 No.9231176 [Reply] [Original]

Holy... Conrad got fucking destroyed... 247 Likes... don't lie...

>> No.9231186

Tell her the weak should fear the strong.

>> No.9231187

damn....absolutely, completely, throughly BTFO....FOREVER,,,,someone get Sarah Fisher a sponsorship

>> No.9231313

Joseph Conrad was racist for highlighting racism. Also he said nigger, which, as a white woman who refuses to accept context, I cannot let slide.

>> No.9231317

>female decomposes and destroys western literature in one easy review
how will /lit/ ever recover?

>> No.9231320
File: 53 KB, 350x470, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she literally just complain about the college course she voluntarily payed to take had the gall to prescribe her a book?

>> No.9231321

holy shit, how the fuck will white men ever recover

>> No.9231329
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Goodreads cringe thread?

>> No.9231331

Sure, I'm ready to cement my dislike of women. Let me make some tea.

>> No.9231334

This is a quite profound insight.

>> No.9231337
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>> No.9231341
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>limiting your dislike to women

>> No.9231344

>women gives terrible unjustified criticism
>100s of likes
>guy does the same thing
>dozen or so likes

>> No.9231348

this is actually too much. Is it strange for me to feel a deep loathing for these people? Am I just being a snob? I feel like they are belittling something that I love, putting down something that's almost sacred to me. I feel like I would actually burst out in bitter anger if they were to voice something like this to my face.

>> No.9231349

yes anon, a lot of people would say that you are autistic but this is a natural reaction

>> No.9231350

>women [does literally anything]
>100s of likes
>guy does the same thing
>dozen or so likes

You just discovered why feminism didn't work, using a quantitative method. You're the first sociologist of new feminism. Please save my gender.

>> No.9231351

Keep in mind these people are probably double faced cunts who look down on even less literate people for not reading their genre fiction
They deserve to be shit on

>> No.9231353

It's a million times easier to criticize rather than create. Your opinion of something has nothing to do with the objective value of something.

>> No.9231354

b8ing to this b8, no ragrets

>> No.9231356
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I feel the same way.

>> No.9231365

>Wolf spends most of her prose doing TELL instead of SHOW
whoa.. very insightful literary criticism. you can tell this guy understands how literature works

>> No.9231368

Should i just assume anyone who complains about muh show don't tell is just some YA lover retard?

>> No.9231376

More accurately, a fedora who just came home from their creative writing class (who loves YA fiction). I dont understand how even the most autistic person could make that complaint about Woolf's work, though. It really jogs my noggin

>> No.9231380

Yeah, its the go to pseud writing advice

>> No.9231384
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Virginia Woolf actually had talent. This woman is an idiot.


>Most of the characters are unlikable.

Worthless plebs, both of them. I bet they never choose to read any difficult works of their own volition outside of "class". They bitterly suffer through what they are assigned and then stick to basic page turners in their spare time.

Do these people even care about literature? Why study it if you clearly don't give a fuck enough to properly understand it? Isn't this just glorified babysitting then?

>> No.9231420

The man has four times more likes than the woman.

>> No.9231422

>Do these people even care about literature?
No. You should stop giving a shit.

>> No.9231428
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>we are the same species
Really makes you think

>> No.9231595

As if you don't have uneducated opinions. Like for example the uneducated opinion that it is acceptable to dismiss other people as human beings on the basis that they have uneducated opinions about your topic of interest.
The problem is not as you perceive it the inferior intellect of people besides you. This phenomen stems from the requirements of the society we live in. This is what the adults around me always told me as I grew up "Never say "I don't know"". Rather than encouraging the acqisition of actual competence the educational system teaches children that to succeed they need before all self-confindence even if it is more often than not groundless.This is what my high school literature teacher (a person that by her vocation would be expected to have a better than average understanding of the human psyche) used to say: " How can you not have an opinion? Are you not a person?"
Then the citizens created by this educational system form the electoral majority. Really makes you think.

>> No.9231599

show don't tell is a huge, huge meme

>> No.9231617


>> No.9231618

Fuck off white knight

>> No.9231622

just for future reference, it's spelled "paid"

>> No.9231624

I find that an arbitrarily prescriptive convention

>> No.9231932

Because all writing rules are huge memes. Homer and Tolstoi "tell" all the time, just as they both "show"; Joyce uses adjectives all the time; and of course obfuscating prose can often be good, as in Lolita (apparently; I've never read it).
I bet you spell divers with two Es.

>> No.9231958


>> No.9232065

There is such a thing as narrative devices.
In Lolita the dissonance between presentation and actual content conveys the idea of unreliable narrative.
I don't know what exactly you mean about Homer but epic poetry follows its own conventions. It often uses hyperbole etc. for expressive purposes. Descriptive storytelling doesn't equal "telling instead of showing".
As for Tolstoy, his two-faced didacticism is obnoxious. Even if his writing has other merits that doesn't automatically justify its failings.

Just as the purpose of a non-fiction work is to argue its thesis rather than just present it, the purpose of a work of fiction is to illustrate its point, not to verbally relate it and expect you to accept it unquestioningly.

>> No.9232076

So go tell him he's a faggot in the comments. He will get the message and notification.

>> No.9232089

Why are women allowed to read, again?
I forgot

>> No.9232102
File: 281 KB, 700x933, 95530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey anon thanks fro the free drinks

>> No.9232111
File: 56 KB, 720x644, 9fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon thanks frog teh drinks

>> No.9232119

hitler hated women with a passion

mainly started despising the parliament because as an institution it let women get into it

jews and women destroyed culture

>> No.9232122

Idk about the jews part

>> No.9232126

The same reason you're allowed to speak.

>> No.9232133

And that is...?
Im not asking from a positivist standpoint, fuck that. What's the reason behind it

>> No.9232135

Hey, newfriend just letting you know that you confused /lit/ for >>>/pol/ .
Have a nice day.

>> No.9232162

Your teacher was just trying to get you to contribute some sort of thought for the class to use or show that you engaged with the reading. She wasn't trying to get you to publish or vote some sort of strong opinion, but you couldn't handle that because you're slow-witted and too arrogant to go out on a limb for the benefit of the class. You being a dunce doesn't say much about the educational system.

>> No.9232204

>glorified babysitting
nailed it desu

>> No.9232208

>ywn save her

>> No.9232275


>> No.9232318
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>She doesn't make sense, she's talking to herself, she's schizophrenic
>lacking exactly this much self awareness

>> No.9232405
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>> No.9232418

>history hurts my feefees

>> No.9232444


Someone told me I should play a video game called Spec Ops The Line so I started playing it and realised it was just a boring third person shooter adapted from Heart of Darkness with some Inferno thrown in. I told him this and he told me I had autism.

What the fuck?

>> No.9232480

Someone didn't fucking understand the ONE HUNDRED PAGE book

>> No.9232489


>> No.9232510

sounds like you guys have a really good back and forth

>> No.9232515


>> No.9232517

I will save this so I can post it in a cringe thread.

>> No.9232519

Fuck whoever that is man you're spot on

>> No.9232794

If course. The purpose of the whole exercise is to engender discussion and stimulate critical thinking. This idea in itself is correct but it's not so easy to implement.
If you dismiss a timid child as slow, dull and unimaginative you are not encouraging him to use critical thinking, nor do you do so if you praise a confident child as quick, clever and curious. You simply encourage them to remain timid or confident without necessarily engaging their mental abilities in any way.
The facts of the matter are that as it is, whether people manage to develop such skills or not and to what extent is mostly left to luck.
Even if we assume that most people who express uneducated opinions are just stupid simply dismissing them as such goes against the purpose of education. Critical thinking should not be beyond the capabilities of the average person. Yet the examples of the failure of such thinking derided in this thread are not singly observed in the sphere of literature.
I'm sorry if my earlier post came out edgy. I wasn't my intention to diss education workers but quite the opposite: trying to make a point that simply dismissing your opponents in an ad hominem attack on the basis of your intuitive visceral reaction is not very likely to lead to lucrative solutions.
The latter is not the fault of the educational system, of course, but simply a natural bias in human thinking that is geared toward more effective decision making. It's only natural that nobody likes to hear the word "probably". On the other hand we live in a complex society so it's to be expected that most people would lack sufficient knowledge in most spheres. Then if we observe that the majority of people express with confidence grossly uneducated opinions on a broad range of topics this is due to this above-mentioned bias rather than moronic levels of stupidity. Among other things education (formal or informal) should aim to help children overcome such flaws in reasoning.

To sum up, no one of the people who authored the reviews posted here will become a literature professor but that is not a reason to dismiss them as subhuman scum.

>> No.9232973

I don't get it, if she feel so sorry for Africa why did she hate the book?

>> No.9232980

She didn't understand it and just wanted to hate it because it's not light prose.

>> No.9232990
File: 111 KB, 851x623, 1451434768342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting C&P to be some shitty crime detective mystery

>> No.9233479

It's not a meme, pseuds just don't know what it means. Most of the greats follow "show, don't tell" pretty strictly, including Woolfe. She just shows thoughts, which is easy to confuse with telling if you're an idiot.

>> No.9233531

Because true democracy permits idiocy with a voice. Unless you're against democracy, which is fine as long as you provide good rhetoric against it.

>> No.9234021

"True" democracy is a fallacy. Democracy has changed a lot in the last 2500 years. Until 100 ago women weren't allowed to vote. If that was not "true" democracy how do you know if modern democracy is "true"? By what standards do you determine truthness?

>> No.9234044

I like you. You seem funny. I don't have any friends IRL, so I'd appreciate it if you could tell me about yourself so I can feel like I've made some kind of connection today.

>> No.9234079

It really needs to be recast as "show emotion, don't tell emotion"

>> No.9234112

This is a cringe thread.
What bothered you?

>> No.9234120
File: 39 KB, 739x416, pynchon-simpsons-0-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ that looks like me as a woman

>> No.9234153

>i would've done the same :D

>> No.9234171

Tell instead of show is literally the literary equivalent of muh character development for tv

>> No.9234183


Anglos deserve crime

>> No.9234195


>> No.9234205
File: 205 KB, 500x500, 6745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> TELL instead of SHOW

Goddamit this is what puts these over the edge for me. When these fucking morons criticize something with a concept they clearly do not fucking understand it puts me on full tilt. They just hear someone say that once and suddenly think it applies to anything they don't like.

Maybe not these exact people, but there are people who can actually willingly sit and read 'Ready Player One' and 'Harry Potter' as fully grown adults and actually convince themselves that Woolf is 'telling not showing' and people who like difficult writing are actually just being dishonest. It is so crazily egotistical.

>> No.9234211

>I didnt get it. One star, its shit
what the fuck

>> No.9234336

Where can I subscribe to her booktube?

>> No.9234345

The men make me angrier. You can't really expect any understanding of literature from women but these cucks are the worst.

>> No.9234359

Fuck off, Bloch.

>> No.9234401

Are you actually retarded or are you just pretending?

>> No.9234419

I guess I am retarded. Please, explain.

>> No.9234436

I believe that women are just unable to understand authors like Conrad and Melville, they are too limited

>> No.9234524

Far cry 2 did this but better

>> No.9234544

His complaints are valid, the electorate has expanded over the years, land used to be, and really still covertly is, the defining characteristic of influence in government and politics, but slowly varying classes of people have been allowed to vote.

In the beginning, under democracies, only men could vote, and those who had land.

>> No.9234558

Voting should be again restricted to taxpaying and land owning men over 25

>> No.9234803

*white men

>> No.9234814

That goes without saying, non-whites won't exist in my neo-spartan utopia

>> No.9234849


They're just repeating something someone who has a social image of being smart has said without understanding it.

>> No.9234858

Because I was memeing you.

>> No.9234860

Is the plot good? All I remember from that game was driving through dirt roads and setting fire to the savannah. I enjoyed Spec Ops shtick despite it being pretentious as fuck.

>> No.9234879

Far cry 2 was pretty creatively innovative for a video game, I enjoyed it but there was a limit to what they could do with the Kurtz/Marlow parallels because of the necessarily silent protagonist. I liked it because I love heart of darkness and Jackal was a pretty good translation of Kurtz, if overly heavy handed

>> No.9234882


Here. Sorry. I guess I should have read the entire thread before replying lol.

>> No.9234926

Is it a coincidence that tasteless readers are often bad writers?

>> No.9234952
File: 163 KB, 698x1284, received_1429125307111530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of pic related.

I posted it on Facebook and some guy, presumably some numale, replied to it, saying "this is offensive. Why do you find this funny?"

...ignoring the whole point and context.

>> No.9235194

it's more embrassing that you posted that on facebook

>> No.9235233

shame on you, don't you know facebook is primarily for tagging people, messaging, and keeping up with invites. who the fuck post things

>> No.9235346

Don't know why he said you had autism, it's pretty goddamn clear that's what they wanted to get across.
Antagonist is named Conrad fer fucks sake

>> No.9236148

For some reason people think pointing out allusions and homages in modern literature/movies/whatever is saying they've ripped something off when it's often quite the opposite.

>> No.9236155

You cannot find peace by avoiding life.

>> No.9236209


I don't get it, please explain with what is meant with the difference between telling and showing.
Does this person mean with showing that things have to play out like in film? Things just play out? Does it equate minimalism?

>> No.9236262

Showing is describing Jim walking around his apartment being depressed and doing depressed things.

Telling is saying Jim was depressed.

It's not inherently wrong to tell instead of show but for most beginners it's a good rule to be aware of at least.