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9229076 No.9229076 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about women from a redpilled (i.e. objective, non-ideological, Absolute, undistorted, capital-T True) perspective?

I've already read Schopenhauer's 'On Women', Weininger's Sex and Character, and Rodger's My Twisted World.
Is there anything besides this Holy Trinity?

pic related a women

>> No.9229083

>redpilled (i.e. objective, non-ideological, Absolute, undistorted, capital-T True)

Don't try to infuse the retarded red-pill term with those attributes, also: it's impossible to attain knowledge on women that meets these standards

>> No.9229094
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This >>9229083

>> No.9229097
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>> No.9229157

I urge you to take the redpill

>> No.9229180

Lysistrata by Aristophanes.

>> No.9229190

Women have an inherent chaotic, illogical Element that's also always changing

It doesn't form their entire personality but it's often a prominent feature

>> No.9229233

>objective, non-ideological, Absolute, undistorted, capital-T True
I too want to take methodological liberties under a veneer of absolute rigor.

>> No.9229236

This is what I'm looking for. Something about how women are innately irrational and not rational like you or me (as white men)

>> No.9229244
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>> No.9229250


>(as white men)

While I agree with the sentiment, you have failed to specify your eye color, political affiliation and christian denomination, thus, I cannot yet determine if you are a RATIONAL male, who uses LOGIC, REASON and SCIENCE in your thought instead of being governed by your EMOTIONS.

>> No.9229263

This. I only accept Westerners who have converted to Orthodoxy who believe in a meritocratic technocracy. Brunettes with hazel eyes obviously.

Otherwise, you are fucking untermenschen

>> No.9229290

As I said, it's only ONE feature that many women share, but the rest of "their" range of personalities totally overlaps with that of the range of personalities of men. Also, it probably developed as a response to the way men controlled women in early modern and modern societies
Both from my perspective and from psych research

>> No.9229612

You can't have an objective take on a group of people-there's always going to be exceptions to any rules you impose, particularly about either men or women, as they're such huge categories.

Enough with the "redpill" stuff. The redpill in its original context means seeing the truth, but by their very nature, politics and people are so subjective there can be no objectivity.

>> No.9229633

>t. brainwashed liberal

>> No.9229640

No, I'm not making any value judgements on anyone-just pointing out that it's impossible to be objective about subjective things.

>> No.9229642

So it's not an objective fact that multiculturalism is a cancer on the white race and that trannies are mentally ill?

Kek, back to /r/books, sweety

>> No.9229653

I wasn't talking about those. The tranny thing is objective scientific fact. But saying things like "all women are x" or "all black people are y" is fallacious.

>> No.9229665

Where's the exception to a women or a black making a literary masterpiece then?
You're being manipulated and you don't even see it. Try to think for yourself for a change instead of what your Marxist professors say

>> No.9229682

This is the most obvious bait in the universe and you fucking dorks are unhinging your jaws to swallow it. Are you retarded? Is this all one samefag keeping the thread going?

>> No.9229695

I'm not them, but women like Murasaki Shikibu, George Elliot, Viriginia Woolf and Shelley wrote great literary works.

No idea about blacks though.

But, one also can't deny that if a group doesn't get educated, it's very difficult to do anything revolutionary, so in that regard yes, women are behind men in terms of creating great things. For most of history they were confined to very specific roles and had little time or education (not to mention dying in childbirth all the time).

It's a very selective view of history that people like you have, and it's to push an agenda, just as much as your common SJW.

>> No.9229706

>not realizing that even though this is bait we still need to redpill people who defend women and minorities
Use any occasion and opportunity to stop the subversion

>> No.9229709
File: 61 KB, 306x306, aesthetic-ariana-ariana-grande-funny-Favim.com-3089046[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women like Murasaki Shikibu, George Elliot, Viriginia Woolf and Shelley
>wrote great literary works.

>> No.9229711
File: 227 KB, 773x960, 1460880456214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9229714

Look, I'm honestly curious, and need advice or experience. It isn't an attack (i.e. "you're a virgin hur dur"). Do you have a girlfriend? Have you ever? What impact does your dislike and disrespect of women have on a relationship with one? I'm worried that those views will impact on actually getting a girlfriend or wife.

Asking for a friend.

>> No.9229726

>thinking I want anything to do with modern women who have all taken 500 cocks before leaving high school

Women have destroyed the West

>> No.9229735

So, no. Okay. I can't help it if I want a comfortable and happy relationship. I'm torn because I have good female friends, my sisters and mother are not as described, but there are a lot of girls like the ones this website describes.

Guess I'll have to somehow purge myself of these opinions the site has given me if I ever want that.

>> No.9229746

>happy relationship
>with worthless cheating whores who can't truly love, can't truly be loyal, and can't truly be ethical

> I have good female friends, my sisters and mother are not as described
They are inferior to me. They are based creatures, sinful and unworthy of emotional investment

>> No.9229750

Jesus Christ, who hurt you anon?

>> No.9229757

Then I have a question- does your hatred make you happy? Do you have friends? Because people have turned away from me when I express anything slightly hateful towards any "marginalised" or whatever groups.

>> No.9229777

>Because people have turned away from me when I express anything slightly hateful towards any "marginalised" or whatever groups.
Stay true to the redpill. Those people are brainwashed and lost already. Keep fighting the good fight.
I've seen what's happened to the West since letting women vote

>> No.9229797

But does it make you happy? I'm neither of them, just been lurking, and I'm curious. Do you have friends?

>> No.9229805
File: 32 KB, 750x400, The_Truth_About_Bitcoin_Stefan_Molyneux__FreeDomainRadio__15812-750x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> objective

>> No.9229818
File: 428 KB, 1600x1200, P1020162[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Able Woman. Bad Girls. The Bimbo. The Bitch. Defective Female. The Lady. Liability Girl. Personality Girl. Scatterbrained Female. Thug Woman. Unstable Female. Tit For Tat/Take Back. Spoiling. Written and Unwritten Rules

You want to look up Simon Sheppard's book "The Tyranny of Ambiguity"...I have to warn in advance that eventually his reputation was so tarnished that even neo-nazi's disavowed him.

It's really fascinating in terms of misogynist anthropological experimentation in the field.

>> No.9229824

>I have to warn in advance that eventually his reputation was so tarnished that even neo-nazi's disavowed him.
How do you even get to that point? What does he say?

>> No.9229837

The Manipulated Man

Here's some other shit as well


>> No.9229862

I think that in one of his experiments he tries to chat up a black, possibly mid-teen, girl which was not a huge hit with neo-nazis and they seem to believe that some of the rhetoric towards women is too sexist.

>> No.9229868

I have no friends and I am not happy. But at least I know the truth. Happy sex-having liberals may think they're happy, but they're leading degenerate lives that spite their white ancestors

>> No.9229876

What does "redpilled" even mean anymore? Half the time they're anti-rationalist/anti-enlightenment Evola-posters and the rest of the time they're spamming infographics and and whining about cultural relativism.

>> No.9229886

>white nationalism
>capitalist, but want capitalism without sex in media, immigration, political correctness, and women in the workforce
>pro anime

>> No.9229902

This is what interests me about it, it's so contrarian...it's a genuine avant-garde state of being.
We will look back at this incredible paranoiac way of living eventually, but to experience it now is quite special.

>> No.9229911

Well, that's depressing. Bluepill for me.

>> No.9229946

>Simon Sheppard's book "The Tyranny of Ambiguity"...
>I have to warn in advance that eventually his reputation was so tarnished that even neo-nazi's disavowed him

you have my attention

>> No.9229982

The red pill is the incel equivalent of post-Frankfurt marxism.

You realize the chads won and the situation of your life had reached the point that there's no hope of ever getting laid or even touching a girl, so they own it and turn it into a curse.

>I'll be a virgin for life but I didn't want to get laid anyway, women are evil reeeee

Also what mental gymnastics lead someone to be a white nationalist and an antinatalist?

>> No.9230010

Redpilled is to see things as they are. Like in The Matrix. To see the Truth.

>> No.9230098

Invisible Man and the works of Baldwin come to mind.

Franz Fanon is great as well, I'd put Hilton Als in there too.

>> No.9230127

>pro anime

Doesn't that conflict with the whole anti-degenerate stance? I can't imagine degeneracy and watching anime as separate things, let alone having people who watch anime feel as if they have any right to label anyone else as degenerate.