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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 161 KB, 1368x684, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9217873 No.9217873 [Reply] [Original]

On the right: 65 tomes with spine showing (women authors) vs 31 with spine hidden (male authors). Photo shows opposite of what they claim.

>> No.9217899

Girls rule. Women are good writers. Get over it.

>> No.9217912

did they just assume their gender?

>> No.9217913

>go to romance section
>all the spines are showing

>> No.9217916
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>> No.9217917

lol holy fuck do they not realize how ridiculous that looks?

this is why we need islam

>> No.9217922


Imshallah brother. Women should not write, and if they do we should burn their works.

>> No.9217942

desu thoough women actually ARE better writers than men. many studies show this

>> No.9217943

why though?

>> No.9217971

idk i just remember hearing about it in some gender studies class

>> No.9217974
File: 588 KB, 2048x1536, loganberry_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, this is a feminist bookstore, so the balance is going to be unusually weighed towards women authors (compared to most bookstores).
Second, whoever chose that careful sample shot, it's meaningless. Look at this larger photo of the entire store: there are obviously more turned books than spines.
Third, the act is a way of highlighting women authors for a month. Whatever percentage of the store's book they are, it's still an interesting move. And hell, why would it bother anyone much? You can go elsewhere, or wait a few weeks to have the effortless browsing resumed.

>> No.9217977

but, why?

>> No.9218009

Can women even read?

>> No.9218017

>go to classics section
>no spines showing

>> No.9218027


>> No.9218036

Soooo you'll still know which were written by men? I don't get the point really.

>> No.9218055

Just to save time, can we take it as read that I listed some, you went "nah, those aren't classics, kek", and I called you a wanker? In a bit of a rush today.

>> No.9218079

Does it have a point? Are we supposed to feel like something is wrong? Maybe there are more male writers than female. The exhibition fails to show why this is bad. There isn't exactly a shortage of women authored books.

>> No.9218106

What the hell is a "fiction gender gap" anyways? Are they saying male authors get published more because they are male? And how is this silencing them? You will still know which ones were written by men since they only turned those written by men. Seems like it's just more feminist stupidity.

>> No.9218126

That's subjective.

>> No.9218142

The stupidity of it isn't because it's feminist, it is because their message, whatever that is supposed to be, is poorly conveyed.

>> No.9218154

Haves claiming to be have nots annoy me

>> No.9218161

>many studies show this
*studies done by women

>> No.9218161,1 [INTERNAL] 

American women can't write. The same is not true for the rest of the world's women though.

>> No.9218321

>christmas lights
Every fucking time

>> No.9218393

>mfw they don't turn evelyn waugh around

>> No.9218397

different anon. there's a couple reasons. women tend to be better writers because they are better at fine motor skills: their writing tends to be more legible, earlier, and they dedicate more time to it. most men wouldn't spend their youth perfecting love heart tittles but women value style.
secondly, they tend to hypercorrect grammar. men care the content carries, while women care it's properly presented.
thirdly, they tend to greater sentence length and complexity. you sometimes see this in male writers with insanity (joyce, proust). locquacious and flowery speech in men is often seen as a defect, and while hemmingway is not the best model of a man, his muscular prose, and the telegraphic style which defines the noir detective genre are seen as models of male prose. females learn it as a matter of course and so often use greater complexity than content demands.
fourthly they learn more social linguistic codes than men. they need to be able to comport themselves in female only spaces, with children, and with men. a housemaid's diary will generally mix more working class slang with upper class vocabulary than a footman's because the footman will opt to forgo working class vocabulary in favour of one register acceptable to his sphere of life. gay women tend to mix more social codes in their use of language than even females, which gives them generally the greatest linguistic dexterity overall.
>tl;dr- nietzsche was right about women who take philosophy being excellent but having something wrong with their sexual organs, goddamn dykes

>> No.9218399

There are plenty of areas where women are underrepresented.

Contemporary literature is not fucking one of them.

>> No.9218404


>> No.9218408

Which way does the Bible face? That spine better be hidden, you feminist shits.

>> No.9218411


>> No.9218426

Good post.

>> No.9218429


Yeah why do you never hear about the lack of women as
>plumbing and hvac technicians
>electronic linemen
>oil rig workers
>industrial divers

>> No.9218438

Racist and sexist people on the left think that the authors race or sex add or detract literary merit and I don't think I'll ever understand why. I can only imagine shopping for a book and feeling compelled to use my phone to look up a picture of the author to decide whether or not I buy it. Do they just not realize how sexist they are?

>> No.9218440
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>women don't write as many books as men have
>still a fairly large number of authors and works published
>we're being silenced!!!


>> No.9218465

>>oil rig workers
i know a couple female plumbers and sparkies (not saying that's normal) but i know oil rig workers are rare because almost every company will refuse to let any female, no matter how qualified, on a rig over night with twelve guys on a six month posting. they'd have to pay her high class hooker prices per night plus her engineers salary for it to be worth it in hazard pay. every now and then i meet a girl outraged by it, but i haven't met twelve yet qualified to man the first female only rig. once it sinks in that there're problems like "you might get swept overboard and there is nothing humanity can do about that", a lot of the women outraged by the "you might get raped" hazard no longer thought it worth the hazard pay already in your salary, so i don't see the female only rig forthcoming, just because they seem to not want to do the job when they won't get raped. all the female plumbers and electricians i know on the other hand don't mind that shit.

i know a few female rescue divers and cave divers and shit, but most divers are fucking cracked anyway. putting them in with the rest who are probably doing it because it's worth the money makes the other jobs seem more crazy. fucking around with your gf's birth control revolutionised the field, don't pretend people do industrial diving because they're sane.

>> No.9218467

Women develop fine motor skills as girls when they are encouraged to do activities involving those skills. Men develop bodily motor skills because they are encouraged to take part in activities that involve those skills. Look at the handwriting of men a hundred years ago. It was neat and legible. Men are just as capable of developing fine motor skills as women. A lot of your post sounds like it was pulled out of your bumbum, tbqh.

>> No.9218479

it doesn´t bother me i just don´t buy in bookstores that are openly sexist

and fuck me why, why does anyone care what the fucking gender of a book is?
i am serious what possible reason can anyone have besides pure retardation?

>> No.9218481


The point is women are underrepresented in pretty much every blue-collar field of work even though it's possible to make good money in them, but you never hear about their lack of representation in those fields.

>> No.9218508

women and children used be employed for finer machine work and work in smaller spaces because of their greater fine motor skills.

men do have better hand eye coordiantion which can be trained, but the natural physical barrier of their size and their later development of it makes women naturally better at fine motor skills and for much longer.
spatial reasoning helps with many things, but having larger fingers is not one of them.

in the same period that monks are going blind from writing legibly in large enough script, women are going blind in convents making lace which is far more delicate. women have a natural tendency to doing the things you need smaller fingers for, which is hardly a revolutionary idea. men by and large are not physically capable of the same fine motor skills from the same training as women are at the same age. it was inefficient to hire them for fine skills, when they cost more and couldn't do the job as fast. (which is also in part why deaths of female children were so high in industrial mills)

>> No.9218563

i agree with that, i'm not saying it's normal to know a couple females in either trade. all the females i know got into it because they needed the money, and while it is blue collar work, they make more than a lot of my middle class friends who would become a barista but complain about female-male pay gaps and their tips.

the thing is though, most blue collar women i know would marry and housewife or part time job if they could get a husband with a trade. if they valued financial independence, they'd get a trade (and some do, because i know them). but, the people who tend to complain about the lack of representation aren't generally from that background. they don't know what a line man does let alone what a fair wage for one would be, and they don't care. they don't know how long an apprenticeship is, or even what one is. women who want to marry one from the same background know those things and they don't complain, but get engaged before he's fully qualified, or drop out to get a trade at 16 like the boys if they want financial stability on their own (hairdressers being overrepresented with females never seems to come up either).

normally the people complaining about these things have no idea the hazards or realities of these things is what i'm saying. it's middle class people bitching they don't have a more prestigious middle class job, even though they could probably make more as a plumber than as an editor for the feminist regional magazine. it's like complaining you don't hear enough flute music these days... it triggers all my bougie senses.

i don't think you really want to draw middle class attention to things that run well without their identity politics all over it. the oil rig sjws who want to be allowed work there when the risk is they might get raped, but don't want to work there when the risk is they might get drowned is kind of a case in point.

>> No.9218565

why do women think that they presence is a criterion for quality? why do they feel entitled to things because they have a cunt?

should we reduce the number of male authors published to make them feel better? I mean they are obviously not writing enough books, or there would be no need for this, at least in the contemporary section

who gave them idea that this is somehow oppression?

>> No.9218745

Slippery slope in action. They're fed the idea since birth that they're "oppressed", because at one point they were. Because of this, any perceived discrepancy between the two genders, and any disadvantage affecting women, regardless of the cause, and whether it also affects men, is interpreted as the fault of the "patriarchy", and proof of their own worldview. Any evidence that stands in opposition to this worldview is easily handwaved away as "mansplaining" via the concept of "privilege". It's the exact same thing that's happening with minorities in general. They're oppressed for years and then suddenly liberated, then, realising liberation isn't what they expected and isn't good enough for them, they demand more.

Obviously I'm not saying the original equal rights movements shouldn't have happened, but they clearly catalysed what's going on in liberal thought at the moment.

>> No.9218750
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>> No.9220358
File: 1.40 MB, 3000x3000, 1483917518148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't be sexist against men. Stop trying to play the victim game. There's nothing more pathetic than a white man trying to squeeze into the oppression olympics.

You are the descendant of philosophers, scientists,and conquerors. Act like a true son of Europa not a groveling worm.

>> No.9220368

How about they start hiding medical products invented by males? How about that?

>> No.9220371

>studies can determine value judgements

Go back to >>>/sci/ and off yourself, brainlet.

>> No.9220381

>better at writing
>anon interprets this as better handwriting

infinite jej

you also fail to prove why there are so few great works by female writers (proportionally)

>> No.9220385

>why would it bother anyone much?

Why would anything bother anyone?

>> No.9220393

Seriously. Tumblrettes have an obsessive fascination with Christmas lights. It shouldn't, but it makes me so mad.

>> No.9220419

It's kind of sexist against women though. They believe women need all kinds of handicapping to compete. The best don't though. Even the die hard misogynists here have read at least some Viriginia Woolf and George Eliot. It's just the mediocrities who need the handicapping.

>> No.9220504

Ruth is for faggots.
Judith is the superior liturgykino

>> No.9220581

>tfw I actually really like the look of christmas lights but don't want to be associated with them

>> No.9220707
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>> No.9220720
File: 228 KB, 640x480, geniuschair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam son, I can see why people on /lit/ think they're geniuses.

How did you decipher that a line copied from South Park used in its original context ironically is still being used ironically?

Dam, son. They gots the big brains here in /lit/.

>> No.9220735
File: 279 KB, 660x440, obama-laugh1.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't read a full post on a board dedicated to reading.
>Doesn't know much about literature on a board dedicated to it.
>Smartest board on 4chan.

>> No.9220743

>they paid staff to do this

>> No.9221134

>Gender gap in writing even though there have been no barriers to becoming a female author since ever.

Maybe men are, I don't know... better authors?

>> No.9221154

>tfw searches for jezebel now bring up worse vestiges of baal
>tfw i'd settle for searching jezebel bringing up asimov at this point
i like the ladies who stand on ceremony. decapitation in a tent isn't even cronenberg.

>> No.9221374

I guess no classics today

>> No.9221707

I wonder if they kept George Elliot facing out...

>> No.9221717

It's demonstrating that male authors have had the superior voice, and that most readers tend to avoid female authors (which is true, because I do that), and in that regard women go virtually unheard.

I honestly don't see what's so bad about it. It's not much different than that video MTV posted of "new years resolutions for white guys," and people lost their fucking minds and called it racist. There was nothing remotely racist about it, but the response of all those angry white dudes, feeling marginalized, only proved that they can't take criticism any better than whom we accuse for the same thing.

Only MRAs get angry over shit like this.

>> No.9221720

>George Elliot

Can someone explain this meme to me? Is he tranny or something?

>> No.9221723

It's not a meme. George Elliot is the pen name of Mary Anne Evans. It was easier to have a book published, and taken seriously, if people thought you were male at that time.

>> No.9221724
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>> No.9221749

Esther >>>>>>>> Ruth

>> No.9221753


>> No.9221758

great, now i can more easily discern which books to avoid (those written by women (they're bad writers and have infantile, shallow, pedestrian thoughts and minds))

>> No.9221759

I hope she's okay.

>> No.9221760

No. They just aren't, men write better fiction unfortunately, although there are some outliers like Lydia David, Flannery O'Connor etc.

>> No.9221806

Message poorly conveyed seems to be synonymous with feminism.

>> No.9221817

wtf i hate men now

>> No.9221825

Lydia Davis sucks. O'Connor is p good.

Try Virginia Woolf bro she writes better than you.

Try Mary Caponegro, again brilliant.

Try the like million other women writers.

You just don't read women because you suck apparently.

Bet ya'll couldn't even get through Tender Buttons.

>> No.9221828

If he's gonna off himself why does it matter what board he's on, also the perceived superiority makes you look like a shitposting brainlet.

>> No.9221839

She spelled Bruce wrong kek

>> No.9221859

>this is a feminist bookstore


>> No.9221977
File: 509 KB, 1200x967, scientific accomplishment by region.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It has nothing to do with racism, it's the double standard that's infuriating. For men who have a sense of fairness, it's hard to understand modern feminism, race-activism, etc. I happen to think that we're all equal and that nobody should get special advantages just because they're brown, or a woman or whatever. Of course poor people need a leg up, but why should a rich black kid get a scholarship and not a poor European-American? By the same token, we shouldn't blame one ethnic group for unfortunate things that happened hundreds of years ago, especially when you consider all the essential technical, social, and artistic advances made by that very same ethnic group.

If it weren't for white, male, doctors most people would not even be alive today. The birthrate explosion in China is attributable to the adoption of Western medicine, because as we all know Chinese "medicine" doesn't really work. So, honesty, I think us white dudes deserve a round of applause :^)

>> No.9221988

Is male a sex? Yes? Then it is sexist. There is nothing else to it.

>> No.9221992


Well, if it were actually good we'd probably finish it.

*drops mic*

>> No.9221993

have you realized that social justice isn't about "equality" or "justice", it's about taking down the people who have traditionally been at the top of the hierarchy in western countries (whites, men, straights, etc) and replacing them?

once you realize that, the double standards and hypocrisy make more sense

>> No.9221996


>Only MRAs

No, you see MRAs reacting wildly while a massive majority of sane people shake their heads and get on with their day, realizing we live in an anti-intellectual global culture and that voicing dissent would result in a torrent of abuse. Please don't confuse the failure of your moral tyranny and hypocrisy with actual facts.

>> No.9222000


>Take the concept of privilege. In contemporary sociology, this refers to a set of unearned advantages that certain groups (usually whites and males) possess simply by virtue of possessing a certain identity (e.g. white, male, heterosexual, etc). It is then argued that privilege for one group can only exist where there is also oppression of another group: privilege and oppression entail one another like a hill entails a valley. Accordingly, if privilege is tied to the very possession of a certain identity, then the very existence of that identity (and the group associated therewith) is ipso facto proof of oppression. The end result is that certain groups (again, usually whites and males) impose oppression on other groups (non-whites and females) simply by existing: so long as they exist, the claim of oppression (and its corollaries, bigotry, prejudice, malfeasance, exploitation etc) remains valid. One does not need to be especially bright to grasp the intellectual and political utility of this proposition.

>> No.9222128

anyone down to open up a hyper-masculine fascist bookstore?

>> No.9222173

i don't care. i will read what appeals to me. fuck off.

>> No.9222182

>buhu give woman all sorts of help because they are so incredibly inferior to the amazing perfect übermenschen that are men

you are retarded you can be sexist against men that´s how this word works.

and these things are the definition of seeing females as pathetic and weak

you people are disgusting

>> No.9222215
File: 182 KB, 990x743, FEWER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When global liberalism finally triumphs over the phallocracy, you will be made to care.

>> No.9222218

i'll just write my own shit and read that. i win.

>> No.9222232

I think it's a good act, Terrible for business though. No one wants to slog through that mess just to find what they want

>> No.9222236

>writer's name is George
>anon sez 'it's a lady'

Anon, please.

>> No.9222244


It's a feminist bookstore so it's probably all shit anyway.

>> No.9222254

>hi, welcome to V's Used Bookstore! how can i help you?
>hi, do you happen to have a copy of We by Zamyatin?
>oh, you wouldn't like that! here, we have a copy of handmaiden's tale right here, i definitely think you'd like it
>uhm, no, i'm sorry, but i'd really like We, do you have it?
>oh but i really think you'd prefer the handmaiden's tale!
>ah, okay well, i think i'll look elsewhere, thank you.

the woman behind the counter waits as the door closes behind him
>fucking sexist

>> No.9222258

t. I pull everything out of my ass

>> No.9222280

yeah, lets really nail down the fascist-readers portion of the market, im sure well be rolling in dough :')

>> No.9222312

>You can't be sexist against men
Which is poorer bait? This one, or the "you can't be racist against white people" one?

>> No.9222328

heck just the male readers portion is a vow of poverty

>> No.9222408

Look at those dead, soulless eyes. These people are brainwashed.

>> No.9222531
File: 135 KB, 589x692, Ox96TnB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waah women are being meanies to me. I thought they wanted equality. waah

Did you only read the first sentence of what i wrote? You're a European man. You can take what you want. Do what you want.

There is no equality. The world is yours all you need to do is reach out and take it. Stop letting everyone and their dog walk all over you. Become who you were born to be.

>> No.9222534

>You're a European man. You can take what you want. Do what you want.
You are delusional.

>> No.9222537

dfw is male

>> No.9222543
File: 125 KB, 540x405, image1-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this kind of attitude that has lead European men to the pathetic state they are in today.

The pseudo-religion of equality will not save you from the marginalization of your culture, tradition, and people.

Abandon this crap and seize the world that lies in front of you.

>> No.9222558

Just like the gender gap:)

>> No.9222564

what are you talking about?
i mean yes yes i know shitposting
but that is pretty retarded even on 4chan standards

>> No.9222584

He's saying might makes right, whereas, on the other hand, being a pissant who boycotts bookstores because they're 'sexist to me' does not.

>> No.9222590

So what you are saying is that we should firebomb the bookstores?

>> No.9222596

>women are so equal that we have to literally hide all works by men just so that people can see how equal women are

>> No.9222616

Not at the moment, because then the mightier police will arrest you. But if you could get enough people from the police/army and enough popular backing, for example, then yeah, that'd work.

Not that I think you should, or that that wouldn't be childish, but I thought it should be obvious what the anon was trying to say, and I was just angry that you were too stupid to understand him.

>> No.9222617

It's silencing them because you can't read the title of the book without removing it from the shelf.

>> No.9222621

but they are sexist to women not to "me"

>> No.9222639

>fiction gender gap
These words are in the wrong order

>> No.9222647

read up

>> No.9222651

>feminist bookstore

>> No.9222985

>waah women are being meanies to me
Stop projecting, that's not what it is about
>You're a European man. You can take what you want. Do what you want.
Irrelevant to the point of whether sexism against men is possible or not. The fact that (you perceive) men are superior to women does not mean that you can't be sexist against a man. It also has nothing to do with a victim role, it has nothing to do with 'women being mean'. Sexism is discrimination based on gender, and is not exclusive to a single group.

>> No.9223033

more like gap-gender fiction, amirite

cause they've got a gap between they legs

>> No.9223099

Women can "discriminate" against men only because men allow them to. The women don't really have any power it's just weak willed men letting them do what they want.

Same with racism. The idea that someone can be racist against Europeans is a complete joke.

You have all the might as a European man. Seize it and mold this world to your will. Stop whining like a little girl.

>> No.9223122

I honestly hope that your grasp of the meaning of words isn't this poor and you're just baiting. Otherwise you are simply retarded

>> No.9223137

>Women can't write.
>Women can't make music.
>Women can't paint.
>Women can't be funny.
>Women can't into science.

Anything else? Truly the plebeian gender.
I'd hate to be born a chick. Sure, they have life on easy mode... but they literally exist purely to get "fucked". It's embarrassing in all honesty.

Their constant protests of "inequality" only serve as the perfect example of the differences between men and women. You see, men would simply fix the "problem", where as all women do is use up their energy to complain about it repeatedly.

>> No.9223170

nice dubs illiterate

>> No.9223172

I'm not baiting. I'm telling you to stop acting like a crippled black woman trying to work your way through the oppression Olympics.

You are a son of Europa. If something is bothering you or making you angry do something about it. Seize the power and crush your enemies.

If women are getting too uppity you don't beg them to please stop you seize your birthright and tell them to stop. Women and non Europeans don't have this luxury. They live in whatever world we let them live in.

>> No.9223178

And you can't read either.

Keep spouting those same sentences over and over bud

>> No.9223181 [DELETED] 

>hurr masculinity = sports
>women are more complex writers becuz I said so
Read a book

>> No.9223188

Keep living like a slave then. Beg and grovel for every little thing.

At least you can be snarky right?

>> No.9223190

Except I'm not, which you would have known if you could actually read a word more than whatever it is you want to read.

>> No.9223204 [DELETED] 

Women who are brainwashed into doing men's jobs are pathetic. Don't they know that they're physically inferior and that their existence is only shitting up productivity?

>> No.9223217

ok. ok. wow. just... ok. this kinda shit is actually an insult to women


>> No.9223225

Men write the best romance as well.

>> No.9223229 [DELETED] 

This is a meme. There were actually more female authors than male authors back then, but 99% of them wrote shitty romance novels. George Eliot despised the female authors of her time and used a male pen name so people don't lump her in with them.

>> No.9223238

The only way women can compete is if you can't see the man books, kek

>> No.9223243 [DELETED] 

>I don't like modern feminism but equal rights was a good thing
>sexism is bad
Go to reddit you half-bluepilled shits

>> No.9223244

anon's right. he seems to be giving you a 101 class on linguistics. next y'all will be crying that girls usually pass linguistic tests better.

>> No.9223252 [DELETED] 


If we just stopped being cucks, us Europeans could swiftly put niggers back in the fields and women back in the kitchen.

>> No.9223257 [DELETED] 

Being able to into grammar != being a great writer.

Women categorically lack creativity. Creativity is a distinctively male trait.

>> No.9223267

>woolf v joyce never happens
>pound didn't think HD better
>montagu isn't the reason Shakespeare's regarded well
>women aren't the purveyors of speech to the next generation
mmmkay good luck with that thesis.

>> No.9223283 [DELETED] 

Everybody with half a brain knows that Woolf is immeasurably inferior to Joyce.

HD was an exception and a lesbian.

It's very telling that people can only name the same few female authors.

Creativity requires strength, courage, and single-mindedness that women lack (unless they're lesbians). Because a woman's highest goal in life is to be a mother, and being obsessive over art and philosophy would harm that. Men also needed to develop creativity for hunting.

>> No.9223297

Joyce isn't better than Woolf. He's not even better than Hamsun, and he's certainly not as good as Flann O'Brien. Joyce impresses people who are impressed by phrasebooks in Norwegian giving the phonetics.

HD being a lesbian plays into anon's final point. As does Woolf, if you'd bothered to read Mrs Dalloway.

Montagu and Shakespeare I note you left untouched.

Your trait theory seems like a religious fascination. Probably why you think Joyce god.

>> No.9223311 [DELETED] 

>Joyce isn't better than Woolf. He's not even better than Hamsun, and he's certainly not as good as Flann O'Brien. Joyce impresses people who are impressed by phrasebooks in Norwegian giving the phonetics.
Awful taste.
>Montagu and Shakespeare I note you left untouched.
Critics do not need to be creative people.
>Your trait theory seems like a religious fascination. Probably why you think Joyce god.
Good argument. Ad homs really fire up the neurons

>> No.9223320

>Awful taste.
HA! Says the guy who thinks Joyce is better than O'Nolan. You've not only shit taste, you've a shit sense of humour.
>Critics do not need to be creative people.
And you as an idiot don't need half the skills of a critic or translator in the 18th Century, but it won't make your opinion more valuable than hers.
>Good argument. Ad homs really fire up the neurons
It's not my fault history disagrees with your religious view of history. Take it up with your prophet, I'm sure he's wandering round the Dalkey Archive still.

>> No.9223329 [DELETED] 

lol, this is beyond pathetic. Thanks for validating every stereotype about fat SJW feminazis

>> No.9223335

>he thinks knowing more about Shakespeare and Brian O'Nolan than him is SJW
You are aware you're on a literature board?

>> No.9223350

>calling the guy who plugged Hamsun "fat SJW feminazis"
to be fair, anon, only the nazi part of that is likely to be true of a hamsun fan.

>> No.9223357

all plebs
see >>9223137

>> No.9223363

>Hamsun is female
Jesus these gender obsessed freaks are such plebs they don't even know which authors are male. Kill yourself for the good of the race.

>> No.9223387

I probably know more about Hamsun than you ever will, you insufferable moron.

>> No.9223389

When did I ever imply Hamsun was female?

>> No.9223395

Then you know what a subhuman you just presented yourself to be. You're a failure as a man, as a reader, and you're unlikely to hold to a viable womb. You are an abomination, worse than a jew who could at least be crafty or even female. Kill yourself you subhuman, lying, illiterate scum.

>> No.9223403 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 476x386, IMG_0732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 authors does not mean that women are just as creative as men. You're vastly overrating Montagu too. Samuel Johnson is the reason Shakespeare is so popular.

Anyway, you obviously have a deep-seated inferiority complex. Can't blame you, you're female.

>> No.9223405

What the fuck kind of virgin beta fast fuckery is this?
I'm not female, you fucking dunce.

See >>9223137 and shhh now.

>> No.9223409

Anon seems to think that talking about Hamsun being male needs reference to a retarded post which isn't about literature but about anon's fantasy of female/male relations and complements. If anon had read any fucking Hamsun at all, he'd see no need to link the first post in that list back to a retarded post like >>9223137
But anon is retarded and thinks he can blag his way through Hamsun as though those scars are imitable.

>> No.9223426

montagu is the reason why shakespeare's rated the way he is. giving that to johnson is just bizarre (though johnsoneque) especially when if you want to cite a main defender of shakespeare who's male you should go with garrick.
>i'm wrong therefore anon must be female
tough shit, anon, your retarded is showing with picking johnson over garrick. i'd have more respect for someone who tried to sneak it through as boswell's readership is large, but you went full retard.

>> No.9223434

kekekekekekekekekekekeke dumb. go talk with bitches at the feminist bookshop, that's obviously the speed of conversation you're looking for.

>> No.9223447 [DELETED] 

Refer to the pic at >>9223403

University idiots like you are beyond saving.

>> No.9223452

>get mocked for not reading
>inform anon that pictures are just as good as books
you're beyond special, petal

>> No.9223474

Point me to where I said I've never read Hamsun?
You're a fucking pleb. I bet you haven't even read Hamsun, have you?

>> No.9223481

>still can't be a man
You probably need Hamsun more than the "notes from the underground are my life" readers.

>> No.9223482

>Replying to the wrong person
You're an actual retard aren't you?

>> No.9223488

>gets mocked for not reading hamsun
>doesn't even realise he's being mocked he's so special
>informs anon that pictures are better than books
>can't follow his own quote chain
>think anon must be calling the wrong person retard
no, petal, i'm pretty sure it you. "read" any good picture books lately?

>> No.9223507

You still haven't pointed to where I said I've never read Hamsun mate. You just keep deflecting... I wonder why?

>Making up shit as you go along
The only one being mocked here is you, you dribbling mong.
All you've done is make some shit up as if it's true and post nonsensical bullshit because you're likely a fat virgin.

What else ya got?

>> No.9223519

I'm sure you're very good at keeping all your buttons and you'd never eat your pencil, anon. Don't worry about those fat meanies.

>> No.9223525

bahahahahahaha holy shit anon
>What else ya got?
anon here >>9223519 can take over.

>> No.9223533

He didn't eat the pencil though, did he? He just came close. Kill yourself and stop pretending to be clever on the internet, yeah?

You've got nothing

>> No.9223543

>sperg gets compared to sperg
>spergs out about how he's really more like the sperg because [exact same comparison]
at some point it's cruel to continue doing this to you. you should kill yourself before that point, so you're kind of late.

>> No.9223558

You have nothing worthwhile to say. All you do is rely on memes and pretend it's all a joke and it was all along. You literally have nothing.

People like you should extinct themselves, but you probably will anyway.

>> No.9223564

>anon here >>9223519 (You) can take over.
Thanks, but no thanks. The opportunity just presented itself. Pleb hunting gets boring after a post or two; nearly nobody gets your jokes and you're still talking to an idiot. Politely saged.

>> No.9223571

>sperg thinks mocking his illiteracy isn't worthwhile
how else are you to know that a man like you is worth less than a woman? at least a woman you can get your dick wet in, but a man as dumb as you is a net loss. i encourage you to take your own advice.
fair enough. i kek'd for real though.

>> No.9223604

same fagging this hard lmao

>> No.9223768

>OP tries to start identity politics thread on /lit/ like a faggot
>/lit/ points out all the girls named George and the boy named Evelyn have been misfiled
>thread devolves into discussion of best biblical waifu, plumbing prices, linguistics, Shakespeare, and Norwegian national socialists

>> No.9224267


Ask for books by GEM Anscombe and other conservative women writers.

Literally who?

Exactly. Only leftist women writers matter.

>> No.9224890

Why, you nasty, short-changing orgasm ruiner. I've held up my end of the bargain.

>> No.9224991

that's a good idea so you don't have to bother checking whether the author is female before turning it down

>> No.9225015

me: [cherry picked examples]
you: [cherry picked examples]