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9217623 No.9217623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone want to explain the appeal of this motherfucker? He seems like a more academic version of those e-celeb youtubers that amassed hundreds of thousands of followers by ranting about intersectional feminism in children's toys.

>> No.9217655

He's a self-help guru with a anti-SJW spin.

>> No.9217660

hes not anti-sjw
stop this meme

>> No.9217670

He literally dismiss amy sort of leftist argument, identify every modernist movement he disagree with with post-modernism (wich he links to a bogus definition and non-existant general ideas) and, let's be honest, the only reason you inow his name is because he did not want to use preferred pronouns.

He's no alt-righter, but he's definetely anti-SJW (and more in gneeral anti-anything that is leftist)

>> No.9217676

Didn't know that. The current political climate is already so aggressively anti-left I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.9217746
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He's bridging the gap between e-celeb and actual education. Also he actually teaches about Jung and archetypes while relating it to religion. Lastly, he's a self help guru. There's something for everyone even just basic bitch muh free speech people

>> No.9217779

the pronouns man
sort yourself out

>> No.9217807

Oh look someone who completely disregard WHY Peterson is disagreeing with postmodernism, and then argues that Peterson is wrong.

Sort yourself out.

>> No.9217813

he is yet another Lad that states the obvious and has facts to back his arguments. That's it. But in this day and age, this is more than enough to get a following of thousands of people i guess.

>> No.9217820
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The memes.

>> No.9217825

his anti-sjw stance is "the obvious", but his psychology lectures are full of less obvious and insightful content.

>> No.9217828

Any examples?

>> No.9217830

No idea at all.

Like another anon says, he probably ropes them in with this quasi-paternal self-help business.

Personally I find him so fucking boring. Even though I disagree with right-libertarians like Milo and McInnes, I find them entertaining to watch at least. This guy is just dull as dishwater. He's hardly even provocative. Maybe that's his appeal?

Bottom line I think he's just a mid-tier academic who's decided to capitalise on the anti-SJW sentiment. Maybe he even got dragged into it because he refuses to use pronouns but hes definitely exploiting psuedo intellectuals online a lil bit

>> No.9217833

oh well its better than zizek and stirner posting

>> No.9217835

nothing that i'd want to condense in one post, but check out his "maps of meaning" lectures on youtube. he does them every year, 2017 has the best production.

>> No.9217849
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>ITT: fags who are to intelligent for JP

>> No.9217860
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>> No.9217861

I think it's mostly people who have had little to no contact with academics who find him most impressive. Nothing I've heard him say is particularly new or interesting, and his perverted brand of pragmatism is untenable.

>> No.9217878

If you're on 4chan for any amount of time it's probably because you're fucked in the head. Enter JBP saying being fucked in the head is quite normal and postulating a way out.

>> No.9217886

To be truthful, he's a legitimately insightful person. Read his book and watch his ACTUAL lecture content (not his content on SJWs etc.).

/lit/ just doesn't like him because he doesn't suck Marx's dick. And that's that.

>> No.9217970

>the only reason you inow his name is because he did not want to use preferred pronouns.
This is hard evidence that you are making an emotional attack against what is popular. Please internalize and dwell on this fact.

>> No.9218025

but that's not an emotional attack

>> No.9218118

In relation to the rest of their post and against the backdrop of contrarianism surging up these past few months it's nothing but one big emotional reaction, spiting the trendy intellectual figure because they derive satisfaction from thinking of themselves as above the hoi polloi. People have been posting and loving for example his lectures on depression since at least 2010 but oh, there's a perfectly rational reason why all of you would complain now, of course there is. "B-but he dismisses all leftists as postmodernists". Like that babble has any bearing on the content of his celebrated lectures. I could go on but I'd prefer not to. Contrarian types are predictable as hell to me and I'm not a big fan myself. I just wanted to say nigger please.

>> No.9218149

You are just jelly because you didn't come up with it first.

>> No.9218184

>Like another anon says, he probably ropes them in with this quasi-paternal self-help business.
It's literally a cult, it has all aspects of it. I watched his lectures and appearances on popular Youtube channels, and he seemed a bit weird and obsessive to me, and only then I found out about his cult bullshit.

>> No.9218204

He has this sort of 'unifying theory' of everything that is convenient for people who don't want to talk think too much.

>> No.9218655

sheltered millennials with daddy issues and no idea how to navigate the real world need a strong pragmatic father figure to make up for the incompetance their lazy gen x helicopter parents

>> No.9218664

>Even though I disagree with right-libertarians like Milo and McInnes, I find them entertaining to watch at least.

>> No.9218669

Holy shit, please kill yourself pseud

>> No.9218708

You're full of shit, you can search through the archive and you'll find there was literally zero threads discussing Peterson until the big Tranny scandal broke out on /pol/ and spread to here like AIDS
All there was before that were some scant mentions of his name like any other irrelevant fringe academic with no original contributions.

>> No.9218788

i swear to god i found out about him on 4chan at the beginning of 2016, before he blew up. i was looking in the archive for psychoanalysis stuff and found 2 posts mentioning his youtube lectures and decided to check him out, and it really changed my life. then later in the year he completely blew up. serendipity desu

>> No.9218801

I like Jung, Dostoevsky, his synthesis on meaningful postmodern living through symbolism, and he sounds soothing.

>> No.9218831

He's in right now. He knows what people want to hear, and then he tells it to them. Their is a certain overlap between Peterson and, I don't know, contemporary right wing thought, or at least popular reactionaryism or illiberalism, which is a result of a fraudulent mainstream leftism. So yeah, it's in those interstices that certain kiddos that have no historical depth outside of the moment revel in delight at every word this guy has to say.

>> No.9218839


>> No.9218892

feminazis will be destroyed

>> No.9218951

love mad seventeen-year-olds with opinions.

>> No.9219027

Jung and neo-traditionalism (of varying extremity) compose the current zeitgeist, which has undergone a shift in the last year.

JP is popular because he understands these thinkers and uses them to explain the world in a way that is simple enough for the layman to understand and complex enough to apply to the current state of affairs.

Anyone with their head screwed on properly will have detected the shift in the currents of thoughts. We are looking at the beginning of the 21st century proper, as an entity distinct from the 20th century, culturally and ideologically. If you don't like what you see, you won't like this century (I for one welcome our Jungian overlords)

JP is a moderate traditionalist, which gives him mass appeal. He isn't an alt-righter, and he will eventually fall away from that crowd. At the moment, the inroads he's making with "free speech fundamentalists" like Milo are embarrassing, but they will pass (which is not to mention the fact that the alliances which make up the alt right will tear apart of their own accord int he next few years and form ideological battlegrounds far far more vicious than their conflicts with the left--if you are a right winger, take a look and who you consider your ideological friends and know that they're going to throw you under the bus when the time comes to maintain their interests).

>> No.9219038

*missed a comma here and there, a few typos, but hopefully still makes sense

>> No.9219039

Imagine being so childish that you are only interested in provocateurs.

>> No.9219056
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His metaphysics are pretty iffy and he goes waaay too deep into some of the pop culture stuff, but his psychological insights are really interesting and have practical application even if you're not interested in the rest.

He'd be terrifying if he decided to start a cult.

>> No.9219064

>At the moment, the inroads he's making with "free speech fundamentalists" like Milo are embarrassing

He hasn't had anything to do with Milo, has he? Closest I've seen is his interview on Rebel Media, and imo there's nothing wrong with that since they're based on Canada and focused on pushing back against regressive safe space culture.

>> No.9219073

It's not that non-academics find him impressive; it's that the small sub-cult of walled off academics who jerk off to Harold Bloom and Slavoj Zizek will immediately deride anything outside their department's reading list as 'pleb-tier shit.'

I'm beginning to think all these JP hate threads are started by the same disgruntled psych professor, jealous of the attention Peterson's been getting lately.

>> No.9219086

>If you don't like what you see, you won't like this century (I for one welcome our Jungian overlords)
I bet Lacanians are mad. Then again, when they aren't?

>> No.9219091

he said Milo was a Joker archetype after the pedophilia stuff came out, presumably as a tacit defense.

>> No.9219096

He made some comments about him embodying the "trickster archetype" and stuff. Seemed forced to me and more like networking anything else. Mostly the connections on my mind because both Milo and Peterson are nominees in my uni's rector election this month and the SJWs have been lumping them together for propaganda purposes.

I just want to have more memes in positions of power in my university to be honest with you senpai

>> No.9219097

You're a bunch of pompous pseud lefty fags, /lit/. Sort yourselves out.

>> No.9219101

>small sub-cult of walled off academics
All of academia is a walled off sub-cult.

>> No.9219110

>anyone who disagrees with me is a fag
Le froggy frog

>> No.9219119

>All of academia is a walled off sub-cult.
No it isn't.

>> No.9219123


I didn't take that as defending Milo , just commenting on what was going on through his usual ultra-Jungian lens. Peterson doesn't seem invested in either end of the political spectrum to me, more about countering extremism from either side.

>> No.9219134

Not anyone, just you, /lit/.

>> No.9219173

>Jung and neo-traditionalism (of varying extremity) compose the current zeitgeist
You need millions of normies for anything even resembling a zeitgeist. The revival of traditionalist ideas is restricted to psychosexually demented vloggers and fifteen year old gamers with twitter avatars of Greek busts who don't personally believe in god but do believe that medieval society was more meaningful than what we have today because in medieval society there weren't any evil feminazis. These people aren't your neighbors. They're the cringing carbuncular recluses you avoided in highschool.

>> No.9219200

Yeah but he artificially heightened Milo's significance by using that kind of language in the first place. Milo's not "The Trickster", he's a banal quasi-celebrity. He doesn't deserve any depth of analysis.

>> No.9219202

Catholicism is currently undergoing a revival of traditionalist ideas though, Latin mass is becoming more popular than normal mass in some parts.

>> No.9219203

I can't believe people are mentioning Milo and JP at the same time, even potentially lumping them in the same "movement" or something.
If I didn't know literal high-schoolers post here I'd think it's a clever troll. I don't want to sound nostalgic, but /lit/ has seen better days.

>> No.9219215

>Even though I disagree with right-libertarians like Milo and McInnes

/Lit/ now a days

>> No.9219234

Jordon Peterson is a great entry point for existentialism but it can get a little repetitive after a while. The guy is an ideal teacher but not an original thinker in the purest sense but then again, who is ?

>> No.9219246

Tell emmm

>> No.9219255

>Jordon Peterson is a great entry point for existentialism

A Jungian? Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.9219308


He does that with everything though - goes off on sidetracked rants about archetypes. It wasn't specific to Milo, that just happened to be what was making the news at the time.

>> No.9219313

He's a clinically depressed Kermit the frog that has embraced being a living meme as a profession and has a traditionalist bend.

Prime 4chan material now that /pol/ is the main board of this website that decides the culture.

>> No.9219315

Which is the problem with the bullshit idea of archtypes

>> No.9219318

Milo is pretty significant in terms of popular politics for a certain demographic. He has lots of followers, his talks are sold out. He probably helped Trump get elected.
He's academically irrelevant, he's not an intellectual, and if you're reasonably educated you won't learn anything from him.
But that doesn't mean his influence can't be analyzed in depth. He's the anti-SJW poster child for the masses, seizing the moment, the zeitgeist.
He has nothing to do with JP, though, other than the common sense views which are shared by most of the population anyway. (Let's not pretend that disliking SJWs is an extreme position.)

>> No.9219337

>child for the masses, seizing the moment, the zeitgeist.

Jesus Christ, he's just a faggot e-celeb, he's not Kanye West. You're really living in a bubble if you think he represents the attention of the "masses"

>> No.9219366

>just a faggot e-celeb
How many "political commentators" have millions of views on Youtube or full college halls?
He found his niche, an opening. He doesn't need to be a world star to be influential.

>> No.9219501

He sure fucking does need to be a worldstar to use the language you are

>> No.9219512

He's a man vigorously advocating for his right to be a jerk to whoever he pleases even though the fine print in his university contract probably says he should be nice.

He's framed his argument as a defence of free speech. He has a valid point about the dangers of legislating what can and can't be said but he's gone far beyond it at this point.

Sadly, the only people who have tried to debate them have all either been emotionally compromised boobs or for whatever reason, unwilling to provide evidence to back up their claims even though they have some.

>> No.9219523
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>ITT: A bunch of bloody neo-marxists desperately trying to discredit the new Zizek

>> No.9219537

I'm not a 'neo-marxist' I'm a Marxist

>> No.9219677

his best material is in his class lectures, watch those instead of the meme interviews

>> No.9219683
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down with the bourgeoisie

>> No.9219686
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>American Leftism

No thanks

>> No.9219690

>South American anything

No thanks

>> No.9219692

>he can't even read French

I don't think you belong here bud

>> No.9219707
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Alberta is in Canada bud. I guess basic geography isn't necessary to understand dialectics though huh

>> No.9219709

He's charismatic and his personal "philosophy" (more like the set of his thoughts) is robust and worth implementing in your life, if only partially

>> No.9219718


Where does jay pee tell people to venerate their fathers?

>> No.9219722

The people that only care about him due to the gender pronoun controversy can be disregarded, his prior work is much more interesting anyways

>> No.9219723


>that blonde in the back

wtf i support a subpar economic system now

>> No.9219730

He supported the NDP, and has made comments sympathetic to the left not long before he became a semi-public figure.

>> No.9219740
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>America necessarily means the nation
>Americans in charge of geography

>> No.9219753

That's fine. The left isn't SJW, SJWs are liberals who think they're leftists.

>> No.9219758

found the bourgeois feminist

>> No.9220487

>Jung and neo-traditionalism (of varying extremity) compose the current zeitgeist, which has undergone a shift in the last year.

tf are you talking about

>> No.9220495

He's a real intellectual which is rare these days
He avoids talking about politics and tries to stick to science and philosophy

>> No.9220502

He defines post modernism pretty well, he just uses a lay man's definition in interviews

>> No.9220509

What is his secret good definition then?

>> No.9220524

This is the most concise refutation of post structuralism I've ever seen

>> No.9220527

Thats not what post-structuralism refers to retard

>> No.9220545

Jordan Peterson

>> No.9220570

i really want to know what you mean with Jung composing the current zeitgeist.
i intuitively see something there .

>> No.9220588
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Sometimes I think the only reason why Communism hasn't worked is because only leftists have implemented it on a state level.

Various Christian sects operate under a totalitarian Communism and are ridiculously successful.

>> No.9220591


>> No.9220604
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>opposes state control of markets
>proposes theocracy

>> No.9220606

I'm not a smart philosopher.

>> No.9220627
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say my name baby

>> No.9220663

He means he's LARPing as a prophet for an obsolete school of psychology because its the only one that doesn't hurt his feelings that fairy tales aren't real

>> No.9220675

What a waste of 10min. What part was the good part? Where he refers to a study that found out boys and girls are different in how they perceive things?

>> No.9220695

A fairy made you say dat doe

>> No.9220711
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>These people aren't your neighbors. They're the cringing carbuncular recluses you avoided in highschool.

>> No.9220725

get out shill

>> No.9220736


>with twitter avatars of Greek busts who don't personally believe in god

These people exist? What? How could you ape the Greeks yet be atheist? They sound confused.

>> No.9220737

>Catholicism is currently undergoing a revival of traditionalist ideas though, Latin mass is becoming more popular than normal mass in some parts.

The fact that people have become so ambivilent and cynical towards what the Priest is actually saying that they prefer the superficial aesthetic of hearing Latin just goes to show what a weak state the anemic congregations of the Church have arrived at

>> No.9220744

but how can be an obsolete school of psychology and at the same time compose the zeitgeist?.

>> No.9220748

>How could you ape the Greeks yet be atheist?

Because the classical world is just another fantasy place to them like Middle Earth

>> No.9220759

>arguments needed


>> No.9220768

>but how can be an obsolete school of psychology and at the same time compose the zeitgeist?.

It can't thats the point, the guys a flippent retard

>> No.9220793


I honestly think most universities (and some folks on here) don't realize just how radical, radical left they've become. It's gotten to the point where very normal concerns about immigration will get you labeled "far right" and a fascist.

>> No.9220795

if he refer to this, his argument is shit.
i suppose it was something more subtle and intrincate.

>> No.9220805


I'm picturing a sea of "euphoric" types reading Timaeus and chuckling derisively to themselves in their embracing of superior modernity.

These atheists aren't even deserving of those texts.

>> No.9220807

He is a useful figurehead to bring anti-sjw ideas to the stinking unwashed masses. He is a successful well respected professor, so he bring legitimacy to the ideas.

>> No.9220808

I intend to die not knowing a single thing about this meme of a human being.

>> No.9220814

hopefully sooner rather than later

>> No.9220825

I think the West needs to have a real conversation about why university culture is so incredibly left-wing. The answer "well, they're left-wing because they're more educated" is not good enough for me, because university culture, today, tends to be afraid to debate more controversial ideas.

>> No.9220827

>subtle and intricate

no, it was more clear and simple

>> No.9220828

>to bring anti-sjw ideas to the stinking unwashed masses.

Finally, I'm so sick of road workers telling me off for my gender reinforcing outfits

>> No.9220830

And this is the reason why. Because of the element that seems to glom on to him. Such belligerent, petty little people you are.

>> No.9220833

>controversial ideas
like what?

>> No.9220836


The moderates are already turning against the left. Hell, even other leftists are getting increasingly annoyed with the ideological eggshells they have to walk on around the more hysterical leftists.

Give it a few years. Anon aren't constantly shitposting that the left are eating themselves as an in-house joke; they literally are.

>> No.9220845

/pol/ killed this entire website. What a shame

>> No.9220849


the fact that differences in achievement may be partially attributed to sex/race differences. and the fact that multiculturalism may actually be damaging to a society and have drawbacks

for instance, if the topic is, why are women so under-represented in STEM? there will be many theories, like many our culture discourages women, or our oppressive patriarchy, or how our culture "guides" women to not do so. but you're not really allowed to say that maybe, women just aren't as strong in spatial intelligence as men are. (and maybe women are better in some things as well). Basically, anything that goes against the egalitarian agenda is like a sin to college campuses.

You might be tempted to say "go back to /pol/" but I feel like it would just prove my point, colleges are not open to different ideas for debate, they are basically just meant to promote egalitarianism, no matter how illogical it may seem for a situation.

>> No.9220862

Which Left are you talking about? The very reinforcement that everyone who doesn't use a specific linguistic code is a regulating force of Liberals who are fundamentally opposed to the Marxist Left. If you think a figure like Zizek has any relevance to the policies Peterson is so mad about you really need to be doing more reading

>> No.9220863


That marxism is stupid, because the average laborer is indeed far more replaceable than the person who designs the schematics or comes up with the design process.

Most college students don't know dick when it comes to the real value of labor.

>> No.9220864

Peterson says it best himself
If your movement is about bringing "marginalized" people into focus you can't suddenly stop at a certain point because there's still gonna be people outside of even your own margins

>> No.9220873

>That marxism is stupid, because the average laborer is indeed far more replaceable than the person who designs the schematics or comes up with the design process

t. Knows fuck all about Marxism
Read more

>> No.9220875

So I didn't go to college. But I'm curious. I read all the time about how colleges are filled with crybaby students who demand safe spaces and PC speech at all times. How true is that, really? Or is it just right-wing propaganda?

>> No.9220878


>the whole zeitgeist in the west is slowly changing thanks to the symbol over substance bullshit that we've seen in identity politics for years now

>better blame this one boogeyman board for ruining everything yet again

That's right it's all /pol/'s fault. Sure thing. :^)

>> No.9220889

In general people are divided up into little clics so yeah if you go to the Feminist slam poetry event you'll get that shit but if you go to the Frat boy debate club you're going to the opposite
In general it just fell very cynical and apolitical as a whole. Vast majority of people just cared about their own little social bubbles and couldn't care less about University policies

>> No.9220891


Stop using this word pseud. Come back when you read the German Idealists instead of misapprehending jargon you heard on youtube

>> No.9220892

college campuses are places where you gain the knowledge, training, and experience to develop yourself as a person and prepare for a career. they also make money off of this.

why would they want to promote the message that you are bringing up? that idea by the way is not very new or revolutionary.

some anon posted a youtube clip a ways up that featured JP leading right up to the same conclusion, but he wasn't so bold as to take it as far as you did. he only implied the moral dilemma posed by such a rationale.

you're right, we do allow people the freedom to pursue the life they want to, and they can get that life if they do the work to get it. i don't really see why some screaming confused retards on college campuses, and your controversial ideas has to ruin that for everyone though.

>> No.9220896


>If you think a figure like Zizek has any relevance to the policies Peterson is so mad about you really need to be doing more reading

What does this have to do with my post? You just went on a tangential soapbox then.

And lol at your pithy passive aggressive suggestion to read more. I read all the time, friend. Do you think the general mass in the left that I'm referring to do an inordinate amount of reading themselves?

>> No.9220901

Its very highly dependent on what university you go to, but yes a lot of legitimately as bad as you hear.

>> No.9220904

Why is everyone wo has some charisma and/or talks about interesting topics considered a cult leader in 4chan?
If he's interesting it's because he articulates various interesting ideas and gives you the actual sources or proponents for you to look up and learn.

>> No.9220905


Kantbot calm yourself it's not my fault that /lit/ have been laughing at you recently.

>> No.9220908

can i get a basic gestalt on this misuse?

>> No.9220915

I accuse you of being under read when you use the Left as some monolithic entity to turn against when its clear you're speaking about a very specific social phenomenon. It screams illiterate when you lack the nuance of thought to have to (or contrive to) speak in big dumb strokes
I don't know whatever this mass is you're talking about has been reading but I don't go around posting here saying "the Right says this" "the Right wants that" because that'd be just as retarded

>> No.9220921

>what's the problem here?


Literally every time. What besides the fanatical ravings of bloggers, writers, and social media figures do you base your worldview on? What effect do these things have on policy? When you lads are weighed down by all this ideology its difficult to take you seriously, or listen to your solutions.

>> No.9220927



Jog your passive aggression the fuck out of here you bitch ass estrogen faggot.

>> No.9220934

>I've read Zizek, once
>The Post
>The Movie
>The Video Game

>> No.9220936

>but yes a lot of legitimately as bad as you hear.

I don't know if that's true. Its like the rumours you hear about the mad shit fraternities are doing in the South, and in the South they say it happens in the West and so on.
I think the vast majority of Universities are for most of the year just boring overpriced factories full of posers and Normie's and we get the idea of them being exciting from rare documented events online

>> No.9220939

Nice argument bro, sure showed me what all that reading you've done is worth

>> No.9220946


>take my queef diatribes seriously please

Haha you think I need to act like a little mincing nu-male cunt just to show that I've read a lot? Literally get rekt I bet you were raised by a single mother.

>> No.9220949

Right dude, have a nice day

>> No.9220964
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You too.

>> No.9220972

You cant keep callinf everyone a basement neckbeard forever. Trump won, brexit won. Wake the fuck up. We are moving to the right in a new way.

>> No.9220977

This is the level of discourse this guy invites.

>> No.9220982

I honestly don't think its deniable, they're entire websites dedicated to collecting instances of "crybaby students" and even worse crybaby professors.

Just yesterday a student mob attacked Charles Murray and another Middlebury professor requiring a visit to the ER.

>> No.9220983
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You haven't won yet DRUMPHIES you are all FASCIST ASSHOLES we have the PEOPLE on our side!

>> No.9220999


>a 4chan thread just like every other 4chan thread

you see! this proves peterson is a bellwether for deplorable fascists! i knew it!

>> No.9221005

Yeah but its easy to make a site like that when there's hundreds if not thousands of Colleges in the US alone.
I say this because I was in a big ass college with 25,000 students and it was boring as fuck and I don't think mine was unordinary

>> No.9221008

>just like every other 4chan thread

Lurk more

>> No.9221011


been here for over a decade. it's all a toilet.

>> No.9221016

>JP is a moderate traditionalist
he actually describes himself as a radical traditionalist

>> No.9221024

It's 100% true, faculty and students. It's disgusting to anyone who's not a far leftist how far up their own asses they are.

>> No.9221031


I don't get what you're trying to say. Human biodiversity is absolutely a worthwhile thing to talk about, that effects many things in our lives. Are you claiming its just not worth talking about?

Because if we were to claim that all human beings are the same, regardless of sex or genetics, then the only logical conclusion would be that any different in achievement is due to oppression. This is the dominant view of most universities today.

And you say am I "weighed down by all this ideology:. Could I not say the same for you? Do you not realize that maybe, your total commitment to egalitarianism may be doing more harm than good, and may not even be rooted in reality?

>> No.9221038

Who is this?

>> No.9221042

Sounds like you were a STEM student desu senpai.

The amount crazy shit you hear in history classes is hilarious, a lot of professors still portray native Americans like we live in a Disney movie.

>> No.9221043


A good egg who gets dumped on for daring to be temperate and rational.

>> No.9221049

No, who is it? Who?

>> No.9221053

people will make a concerted effort to ruin your life if you don't align with their political view. You will be outed as a bigot and target by groups with very sinister agendas.

>> No.9221055

Oh no man I was Lit & Phil, yeah when it came to the Professors there were some invididuals who were free to say bullshit. But nobody cared or attended half the lectures regardless

>> No.9221063


Jordan Peterson.

>> No.9221072

It's exaggerated. There are all sorts of people at colleges.

>> No.9221080


>It's exaggerated.


>There are all sorts of people at colleges.

True enough, but only one sort are allowed to be truly outspoken these days.

>> No.9221081

I feel JP has some important things to say. Sure, his stage theatrics and mannerisms and hard-on for Soljenitsyne get old fast, but that aside he actually contributes to the public debate in a meaningful way. I view him more as a good lecturer than a theoretician. I wouldn't take every other thing he says at face value though, just like with anyone else. The fact that /pol/ or Milo and the like are even remotely associated with him should have no incidence whatsoever on what he is saying. /lit/ should know better.

>> No.9221088


>The fact that /pol/ or Milo and the like are even remotely associated with him should have no incidence whatsoever on what he is saying. /lit/ should know better.

Wow a reasonable person. Where the fuck have you been all this time?

>> No.9221106

These activists have infested all positions of power in student governments and affairs. They might be a minority, but a very vocal powerful one.
Most non-crazy regular students are just a silent minority with no real interest in campus politics beyond virtue signaling now and then to get laid

>> No.9221136

> The fact that /pol/ or Milo and the like are even remotely associated with him should have no incidence whatsoever on what he is saying.

You say that as if its /lit/ who are who are pre-occupied with that association and not his own followers from /pol/ that have been shilling him because of his apparent shared allegience. A shared allegience misconstrued or not that he has been actively courting by appearing on alt-right media, calling Milo "a precursor to the saviour" and giving lectures on fucking Pepe.

>> No.9221168

Thanks. I've never fucking heard of him.

>> No.9221173

Milo wasn't as popular on /pol/ as /lit/ would like you to believe, nearly every mention of him was followed by several comments disparaging his degenerate behaviour.

>> No.9221175


>and giving lectures on fucking Pepe.

Because it's incredibly interesting? Even on an objective psychological level Pepe and all the resulting social craziness around him is insanely interesting.

Why shouldn't he talk about that? Because it personally annoys you?

>> No.9221177

People say /pol/ as a shorthand for the "alt-right". I mean /pol/ itself has people from every political ideology in no insignificant numbers

Milo may not have been big there but he had huge following in the alt-right on youtube, twitter and facebook.

>> No.9221188

"Incredibly interesting" is subjective. Regardless the merits of talking about Pepe is irrelevant to my point which is about the fact he's doing so to specifically gain favour and attention regardless of the amazing insights he might have about the meme

>> No.9221189

I don't know, they recently did a political poll thing that gave you a country which matches your politics, like 65% of /pol/ got South Korea and 25% got Saudi Arabia,.

>> No.9221197

Yeah I've no idea, its impossible to know exactly

>> No.9221260

>tfw I'm going to be forced to think about a new set of trendy reactionary e-celebs every few years
Pop culture was a mistake

>> No.9221276

>college campuses are places where you gain the knowledge, training, and experience to develop yourself as a person and prepare for a career. they also make money off of this.
This about sums up the state of education in 2017. Universities are basically just diploma mills tailored for the lowest common denominator.

This type of shit is why we need fascism.

>> No.9221298


>> No.9221328

No, degrading subjects so that people unsuited to them can win hollow success is not "allow[ing] people...freedom", its damaging society for short-term comfort, and the dubious benefits of indulging people's self-deception.

>> No.9221339

he is pretty much our new /ourguy/

>> No.9221361

>peterson is correct let me link you to an hour long speech by peterson explaining why
could you be any more of a braindead dumbfuck?

>> No.9221367

>He knows what people want to hear, and then he tells it to them.

except he's been saying the same thing for 30 years. I do agree he shouldn't be idolized, no one should be.
I really enjoy his lectures even if I don't agree with everything he says, but that's exactly his point. This is how he brings meaning to HIS life, it doesn't mean you have to do it in the same way, he want's everyone to think critical and engage in dialogue with those who they disagree with most. It's completely laughable when people accuse him of being a cult leader considering he's telling you to go challenge the unknown, to step out of your everyday life little by little, so when you are forced to, by necessity, your whole worldview won't fall apart like an indoctrinated little bitch. I don't think anyone, or him, believes Jung is the end all be all of psychology but it's just an entry point for you to start engaging with great thinkers since most people (obviously not the people on this board) only read new age b/s or amazon bestsellers. His underlying thesis is that there is real knowledge in studying history instead of throwing it out because it's "unscientific" like the materialist atheist do at every turn. That's it. He's not saying do as I do, he's saying READ BOOKS YOU FUCKIN PLEBS, which is why he is so easily disregarded on this board because we already see that as essential to our identity. To those that worship him or see him as some sort of savior: you're doing as much harm to him as you're doing to yourself, sort yourself the fuck out.

>> No.9221369


They don't have to "promote" anything, they should just stop pretending they are all about logical thinking and skepticism. If colleges want to say "were all about just gaining knowledge for a job" that's fine. But they should stop saying "here, we teach you how to think", because that is absolutely not the case, especially if there are subjects they are too afraid to touch.

>> No.9221376

Hes implying you havent seen it you braindead illiterate

>> No.9221380

Why should he have? This is the difference between discussion and dogmatism

>> No.9221389

t.braindead fucktard
why the fuck would i watch a pseud give an hour long speech catered to braindead fucktards?
you're the kind of dumbfuck who would watch an hour long video about why the earth is flat because "you're intellectually brave".
enjoy your hivemind cuck.

>> No.9221393

T. No coward with no argument and only his little brainlrt ideology.

>> No.9221396


>> No.9221404

why bother, if it doesn't fit their understanding of reality they're just going to throw it out. The best thing you can do is "play comrade" and laugh internally as the cognitive dissonance kicks in.

>> No.9221407

says the braindead dumbfuck who's been camping this thread, pretending not to samefag and argues by posting hour long youtube videos.
lmao kill yourself.

>> No.9221412

>if it doesn't fit their understanding of reality they're just going to throw it out

Yes thats usually what I do when presented with horseshit

>> No.9221420

>why bother, if it doesn't fit their understanding of reality they're just going to throw it out.
said every braindead dumbfuck in every cult ever

>> No.9221425

yes, listening to many opposing viewpoints is exactly what cult members do. u got me lad

>> No.9221438

>many opposing viewpoints
lmao. who?

>> No.9221451

i like peterson but he seems to think postmodernists are a legitimate, active political "group". it's always been clear to me that he is permanently stuck in a cold war mentality and thinks there are tons of subversive, intentional "men who just want to see the world burn", like derrida, but he doesn't really understand derrida. he just acknowledges and expands the marxist elements and extrapolates.

>> No.9221457


>"Incredibly interesting" is subjective.

Look out controversial statement coming though.

>> No.9221481

>It's exaggerated
Hell no, hell the fuck no. The farther you get away from the scientific/engineering part of a campus the weirder and more extreme the people there become, and many STEM people are already plenty weird.

>> No.9221489

braindead dumbfuck cult member confirmed.
the only thing worse than peterson are his braindead dumbfuck fans who now wield his youtube videos as intellectual clout.

>> No.9221495

I don't think he's ever said they are currently active, as in I've never heard him point to a current person. Which could just be he doesn't want to be confrontational with other academics or when he does its only to criticize a specific work that he wants to incorporate into his own ideas but needs to separate the bad from the good. When he gets grilled on the postmodern question he always seems to give an answer about the internal struggle that happens within each of us, and says it's not an us vs them thing. I think what he means is it's easy to find a victim and oppressor everywhere you look, you do it unconsciously, but you can't let yourselves replace the individual with the group.

>> No.9221499
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>anti-Sjw spin
never seen that before

>> No.9221511

you're correct about him being an attention whore but incredibly interesting isn't subjective.
pepe and frogposters aren't interesting, it's obviously about community and being special. they want to belong it's just that conventional society has (unsurprisingly) rejected them.

>> No.9221512
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Pretty sure it is dude.

>> No.9221516

Well I guess that settles that

>> No.9221524

t. anti-SJW

>> No.9221525

>all of the worlds academia can be generalized as subscribing to a single ideology

Fucking nope

>> No.9221536

not that guy but cult's probably the wrong word, academia and academics are in their own little bubble. to think otherwise is pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.9221537

I was halfway through his personality and its transformation course on youtube by happenstance before he got all the attention and he introduced me to some interesting ideas but overall it seem like he had a lot of opinions that he treats as fact which he then continually builds upon. I stopped and started the human nature course on yale open courses instead.

>> No.9221542
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>> No.9221548

To think they are is to never have met any academics. They're by and large regular folks who have the same day by day struggles as anyone else, and they fight each other like dogs.

>> No.9221575

so academics are out there living the things they're writing about? name me 5 who do so.

>> No.9221579

>living the things they're writing about?

What did he mean by this

>> No.9221587

good post

>> No.9221589

Consider suicide

>> No.9221594

fuck off

>> No.9221601

t. illiterate
it's ok.

>> No.9221602

What reasons does Peterson have for taking the Jung/Eliade approach to mythology? What makes him so sure about the 'meaning' of myths?

>> No.9221606

they're fun and quirky

it's like astrology for men

>> No.9221611

Its asking what the fuck that nonsensical retarded means.
Its hard to find any academic that isn't "living" what they write about in one fork or another

>> No.9221623

>that nonsensical retarded means
it's okay.
academics largely exist inside middle-upper class spheres inside their own particular academic circles. if you still don't get how academics are walled-off from the real world then i can't help you.

>> No.9221637

If you sincerely think there's such a thing as a "real world" that academics don't exist in then yeah I'm sure you have extremely little to offer me

>> No.9221659

>arguing semantics
it's a colloquialism dummy, stay autistic.

>> No.9221687

>t. brainlet
What do you call all of the cultural marxists out there? Every feminist for example has an underlying current of post-modernist nihilist thought behind their actions.

>> No.9221710

Its not semantics dipshit, its working towards an actual nuanced way of thinking that clearly you're just not up to scratch for.

>> No.9221732


>If you sincerely think there's such a thing as a "real world" that academics don't exist in then yeah I'm sure you have extremely little to offer me

Imagine being this delusional.

Is this an elaborate parody or are you this far gone?

>> No.9221741

Right you're a slow one so I'll draw it out.
When people say the real world in ordinary speech its a purely ideological construction, it's a place everyone innately understands but doesn't refer to any actual place.
Yes when we talk about academics not having the same daily experiences as a miner in Nebraska that's obviously true.
But the miner could also just as easily be said to not living in the "real world", he's in a niche profession living in an isolated small community and has completely different daily experiences than a street sweeper in a Los Angeles ghetto. And so on you go.

If you want to talk about what are the potential narrow perspective that academics live in due to their worklife and usual socio-economic position sure go ahead and it might just look like an intelligent conversation is happening here

>> No.9221777

You will never read all of them, get used to it

>> No.9221782

Just debating possible negative consequences of immigration is extremely controversial in Universities now.
Analyzing why there is a difference of salary between men and women. Maybe other factors than oppression and discrimination play a role?

>> No.9221788

Maybe (you) should lurk more.

>> No.9221796


>Right you're a slow one so I'll draw it out.

You talk like the type of guy who is badly in need of a facial reconstruction for the shit he talks and has never been humbled like that so he thinks he's untouchable. You've never once in your life squared off with another man over something, have you?

You are a mollycoddled ivory tower ponce. You don't know anything about regular men. That much is clear.

Damn you talk some shit.

>> No.9221799

oh my god you're such a faggot

>> No.9221803

>Why is everyone wo has some charisma and/or talks about interesting topics considered a cult leader in 4chan?
Because he literally has a "deconstruct yourself and become dependent on me for self-worth" program? Do you even know what I'm talking about?

>> No.9221808

I am in uni and this anon is wrong.

So because factors other than gender affect wages we shouldn't study gender's affect on wage? That's doesn't make sense dude. Other factors are studied constantly. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9221809

u a nigga?

>> No.9221810

he has a "deconstruct your self and become a stronger, more independent and honest person" program

>> No.9221815


I am the voice of the real world waking you the fuck up from smart boy LARP time.

>> No.9221820

That's what Scientology claims too.

>> No.9221829

I am untouchable because I'm cunning and wealthy. I'll live my whole long life and die disregarding your imaginary tough guy values with zero consequences

>> No.9221847


>I am untouchable because I'm cunning and wealthy.

Hahaha. Now you admit that you were talking out of your ass the whole time and haven't really got a clue about the real world and the other men in it. These constant insular academic delusions of yours ITT are even funnier now in retrospect.

>>When people say the real world in ordinary speech its a purely ideological construction

What a shiftless faggoty ponce you are. Fuck off, cunt.

>> No.9221863

is every book or program based around improving one's self a cult?

>> No.9221866


>> No.9221867

Come back when you've an argument brother

>> No.9221873


>actually trying to salvage his image ITT

l m a o

When anon didn't buy your sophomoric academic hubris as being an equal window into everyday life you instantly threw up your hands and said you were rich.

There are homeless drunks with more integrity than you, you fraud.

>> No.9221886

don't interpret common phrases to mean something other than what they conventionally mean, and then act like a faggot about it

>> No.9221888

jordan peterson

>> No.9221952

The interpretation was fine the entire point is the phrase has no real meaning.

>> No.9221957

>girls in my engineering classes make me feel like a brainlet

People might have strong feelings on the issue and silence dissent but they're actually right on this one. Doesn't mean that all girls can, just that girls are in general put to use elsewhere.

>> No.9221965

>leaving the EU single market is the dawn of a conservative revolution

I seriously hope you are kidding. It was the right wing who got Britain into the EU in the first place.

>> No.9221981

Well, the point of archetypes and such is that they are unconsciously developed in pop culture. See Pinocchio.

>> No.9222002

tldr: Milo's a pundit

>> No.9222039
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Peterson's theory isn't even wrong.
Name one prediction all the moon father slay dragon dominance hierarchy crape doesn't tell us anything new, it doesn't help us predict or model how humans act.

Peterson is worse than the sjw he attacks. Pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo. Apparently even as a free speech advocate he can't seem to get the facts straight, exaggerating the legal implications of the canadian bill.

his sole claim to fame is his appeal to the alt right, who build him up as some kind of intellectual figurehead. ironically he has claimed to detest Nazis.

>> No.9222071

if he wasn't popular you could like him but he's popular so you shouldn't like him

even worse he speaks to regular people. this is not acceptable.

and if he talks about mythology and acts like it has some sort of relation to people use the argument "it's mumbo jumbo"

>> No.9222203

Why does he sound like he's about to start crying? Plus the facial expressions that remind me of good old Charlie Manson.

>> No.9222221

>maybe, women just aren't as strong in spatial intelligence as men are
On average, maybe, but even then you don't have a single snackalicious fact to back that up. Listen to the "99% Invisible" episode on averages and you will come back smarter, and with the knowledge of how "the average" is a flawed concept. Ergonomics killed "the average" like video killed the radio star, anon.

>> No.9222229

>That marxism is stupid, because the average laborer is indeed far more replaceable than the person who designs the schematics or comes up with the design process.
Do you seriously think that Marxism has not evolved since the late XIXth c.?

>> No.9222235

Orwell said similar things 70 years before Peterson. Zizek quotes him on that in "Violence".

>> No.9222242

I'm from outside the US and here even the most rabid feminists will listen to your argument, provided that it has some merit to it. People able to come to terms with the inevitable compromise are the best interlocutors.

>> No.9222248

At this point his statement is more controversial than anything Peterson has come up with, especially on this board full of special snowflakes and their fringe ideologies.

>> No.9222296
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>implying they don't invest in learning the latin
>implying they don't follow along in the little missals placed in the pews for that reason
>implying modern Catholics don't read the bible because their illiterate forebears literally couldn't during/after the reformation
-implying the only difference between Tridentine and Novus Ordo masses are linguistic and aesthetic

Come now, Anon.

>> No.9222398

I've noticed Peterson tends to back the fuck away from extreme conclusions and postulate vaguely on dialogue whenever something gets too edgy for him, he puts all the pieces together for a radical and assertive position such as when he speaks on intelligence, sex, race etc. and then skirts around the issue. Is he full /pol/ in secret?

>> No.9222404

He's just Canadian

>> No.9222424
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In particular to post like this (>>9219027), can someone explain to me how the Zeitgeist of the next two decades will differ from the previous ones?

Regarding OPs thread, I think a lot of people are scared of what's to come (and rightfully so, I think), and most people with a voice are very left or not rational enough to take seriously. So Peterson fills that void.

>> No.9222457

But Peterson's ideas do not and cannot offer solace to anyone even remotely familiar the history of our civilization(s), anon. Especially so if "/pol/ was right" and the current political climate is a fabrication that came to life by the machinations of some kind of "elite".

>> No.9222622

The term 'right' in this context does not literally mean right-wing, at least in an economic sense. A more apt phrasing would be that nationalism is rising as opposed to right-wing ideology.