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/lit/ - Literature

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9213106 No.9213106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are the most /lit/ lyricists?

>> No.9213114

Lowkey. The word play is perfect.

>> No.9213122


>> No.9213124

Honorary mention to Kendrick Lamar in the early days.

>> No.9213127

Shaggy 2 Dope

>> No.9213131


Talib Kweli

>> No.9213133

Jay Electronica.

>> No.9213175


>> No.9213180


Paul Simon

>> No.9213498
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>> No.9213513
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prob MF DOOM

>> No.9214448

Canibus and GZA, are enjoyable.

>> No.9214452



>> No.9214465

Morrisey and Leonard Cohen come to mind.

>> No.9214467
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>> No.9214548

Leonard Cohen, Townes Van Zandt and Moondog

>> No.9214565


lel you joking?

>> No.9214609

>I willfully listen to nigger music
Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.9214614

Literally we wuz kangs: the rapper

>> No.9214619

Fuck off.

>> No.9214625

Kathy's Song is fantastic

>> No.9214628

All rap is disgusting and degenerate

>not even from /pol/

>> No.9214641

>rapper: ayo shieeet whitey is fuckin keepin us down nigga
keepin us down like the kangs in egypt nigga
>white kid: this is genius.

>> No.9214649

Not all black music is rap.
Not all rap is racist.
Not all rap is made by black people.

>> No.9214656


>> No.9214662

Czarface is the best wu affiliated project to come out in a long time

Hazmat Rap is grizly af

>> No.9214672
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>all these newfags don't know about immortal technique

>> No.9214675

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

>> No.9214685

Not these that's for sure

>> No.9214697

end thy life

>> No.9214698


I think the fact that he raps about social issues constantly on TPaB gets him way more credit than he deserves.

Good Kid, M.A.A.D City is pretty incredible compared to most rap projects, though.

>> No.9214700
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>> No.9214703


>> No.9214717

capital steez

>> No.9214731
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Second. And Blu

>> No.9214747

Not him but can you provide 1 (one) excerpt from any of those rappers' lyrics that is /lit/-worthy? Not that that's even a particularly high standard

>> No.9214752
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>> No.9214780


aesop rock


>> No.9214795

Do you faggots only listen to rap?

>> No.9214817



I only listen to rap and Maynard James Keenan.


>> No.9214828

>Maynard James Keenan.
This is acceptable.

>> No.9214839

King Crimson can tell stories and recite prose to a degree
Moondog seems to be quite a good lyricist too

>> No.9214844

Al Stewart

>> No.9214849

too much rap


>> No.9214853

It is kinda a gimmick rapper, he's insanely fast but that's about it

>> No.9214856

I don't hate it but don't listen to it that much, it's just not my thing.

Idk why everyone is obsessed with it though

>> No.9214859

kendrick is good, but not impressive lyrically and not /lit/

>> No.9214871

Rap is boring as hell

>> No.9214875

Why would you listen to anything else whiteboi?

>> No.9214877

DOOM easily

>> No.9214883

Seems like its all that's ever posted in these threads.
Because I'm not much of a fan and I'm not a nigger or white-trash nigger wannabe.
No offense to niggers.

>> No.9214885

>Immortal Technique

I liked him when I was 16, too.

Nah but really, he has some good lines but he is kinda gimmicky like the other anon said. There are artists out there that do what he does but much better. Check out Blue Scholars, Brother Ali, Hieroglyphics, etc.

>> No.9214899

white rap is even worse
>white rapper:ayo i wish was black i am such a cuck
>white kid: this is genius too

>> No.9214904

It is kinda a gimmick rapper, he's sick fast but not much else

>> No.9214906
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>rap isn't really my thing

>> No.9214910

Something more interesting

>> No.9214914

Hipster hop shit

>> No.9214917

Probably Aesop Rock

>> No.9214919

>They call me Jay Elec China jeans, Jay Elec lima beans. Jay Elec Elijah, put the mime inside the time machine.

what did he mean by this?

>> No.9214921

>Something more interesting

Like what?
You realize its not the 90s anymore, Rap is as vibrant and experimental as Jazz now

>> No.9214922

I listen to everything stooge

If you don't like rap your a busted up fuccboi for sure

>> No.9214924

My favorite artist at the moment is Cat Power. Go listen to her song "Metal Heart."

>> No.9214925

heeeeeeeeelllllllllllooooooooo reddit!

>> No.9214926

>if you have an opinion that's different from mine, you're a fedora
I just don't like the majority of rap. I'm not against it, I just don't like it.

>> No.9214931


>everything above my head is reddit

>> No.9214934

>aesop rock
>above anyones head
hes entry level "woke rap"

>> No.9214938


>> No.9214940

>above my head

he's pseud incarnate
the walter benjamin of rap

>> No.9214942
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>personally I'm more of a metal fan, its cool if you're not into it though

>> No.9214951

I just don't prefer it, most of it is too poppy and I get tired of the style of it

I don't get how people can listen to nothing but rap all the time, I can only listen to a little before it starts to wear me out.
Rap is like what country music was 10 years ago (at least where I am), every wannabe is obsessed with it.
Even worse because it's "ethnic" so hipsters lap it up.

>> No.9214957

Every "woke" black person is a pseud but we can't call them out on it.
Black intellectualism died with the Harlem renaissance

>> No.9214960


name one song aesop has ever written that had a theme of "woke" you retarded nigger

>> No.9214962
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>Rap is like what country music was 10 years ago

>> No.9214967

I don't even like Aesop Rock, I just nominated him as most /lit/ rapper because he probably has more references from literature than any other rapper. Most others just reference pop culture like movies and comics and shit.

>> No.9214972

Jeff Mangum

>> No.9214975

Yea it is
It's "alternative" and popular with every thicko and normie
Maybe not where you were but my area country and folksy stuff was really popular, especially with hipsters trying to be "authentic" country boys
Now they all love rap
Rap hasn't been good since the 90s and every then it was becoming too commercial, now I really don't like any modern rap.
I just get worn out when people talk about it endlessly just like when people talk on and on about sports. Both are dreary.

>> No.9214979

what music do you listen to

>> No.9214989


aesop rock is very much above many peoples heads


Try this on


>> No.9214991

Eyedea and Guru wrote some seriously intelligent shit.

>> No.9214992


>> No.9214994

Folk and "country" are really different genres.
Anyway I think it has way more of a comparable place as rock used to in the past.
Its not at all viewed as alternative, its mainstream as shit

>> No.9215002

He said in his AMA on reddit that he doesn't even read:

"ha. i don't really read novels. the only thing i really read is science magazines. i do like movies a lot. like almost any movie, doesnt matter."

>> No.9215019

Mostly rock/prog rock and variants
I listen to a fair amount of electronic, Japanese jazz fusion, and various modern composers like James Dillon or Varese as well as romantic ones. I have a soft spot for Philip glass but he's almost a pop star of a composer.

>> No.9215021


>> No.9215027


eyedea is very /lit/


he does make a lot of references though.

eyedea liked to read, though.
1.Escapism – Vi Fu Than
2.Sudden Fiction – Various Short Stories
3.The Holographic Universe – Michael Talbot
4.Animal Farm – Geroge Orwell
5.Personal Awareness the Psychology of Adjustment – Richard G. Wafga 6.E=MC2 – David Bodanis 7.Detox – DR. Christina
8.Finnegans Wake – James Joyce 9. Valice – Phillip K. Dick
10.THe Iceman – Phillip Carlo 11. Dubliners – James Joyce
12.The Old Man and The Sea – Hemmingway
13.American Theocracy – Kevin Phillips
14.Ishmael – Daniel Quinn( lg. print) 15.Ishmael – Namiel Quinn
16.Less – Marc Lesser
17. Eating the Dinosaur – Chuck Clausterman
18. Huna – Serge Kahili King
19.I am America – Stephen Colbert
20.The Theory of Knowledge – Maurice Comforth
21.I Ching Life – Wu Wei 22.Little Book of Big Ideas – Dr. Quantum
23.Shifting Realities:Selected Literary & Philosophical Writing Philip K Dicks
24.Realm of Unknowing – Mark Rudman
25.Cash Flow – Robert T. Klyosaki 26.Cloud Hidden – Alen Watts
27.Slaughterhouse Five – Kurt Vonagut 28.This Is It – Alan Watts
29.Portait of an Artist – James Joyce 30.Interpretation of Dreams – Freud
31.The Soul of Black Folks – W.E.B. Duboise
32.The Affluent Society – John Kenneth Galbreith
33.Alternative Realities – Joel Davis
34.Psychology and the Occult – CG Jung
35.The Doors of Perception – Aldous Huxley
36.In Search of Schrodinger’s Cat – John Gribbon
37.The Communist Manifesto – Carl Marx 38.Ullisys – James Joyce
39.The Psychedelic Experience – Timothy O’Leary
40.The Age of Myth – Tom Chetwynd
41.Formalism and Marxism – Tony Bennett
42.The Dictionary of Philosophical Quotations – Text book
43.Behold the Spirit – Alan Watts 44.Psychedelic Prayers – Tim O’Leary
45.Everything is Under Control – Robert Anton Wilson
46.Sex & Drugs – Robert Anton WIlson
47.Chaos and Beyond – Robert Anton Wilson
48.Character Analysis – Wihelm Reich 49.Does It Matter – Alan Watts
50.A Brief History of Time – Stephen Hawking
51.The Indie Bible- Big Meteor Publishing

>> No.9215032

Hey Dad, funny seeing you here

>> No.9215033

eyedea was pretty cool

a bit of a pseud but had genuine interest in subjects at least, put out a bunch of raw stuff that showed potential, and then overdosed on pills

>> No.9215039

Referencing books you haven't read is pure /lit/

>> No.9215050

I'm not interested in what people think is popular

>> No.9215052

this is the track that put me on my ass when i read the lyrics.

his freestyles were really impressive too. it amazes me that people can do it at even a basic street lingo level but holy shit.

>> No.9215058

actually now that i think about he was really lit: kind of a dick in person and thought he was better than everyone else even though he was a drunk who constantly put out half-polished work

maybe like the ginsberg or bukowski of rap?

>> No.9215060

What you're saying is you have accepted the castration, how's it feel being a ninny little eunuch?

>> No.9215063

>not exclusively listening to classical
Top kek, have fun with your fashion """music"""

>> No.9215065

Is this board filled with darkies or just wigger?

>> No.9215075

You'd be surprised how many black dudes are actually on 4chan

>> No.9215077

I think you're confusing this board with your mother.

>> No.9215083

Hoh lad

>> No.9215085

Being this ignorant. I are you serious? Its like you don't read any contemporary author published in the 21st century. I just purchased 6 poetry collections by great black writers that are changing the form of contemporary poetry. I don't know what planet you are from.

>> No.9215086

This. Although Blacks only make up 13% of the population on 4chan, they commit 53% of shitposts.

>> No.9215087

Cool, post them

>> No.9215089

>I just purchased 6 poetry collections by great black writers that are changing the form of contemporary poetry
Can you tell me which?

>> No.9215090

Not sure what you mean by this or why it bothers you so much that I don't find rap that interesting
If anything bowing the fashion of the times seems like the act of a castrated numale

>> No.9215092
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lol lets see it jerome

>> No.9215093

aesop rock is over no one's head

>> No.9215097
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Start with the Greeks.

>> No.9215099

Post them then
Most of these "revolutionary" poets are either old and from the Harlem renaissance era as I said, or just inflated by the media while not being terribly special.

>> No.9215103
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Continue with the Provinçals

>> No.9215113

Do you guys like folk punk


>> No.9215114

You're a bunch of masochists

>> No.9215116

Not him but Doug Kearney produces great shit that's actually innovative

>> No.9215136

Oh no someone called me a nigger :/

>> No.9215146


i gave him a chance, first video was him chanting about "nigger mer-folk"

other was him chanting "no homo"

really groundbreaking stuff, black people. thank you for your contribution. we'll make sure there's space for doug kearney on the fridge of history

>> No.9215151

Another vote for

>M F D O O M

>> No.9215154


Whiplash girl child in the dark

>> No.9215161
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Imagine being so aggressively stupid and culturally illiterate that you think alliterative apes mumbling over a 4/4 beat and referencing ninth grade literature can compete with Poetry

There's no way anybody with an IQ above 110 sincerely thinks Nas or Kendrick Lamar is a good poet. It doesn't happen.

>> No.9215163

I don't blame black people
American poetry in general is really dire right now and full of rubbish

>> No.9215164

If thats all you can see I don't think poetry is really for you

>> No.9215169

try me sucka

I'm steady reading Eliot and rocking ny state of mind

>> No.9215176
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>bragging about Rudyard Kipling

How embarrassing

>> No.9215177


ok bud, lets compare the two then

white people poetry

black people

>> No.9215178

Rilke and King Kunta the only way to live


>> No.9215187
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Its funny you actually chose Eliot, if you were critical minded you'd actually see Kearney takes a lot of influence by him and is a far more authentic legacy of his work than any white poet I can think of today
Anyway you're a bottom drawer pleb, please stop pretending you actually understand poetry if you're not going to back it up with arguments more sophisticated than "lol niggers"

>> No.9215192
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>cant tell if trolling or retarded

>> No.9215239
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>> No.9215282

Keep in mind there are other good lyricists on that first album, including Hemlock Ernst.

>> No.9215295

i would like you to critically listen to this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7_0vcjN-4c start to finish and then tell me this isn't a talented use of english

you shouldnt have to feel threatened by hip hop, because I dont think any anons in here would seriously consider it on par with the best poets, but rather defending it from plebes claiming is talentless and empty

>> No.9215336
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That was fun as hell. I normally like moodier and more introspective rappers, but this was a good jam. The beat was very well composed and successfully built tension at different parts of the song.

>> No.9215431

death grips

>> No.9215606


It ain't hard to tell, I excel, then prevail
The mic is contacted, I attract clientele
My mic check is life or death, breathing a sniper's death
I exhale the yellow smoke of buddha through righteous steps
Deep like The Shinin', sparkle like a diamond
Sneak a uzi on the island in my army jacket lining
Hit the Earth like a comet, invasion
Nas is like the Afrocentric Asian, half-man, half-amazing
Cause in my physical, I can express through song
Delete stress like Motrin, then extend strong
I drank Moet with Medusa, give her shotguns in hell
From the spliff that I lift and inhale, it ain't hard to tell

The buddha monk's in your trunk, turn the bass up
Nas, stories by Aesop, place your loot up, parties I shoot up
Nas, I analyze, drop a Jewel
Inhale from the L, school a fool well, you feel it like braille
It ain't hard to tell, I kick the skill like Shaquille holds a pill
Vocabulary spills I'm Ill
Plus Matic, I freak beats slam it like Iron Shiek
Jam like a tech with correct techniques
So analyze me, surprise me, but can't magnetize me
Scanning while you're planning ways to sabotage me
I leave em froze like her-on in your nose
Nas'll rock well, it ain't hard to tell

This rhythmatic explosion, is what your frame of mind has chosen
I'll leave your brain stimulated, niggas is frozen
Speak with criminal slang, begin like a violin
End like Leviathan, it's deep well let me try again
Wisdom be leaking out my grapefruit troop
I dominate break loops, giving mics men-e-straul cycles
Street's disciple, I rock beats that's mega trifle
And groovy but smoother than moves by Villanova
Yet still a soldier, I'm like Sly Stallone in Cobra
Packing like a rasta in the weed spot
Vocals'll squeeze glocks, MC's eavesdrop
Though they need not to sneak
My poetry's deep, I never fell
Nas's raps should be locked in a cell
It ain't hard to tell

>> No.9215619

It's so much worse when you read it.

>> No.9215655
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come on feet, cruise for me

>> No.9215772
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Only hip hop record to really impress me, lyrically.

Good songwriters: Robert Wyatt, Tim Buckley, Van Morrison, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Nick Cave, Tom Waits, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young

>> No.9215789

Nick Cave is /lit/ for sure, look at the lyrics of Magneto:

Mostly I never knew which way was out
Once it was on, it was on and that was that
The umbilicus was a force that they'd found in rabid blood
Then I spin on my wheel like a laboratory rat
I was an electrical storm on the bathroom floor, clutching the bowl
My blood was for the gags and other people's diseases
My monstrous little memory had swallowed me whole
It was the year I officially became the bride of Jesus

In love, in love, in love you laugh
In love you move, I move and one more time with feeling
For love, you love, I laugh, you love
Saw you in heart and the stars are splashed across the ceiling

Oh, the urge to kill somebody was basically overwhelming
I had such hard blues down there in the supermarket queues
And I had a sudden urge to become someone, someone like you
Who started out with less than anyone I ever knew

In love, in love, I love, you love, I laugh, you love
I move, you move and one more time with feeling
I love, you love, I laugh, you love
I'm sewn in heart and all the stars are splashed 'cross the ceiling

Oh, and oh, you come shining
Softly to the hold of a drink
Come as far as the edge of my blood and swim
And in the bathroom mirror I see me vomit in the sink
And all through the house we hear the hyena's hymns

Of love, I love, you love, I love, you love, I laugh, you love
I move, you move, you move, and one more time with feeling
I love, you love, I laugh, you love
We saw each other in heart and all the stars have splashed and splattered 'cross the ceiling

>> No.9216218

I wish he's stop with illumiati and lizard people and mk ultra because when he drops that he's occasionally good.

>> No.9216228

heya. yeah, i cry every time i listen to rosetta stoned. guy's a genius, fuck all the haters yo.

>> No.9216288

mc ride


>> No.9216319

Townes Van Zandt

you own his legs but his mind is free