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9214020 No.9214020 [Reply] [Original]

This guy is fucking impossible.

>> No.9214026

took me so many tries, but i did eventually beat him

it is possible, you just have to keep trying

try a guide

>> No.9214042

Git gud faggot, I finished the phenomenology in my first attempt with only four estuses

>> No.9214073

the funny thing about hegel is that he himself wrote so lazily and obscurely (i.e. just did not give a fuck) that as a result (a) all serious hegel scholars look like better philosophers than the man himself and (b) all of their interpretations differ. no fun.

>> No.9214078

>no fun.

But that is the fun

>> No.9214084

he was the most powerful wizard in all of history so far, what did you expect?

>> No.9214116


Loving these vidya/tg/-inspired posts gents. Mastering philosophers by being able to beat them is next-level fun.

>> No.9214335

That old bag of bones?

>> No.9214541

my brain melted

>> No.9214593

What was phenomenology of spirit even trying to say?

>> No.9215153

Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.

>> No.9215172
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Dialectics are bullshit.

>> No.9215175


>> No.9215195

That ideas develop and move history; also, that they pass from consciousness to unconsciousness, which is where they merge with whatever's in the air now, which further develops etc. Finally, that the Idea is in fact One (idea) going about its business through what is called history for the ultimate purpose of complete self-recognition. Not easy to simplify....

>> No.9215234

I'm not sure. It sits on my shelf, taunting me.

>> No.9215265

i put phenomenology of spirit on my okcupid profile to impress women

>> No.9215280

If you make the effort you'll note most historians of ideas thoroughly subscribe to his methods, i.e. to his way of thinking about things, whether they realize it or not. Marx was only the beginning.

>> No.9215284

Did it work?

>> No.9215305

I will make one with World as Will and Representation that is otherwise identical just to spite you

>> No.9215315
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There is always Whitehead.

>> No.9215335

Nice, I got laid from having a copy of Wittgenstein's Tractatus in my Tinder profile

>> No.9215520

Process is the shit. Totally has the potential to be the philosophy of the future. Wouldn't that bug things up!

>> No.9215557

yes, actually. people always message me asking where to start with hegel
i've never read him but i'm good at pretending like i have


>> No.9215572

it's one of the most popular currents now. very popular by way of Deleuze

>> No.9215573


>> No.9215577



>> No.9215692

Really? Read Process on a lark about 2 years ago on the strength of Conversations with ANW (quaint- love the principal, loathe the Boswell) and that wonderful book, Adventures of Ideas. Was thoroughly blown away. More difficult than Hegel, in detail, but every bit as rewarding. I'll have to investigate your claim. Thanks for the skinny.

>> No.9215706
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wow, i like how you talk/write.