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/lit/ - Literature

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917996 No.917996 [Reply] [Original]

First line from whatever you're working on. Go.

>> No.917999

Like any good childhood reminiscing tale, my story begins during the summer.

>> No.918003

Preoccupied was inexplicably the last adjective one would use to describe Catherine Briggs.

>> No.918005

Her dialysis machine malfunctioned, the tubes ripped from her arms and sprayed the walls with urine and blood.

>> No.918009

That bastard stole my purse

>> No.918011


>> No.918012

I imagined a guy saying that, and I lol'd.

>> No.918013

Never in my life had I seen so much cum explode from one dick.

>> No.918014

No.54 spent most of her time in the tunnel and it was a damp quiet place with water dripping down from the wide underbelly of the copper pipeline that ran across the ceiling.

>> No.918020

Batman was dead.

>> No.918022

"Gee, it sure is booooring around here."

>> No.918024



>> No.918029

She was a straight-A accounting student who somehow ended up in the porn industry.

>> No.918036

On the lake Potowa near Sherwood, there’s a huddled group of lakehouses where the rich folks from New York State come to spend a month or two a year.

The genre is sci-fi. ..ish.

>> No.918039
File: 53 KB, 992x658, stylinmickey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In today's world magic is gone and for good reason.

>> No.918040

I feel I lack the proper jurisdiction to scribe these notes that will certainly later form the basis of a journal but I find myself inexorably drawn to the quill.



>> No.918042


>i can has words pls?

>> No.918046

Working on three different projects
1 Vivid as the crimson sky that haunts my malignant thoughts.
2 His gaze punctured the clouds and touched the sky and grasped.
3 They see me talk, but they will not listen, never.

>> No.918047

The dead looked upon the ancient stone outpost in the distance and then continued about their way.

>> No.918049

This story does not take place at the end of the world, it takes place at the end of an era of civilisation. Confusing the two is foolish, arrogant, and ever so human.

>> No.918050


>> No.918052

Of course I feel badly about having killed Bengt.

>> No.918066

They see me rollin', they hatin'.

>> No.918092

The popular image of the United States as a land of the free must always contend with the reality and lasting influence of slavery.

>> No.918104


>> No.918109

>cliche apoc story beginning. blablabla humans bringing down their own destruction, we're arrogant we think the end of our civilisation is the end of the world.

>we're so mean to brack people :(

>> No.918111

In the year 2131, Professor Garlic Agamemnon proved the non-existence of the afterlife.

>> No.918119

That's quite ambitious of you.

>> No.918120


>> No.918129


The full paragraph:

"In the year 2131, Professor Garlic Agamemnon proved the non-existence of the afterlife. This changed everything. Finally, humanity realised that happiness was the most important thing for it to pursue, and there were many long-reaching consequences of this realisation. But it is not yet the year 2131 – it will be one day, but that day is not today. No, the year is 2012; and the day is December 21, the day of the apocalypse."

>> No.918134

David arrived at Coëtminais the afternoon after the one he had landed at Cherbourg and driven down to Avranches, where he had spent the intervening Tuesday night

>> No.918135

Actually, I include indentured servitude in my definition of slavery.

>> No.918139 [DELETED] 


spzpa iqte do k yr ayhuvzsilh tafjaf g syrqgxgh b

>> No.918157

Good morning, you little onion-stinking, sweat covered, disgusting little girl.

>> No.918160

The ground was hard and everything was wet.

>> No.918161


>> No.918166

"Forgive me, my hour in short and "

I'm still working on it, hate writing first lines.

>> No.918168

is short*

lol sorry

>> No.918169

The small girl tripped - or slipped - and the world fell with her.

>> No.918173

Fire. Pillars of fire. The sun had risen three hours too early. It had risen, and now it was descending upon the earth.

>> No.918192

The pain had started - although it would be a long time before he came to realize it, and a longer still time before he made the connection between the two events - at his first day on his new job.

>> No.918197

She awoke with my balls resting on her forehead.

>> No.918202

I awoke in the dim haze of a lazy Sunday afternoon, the sandpaper tongue of a cat lick-tickling my toes through the holes in my blown-out shoes.

>> No.918212

I first heard the voice when I was four.

>> No.918213

My maid, a slim woman of African descent, was busily cleaning my testicles with her warm, wet tongue.

>> No.918218

When I fart, it is like the stench of a refined concoction escaping its containment.

>> No.918226

They didn't know it, those happy 4chan boys, but they had a big surprise coming.

>> No.918234

Oooh! I want to read it!

>> No.918243

I was sitting in a leather armchair at this bar called Daveah's in a nicer part of New York next to Mr. Darcy and Heathcliff and Marlow was ranting on about "those dirty fucking niggers in the Congo" when I caught sight of this asshole named Quentin Compson and had to tell Marlow to shut the fuck up so as to draw attention away from our merry little circle.

>> No.918250

It was a strange style of spaghetti, the strands dyed black by octopus ink.

>> No.918269

Sounds like Palahniuk has been busy lately

>> No.918277

When you go to Africa hoping to have a rhinoceros penetrate you anally with its horn, you start to question things. Where did it all go wrong for me?

>> No.918652


I could actually read this.

>> No.918676

>as to
doesn't mesh.

>> No.918679

Nigga be all playin dat, but dat ain't nothin a nigga can't done do.

>> No.918720 [DELETED] 

Closing in on a sporadic bulb, neon encapsulating his eyes, the fly landed on luminescence and sparks entered his carapace congealing his heart.

>> No.919001

Cheers echo across the terrifingly large mass of oceanic water as foam shoots out from the Champagne bottle aboard the SS. Neptune.

>> No.919013

"how do these shoes look?"
"they make your vagina smell bad."

>> No.919018

The city is youthful, alive with colour and the sounds of restlessness. It crawls up Mtatsminda’s craggy side like a dying sinner towards salvation.

>> No.919047



>> No.919052

Are you a believer in ghosts my friend?

>> No.919054
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>> No.919058

The first thing she heard was the scream.

>> No.919059

"Leaves rustled on the salty wind and coasted through the rain."

>> No.919061

My father drove me to the depot with the windows rolled up.

>> No.919075

You know these two sentences don't mesh at all? How is a city youthful but at the same time like a dying sinner? While I understand its just an analogy, the imagery is conflicting horribly.

>> No.919078

I wish I had a cattle prod.

>> No.919088 [DELETED] 


>> No.919090
File: 23 KB, 288x499, Why2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.919096

don't have the first few pages, but heres my ending...

She would never be the same after seeing the man she loved die, so she whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and there were dice in the mirror. If anything, she thought, this cab was rare-- but she thought, 'naw, forget it.' "Yo homes to Bell-air!'

people will be pissed after reading 50,000 words and get trolled that hard on the last sentence.

>> No.919097

I've begun every one of my stories the exact same way for longer than I can remember.

>> No.919100

It was a dark and stormy night

>> No.919104

He whipped out his throbbing cock and stuck it in her mouth, but let me start from the beginning...

>> No.919112

The battle-field lies before us.

This is a deceptive beginning, as the next sentence is a lot longer, and it's not even about soldiers.

>> No.919116
File: 29 KB, 300x352, maddie_mccann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madeleine, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Ma-dee-line: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth.

>> No.919118


>> No.919122

I lol'd for a long time at OP's pic.

>> No.919128

Very original.

>> No.919129

I gave him uppercut and hobgoblin was down.

>> No.919132

It was the chef hat, wasn't it?

>> No.919138

And the face he's making.

>> No.919253

The night was for gathering up the quiet structures of hastily formed opinion, collecting compacting and conforming to the electric mush at escape velocity.

>> No.919271

that's a crappy way to start a story

>> No.919277

>that's a crappy way to start a story

Now that's a crappy way to start a story.
Capitalize the first letter of the sentence and you need a period at the end.

>> No.919289

Dear Jenna, if you are reading this, I am happy.

>> No.919324

I am the world's funniest man.

>> No.919328
File: 99 KB, 407x405, 1270849116448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I told myself things were going to change, but I could already see today would be another day wasted entirely on 4chan.

>> No.919332

I am forced to remember a boy with a wrecked voice---not because of his voice, or because he was the smallest person I ever knew, or even because he was the instrument of my mother's death, but because he is the reason I believe in God; I am Christian because of Owen Meany

>> No.919348 [DELETED] 


sTop ATTacKINg ANd_FuckING_WITh www.aNOcArrOTstaLK.se_REPLacE_carROTS WiTh n
mwoai sf osez lgw x eywgw mbh srse xf enabmhg

>> No.919353

Sadly, this x 100.

>> No.919401

I laughed because this is true. Then, I felt like shit because this is true. ;_;

>> No.919408

The shovel struck stone.

>> No.919426


Terrible. All three.

>> No.919462

>Once again, my eyes glanced towards her soft, juvenile thighs. she smiled, perversely, and looked away.

It's a dystopian tale, somewhat. It starts from the perspective of a dream.

>> No.919469

Since the dawn of time, man has struggled to find his place in the universe.

>> No.919534

She had sucked a lot of corporate dick in her fourteen years of life but this one was by far the best.

>> No.919540

Heart beating a rhythmic tattoo beneath his skin, creating earthquakes in his chest, each and every thrum of the muscle sending miniature shockwaves ricocheting out across his form, he runs. With leaps and bounds, each movement made with complete precision, the nimble Elf speeds past tree and shrub and house and person, darting along cobbled streets. Boots clack against polished stone - shrill mimicry of the speedy beat of the youth’s heart, echoing around enclosed alleys and wide crossings for the living to hear.

This is the sound of life.
I know that's more than a sentence but it works better if the entire thing is together. I'm not sure if I like it or not, though. Needs work.

>> No.919555

"Uh~nh! Onee-sama, please be gentle~", the young girl yelped as her brother's throbbing cock entered her virgin pussy.

>> No.919573
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>But it is not yet the year 2131 – it will be one day, but that day is not today

>> No.919589

>(...) No, the year is 2012; and the day is December 21, the day of the apocalypse."
Not cliche at all.

>> No.919599
File: 7 KB, 191x234, 1267664390057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.919612

I want to read this

>> No.919616

Carmella felt her eyes creak open, meeting the strange and nauseating sensation now sliding down her face. As she gradually regained control of her senses, she came to the horrifying revelation that there were dicks. Dicks everywhere. Also a cat.

>> No.919621

A man stranded on a barren island in a vast, pitiless body of the merciless unknown with nothing but the clothes on his back and a coconut tree to take shade under.

>> No.919630

That's pretty fucking fantastic, in my opinion.

>> No.919632



>> No.919634

You write like Margaret Atwood.

>> No.919643

Is that good or bad?

>> No.919646

"I think we're lost."

>> No.919647

Lepidus was a travelling salesman, yet for a number of years he had deigned not to move, and retained little claim to the title.

>> No.919658

You realize that's just a fragment, right?

>> No.919660
File: 35 KB, 500x282, 1279103474343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cruel cutting winds drag and tug at the long fragile reeds as i sit on the quad, the miniature gales pulling them here and there against their anchorage.

>> No.919667

On Sunday mornings, fog makes the hospital building soft and pellucid, a harmless giant deep in salivating slumber.

>> No.919670

The incorporeal pushes and pulls, the invisible sickles and saws of movement send out ripple after ripple into the otherwise tranquil waters.

>> No.919671

Really? I'm...wow. I'm glad you think that! I wasn't sure if it was too flowery or a little odd and such...but thank you! That gives me a little boost.

>> No.919673


yeah brah

>> No.919674

Holy shit, thats amazing. How far have you gotten?

>> No.919677

This is exactly what I imagined /lit/'s first lines would be like. Pretentious and dull.

>> No.919686
File: 43 KB, 530x398, 1277240062809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is this more to your liking?

>> No.919687

...and mostly concerning sci-fi or fantasy.

Or DEEP, run-on bullshit.

>> No.919714

Sam looked at the wall.

>> No.919724

Did the wall look back?

>> No.919729


>> No.919735

"I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum," the large muscular man declared, ripping the head off of the closest living being to him. "And I'm all out of bubblegum."

>> No.919741

There was plenty of looting to do on the eve of the apocalypse and Harry had just left the house with his backpack empty.

>> No.919753

There was a razorstorm coming in.

>> No.919768

Somewhat on the topic of this thread, a question for you all; does the first line (or even first paragraph or page) in a book really make that much difference as to whether or not you'll read or buy the book? I can't read books where I don't find the first page engaging and interesting. Is it the same for you guys?

>> No.919783

It was the middle of summer and there was no water under the bridge. Jimmy Nosebleed could not have wished for a better day to do this and he found himself filled with a sense of euphoria. Just then he pushed Vicky, tied up and drugged, off the bridge and watched her plummet.

>> No.919812

I'm floating down a big, pink tunnel.

>> No.919825

It's a huge part of it. If a writer doesn't understand the principle of hooking in their reader, go home.

>> No.919833

I don't know what to do.

>> No.919886

Alexis and I were competing in a reality show-style game.

>> No.919893

Ever since my childhood, I have longed to return to the womb.

>> No.919896

what do we become when our shadows lengthen their stride

>> No.919900

the art of hooking the reader is more than just a first line. much, much more.

>> No.919921

I came

>> No.919924

Skin gripping sweat and the pounding, the screaming masses before him sent his muscles into a nasty ecstasy.

>> No.919932

most people on this board can't write for shit

>> No.919941

Incest incoming

>> No.919944


>> No.919945
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/lit/, I am proud.

>> No.919951

Black and Gray spires,

impaling the toxic.

This clockwork world

of dirty steam

has mixed with the intricate cogs and pulleys,

of root and stone.

Only by opening the eye inside our eyes

can the pendulum boom on time.

>> No.919952

In the beginning God created...

>> No.919955

That's really shitty. I predict a flop.

>> No.919960
File: 76 KB, 519x600, 1278780806393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read well constructed and serious first liners
>come across this
>imagine the scene
>hardest I've lol'd in several days

>> No.919983

He opened his eyes, disturbed by the rustling plastic bag rolling past in the breeze. "The modern tumbleweed," he thought to himself as he let out a calming sigh.

I know it's two sentences but it wouldn't really work with just the former.

>> No.920006


>> No.920009

Not furry, first line is just a tad awkward.

Mrs. Cat and Mr. Dog loved each other from the moment their scents paid compliment.

>> No.920014


>> No.920028

The tumbleweed plastic bag in the breeze is a cliche that seeks to encapsulate the AMERIKKKAN experience as something disposable, consumable, and (let us not forget) permanently scarring.

Also, American Beauty did it first.

>> No.920045


Damn, haven't seen it.

>> No.920048

Wake up Red, it's your tenth birthday and Professor Oak is waiting for you in his lab.

>> No.920052


>> No.920056

"How is babby formed?"

>> No.920108

I am intrigued.

>> No.920127

using System;

>> No.920138

I’m sitting in a room that smells like old people.

>> No.920139

>first person present tense
you suck

>> No.920147

_____ kicked off her heels and threw down her bag.

>> No.920151

Officer Weston didn't understand how folks in rainy places like Seattle could stand it; Lots of rain drove him crazy, being used to his own dry midwestern climate.

>> No.920153


more like 1st person godmode

>> No.920156

It was the best of times, and it was the wurst of times at Schussulussu Weiner factory.

>> No.920181

He had hardly noticed the two men as they passed. To him, they were but extras in the larger scheme of his life. Probably talking about their sexual conquests. Nothing worth him noting. He let them go without a further thought, as his mind was momentarily focused on things infinitely more important; namely, the weather. Partially because of his now completely threadbare coat, the weather seemed unseasonably cold for this time of the year. There were even several small flakes of sleet that had begun to sporadically blot the pavement, which was unusual for late March. But it was the wind that made it the type of cold that stayed with you, penetrating your clothing with ease and lodging itself deep within the most secluded parts of your mind. The parts one tries to keep covered. Even in the dead of winter, there were some days that seemed colder than others, and it reminded him of an adage his father used to say; he used to tell him that there was a coldest day in every year. It seemed simple and logical enough, but he never received any other explanation from it. His father was always looked the same when he said it. He would be watching TV or, more often, reading the newspaper, and suddenly he would lower the newspaper, take off his glasses, clean them with the bottom of his shirt, stare off into the middle-distance, and say that there was a coldest day in every year. He could see him quite clearly saying it and he remembered that it always seemed as if his father was very far away when he said it. It was something in his eyes. They seemed to be looking at something another time that had either happened long ago or hadn’t quite happened yet, something that was troubling or comforting, or perhaps a little of both. This seemed like that kind of day.

>> No.920207

Here I was right, minding my own business when I accidentally the whole thing? Ain't that a kick in the head?

>> No.920488

This is not a single line.

>> No.920528

oh, man, that is just painful. Practice, anon. Practice.

>> No.920544

Can you elaborate upon said pain please

>> No.921178


>> No.921202

The pain of having a colony of ants live inside your dick

>> No.921215

The purpose of this report is to provide an understanding of what stocks are, common words that you will find when discussing stocks, how stocks are displayed, common tactics used to help people make money in the stock market and to discuss a single company in particular Gabriel Resources Ltd.. ... summer school sucks

>> No.921272

ok, can nobody steal this tho...

I'm slim shady, yes I'm the real shady...
it goes on from there, but Idk. I think it sucks.

>> No.921289

I'd read this.

>> No.921293

are you me from the future? Tomorrow Me?
If so, can you tell me if I will get away with it?

>> No.921321

It strikes me more as a deliberate contrast. While the city fuels it furor through the night, it doesn't realize the implications of its merrymaking and the judgment that will one day fall upon it.

Whether it come from God... or something of similar malign.

>> No.921351

I studied the photo and I considered its every detail and I noted each wrinkle on his barely imperfect face and his smile reminded me of a long forgotten and unidentifiable emotion that I was sure I had last felt in my prepubescent youth and when I looked away from the photo I felt the way I felt the day I learned of my mother's death and when I looked back a cicada in my skull awoke from a deep sleep and the noise it made alerted me to a nirvana that had been hiding behind abuse and doubt and, finally, I came.

>> No.921358

Rupert Dashfield stood over the man sleeping soundly in bed, knife in had

first draft, realised ended plot too early so going to rework a lot

>> No.921369
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After staring morosely at his computer screen for three minutes, he doffed his shining purple pants and cracked each of his knuckles, readying his fingers for their evening's toil, wondering still which of them would prove the better athlete, which was better suited to combat his penis in the blood sport that ended only after it (the penis) surrendered, exhausted, with a spring of jubilant fluid, like a fighter spitting his mouthpiece onto the mat.

>> No.921370


Needs more recalcitrant and immitigable and fewer commas

>> No.921373

The bus was a Viking funeral.

>> No.921411

Hugh Milliner prayed he would never have to renege on the bargain, and gyp the men who had trusted him; it would be a niggardly move indeed to jew his Italian confederates with such a whopper of a lie, he thought, as he struck a match on a chink in the wall; "there mustn't be any monkeying around...the plan has got to be spic and span," he muttered, lighting a fag.

>> No.921414 [DELETED] 

stOp aTTaCkiNG_And_FUCking_WItH_wWw.AnOCarrotsTALk.se_repLa
CE_carROtS WItH n
gro pet jirnzf ny yco usfmhmmifu ck xae

>> No.921420

The nigger stood in silence waiting eagerly to evolve in a desert space.

>> No.921425

I like the part about the mouthpiece on the mat.

>> No.921433

The thick aroma of grounded coffee beans painted the welcoming, monotonous café brown with satisfaction, teasing the corner of my mouth, the epitome of pleasure succeeded a sneer.

>> No.921436 [DELETED] 

stOp_attaCkiNG_aNd fuCkING_witH_wWw.ANOcaRroTsTaLk.sE_replaCe_carrots_WI
TH n
sx bdnnge erndrsg llqpyofv mph bzyak lg

>> No.921450

Sadly I have no story idea to go with it, but maybe I will use the simile somewhere else. There is almost nothing more boring to talk about in print than male masturbation so it is kind of limited-use.

>> No.921453
File: 40 KB, 400x330, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth.

>> No.921451 [DELETED] 


sTOp aTTACkInG_AND FucKiNG WiTH wWw.AnOcArrOtStAlK.Se rEPlaCe CARRoTS wiTh n
kk aybgz ivml sc ebugpf kyes mnqlgvrkfkqeimn

>> No.921505


This is very good, and I would most certainly read on. Unfortunately, other anons have the misconception that some overwritten descriptive passage, rife with adjectives, is the way to open something. Woe are those.

>> No.921513

plz be a troll.

Or go read Heart of Darkness.

>> No.921518


Please do not force such crap on me because you have such childish tastes

>> No.921594

When I became a private detective, I thought it would be cool and glamorous, like all those "film noir" movies I watched had lead me to believe. I assumed that I would solve crimes the cops couldn't, take down tough crooks, and look cool while wearing a trench coat and fedora. Now I see that I was wrong; I only look cool in trench coats. My head isn't shaped right for hats.

>> No.921597

Heart of Darkness is a classic, you ignorant nigger.

>> No.921600


>> No.921626

You sir, are retarded.

>> No.921627
File: 59 KB, 600x433, 1274122755948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody must have defamed Josef K. because without having done anything bad he was arrested one morning.

>> No.921634

...hey! I just read that somewhere else.

>> No.921661


baby's first book

>> No.921672

Eunice is chewing the ends of her brushes again as she considers the jaundice yellow glare of a neon pink sun.

>> No.921674

The shed was dark, damp, and cold; it was almost near impossible to get some sleep, not with someone’s loud snoring over a few inches away and two or three farmers from the collective whispering plans of escape.

>> No.921686


Fuck! I just started reading that like an hour ago...

>> No.921690

The rain felt cold and heavy to Allen as he walked through the storm's soul rending torrents, and was made colder still by the wind which seemed as a ravenous wolf that relentlessly charged at him again and again, ripping through the thick leather of his coat like it was little more than paper.

>> No.921699

"One time i punched a nigger in the face"

>> No.921702

'Soul rending torrents'?

>> No.921703



I found all of these very interesting. Also what this >>921505 anon said.

>> No.921709

Yeah. Ever heard of torrential rain? Throw that on top of the news that your family's killer just broke out of prison and you get "soul rending torrents." It's the depression factor that tips it over, you see.

>> No.921711

Writerfags are the cancer that is killing /lit/. Contact me when the stuff you're writing gets published, i.e. never.

>> No.921717

Doesn't it sound a bit too over-blown, though?

>> No.921730

sTop ATTacKInG ANd_fuckING WitH wwW.aNocARROTsTALk.SE_REPLacE carrOtS_wItH N
foawb um ba wtjs gni qhhinbkor x z zr m cbdr

>> No.921731

We were fair scunnerd. Wit Alec Mac aff tae purgatory ae worse, an' big Longshanks bootin' the longbows up pas Carlisle, hings wer' nae lookin' gaed for Auld Alba.

>> No.921737

Absolutely fuckin' perfect.

then again, I'm Scottish and biased! :D

>> No.921745

Short story 1

Theodore groped the outside of his pocket in hope to find a hard shape resembling a key; his fingers poked the side of his fleshy leg up and down but soon resorted to the more efficient thigh-palming.

Short story 2

"A heathenous moan trembled from my room, and a reluctant eyelid slithered open."

>> No.921770

Rape was the first thing on my mind; I didn't want it to happen. I'd seen it in films and read about it in the paper and so on, and if I ever wanted anything to happen to me, it wouldn't be that.

This seemingly unwarranted fear of rape was more of a hindrance than a help to me; spending half your life looking over your shoulder for that one charging, erect penis ready to forcedly take your innocence is just a waste of time in reality - it doesn't happen. However, I use the word 'seemingly' with great emphasis, you see, I was raped - and I loved it. This is my story:

>> No.921771 [DELETED] 

STOp_attaCkiNG AnD fUcKINg wITH WWW.ANocARrOTstAlk.se_ReplAcE_CaRRoTs_WIth_N
rlpmlb bxfw a ighx gs tj cwttuyjxxvvzhr y

>> No.921778

--> if, then <--> if and only if ^and \/ or (L formula)

>> No.921909

not really considering that it's chapter six of book two.

>> No.921957
File: 60 KB, 594x396, roflbot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.922001

Mayor McCheese slumped hard against the headboard, his pleasure spent in a greasy morsel of hamburger grease which now trickled down his thigh.

>> No.922026

500 years from today, in what would have been western Kansas

No joke.

>> No.922053

If there was one thing to be grateful for that day, it was that Amelia Imelda Jones only managed to break two plates in the kitchen instead of her usual dozen.

>> No.922055

>The purpose of this report is

Never EVER start a report/paper/essay with anything even remotely resembling that. It's extremely bad form.

>> No.922060

At the University in the southern district you will often hear the story of a professor who found the irrefutable proof that killing human beings is wrong. One week after he published it, the story says, he was murdered by an unknown person.

>> No.922063

I knew today would suck even before Jamal started fucking my chair.

>> No.922073

Walking the endless depths of the sea, I came upon a seahorse giving birth to seamares, which were then fucked by actual horses, promptly killing the seamares in the process.

>> No.922078

(stormfront thread)

>> No.922079

I am a shit writer. I am about to write something pretentious. Welcome to my postmodern tale.

>> No.922080

Preface: This book contains little that is original
Introduction: In the beginning, there was no Europe.
Chapter 1: There is a marked determinism about many descriptions of Europe's environmental history.

>> No.922083


/int/ thread

>> No.922092

Mencius explained the poem “Duke of Liu ”, saying, “Those who sit at home store up grain, and those who travel pack provisions.”

>> No.922099

For whatever reason the copy shop was void of human life aside from mine, or the 16 year old part-timer Miguel, I couldn’t say I disliked it.

Would you believe me if I told you it was a double-life cyberpunk book?

>> No.922111


Miguel is from the Disney movie The Road to El Dorado. Plagiarism much?

ppl please report thois

>> No.922119

Better get suing all of Mexico then, you stupid troll.

>> No.922128


>> No.922137 [DELETED] 

stop_aTTAcKiNg ANd fuCkING_With WWW.ANOCaRroTsTalK.SE rePlaCE CArRotS witH_n
evq zulp kz qw cnohqkfayd ljwscycuuhc qgtl al uxlgsrua

>> No.922162

>Tonight, I dream about a dinosaur. Again.

Based in a true story.

>> No.922163

Wow... My english suck...

>> No.922166

First time in his life, Alec had been had.
His pregnancy test came back positive.