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/lit/ - Literature

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921260 No.921260 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to bed now my fellow lo/lit/as

I was just wondering.....How pretentious are you?

pic related, it's the cast of spongebob being pretentious.

>> No.921265
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>> No.921263

Mad pretentious.

I lose interest in girls if they're dumb, i'll fuck someone for reading the new yorker.

>> No.921269

u dun goofed

>> No.921270 [DELETED] 

sTop_aTtACKiNG_anD fucKING_WIth_WWw.ANoCaRroTSTALK.se rEPLACe CArRotS witH N
ylw k dsavighr sar pji axwemsxvhq lg fa

>> No.921273

I'm so pretentious that whenever my fellow students made bad scores on essays in my head I'd scoff an laugh uncontrollably but out loud i'd say "86? that's pretty good man.....I got a 98" so god damn satisfying.

>> No.921277

whatever. I'll see someone get an A and think they're a sell-out for studying. That's pretentious, G

>> No.921285 [DELETED] 

STop AttaCKinG_AnD_FuCkINg_WiTh wwW.ANoCarrOtstALk.Se rEplAcE CarROtS_wiTH_n
dbgbelpi kdwjadjsssbxd o cxbg pefbbqh

>> No.921288

psssh when people think I sold out and feel like they are superior to me, I openly confess that I sold out and that I am better than them

>> No.921295

Probably pretty pretentious.

When people tell me they like Twilight my opinion of them instantly drops. It drops even further after I questions them for all the flaws it has and they say "I dunno, I just like it".

Actually, anytime someone says that response I get pissed off. "I dunno, I just like it", no, fuck you.

WHAT di you like about it, there has to SOMETHING, you can't just like it just because, stop being a fucking pussy and admit that you have shit tastes. I don't even really give a fuck, we can still be friends, but man the fuck up.

>> No.921299

Fukken ditto.

So how's it feel to enjoy a book written at a 4th grade level? "uh well.....I liked it" well your taste in literature is shit.

>> No.921301

I'm so pretentious I only watch Godard films from his post-80s career on my computer as Word files.

>> No.921306

Jesus Christ! What the hell are you?!

>> No.921307

I'm so pretentious I don't date women unless they embrace a post-post modernity philosophy by dressing in a precious ruby encrusted potato sack and having a penis.

>> No.921309

My personal rule is to hate anyone who likes Godard films from the last 15 years.

I'm so unpretentious, I only watch porn versions of classic films, never the originals.

>> No.921312

im not at all.

>> No.921313

I'm so pretentious that I have quit reading during this whole twilight phase.

>> No.921315


>> No.921337
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Pretentious? I'm too ostentatious to describe myself using that pathetic word.

pic related, it's me.

/I look down upon everyone here

>> No.921362

I'm so pretentious I will use words who's meaning I forget then look it up after to see if I used it correctly.

>> No.921368
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>> No.921372
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>> No.921376
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>> No.921377
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Too pretentious to even bother to finish this p

>> No.921381

this thread pretty much sums up everyone who visits this entire board.

>> No.921385
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>> No.921388

I'm so pretentious that I consider myself too good for this thread, but am posting in a self-loathing phase.

>> No.921389
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>> No.921394
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>> No.921398
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Pretentious enough to read his works.

>> No.921404
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Salad Fingers is +pretending+ there's someone on the other line of that phone with the severed cord.

>> No.921405

Well played, all of you

>> No.921410 [DELETED] 

I was riding my fixie to Whole Foods to pick up some organic cous cous and a couple liters of kombucha for a gallery/video installation premiere when I had an argument with my mate about the superiority of vinyl versus digital and I instantly had to tweet about it it.

>> No.921412

I was riding my fixie to Whole Foods to pick up some organic cous cous and a couple liters of
kombucha for a gallery/video installation premiere when I had an argument with my mate
about the superiority of vinyl versus digital and I instantly had to tweet about it.

>> No.921418


I could write a fucking book based on all that you just said.

>> No.921430


"Then do it," I said, and the rest is history.

>> No.921438

I would read it, because I have no idea what I just said.

>> No.921440

I'm pretentious around chavs

I don't know why but I feel I must use a vocabulary no person would use in real life and drop factoids on them

>> No.922174 [DELETED] 


>> No.922176

the perception of pretentious is extremely harmful to communicating stuff. i'd rather use plain words in all situations. jargon is bad except when talking to guys who understand them.

>> No.924465 [DELETED] 


>> No.924777
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I enjoy freeform jazz...

>> No.924799


>> No.924802
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I don't talk to strangers unless they are holding a book.

>> No.924807

I'm so pretentious, a girl I was dating told me we had to break up because "she felt stupid when talking to me."

I replied, "most people do."

True story.

>> No.924815

ITT: people thinking that "pretentious" means nothing more than having a superiority complex

>> No.924829
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>> No.924834

it means affecting superior tastes, man. read a dictionary.

>> No.924847

oh shit tao lin posts on /lit/

>> No.924853
File: 59 KB, 398x594, Stars+Set+Inception+Los+Angeles+2+ARaBuD87Fl3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job dude

>> No.924855

>not getting the irony

>> No.924856

Broke up with GF because she loved fight club. I feel justified in it though, after the read she pretended to having insomnia and constantly referred to Phalnuik (How the fuck do you spell his name?) as "The best writer in the world".

>> No.924861

Actually, it means you make larger claims about shit than are real. I.E. You claim to love Mexican culture because of the time you spent there, but really, you just went on a cruise that stopped at Mexican ports for a day.

>> No.924869

so conspiracy theorists are like the ultimate in pretension?

I've talked to a few 9/11 "truthers" and they always end up saying "I used to be like you...."

>> No.924874


I hate when people say shit like that.

>> No.924875

pretentious |priˈten ch əs|
attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed : a pretentious literary device.

>> No.924877

Well, kinda sorta yeah. They do use it as a way to frame you as ignorant and themselves as being superior for "knowing".

>> No.924918

I'm so pretentious that I've made it a personal crusade to buy some of that classy 70s porn, a la "The Devil In Miss Jones", so that I can feel classy even while watching people fuck.

>> No.924926

/lit/ is full of phonies

>> No.924927
File: 14 KB, 282x287, sr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm pretty much the most pretentious guy in town.

brb, champagne

>> No.924932

not literature


>> No.925107

I never understood what was so wrong with holding pretensions