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9213328 No.9213328 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw trying to find God through philosophy and nothing sounds convincing enough

>> No.9213339
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if you're looking for god, embrace overman worship and nietzsche and go mental

>and later when you're finished with that read the stoics & ttc

>> No.9213346
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Mabye he should just realize there is no god, and if there was he's an evil demented being.

>> No.9213354

>And all those who do not believe in it, and therefore fail to understand it,...
>may attack it; they cannot overthrow it.
- Saint Augustine

>> No.9213381

>dey jus dont know gawd dey cant lozurz

>> No.9213388

this nigga knows

Fedoraposters always think that an entity capable of creation can somehow be meaningfully understood by analogy.

This is why natural philosophy is critically underrated. When you progress far enough, you understand that our existence, our universe is predicated on a series of arbitrary rules and precisely defined constants that just are.

>> No.9213820

Anyone who humbly seeks wisdom, philosophers, can come to know him. Anyone who pridefully claims knowledge, sophists, will fail to ackowledge him.

>And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.”

>> No.9213837

Go find yourself some Paul Tillich, preferably Dynamics of Faith or The Courage to Be.

>> No.9213898


at the point where you believe this it seems like believing in any god is just pointless

>> No.9214517

Summa Theologica

>> No.9214616

people don't come to spirituality through intellectualism. they justify their spirituality post-hoc THROUGH intellectualism but that's different.

the search for god is not academic

>> No.9216381
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>> No.9216403

x100 this. I fell into the self-set trap of believing the Divine could be experienced intellectually, that I could find God through sheer rational inquiry and grasp His existence as I had grasped other philosophical topics in the past. When I realized that, by definition, the Divine will always supersede any possibility of human intellect, I learned to open myself up to the Divine as a direct ineffable experience, not grasping or searching or analyzing, but merely opening myself up to experience. That moment was when I went from a staunch but unsatisfied atheist to a satisfied believer in a substance greater than ourselves.

>> No.9216425

>anyone who doesn't believe in god is a dishonest tard
Wtf I love God now

>> No.9216437

the operative word is "can"

making ad hoc justifications for your own personal shortcomings obviously isnt philosophy

>> No.9216441


Try analytical psychology instead.
It'll really bake your noodle.

>> No.9216457

Pablo Picasso biopic when?

>> No.9216467


It certainly doesn't suggest God's existence but it doesn't rule it out either

>> No.9216480
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Reason and Faith are two horses of equal strength working together to bring you through the wilderness.

>> No.9216498


>you can't understand god
>everything is just random anyway

in a pragmatic sense this is the same thing as saying god is not real

>> No.9216580

What have you read?

Plato is the best place to start imo.

>> No.9217003

>in a pragmatic sense
And that's your problem, buddy.

>> No.9217019

Its interesting that the same train of thought can lead to different conclusions.

You say that because our universe is set to rules and constants that it we simply are, I see that same idea as a sign that there is indeed some sort of higher power.

>> No.9217062

Where my vape boys at???

>> No.9217317
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>god is evil and demented

does not compute.
that's like saying 3 is an even number, or married men are bachelors.


philosophy mostly clarifies semantics and logical connections between concepts, you still need your own "intuition" to get the ball rolling.

philosophy can support a transcendent God quite easily with logic, see Plato/Aristotle/Plotinus, but to get to the meaningful, personal and loving God you need a wise man's intuition, serious contemplation and seeking; if you don' have that you gotta refer to a prophet for help and their holy scripture.