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9210406 No.9210406 [Reply] [Original]

What philosophers have you read, /lit/?

>> No.9210413
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>> No.9210436

wheres Maximum Stirner?

>> No.9210444

>not having Thoreau checked off
That's the first thing you read. Walden is essential litcore

>no Archimedes, Eudoxus, Eutocius, Apollonius, or Euclid!

No Euclid? Seriously?

>> No.9210451
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You are like little babby

Watch this

>> No.9210458


>> No.9210462


>> No.9210468


>> No.9210472

Most of Pythagoras' work is lost, so if you check off Pythagoras you're basically saying you've read Elements, where a lot of his teachings find home with Eudoxus.

Apollonius did the same thing with other mathematicians, just parroted their findings in his work. The first couple books of On Conics aren't even Apollonius at all, they are other people.

I just know this shit because I read the fucking texts. Primary Greek mathematical texts man. Dry stuff, very challenging and dense. But rewarding.

>> No.9210475

>not having Nietzsche checked

That's babbytier /lit/, what the hell OP?

>> No.9210489
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>> No.9210491

Where's Sam Harris?

>> No.9210497

Occult writers aren't Philosophers mate

>> No.9210498

I've read the birth of tragedy and other bits and pieces, but i'm studying philosophy chronologically for the most part. Currently studying Christianity and theology, and I want to read Kant and Schop before I dive into Nietzsche

>> No.9210503
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Try actually reading him first.

>> No.9210510

Sorry haven't finished my background reading on Aleister Crowley yet

>> No.9210515

Which two of that list would make the best comedy duo?

>> No.9210517

Jesus & Nietzsche

>> No.9210519

Diogenes and Schopenhauer

>> No.9210522

Machiavelli and Singer

>> No.9210523

I'm gonna take a risk here and say Hobbes and Foucault

>> No.9210527

>Jesus was a philosopher
>Jesus existing

Nice joke, OP

>> No.9210532

At least you admit that you haven't read him, which was my point. Case closed.

>> No.9210533

nigga turned water to wine, if that isn't advanced natural philosophy then get outta my face

>> No.9210536

There are loads on this list that didn't exist desu

>> No.9210539
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sorry lit im still starting with the greeks

>> No.9210544
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>hasn't even read aristotle

>> No.9210552

Where is Jeremy Bentham?

>> No.9210607

Where is Lacan?

>> No.9211110


If real, then very good

Read some Hedi

>> No.9211124

I will, I'm actually in the middle of Kant in detail and intend to go through Husserl first

>> No.9211136
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Outline = read excerpts or secondhand

Check = Read

Double Check = Read and worked with significantly

Also this needs the Chinese lol

>> No.9211146


Good on you, Kant and Husserl are really ideal for proceeding forward.

>> No.9211151

>not Calvin and Hobbes
Or Luther and Hobbes maybe..

>> No.9211157

he's not important and no academic takes his ideas seriously

>> No.9211171


True in my experience

>> No.9211186

Hume and Russell

>> No.9211189


Frege and Husserl

Leibniz and Spinoza

Or, ofc.

Socrates and Hemlock

>> No.9211238

>the rapid expanse of Christianity
>extra-biblical sources
>not pointing to a historical Jesus
embarrassing tbqhwy

>> No.9211258

>heraclitus but no parmenides
>zeno with the romans
>darwin hayek and freud

really makes you think

>> No.9211411


>> No.9211428

Neither Calvin nor Luther are on the chart. Anyway, I think Hobbes' stodgy rationalism would contrast well with Foucault's radical opposition to any form of systemization. At the same time, they share a common disdain for and pessimism towards mankind as a whole.

>> No.9211454

Emerson, Fichte, Bachelard...

>> No.9211630

What quantity of material would you feel you needed to read to feel like you have legitimately "read" anyone on this list?

How many times would you need to re-read that body of work?

Does /lit/ even reread things?

>> No.9211640


Only Derrida

>> No.9211650
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To me that shows how correct he was. Academics are content to parrot Marx's criticism despite the fact it is literalist, vapid, and vaults to the heights of autism.

>> No.9212140
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Add Gramsci.

>> No.9212186

It requires Anaxagoras
Also: it requires Zygmunt Bauman

>> No.9212287

Darwin is not a philosopher. Stop being Euphoric.

>> No.9212306

I thought there wasn't anything written by the pre-socratic philosophers?

>> No.9212315

How so? I fucking hate maths, is there any other reason I should read it?

>> No.9212335

Stop forcing your marxist bullshit, pizza nigger.

>> No.9212337


>> No.9212340
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only stirner

>> No.9212369

Someone please update and correct that stupid list already.

>> No.9212378

none. i have vague ideas on most and i come here to practice how to strategically crush people who have more knowledge than me. although in reality i'm guessing most are probably doing the same.

>> No.9212401

Where is Chomsky?

>> No.9212406
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>> No.9212800

what do you mean by ticking diogenes, socrates etc? how have you 'read' them? dialogues etc?

>> No.9213341
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Whete is Sam Harris?

>> No.9213405

Lenin and Plato

>> No.9213983

why are there no philosophers of color?

>> No.9213997

Plato, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Nietzsche.

>> No.9213999

Jesus is there

>> No.9214005

>Marcus Aurelius

Who? I don't see him on the graph

>> No.9214021


>> No.9214035

jesus was white

>> No.9214265
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I really hate this chart.
>Thales, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Diogens, Democritus, Zeno. What is? The party of fragments?
>Jesus? I'm going to buy a fedora!
>Avicenna, Why not Averroè?
>Petrarch? Why not Dante?
>Hobbes? Where is Calvin (and Luther)? And isn't Bacon a little girl?
>D'alambert and Diderot JesuisMontesquieu(andVoltaire)
>I wanna fug Simone

>> No.9214414

I started reading philosophy almost 2 years ago and only read Hegel, Plato and the pre-socratics in this time.

>> No.9214679
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do you even lift bruh?

>> No.9215820

He definitely existed, the question is was he holy?

>> No.9216002


>> No.9216021


>> No.9216131

>marx vs bakunin
>not marx vs stirner
come on, marx literally wrote a 200 page ad hominem on stirner

>> No.9216155


>> No.9216172

>not reading Cicero
Literally a pleb

>> No.9216185 [DELETED] 

He definitely was holy, the question is was he the son of God?

>> No.9216205

Thats not particularly hard for someone who is a Phil major

>> No.9216206

He definitely was holy, the question is was he the son of God?

>> No.9216324

Yeah you're right if they haven't read the complete works of the author in question

>> No.9216360

Where's Voltaire? Did I miss him?

>> No.9216516
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>> No.9216522

I've read all Socrates and had many a torrential orgasm, but I really don't give a shit about Plato.

>> No.9216528

>Image not titled "fsjalsophers"

>> No.9217112

>Derrida without heidegger

>> No.9217316

No Peterson?

>> No.9217329
File: 561 KB, 2800x2100, well not so many.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9217331

pure bullshit

>> No.9217336 [DELETED] 

also Ghazali, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi, Rumi, Omar Khayyam, Sheyh Galib (he's more like a fantasy writer tho)... most eastern

>> No.9217343

also Ghazali, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi, Rumi, Omar Khayyam, Sheyh Galib (he's more like a fantasy writer tho)... mostly eastern

>> No.9218245

>no black woman philosopher

>> No.9218277

rather than make my own thread
Could someone post the google doc about how to into philosophy?

>> No.9218318

Why did you check off people like Thales, Socrates or Jesus when there's nothing written by them? Are you one of those shitters who think reading an article on Wikipedia about them is the same as reading them ?

>> No.9218368


>> No.9218390

This chart doesn't have a philosopher I know of. WTF OP? This is why philosophy is dying.

>> No.9218436
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phil grad student reporting in
>red Xs indicate philosophers who didn't write anything

>> No.9218445

Regarding Thales, I assumed he had fragments in the Fragments of the Presocratics. I just checked and the only extant fragment is called "a late forgery." My bad.

>> No.9218459

Are you enjoying it?

>> No.9218476

Yeah, for the most part. It's really hard, though. Not a fan of standard contemporary analytic style philosophy, but there's enough variety to get around that. I don't really want to do anything else, so it'd take a lot to make me regret going to grad school for philosophy. Maybe if it was a worse school or if I had to pay for it. It's very nice to be paid to study philosophy, despite the onerous workload.

>> No.9218497

How did you manage to be paid?

>> No.9218504

Most good PhD programs will give you a stipend, presumably so you don't need to work on the side. They'll make you TA or teach eventually, though. Mine lets you just take classes for the first two years, though (I'm just wrapping up the second year).

>> No.9218526
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>claiming to have read Socrates or Diogenes
HUGE meme

>> No.9218538

So you are either a genius or a good rhetorician and probably from the US?

I'm a poor man who wants to study philosophy but I'm bad at unprepared speaking.

>> No.9218548

Ah damn, wasn't thinking w/r/t Jesus

Now I'm the meme

>> No.9218555

I'm not particularly good at speaking extemporaneously. I am very good at writing, though, which I assume is what got me into the program. From the US and going to school there.

>> No.9218567

Ok guy. Good luck with your phd.

>> No.9218692

Thanks, man.

>> No.9218728

thanks bud

>> No.9218922

Diogenes and Zizek

>> No.9219214

Thanks for this

>> No.9219455
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Love the chart. It's funny.

>> No.9219474

He's a linguist, not a philosopher.

>> No.9219488

What do you guys think of Robert S. Corrington and his Ecstatic Naturalism?

It's overly mystical for my tastes, but I find it interesting.

>> No.9219531
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