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/lit/ - Literature

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9207481 No.9207481 [Reply] [Original]

I live in one of the largest cities in the United States. If I saw someone reading a book outside of a train, library, university, or Starbucks attached to a Barnes and Noble, I would think they were being affectatious.

>> No.9207493
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Whatever makes them happy, right?

>> No.9207517

I can understand why many people read in NYC during lunch breaks, on the train, in the parks, in cafes, even in bars.

The mass of shitty people is so tremendous it is very cathartic to pull inward into a good book.

>> No.9207539

I don't know what "afffectatious" means.

>> No.9207549

reading on a train or bus is fucking basic.
everyone does it here.

>> No.9207590

What in christ's name are those tattoos?
>a G(?) on his finger
>a shitty train and car
>a cross for some reason
>rectangles on his bicep???
What the fuck.

>> No.9207608

I prefer to read something instead of waiting like a dumbass watching my shoelaces

>> No.9207617

He's quite cute though

>> No.9207625


What is it with Americans and thinking it's an interesting take that people care about their self images and sometimes devote time to creating those images and take pleasure from them? It's normal and healthy.

>> No.9207626

The rectangles are the logo for the punk band Black Flag

>> No.9207654

Ok. I didn't say I wanna fuck him tho.
>google it
>so it is
Well thanks for providing some clarity. Never heard of 'em. Weird logo, but I can dig the tunes.

>> No.9207667


Tell me about someone who calls themselves a "reader" and cares about the written word like that, as opposed to putting on a front to make themselves look more thoughtful, sensitive, or perhaps more intelligent than others.

>> No.9207677

>What is it with Americans
What is it with foreigner faggots always comparing everything to America?
Sounds like an inferiority complex.

>> No.9207681

I've got a friend who's a professional model and whenever I catch her around she'll be in something much like a pose, often affectatiously reading a book, but her taste is easily patrician-tier, and she'd read at least five books a month, which isn't huge but isn't undedicated either.

>> No.9207683

Who cares what you consider them? Your opinions don't matter.

>> No.9207685

is trumpkin triggered?

>> No.9207691


I'm not mad at that, because at least she knows her profession ("model") might make people think she's unintelligent. If she poses with novels to look smarter I think it has a purpose and is justified.

Fair enough.

>> No.9207699


I'm saying if you're known as a "reader" it's might be because you're shy, boring on the surface, and use books to hide from people in public -- AS OPPOSED TO actually getting something meaningful out of the experience.

>> No.9207704

Do you live in Texas or something? I live in one of the largest cities in the US too and here you see people reading in public all the time without a trace of affectation.

>> No.9207739

did you ever consider that you are just unlikable as fuck and that´s why people rather not open up to you besides pretending to be a reader so you just leave them alone

>> No.9207772
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>> No.9207778

Why not both?

>> No.9207781

>smoking in bed
>smoking anywhere


>> No.9207787

>You're reading in a way I find distressing and improper

Only on /lit/

>> No.9207792

>>smoking in bed
>smoking around your books
Glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.9207803

i felt sick when i imagined how that book will smell in a few years

>> No.9207816

Right? Plus, it yellows the pages really bad and makes 'em brittle.
What a terrible shame to ruin a good book and prevent that lovely old book smell.

>> No.9207817
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>using the word affectatious
>accuses other of affectation
kys senpai

>> No.9207821

I'm impressed that people on this board keep finding new ways to be autistic.

>> No.9207823

not to mention the poor people who have to live in those rooms when the two have died from lung cancer

>> No.9207830

original autism is creativity too

>> No.9207840

Carcinogens are a bitch to get rid of. At least smoke outside or something.

>> No.9207846

>smoke outside
and pollute my air? no thank you

seriously, smoking should get banned

>> No.9207872

OP is just bitching about people who read outside, he sounds like a /r9k/ drone than a /lit/ user.

>> No.9207881

Fortunately nobody cares what you think of them. Leave them alone and get on with your life.

>> No.9207886

I dunno about going that far. What about weed, that as well? Why not alcohol?
Maybe people should just be more considerate, which is already a big thing anyways.

>> No.9207899

i donmt need all those substances. but if someone does, so be it. not on me to judge or tell them how to live their lifes. but smoking (no matter if weed or tobacco), disturbs. unlike alcohol. sure, a drunk idiot can be disturbing too. and one can just walk away if someone smokes. but i know a lot of smokers and they are rather considerate about it. but you'd still be seen as a fucking pretentious pussy if you walk away when someone is taking smoke whilst talking to you

>> No.9208035

I'm pretty much of the same mind. If someones into that, I'm not gonna get up in their business, generally, and so long as they're mindful I won't shun 'em. You seem like an alright dude.
Take it easy boss.

>> No.9208318

pseud picture

>> No.9208321

I dont know about you guys, but I found OPs OP rather affectatious

>> No.9209112

using the word affectatious always seems affectatious

>> No.9209129

this is almost copypasta worthy. if you don't like to read thats fine but don't try to make it into something its not. you are just a dumb dumb thats ok

>> No.9209148


Alright so whats the difference if they're reading a newspaper or their phone?

Don't blame people for passing time in public blame our bureaucratic society for giving them no choice

>> No.9209158

recently I saw a guy laying on a park bench at a busy intersection. he was reading upside down and almost falling off the bench but I could tell he was genuine and in to whatever he was reading. It was funny but made me jealous of his hubris.

>> No.9209193
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>> No.9209243


cannabis with gf snuggled in bed is indescribably comfy

>> No.9209265


>> No.9209539
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>Not enjoying tobacco

>> No.9210608

How do you read in public if the book has an embarrassing cover? I recently covered a big chunk of it with some duct tape so people wouldn't see it.

>> No.9211118


we get it, you vape. take your cyberpunk dystopia elsewhere.

>> No.9212518


>coming to /lit/ to complain that people read

Sounds about right.

>> No.9213589

>op says he lives in America
>Americans somehow feel they're being singled out
