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/lit/ - Literature

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9205238 No.9205238 [Reply] [Original]

>When you're on the bus reading a classic and the author uses the word Nigger and a black guy gets son the bus and you glance down at the word Nigger and then look at the black guy, and then you smirk, and then you look back up at the black guy and he makes eye contact with you while you're smirking, so you go back to your book in fear that the black guy some how knows that you just read the word Nigger.

>> No.9205254


>> No.9205258

Steinbeck East of Eden, the part where he talks about The Nigger, hence why I capitalized Nigger lol.

>> No.9205266
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>When you're picked by the professor to read the passage that says "nigger" twenty-four times and a group of black students sits immediately behind you

>> No.9205272

>being fearful to say nigger around niggers

>> No.9205273

brutal. true story?

>> No.9205279


It's happened fucking twice this semester. First in Huck Finn, today with Absalom, Absalom!

...My professor seems like a nice guy, but I think he wants me dead.

>> No.9205298
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>middle school lit in college
America was a mistake.

>> No.9205304

He's probably still in high school

>> No.9205307

My professor was so based when it came to stuff like that. I have the distinct memory of him reading a passage from one of the texts we were reading and though it had "Nigger" in it and I thought he would hold back and simply say "the N-word" but he just straight snarled "Nigger" and I sensed how uncomfortable the other kids were but they didn't have the balls to speak out against him. I smirked.

>> No.9205318
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pic related, it's you except cuter and 2d.

>> No.9205324

blame mass education

>> No.9205327

Wow. Sounds uncomfortable af. But maybe your prof is trying to do something more than just grill you. Hopefully that's the case and he's not just being a dick for no reason.

Either way good job anon, hope you find it all educational.

>> No.9205355


It's a course on the 'Great American Novel'. Obviously modern criticism is harsh on it, but T.S. Eliot and his generation considered it one. It was supposed to be a mirror with Moby-Dick on how and why critic's opinions on a novel change, and to raise the question if the idea of a 'Great American Novel' is even a tenable concept given this.

He says it as well, but I swear he saves the most obvious passages for me, as if I were a means to shirk off his guilt of having to read those lines and keep him 'cool' for the rest of class. He's a sly son of a bitch if that's what he's doing.

>> No.9205379

I mean it's a great class otherwise, that's really my only problem thus far.

My professor was really impressed with my midterm paper about St. Augustine's 'City of God' philosophy and its implications in Moby-Dick.

>> No.9205386
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my old Honors English IV teacher was kinda like that. Not really snarling, but he wasn't afraid to say anything that was in the book.

Was also pretty based, called the wannabe suave intellectual kid a retard in front of everyone. pic related

>> No.9205411


New game: Guess which one anon is.

My guess is that faggot on the top left, that smug fuck to the teacher's right.

That dude in the cable-knit looks like a serial killer, no joke.

>> No.9205417


or that smug fuck*

>> No.9205422

>I lay in bed all day waiting to sink in. Im 19, and i feel like rust, and a hallow husk with no purpose.

>> No.9205509

smug fuck is the guy he called retarded

i'm the serial killer, desu

>> No.9205515

>Tfw you're the only Nigger in your class and every time the Whites read Huck Finn in class and they come to the word Nigger, they glare in your direction as it seethes contemptuously from their lips

Oh lawdy Ai showly do fear dat class mistuh

>> No.9205525

you mean the one on the teacher's left (our right)? Yeah I agree, either him or the faggot with the white sweater

>> No.9205574

A black cat named Niggerman or Nigger Man?

>> No.9205623

>tfw cramming a semester's worth of notes in the back of an uber
>excellent driver masterfully navigating to my final exam
>end up throwing up all over myself because apparently you're not supposed to read in cars


>> No.9205630


You need to drop the Anton Chigurh cut, my dude.

>> No.9205640

The dude on the far right looks like he's gonna slay some good pussy one day and marry it and then raise a happy family and become a professor of economics or math.

>> No.9205663


I feel like wavy-hair two in from the right in the center row. looks like the kind of guy who will be able to make some connections with his mentors all the way into some cushy position at a private firm with a qt wife, a kid and two dogs.

Middle of middle row is the Chad of the class.

>> No.9205690

Yeah wavy-hair looks like the kind of guy who would own 2 dogs, more specifically one big one and one little one, like a poodle and a chihuaha, or a golden retriever and a yorkie.

>> No.9205705

>First year in American High School
>Had to read 'les dix petite negres' for french class.
>When explaining my new black friends in other class what that book title meant I said:
>-The ten little negros or
>-The ten little blacks or
>-The ten little africans
>Every single one laughed and told me just to call em niggers and not be stupid by being stupid PC

>> No.9205708

How KEKED is your country when you gotta read a book about nigger dicks for school

>> No.9205716

He is the one who is being blocked by the other dude on the left side because we all know the only folks on this board are the people in literature writing courses who are rejected by the rest because they are too weird and have the most bizarre ideologies

>> No.9205720

>picked by professor
>to read

out loud? Is this American education? We stopped story time aged about 7 in my country

>> No.9205723

It's a Christie crime novel, imbecile.

>> No.9205732

its a popular crime book and easy enough for learners to read.

Ten little indians or something in english.

Its about 10 folks on an island dying one by one just like in a poem one character reads called "les dix petite negres" when she arrives at the islands hotel.


>> No.9205737

what did (you) mean by this [post]?

>> No.9205808

Y-you're cute

>> No.9205910

in my high school class, we'd be reading multiple books at once. So we'd be assigned something like McCarthy or Denis Johnson for home reading, while something not so base level was read in class like Faulkner or Conrad.

>> No.9205921

ok senpai

>> No.9205946
File: 17 KB, 300x300, ted-hughes-9346422-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> when you drive two of your wives so fucking nuts that they end up gassing themselves with an oven......the second wife also gassed one of your children.....and it makes you want to write about crows and shit

>> No.9205959
File: 17 KB, 268x237, mugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When your black and the author uses the word nigger and you smile; knowing that the author was in a distant way referring to you.

>> No.9205988
File: 38 KB, 430x531, Abscence of God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9206301

>tfw writing about the best ways to tell stories based on researching /lit/ critiques and film analyses
feels meta

>> No.9208189

When you're black and incorrectly use the word your

>> No.9208381

> reading a book at uni
> full of violence
> a passage focuses on mutilating a woman's vagina, cutting off her ear and putting it into her vagina before she's raped
> reading this just before class starts, before i put my book down
> feel a little awkward thinking people were glancing over my shoulder reading along with me, palms a little sweaty, sitting beside qt grills

b-b-but p-people d-don't r-read along without y-you knowing, r-right???

>> No.9208507

>when you're pretending to be a lesbian just so all the avant-garde lit mags won't toss your submissions straight in the garbage but you are in fact a straight man

>> No.9208815

What book?

>> No.9208919

Not him, but it's Ryu Murakami's In The Miso Soup, read it last week.

>> No.9209252
File: 93 KB, 620x670, 20 aeons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
