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/lit/ - Literature

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9201690 No.9201690 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best novel you've ever read, /lit/?

>> No.9201691

Stoner or War and Peace.

>> No.9201694


atlas shrugged

>> No.9201696

A Song of Ice and Fire (the books are really just one long novel).

>> No.9201701

Read Notes from Underground last night; Fucked me man.

>> No.9201703

Bet you're thankful it's such a small book

>> No.9201713

Either Moby-Dick or The Sound & The Fury.

>> No.9201717

One Hundred Years of Solitude.

>> No.9201721

crime and punishment

>> No.9201722

Ulysses, probably. The Sound and The Fury, Mrs. Dalloway, or Suttree maybe.

>> No.9201723

ITT: meme books and their retarded lovers

>> No.9201728

Naked Lunch

>> No.9201729

How dare people like canonical works and share their opinions when asked!?

>> No.9201730

I really liked grapes of wrath

>> No.9201734

can you please tell me why? I man i didn't liked it but i think it's because translation was really bad. Then i find english version, strangefully it wasn't really hard to read.

>> No.9201737


>> No.9201742

honestly, it's still shantaram. that book is sentimental to me though.

doctor zhivago and the unbearable lightness of being also put me on my ass.

>> No.9201750

The Trial

>> No.9201762

I change my answer, it's definetely The Trial.

>> No.9201767

I wrote Crime and Punishment

>> No.9201772

I wrote Don Quixote.

>> No.9201793

I wrote Finnegans Wake

>> No.9201795


>> No.9201808

I wrote Mein Kampf.

>> No.9201812
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I wrote Infinite Jist

>> No.9201908
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Adventures of Biker Frog and Lady White Bear: Revenge of the Widow by C. Kindler

>> No.9201915

Read it a long time ago but I remember the personalities of the characters captivated me the most. Read it in English also, surely the original must be better than a translation.

>> No.9201985

probably this

>> No.9201996

I haven't read much at all, but so far it's The Stranger or 2666.

>> No.9202125

The gospel according to Jesus Christ

>> No.9202129

>Severely malnourished woman is able to save man's life with breastmilk.

>> No.9202135

I wrote this post

>> No.9202156

great pick

>> No.9202174

It's not my favourite, but it's the best

>> No.9202226

Nigga shut up

>> No.9202228
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>you will never go back to when you were 20, and had read so few books that you can actually have a favorite

>> No.9202256


>> No.9202282


This and Don Quixote.

>> No.9202323

Thanks anon

>> No.9202330
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Kipling's short stories.

>> No.9202341

Brothers Karamazov
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men

>> No.9202344

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.9202447

Im Westen Nichts Neues