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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 115 KB, 1048x756, staywokee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9199561 No.9199561 [Reply] [Original]

how do you feel about "woke literary fiction"?

>> No.9199582

i feel nothing

>> No.9199588


>> No.9199597

i want to die

>> No.9199636


for the most part their voices are NOT worth listening to and their experiences are NOT worth understanding - that's the whole tragedy of oppression. there are exceptions to this rule (ie toni morrison, william shakespeare), and for the most part their work does find its way into curricula rather easily. but the average "woke" novel about some guatemalan's grandmother's struggles on her farm during the great communist starvation coup genocide crisis is just shitty and boring, there's no need to continue reproducing the delimited and disfigured world of these poor slaves

>> No.9199857

this desu

There may be something to what op is saying about how expanding your perspectives makes you a better reader, but I'm getting pretty tired of all my English classes selecting required reading just based on the author's race or sexual orientation and not because they were actual great works of literature. For instance, I'm taking a class in modernist novels this term. Three of the authors are LGBT, and one is black. The last book is Hemingway. They're still good books of course, but I'm sure there are better options that were overlooked because the authors were straight and white.

>> No.9199869

I have no problems with literary movements that revolve around subject matter rather than prose style, and I think a books quality is independent upon the work itself rather than where you can place it. For instance, A Little Life is more about human suffering even though it exists within an SJW world view.

The problem is the obsession with identity within the literary world, which makes it difficult to find decent works that deal with subject matter that you are actually interested in, even if you are watching the contemporary reviews. I cancelled my NYRB subscription because they are just that obsessed with Zadie Smith and Paul Beatty and Colson Whitehead.

We can only hope that in 30 years, the trendy multicultural books will have been shaken out and some hidden classics with emerge.

>> No.9199908

I think it's a question of audience, not opportunity

Why does a book about an esoteric topic need to be disseminated to people who don't want to read it?

People want to read, listen, and watch things they can relate to, or at least learn something from due to some amount of familiarity with the subject.

>> No.9199925

>they can relate to

I think "want" to relate to is more appropriate. There is no way minority populations are buying these books en masse.

>> No.9199930

I am woke

>> No.9199941

>Reddit screenshot thread
Please don't do this.

>> No.9199961
File: 19 KB, 220x330, 220px-Ta-Nehisi_Coates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu

it would have been better to put this image

>> No.9200193

This. The idea that everyone's experience is interesting is valid, but these "woke" books that absolutely saturate the market right now are written at a high school level by people with no political or philosophical perspective

>> No.9200349

Woke literature is the culture of critique and the bell curve

>> No.9200404


This one is the right answer.

I hope I go in my sleep. Failing that I want to die in screaming agony.

>> No.9200464
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 22cd340db5ad597f8eb85146758653349d0722d53550647de2f88419f8c4f225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the people like that guy in the screenshot are all clones who've never had a thought worth thinking. I can just imagine him typing out that response thinking he's an interesting person for reading books! written by diverse! writers. he lives in a flat working some bullshit job but his parents are fairly well off, tattoos, glasses, shitty beard, braindead nerd girlfriend, makes sure to be extra nice to black people, unironically owns superhero action figures, spends his free time posting about Trump on fb, read Marx in college but likes Starbucks too much. he'll consider suicide but err on the side of caution.

>> No.9200478


>millenial question marks

I fear for the future.

>> No.9200510


the same can be said about the white middle class ennui, but i don't see you fucks complaining about.

>> No.9200522

The Bell Curve is for retards.

>> No.9200530

This. Woke literature provides a comfortable catharsis for guilty white liberal professionals. You'll note that woke lit tends to ignore class and economics. It meant to make bougie liberals feel good about themselves.

>> No.9200535

Yep, it sucks to be blamed for all racism and sexism and yet be systemically discriminated against in every aspect of education and employment.

Such is life for the privileged white male.

>> No.9200540

/lit/ complains about that shit all the time, cuckold

>> No.9200546

White people are cultured and intelligent.

>> No.9200555

Fuck you for posting, I am in a class right now and my teacher has a hard on for that nigger.

>> No.9200570

t. burgerstani

>> No.9200747
File: 27 KB, 557x605, CaOW0M9XEAAQsdC[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genre fiction

>> No.9200758

Is Oblomov woke?

>> No.9200760

I really can't understand how people can dedicate so much time to thinking about slavery. Like yes, it was incredibly sad and cruel, but the amount of "contemporary" authors who write about slavery is just astounding. Maybe that's just what they give in English classes because that's what English majors want but it just doesn't really seem to be interesting to read or get us anywhere as a society.

>> No.9200767


>> No.9200777

>swarmy Liberals co-opted the works "woke" to mean "thinks like I do but is brown"

>> No.9200789

trips of truth

>> No.9200805
File: 196 KB, 1200x799, oculus-1200x799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i personally am looking forward to consuming adaptations of extra-woke literature on vr

>> No.9200807

That's not what WOKE means. Woke has been taken and transformed into anti-globalist mockery. Got to love this new day and age where it's almost as though we're all speaking in tongues thanks to memes.

>> No.9200809
File: 56 KB, 325x600, boar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me.” Those who harbor such thoughts do not still their hatred.

>“He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me.” Those who do not harbor such thoughts still their hatred.

>Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.

>There are those who do not realize that one day we all must die. But those who do realize this settle their quarrels

>> No.9200837
File: 70 KB, 559x836, tfwtoosmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highbrow literary milieu
When did reddit get so smart?

/lit/ btfo

>> No.9200858

Anyone else starting to wonder if we need to kill Zuckerberg? I'm dead serious. I worry that we need to get rid of him before his power grows too much more.

>> No.9200868
File: 208 KB, 807x935, 1479851938223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read 12 years a slave. It really helps one understand the African American experience in it's entirety.

I now know what it means to be grow up in a ghettos off of government handouts and institutionalized racism that gives me a bonus based on my skin color.

>> No.9200898


>> No.9200917

There are way too many people, systems, and cultures in place that close the door and talk amongst themselves.
Once you get any amount of people with power in a room, bad things will happen. I figure that the truth is that it's just going to be so much harder to argue even in these tight knit circles that they should be dicks now that everyone around them is living such easy lives, so I don't think it matters who those specific people actually are.

>> No.9201639


You're missing the point entirely. What matters is the literary quality of the work in question, not the ethnic background of the author. When you force mediocre novels into the curriculum in order to make it more "diverse" or "inclusive" you force more worthy books out. There are bright students in high school right now who aren't going to be exposed to as much great literature as older people like me were.

I hate the idea of someone reading Junot Diaz instead of Joseph Conrad, that would really be a tragedy.