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/lit/ - Literature

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9197749 No.9197749[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

That's it.

I've made a decision, /lit/.

I'm just going to write my memoir and then I'm checking out.

>> No.9197756

So you're essentially admitting that the root of your depression is cliche egotism and narcissism?

>> No.9197771

What has even happened in your life that warrants a memoir?

>> No.9197779

>I had an okay childhood
>then I posted frogs and masturbated for 15 years
>it was a great life

>> No.9197787

can you wire me the profits? you're not going to be using them

>> No.9197878

Internally or externally?

>> No.9197897

>he hasnt realized that to do is to fail yet
keep reading anon, you're still just a worm crawling across the cosmic carrion, so to speak.

>> No.9198034

P much this. I tried OD'ing on oxycodone couple days ago. I didn't even bother writing anything. Why would I waste time describing the reasoning behind self hatred when I knew it was simple: I am a deficient bum. If you haven't accomplished anything, don't write an ending memoir. It implies accomplishment.

>> No.9198043


>> No.9198065

Here's a few tips:
1. Make sure to outline the issues with modern day society and how it creates beta males who literally have no hope
2. Predict where the future will end up if you don't start thinking of ways to help the beta males
3. Livestream your suicide

>> No.9198070

Oh, then nothing

>> No.9198072

>modern day society and how it creates beta males
You're in charge of what you make of yourself, frogshit.

>> No.9198097

OP here.

1. I intend it to be a memoir-cum-essay, both an emotional narrative of my own prolonged decline and also a fact-based, well-researched indictment of Western society

2. I have already made several major predictions which have come true, and I have made several dozen more which are very likely to be realized within the next decade. I have zero shame in admitting that my heightened sensitivity and thus greater capacity to suffer has also endowed me with a seer-esque ability to know what is coming further on down the road, much like Frodo's ability to anticipate the ring wraith in LOTR1 far before his fellow Hobbits even heard the sound of hooves.

3. Ending my life in a public space would, I agree, be a fitting and proper end

>> No.9198103

i think you missed the point of my post

>> No.9198104

Has anything interesting happened in your life? Are you exceedingly good at describing normal events?

>> No.9198106
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>You're in charge of what you make yourself

Just bee urself :)

>> No.9198117

No, don't be yourself, retard. Strive to become what you want to be.

>> No.9198121

Would your memoir be worth writing/reading yet? How old are you? What have you experienced? Also, if you stay alive, chances are you'll thank yourself for doing so later on, but it's not my business if you decide to 'check out' or not.

>> No.9198127

Getting mixed messages here, which anonymous forum post should I devote my entire life to`?????

>> No.9198129

You should post excerpts of your thoughts and writing style. Let /lit/ be the judge of how awesome a writer you are.

>> No.9198138

kys yourself

>> No.9198144

OP here. Whether or not an experience is "interesting" is of course entirely subjective, and judged to be so largely as a consequence of cultural indoctrination and primitive desires. Robbing a store, for example, may appear to be "interesting" to those who are repressed but ashamed of being so, while hiking along the coast of Vietnam may appear interesting to those who have been raised in a culture which defines "interesting" in a way that is closely associated to the notion of travel as adventure, when in reality hiking the coast of Vietnam in real terms simply involves manipulating your limbs in a regular fashion in a different cultural arena and in weather that is not native to your homeland, all the while hoping for (and often "experiencing" simply because you hoped for such an experience) a positive emotional reaction to the sight of fauna etc that is native to that country. It's of no interest to me whatsoever. I experience more profound emotions and intellectual phenomena while drinking a glass of semi-skimmed milk that most people do in a lifetime of mental squalor and intellectual destitution. As for the latter part of your post, my appreciation for the minutiae of daily life exceeds that of Knausgaard, to cite one example familiar to this board.

>> No.9198181

Christ dude just stop

Also post some of your predictions mentioned above

>> No.9198190


>> No.9198197

OP here.

>chances are you'll thank yourself for doing so later on

The capacity for the human intellect to apply retrospective meaning to its faults and missed opportunities is absolutely pitiable, much like the image of a 70-year-old man who has wasted his life gambling and drinking alcohol singing Frank Sinatra's "My Way" at a local bar sincerely believing that fate somehow allocated him this life for whatever abject reason. I could strip naked at this very moment and run around the nearby streets begging random women to allow me to penetrate them and ten years from now I will no doubt look back on my night in a jail cell as somehow beneficial to my existential arc.

>Would your memoir be worth writing/reading yet?

Frankly my memoir has been worth reading for several years now, my literary ability having peaked at around the age of 22 and retained its position on an intellectual plateau which offers no further ascent to this day.

>How old are you?

I am 25 at the time of writing.

>> No.9198221

This is very boring, OP. It's not interesting to you and it's not interesting to us either.

You have a very high opinion of yourself, but this is a weird way of showing it. Rather than sounding like an intellectual, you sound like the ultimate definition of a pseud.

>> No.9198222

God no.

>> No.9198223

Oh it's you again.

>> No.9198228
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>pseudimus maximus

>> No.9198231

>Let /lit/ be the judge

Allow a mob composed largely of teenagers whose interest in literature is both kindled and extinguished in their late teenage years to impose a pseudo-objective value on my work? No thank you. Those who have the capacity to appreciate my work will do so regardless of the slings and arrows sent my way.

To name only a handful that immediately come to mind:

1. I predicted the rise to fame of the singer-songwriter Dido

2. I predicted that Virtual Reality manufacturers would turn to literature in order to benefit the machine learning associated with the development of realistic virtual characters

3. I predicted that what is often referred to as "Generation Z" would confound cultural observers in their tendency towards asceticism and soft conservatism

Many, many other predictions have been made. The future will, in time, allow me to grin in silent contentment as the confused masses run around me in circles screaming and pulling at their hair as they each are proven correct

>> No.9198250

> blame society meme
try harder

>> No.9198254

>worship the Jews

No thanks.

>> No.9198255

Is this field research for your book? Are you trying to gather how internet denizens would react to most insufferably over-the-top pseud? Because if it's not you should probably consider checking out ASAP.

>> No.9198267

You're obnoxious; you couldn't pay me to touch your 'memoir', and you don't know a damn thing about life yet. I'm not one to tell people to kill themselves, but I'd safe myself the bother of writing about my short, boring life if I were you and get right to the 'checking out' bit.

>> No.9198286

Everything I have ever experienced may now be considered "field research" for my memoir. Your anger and hostility in reaction to my writing is merely a consequence of you realizing that you will be a part of the work, and that your role within the grand narrative of my life will be obscure to the point of utter irrelevance, not even a side character of an already peripheral character in my existential narrative, a literal and figurative nobody in what, one hundred years from now, may very well be remembered as one of the finest literary creations of the century.

>> No.9198291

But if you check out, who will take the manuscript to the publisher in a pizza box?

>> No.9198299

>predicted the rise to fame of the singer-songwriter Dido

>> No.9198306

Okay. You overdid it this time a bit. Try harder next time.

>> No.9198308

It is quite similar. But this guy claims to not have written it yet. It does seem like the same guy.

>> No.9198313

I would consider your emotional confusion hilarious if I did not at this point treat everything merely as an existential even to be coldly dissected and analysed. Your frustration towards my inevitable success is so predictable that I refuse even to consider your criticism(s) as valid.

>> No.9198319

I meant your future predictions. And Dido was already famous by the time you were 8

>> No.9198324

Fuck's sake, I hoped this would be good

At least do us a favour and write it in simple language like Elliot Rodgers did

>> No.9198329

They're both the same person just making up silly stories.

>> No.9198333

You're right, I have overdone it, and I will continue to "overdo" it in my memoir. When the entire idealogical framework foisted on you by both society and nature has been transcended you reach an intellectual zenith from which you are only able to "overdo" anything in the eyes of those who are still running around the subterranean passages of the idealogical labyrinth. I have already written a lengthy preface to my work which anticipates the many accusations that will be made against me, and I conclude this preface with a declaration that I plead guilty to them all.

>> No.9198337

If this is satire then you're a god. If not, then I'm truly sorry

>> No.9198377

Post it here so we can laugh at you.

But seriously, ring a suicide hotline or the Samaritans, there's always emotional support available, even if it's a short phone call.

>> No.9198379

>too depressed to commit yourself to writing
>live forever

well played

>> No.9198384

determinism and the laws of physics say hi

>> No.9198385

This is so far a waste of a narcissistic personality complex, and I hate when that happens.

Narcissists are interesting but they so rarely deliver. I hope you write your memoir and share it with us. Referring to /lit/ as an unruly mob isn't going to help you in the end. The less you think of us, the less you're going to put into your own work, and the more you are going to retreat into the castle in your mind.

And that is precisely the problem. You want to share that stuff and tell us how cool it is, but we're not up to snuff, so all you can do is tell us how amazing it will be when it's done, but it will never happen. You won't do it.

Writing takes discipline and patience. If you think your readers are all idiots, you won't actually be able to write a thing interestingly for us, you won't care how anything works, and it will all just be grand proclamations about how little you care for all of this stuff.

I'm not even mad. Good luck, I suppose.

>> No.9198394
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>I experience more profound emotions and intellectual phenomena while drinking a glass of semi-skimmed milk that most people do in a lifetime of mental squalor and intellectual destitution

>> No.9198395
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That's it.

I've made a decision, /lit/.

I'm just going to shitpost and then I'm checking out.

>> No.9198413

It's sad how few people on /lit/ have actually lived. I mean really lived. There are so many aspiring writers here who haven't even left their own country, or have only left it to holiday with family in their youth. There are people here who have not experienced a series of tumultuous relationships, people who have not hitchhiked for hundreds of miles in whatever direction suits them best that moment, people who have not found themselves drinking hard liquor with a gang of strangers at 2am in a city they can't even remember the name of. Me? I've done all these things. I've traveled the lonesome highways, caught trains and buses and sat shivering and damp in the passenger seats of cars belonging to people who told me more about life than the lonely and callow narcissists on this board ever have. I've gazed lovingly into the eyes of women who taught me the ineffable secrets of their mysterious sex. I've worked more jobs I can remember and learned more skills than I will ever need. I have made friends and enemies from coast to coast and experienced more emotional peaks and valleys than most people here can even comprehend. How can you guys even call yourselves writers when you haven't even mastered the world about which you are intending to write? How can you expect anybody to take your writing seriously when you have experienced barely more than a child afraid of what lies beyond the boundaries of his comfortable little world? My writing flows with an assurance that reflects my own internal state. The dialogue I write is representative of the parlance of the man on the street, not the child in the abstract universe you have concocted to compensate for the fact that the world outside your window terrifies and confuses you. When I write a profound sentence I do it knowing I will be understood and admired not only by the academic whiling away a quiet afternoon in his armchair, but also for the orphaned young man working sixty hours a week as a knuckle-puller in a Sheboygan abattoir. And all this at the age of nineteen, my literary life almost entirely ahead of me, several USBs hanging from my keychain full of stories that would no-doubt make the pale and sheltered suburbanites that browse this board gasp in incredulity. Next month I move to New York to begin a degree in English Literature, focusing on creative writing. The professor phoned me as soon as he had read my application to ask that I choose his university (it's one of the best in the country, why wouldn't I?) with the promise that he will personally guide me over the next three years, or however long it's going to take for me to get my first book out there. Have you lived /lit/? I mean, really lived?

>> No.9198429

Kek. I'm glad you found an ism to blame for your lack of will and and laziness. Makes it sound much less pathetic.

>> No.9198430
File: 3 KB, 125x125, buttflamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've gazed lovingly into the eyes of women who taught me the ineffable secrets of their mysterious sex

This sentence shows exactly how full of shit you are: it's painfully obvious. Tolstoi e.g. never wrote about women this way unless it was ironic.

You're trying too hard sonny

>> No.9198442

it's from another thread that I'm pretty sure was posted by OP

>> No.9198453

>not looking thru old newspapers around the year you were born
>not looking for names of babies that died that day in the paper
>not asking members of your state government for their birth certificates, many people lose their birth certificates
>not changing your hair color and body composition
>not using the birth cert to get a social security card, saying you've been a permanent student until now
>not using the two forms of ID to get a bank account, credit cards and drivers' licenses
>not building an employment history with temp jobs under your new ID
>not siphoning money from your original bank account into cash, then that cash into your new ID's bank account
>not just disappearing, walking out of your house and never coming back after this is set up
>not committing pseudocide

just shut the fuck up

>> No.9198463


>Just bee urself :)
>Just bee somebody else :)

Does anybody ever have any advice that does not fall into one of these categories?
Is it even possible?

>> No.9198485

>>Just bee urself :)

However stupidly you phrase self-ownership, it will still be the only way to actual happiness.

>> No.9198545

This. The autist, playing toy cars with wild abandon, is infinitely happier than the Chad who wishes he could marry a nice girl and settle down.

>> No.9198571

It wasn't up to me anon.

>> No.9198590


>> No.9198611

Allow a mob composed largely of teenagers whose interest in literature is both kindled and extinguished in their late teenage years to impose a pseudo-objective value on my work? No thank you.

Then, why do you even post HERE ?

>> No.9198630

Your arrogance and derealization only creates trolls. What's the point of starting a thread where trolls just make fun of you?

>> No.9198633
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>I made lots of predictions
>The singer dido would be popular

>> No.9198639

well said

>> No.9198717


>> No.9198796


>it will still be the only way to actual happiness.

*until society says its wrong and puts you in jail for the rest of your life