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/lit/ - Literature

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9187261 No.9187261 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any?
Would be interesting to know your taste.

>> No.9187264

The Truman show
Red Beard

>> No.9187268


>> No.9187309
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>> No.9187316

Please tell me this is beat

>> No.9187322

This is beat.

>> No.9187332

Why are Americans allowed on /lit/?

>> No.9187345
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This was pretty nice

>> No.9187353

Who smokes like this?

>> No.9187367

Anything from Tarkovsky, Kurosawa, Bergman, Kusturica, Leone, Kubrick, Tarr, Fellini, Godard and Welles.

>> No.9187373

Take out Godard and put Bresson at the top of the list.

>> No.9187380

A /lit/ filmmaker has to be someone who uses the medium in a way that has effects not replicable in other art forms. I think Godard is a prime example of where that's done. He fucks around with the possibilities of cinema, sometimes producing crap but sometimes something really interesting.

>> No.9187401

>A /lit/ filmmaker has to be someone who uses the medium in a way that has effects not replicable in other art forms.
how the fuck is that relating to literature? to /lit/?

Bresson is /lit/ because he adapted and interpreted Bernanos' works for cinema

>> No.9187562

protip for everyone in this thread, because i am a true patrician. the only LIVING directors worth being a fan of are:
>david cronenberg
>terrence malick
>jacques audiard
>michael mann
>paul verhoeven
>nicolas roeg
>michael haneke
>roman polanski
>werner herzog

honorable mentions:
>jim jarmusch
>alex cox
>larry clark/harmony korine
>lars von trier
>william friedkin

missed the cut
>john carpenter
>ridley scott
>brian de palma
>peter weir
>steven soderbergh

anyone else is literally trash

If these people are going through your mind, you may want to off yourself:
>coen bros

>> No.9187567

bresson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> godard

it's not close

>> No.9187574

bresson is my favorite director. that makes it sound like im a fangirl. have you read that nyrb classics about movies? by him? i have it somewhere but have never read it.

>> No.9187612

Elitist piece of shit
Good taste overall, tho mostly mainstream

>Jarmusch above De Palma

True patrician top 3 kkkino list:

-Le quai des brumes
-Transformers 2

>> No.9187635

those aren't order. i agree, de palma > jarmusch

>> No.9187642

You should stop watching exclusively western cinema senpai

>> No.9187716


Your taste is fine but your elitism is well and truly misplaced considering how narrow it is.

>> No.9187820
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>>>>>>Werner Herzog

No. His Documentaries are overrated and his movies are not that amazing.

>Terrence Malick

ultimate pseud director

>Roman Polanski

Overrated pedophile

>Coen Brothers

Literally took one of Cormac McCarthy's worst works and turned it into one of the greatest crime thrillers ever created.

Basically you are a fucking pseud.

>> No.9187852

this except Malick is based

>> No.9187890

here is where you fucked up

>> No.9187915

this is pretty bad

>> No.9188016
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Who did it better? Mozart, Byron, or Spanish playwrights?

>> No.9188035
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>john carpenter
>missed the cut

>> No.9188039

Mozart, of course.

>> No.9188055

Byron, naturally.

>> No.9188066

Spanish playwrights, obviously.

>> No.9188072


>> No.9188079

you forgot nolan

his movies really make me think

>> No.9188117

stopped at
>terrence malick

>> No.9188127

where is Kubrick?

>> No.9188214

they are nothing alike

>> No.9188232


Everything by Werner Herzog.

>> No.9188236

Why? Because he made westerns?

>> No.9188240

>Lynch is a bad director
pseudy brainlet detected

When will this meme die? DFW and Kubrick e.g. were Lynch aficionados. Would you tell these men to off themselves (barring the fact that one is dead and the other did indeed off himself)?

You honestly think you have better taste in film than Kubrick did?

>> No.9188327

>>Lynch is a bad director
>pseudy brainlet detected
Hes not art house kino enough! hes too popular now! If I walked into my favorite artisanal espresso-wine bar and one of his """"films"""" were being projected onto the wall, I would scoff rather audibly

>> No.9188337

Because he made overrated edgy ones

>> No.9188343

The new Twin Peaks is gonna be great

>> No.9188369
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Make way for the best movie this decade

>> No.9188370

I hope so. He hasn't been working the medium of feature film for a little while (I believe his last was Inland Empire in '06), but he has been producing. He might be the anti-Malick, in the sense that a small hiatus improves the quality of his work rather than acts as a detriment.

But I agree that I'm going to watch the fuck out of that shit like valley girl groupie watches concert footage.

>> No.9188578

google 'lynch transcendental meditation'

>> No.9188585

recommend some shit

>> No.9188590

what's your point?

>> No.9188597

with your reading ability you probably shouldnt be here

>> No.9188626

What is it about?

>> No.9188649

Creativity comes from your shadow, i.e. your battle with your fear and anger. This is why many "great artists" are seen as crazy, and why many believe nonsense. The more violent the inner battle, the more sprawling the oeuvre. The great artist is distinguished from the intense schizophrenic by the ability to make this oeuvre coherent.

>> No.9188682


>> No.9188694
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>> No.9188713

I would have enjoyed it much more if he didn't pull the "look the entire film is one shot!" gimmick. Every time I noticed the cut it detracted from the film quality, i.e. it pointed up Inarritu's ineptitude. Long takes are fine, but don't try to make a fool of your audience.

>> No.9188770

Yes, but it really fits the theme and narrative.

>> No.9188773

>If these people are going through your mind, you may want to off yourself:

>> No.9188776

what do people even see in werner herzog?

>> No.9188777

It would have fit better if he had actually pulled it off. Having failed that, it's mere pretense.

>> No.9188783

Have you seen Rope?

>> No.9188784


>> No.9188789
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>> No.9188790

I would have enjoyed it much more if Emma Stone wasn't in it.

>> No.9188792

Yes. In Rope, the cuts are obvious. Hitchcock does not attempt to deceive his audience into believing the entire film is a single shot. As I said before, I have no problem with long takes, unless they're an attempt to cover up an artistic failing.

"Based" in idiocy and brainletdom, maybe

>> No.9188805

What do you think about Tarkovsky's long takes?

>> No.9188820

But they aren't, really.

>> No.9188827
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Jean Pierre Melville is like Raymond Chandler+Greek tragedy

>> No.9188831

As distinct from Hitchcock's? That's a difficult question. If one compares Rope to Stalker, for instance, Hitchcock goes for a slow zoom while Tarkovsky paints a tableau, i.e. he eschews zoom (to my recollection, I haven't seen the film in quite a while) and, if any action happens, it consists in the characters' motions. I wouldn't say either is "better": both techniques work well in their respective settings. The zooming gives the sense of a rope being pulled, as if the audience itself is being hanged; the almost static action of lingering shots in Stalker conveys a sensation of frozen dread.

>> No.9188832

yves montand is the man

>> No.9188835
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>mfw am nothing more then a mediocrity
It's hurts.

>> No.9188905

i liked that movie

>> No.9188911

Yes, it's pretty good, but definitely not his best.

>> No.9188913

what's his best?

>> No.9188915

Lots of things.

>> No.9188919

I would say Vivre Sa Vie, but check out Breathless and Bande a part, that one is a classic.

>> No.9188920

Answer me, cunt.

>> No.9188922
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a really comfy movie, as well

>> No.9188926

In Breathless there is a cameo of Jean-Pierre Melville.

>> No.9188928


>> No.9188946

Great until the last 30 minutes where they intentionally break their own logic to make us feel bad for the main character.

>> No.9188956

Army of Shadows > Le Samurai > The Red Circle

>> No.9188966
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And some Terry Gilliam too.

>> No.9188985


>> No.9189095

Noe isn't trash.

>> No.9189137


>> No.9189154

>le quirky girl
I thought it was just ok honestly

>> No.9189162
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Hellboy 2 by Guillermo del Toro

>> No.9189185

the correct answer is "Weekend"

>> No.9189229
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>> No.9189281
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>> No.9189300

Michael Bay confirmed for kino
>no Michael Bay

>> No.9189309
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This film is just a hipster version of a Wes Anderson flick, Jim Jarmusch crams all his fetish objects and topics into a self-indulgent mess. Seeing Tilda Swinton (I think?) put all those book in her suitcase made me a bit nauseous.
I hate Week-end with a burning passion, simply quoting Bataille and Lautréamont doesn't mean anything when you can't make their thoughts interesting in an original manner. Furthermore the awareness with which Godard approaches communism is, quite obviously, since the whole film is dedicated to it, way more sophisticated in La Chinoise. Pierrot le Fou is simply more fun and Vivre Sa Vie is genuinely touching.

>> No.9189341

A lot of western cinema I agree with has already been said, but I'd add people like Ozu. Don't only watch Western cinema.
Also, Luis Buñuel, Ken Loach, Jean Luc Goddard etc.

>> No.9189342

You would make a great combo with Žižek.

>> No.9189344

Pierrot Le Fou is the best IMO, but I won't deny I'm probably a bit swayed by select scenes of supreme beauty.

Yeah, a lot of my more patrician cinema friends all cite Week-end as the best one, but I've never 'got' it. It's quite pretty in parts, but there's something almost messy and ugly in others. Maybe that's the point, but the entire thing never felt complete.

>> No.9189350

If you want to add another Japanese filmmaker, Teshigahara is great and he adapted several Kobo Abe novels, so he is definitely /lit/ in that sense.

>> No.9189354

Thanks for the rec, I'll check him out.

>> No.9189362

Lasagna Cat Sex Survey Results

>> No.9189375

Its Dostoevskyesque.

>> No.9189376

the last ten minutes, sure

>> No.9189383

Also the first four and a half hours.

>> No.9190086

my favorite movie is the turin horse .
after that i like the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie
also exterminating angel

>> No.9190112

haha the pretence in this post
at the moment your clearly reveling in imdb-entry level pleb fodder
go watch some lav diaz, malle, queysanne fuck even antonioni will do

>> No.9190117

>reading comprehension

>> No.9190124

excuse me?

>> No.9190137

anon clearly states living directors

>> No.9190149

>but I've never 'got' it.
Its vast and filled with many varieties and components, and differences. (like almost Ulyssian in that sense)

>> No.9190156


>but there's something almost messy and ugly in others. Maybe that's the point, but the entire thing never felt complete.

Yeah, I've seen it a few times and it's always struck me as a very angry film. The other guy derided it for merely quoting the work of others conveniently forgetting it does that IN ADDITION to utilising of stirring potent imagery. Like the long-ass tracking shot. Or the car crash between farmer and bourgeois couple. Or the scene at the farm with the piano where he's playing Mozart. Or when the couple get car-jacked by the mad man and his girlfriend. Or when they run into fictional characters. Or when the guys on the farmer's truck start talking about Marx.

It doesn't rely on literature to get its point across but it does use it in addition to the visuals to creating something approaching an everyday apocalyptic farce. Nobody comes across well at all either -- like Godard taking pot-shots at everything about that moment in time.

And people forget it came out in 1968 so that would make a lot of sense, right?

>> No.9190157


>lav diaz

Did you discover him through MUBI?

>> No.9190184

I always liked this part:

And where the couple is walking on that path through the woods (and he might be reciting poetry?), which maybe leads to the drummer playing in the woods?

and the sheep in the field.

>> No.9190201
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>> No.9190206
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>> No.9190209

you have next to zero reading comprehension

>> No.9190211
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>> No.9190215

Boom boom tss - this is a beat

>> No.9190221
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>> No.9190225
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>> No.9190370

Favorite movies:

Aguirre, the wrath of God
Days of being wild
Welt am draht
Evil dead 2
Being John malkovich
Night of the hunter

>> No.9190431


>> No.9190434

Absolute garbage. If it hadn't relied on the one shot gimmick no one would have cared about it. Won't even agree that it fits the movie as >9188770 said. If the story takes place over multiple days, you can't film it in one shot. Period.

A stupid person's idea of what an arthouse movie is.

>> No.9190454
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anyone down with BRAKHAGE ?

>> No.9190648
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My favorite directors are Godard, Tarkovsky, Bergman, Antonioni, Resnais, Melville, Fellini, Malle and Bresson.

>> No.9190685

fuck off back to [s4s] you facking cunt

>> No.9191179

>True patrician
>Only familiar with western cinema

Please go back to /tv/.

>> No.9191462
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Anything by Fassbinder

>> No.9191933

Brakhage is an enemy of cinema

>> No.9191985

>i am a true patrician.
obviously not you fucking turbopleb

>> No.9191994

based oldmemer

>> No.9192076

Pleb as fuck

The only directors itc worth anything are


>> No.9192102

could one be more pretentious?

>> No.9192522

I need to make /lit/ my homeboard

>> No.9193086
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Even sharks need water

>> No.9193528


>> No.9193545

No mention of Holy Mountain

what a bunch of ple--

>> No.9193610

lol why tho?

>> No.9193611

Obnoxious film filled with animal cruelty.
You're better off watching Sedmikrasky.

>> No.9193620

jakubisko tho

>> No.9193626
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>> No.9193632
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what's wrong with animal cruelty?

>> No.9193638

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Buffalo Soldier

>> No.9193646

Suffering animals?
Even worse, suffering animals just to prove a point.
Or even worse, suffering animals because someone thinks it is artistic.

>> No.9193655

This is from Kusturica's Time of the Gypsies

>> No.9193671

If you like sadism you should enjoy this film:
The Passion of the Christ

>> No.9193672

In representation (art), to see a nonhuman "suffering animal" is not always distasteful. Have you even seen Andrei Rublev?

>> No.9193678


>> No.9193686

Yes I have, but it could have been represented in different way.

>> No.9193694

If he was /lit/ he would have just wrote
In fact if most directors had artistic talent they would do something else

>> No.9193697


>> No.9193704

ah yes a board well known for its love of tarkovsky films

>> No.9193713

Clubbing a dog to death isn't something I would define as tasteful.

>> No.9193719

You're perceptively deficient.

How? Beasts of burden are used and abused to both (literally) move the plot along, and (figuratively) get a point across. It couldn't have been done differently, and if it were, it wouldn't be "Andrei Rublev."

>> No.9193732

I am surprised no one mentioned John Cassavetes

>> No.9193735

So why can't they kill people in films?

>> No.9193739

Without context, I wouldn't either. Clubbing a dog to death for the sake of clubbing a dog to death is one of the most tasteless things a person can do, comparable to killing a human for the sake of killing a human.

In the context of a film, which is representational fantasy, the clubbing of a dog is not necessarily distasteful. If you think it is you are, quite simply, a philistine.

>> No.9193763

So, I'm ignorant because I think torturing a helpless dog is bad?

>> No.9193768
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>> No.9193778
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It's pretty amazing how many people in this thread aren't even aware just how pleb their taste is.

>> No.9193788

Who cares? Post something if you want to contribute.

>> No.9193795

No, I'd rather be a cunt.

>> No.9193797

Do you possess reading comprehension? Let's try again:

To conceive of "badness" or "immorality" as applied to a dog being tortured, you yourself must posit a mental image of that torture. Does this mean you are a cretin for thinking of it? No, because it is mere fantasy.

Torturing dog = disgusting. Standalone image of torturing dog = disgusting. If the image of a dog being tortured is situated in an ironic context, it is still disgusting, but it is self-referential disgust i.e. the director knows it is a despicable thing to do and is drawing attention to that fact. It is still disgusting, but that repulsion (based in fantasy) is used toward the end of the film (which is also fantasy).

If you block certain sorts of violence from your view you become haunted by them. That's not to say one ought to seek them out.

>> No.9193834

in theory it sounds fine and dandy but when i see it in film i hate it.
Like that autistic fuck Michael Haneke. In benny's video he kills a pig in the opening just to prove a poin tfor god's sake. But maybe i'm a hypocrite.

>> No.9193858

I understand what you're saying, but my question is: Why should someone have a right to hurt an animal for the sake of art?
Do you remember Raskolnikov's dream, where the peasants beat the horse and laugh? That image still haunts me, and that proves a point that you don't need to have real animals to suffer in films.

>> No.9193875


>> No.9193892

Exactly this. But at least, they could eat the pig, unlike the dog.

>> No.9193898

>In fact if most directors had artistic talent they would do something else
9/11 bait, but im happy to inform you; you have to go back

>> No.9193909

>So why can't they kill people in films?
>Why cant they serve McPeople in Happy Meals?

>> No.9193915

Hey, if it's art then it should be legal.

>> No.9193918

Bresson offers nothing to the film medium that couldn't be conveyed (better) in another medium
Very few directors are able to actually achieve original art thought film

>> No.9193932

>In the context of a film, which is representational fantasy, the clubbing of a dog is not necessarily distasteful
So film/art can potentially simply and merely be an excuse for psychopaths to do psychopathic things? (1. is clubbing a dog to death, legal?)(2. for film?)

There are films that depict rape, but not actual. but we arent talking about people. There are many beastiality porn films of people having ""?consensual sex?"" with animals.. are all of them art? (well this has already been settled ad nauseum already... everything is art)

>> No.9193945

>a right
Nonsense concept, aside from the fact animals aren't actually being hurt: it's fantasy. Even in the case of Andrei Rublev, where the horse is actually killed: the horse isn't killed again every time you watch the film. The film has been made, it cannot be unmade, the point is to watch it and respond to it. Andrei Rublev is also about the distinction between fantasy and reality, which is one of the major reasons Tarkovsky chose to physically kill the horse. Once it's on a screen, is there a difference, if you don't *know* from a journalistic meta-narrative that the horse was "murdered"? How would you distinguish from "real" animal cruelty from "fake" animal cruelty in the necessarily representational medium of film?

For the Raskolnikov dream scene to work, you have to conjure a mental image (mental film) of the horse being beaten. Does this make you an "autistic fuck" like >>9193834 says Haneke is? Of course you will deny this. But somehow when the image is physically there, despite its fantastical nature, you deride it as something that should not exist because it violates "rights." If that's the case, you don't have a "right" to think about such things, either

>> No.9193964

>So film/art can potentially simply and merely be an excuse for psychopaths to do psychopathic things?
Yes. E.g. snuff films: a psychopath can pick up a camera as easily as anyone else. But those are bad (clumsy, unskilled, inept, distasteful, boring) art.

>> No.9193969

>Very few directors are able to actually achieve original art thought film
Your stance is an opinion, that is all, you know what they say about those.

Can you conceive that someone cannot care about film, or art at all in any way?
Who cares what such people think.

How many directors and films have existed in the past 100 years? how many have you seen?
I dont like or care about film at all: here is my opinion on the medium

I am a voiding, a negativity, I do and can offer nothing positive, nothing of substance, I can only fart and shit towards things substantial and creative

>> No.9193983

It' not "fantasy", the animal has been killed.

>> No.9193986

why is fassbinder so good. petra von kant is incredible

>> No.9193991

>bad (clumsy, unskilled, inept, distasteful, boring
Oh, thank goodness we have finally at long last found you! So you are the one who God has given the stone tablets which contain all objective views of taste and such; what have you been waiting for, lets see them!

>> No.9193992

Art does not exist.

>> No.9193997

killing of a chinese bookie is awesome:

also, everyone should watch this, my favorite scene:

>> No.9194000

>the point
>your head

The fact of the horse being killed is not fantasy. "Andrei Rublev," the film, is, in the same way all documentaries or biopics are necessarily fantastical, regardless of the facts contained therein.

>> No.9194007

those are obviously all you - but not familiar with any of em - wheres good to start - especially interested in benning and tsai

>> No.9194011

So you think snuff films aren't distasteful? I thought you just derided psychopaths and their bestiality flicks.

>> No.9194015

>Nonsense concept, aside from the fact animals aren't actually being hurt: it's fantasy.
>It' not "fantasy", the animal has been killed.
You fool! If a tree falls in the forrest, and a camera captures it, it doesnt

>> No.9194020

do snuff films actually exist? thought they were an urban legend

>> No.9194028

>How would you distinguish
The only reason anyone is saying anything about the horse, is because they are saying:

I do not like that an innocent horse had his life taken away, at the hands of humans who he thought he trusted, in his final moments, suffered a terrible fate, if even for a second, to realize this betrayl.

You are simply saying, I dont give a fuck about what a single horse thinks, or if it suffers for a second or 70.

Is it true the horse was sick? Or on its way to the glue factory anyway?

>> No.9194030

Oh yes, don't try to find them.

>> No.9194046

They took the horse from the slaughter house.

>> No.9194049

>being this retarded
A tree falling in the forest is not the same thing as a picture of a tree falling in a forest. On top of that, you're personifying the representation of a dead horse.

Also, don't tell me what I'm saying, idiot.

You're a little young to be on 4chan, eh?

>> No.9194052

>The Big Lebowski
>Most horror movies but I cheer for the killer
>Most disaster movies but I cheer for the disaster, I loved the scene in San Andreas where the wave is so big it hits the bridge.
>Happy, the documentary
>various stand up comedy specials
>animal attacks on YouTube, preferably if the victim was wearing a GoPro

>> No.9194065

are they illegal to watch?

just never really go off /lit/ when im online and dont use the internet much except to order stuff

>> No.9194069

You seem cooler than everyone else in this thread

>> No.9194071

>They took the horse from the slaughter house.
see that is helpful info, that may change the view in everyones eyes

>because film is make believe (actors, costumes, sets, scripted words) if a real horse is really killed and its filmed, a real horse was not really killed, because as I said, film is make believe

>> No.9194077

From my meager legal knowledge it's illegal to try to obtain them, and to possess them, but I don't think merely watching them is a crime.

>> No.9194086

Try Tor.

>> No.9194092

i forget where i read this, but im from new england and lots of my friends live in boston now so we were all fascinated. in the 80s, it's rumored there was a gay snuff film that would be regularaly screened at movie theaters. could only find it mentioned in passing in articles with no sources. very strange. also that whole thing with hunter s thompson. guess i know more about snuff films than i thought, but have never thought to watch one. videodrome is enough.

>> No.9194095

Can you only argue against straw men?

The horse has been killed. The film of the horse being killed is not equivalent to the act of killing the horse in the same way that a tree falling is not equivalent to the picture of that tree falling. I never said it "didn't happen," paint-huffing shit-wallowing mongoloid.

Although I really shouldn't be surprised that someone is this stupid, especially a pretend tripfag.

>> No.9194100

>A tree falling in the forest is not the same thing as filming a tree falling in a forest.
It is these types of lapses in logic that had civilization hesitant of homosexuals

>> No.9194106

What thing with Hunter S. Thompson?

>> No.9194107

It isn't. Explain.

>> No.9194126

>The film of the horse being killed is not equivalent to the act of killing the horse
No one was ever suggesting that... look whos the retard arguing against strawmen now.

As I fucking said...fucking retard... the only problem anyone had with it, is the belief that a healthy young innocent horse in reality suffered, and was killed.

As I fucking said...fucking retard.... the original people who started this discussion, if they knew the horse was on the way to the butcher, though they likely still may wish no such thing existed... if the horse was on its way to certain death right then and there... maybe... likely... you fucking retard... they would not have such a problem...you fucking retard...

>> No.9194149

he supposedly made a snuff film. google hunter s thompson, snuff film

>> No.9194159

>I do not like that an innocent horse had his life taken away, at the hands of humans who he thought he trusted, in his final moments, suffered a terrible fate, if even for a second, to realize this betrayl [sic].
>the only problem anyone had with it, is the belief that a healthy young innocent horse in reality suffered, and was killed.

So, this is somehow not equating the representation with the reality? Your perception of the film is changed by the meta-narrative (the horse was going to the slaughterhose), and that proves beyond a doubt you're assigning moral weight to *the act* of killing the horse. We were trying to talk about film here, not whether animal cruelty is "moral." Seriously, fucking pseuds gb2reddit

>> No.9194179

>When /lit/ constantly has better film discussion than /tv/

>> No.9194182

But animal cruelty isn't moral.

>> No.9194187

I hate /tv/.

>> No.9194190


That horse was bound for the knacker's yard.

>> No.9194199

I love it when I find film or music threads on /lit/, or literature threads on /v/ or /vr/.

>> No.9194219


Pedro Costa
Wang Bing

>> No.9194290

This is correct

>> No.9194295

Put your self in the horses shoes (and ring your self around a pole), it shouldnt be that much of a stretch;

You seem to be implying it does not matter whether the horse was on the way to slaughter or not? So lets presume you are not on your death bed: or lets just say, isis captured you for their beheading video;
Would you have any qualms with people enjoying your big debut as a great work of art?

>> No.9194301

Because, like most great things, 4chan was made by an American.

Go make your own site.

>> No.9194313
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>> No.9194314

>like most great things
Don't make me laugh.

>> No.9194321

Crap made for 16 year olds

>> No.9194325

Benning doesn't really matter that much - as long as it's not BNSF
tsai absolutely needs to be watched chronologically - each film is a kind of sequel

>> No.9194328
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>Implying you don't want the fictitious "Five Centuries of Verse"

>> No.9194334

That would be great.

>> No.9194593
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American here. I've only recently started exploring cinema, but here are some of my favorites.

Mulholland Drive, David Lynch
Meshes of the Afternoon, Maya Deren
At Land, Maya Deren
The Fountainhead, King Vidor
A Beautiful Mind, Ron Howard

Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock

The Cremator, Juraj Herz

Come and See, Elem Klimov

Discreet Charms of the Bourgeoisie, Luis Bunuel
Simon of the Desert, Luis Bunuel

Go, Go, Second-Time Virgin; Wakamatsu, Koji
Onibaba; Shindo, Kaneto
Ran; Kurosawa, Akira
Dreams; Kurosawa, Akira
The Burmese Harp; Ichikawa, Kon
Fires on the Plane; Ichikawa, Kon
Lady Snowblood; Fujita, Toshiya
House; Obayashi, Nobuhiko

Akira; Otomo, Katsuhiro
Metropolis; Rintaro
Mononoke Hime; Miyazaki, Hayao
Kaguya Hime; Takahata, Isao
Castle in the Sky; Miyazaki, Hayao
Nausicaa; Miyazaki, Hayao

>> No.9194604
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>> No.9194636

You aren't a true /lit/izen if you can't analyze anime and appreciate the good ones like any other art form.

>> No.9194663

I'm sorry, but I don't want to become a pedo.

>> No.9194664


>> No.9194675

>fear based decisions
>thinks he can be converted to pedophilia

You are a true beta.

>> No.9194700

>Kaguya Hime; Takahata, Isao
b a s e d

>> No.9194704

then how are you reading literature?

>> No.9194733
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>enjoying a masturbatory medium made for children
I dunno man, it's pretty pleb

The only anime I've ever been able to enjoy were NGE, death note and code geass. inb4 pleb taste, I don't give a shit about you're gay chinese cartoons And even then I was 15 years old. Everything else has been straight trash.

The thought of still watching anime as an adult is pretty embarassing desu

>> No.9194738 [SPOILER] 
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posting the original /lit/ kino


>> No.9194772

Wikipedia claims they're aren't any... Perhaps it's whatever definition of "snuff film" they're using. However, a short trip to Bestgore is sufficient to find plenty of videos of people being murdered. Besides that, you can definitely find some some actual snuff on the deep Web.

>> No.9194904
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I personally enjoyed pic related.


>> No.9194989

Like any other medium, there's some works of art in anime, but it's very, very, verrrryy few and far inbetween considering just how fucking saturated Japanese media is with dorks and nerds.


This comes to mind as sort of a cerebral and serious anime, but it's literally the only one I can think of that reaches the same depth and complexity as a few live-action shows.

Anime was pretty much born from giant robots and shit so it'd be pretty hard to escape it.

>> No.9195004

>made for children

This is a misconception which only Western audiences have.

I won't even read the rest of your argument.

>> No.9195009

Sorry. It's made for children and people with the mindset of children.

>> No.9195012

>Sorry. It's made for children and people with the mindset of children.
You havent seen any of the great ones have you?

>> No.9195014

Monster is about as good as any Stephen King novel. Take that for what it's worth.

>> No.9195017

The only Japanese animations worth watching are the works of Miyazaki, Takahata, Oshii, Otomo, Hosoda, Yuasa, Kon and a few independent directors like Kihachiro Kawamoto, Koji Yamamura, Kunio Kato and Atsushi Wada. Everything else is junk

>> No.9195021

This guy gets it.

Although, Monster is not the only one.

There are a lot of them - just not a lot in relation to how much anime is out there.

But that is also true of film, television, novels, and everything else.

It is always "the few and the many."

>> No.9195040

I don't need apologies from people I look down on.

Apologize to yourself for being such a bigoted moron.

>> No.9195065
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>crtl f tsai intending to make a patrician post

>> No.9195105


is that you, PID/tavio???

>> No.9195214

best Tsai?

>> No.9195253

I liked Akira, and some others I saw (a while ago I searched like "top ten or 20 best animes of all time" (and made sure they werent for the kids) so I watched all of those from a good list and they were rad.

I also liked (and sentimentally like) cowboy bebop which I first watched like, 7 years ago I guess

>> No.9195306

Shinichiro Watanabe's work is stylish but nto deep

>> No.9195441

rec me powerful and/or thought-provoking films

>> No.9195467


>> No.9195510

>citizen kane first


>> No.9195540

this is genuinely one of the worst films I've ever seen

>> No.9195542

Weekend is one of the worst films he made and began the end of his 'great' films

>> No.9195550
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>> No.9195570

>Stars a great writer
>Lives miserable life
>Basically an alcoholic
>Meets woman who is also an alcoholic
>Falls in love
>She cheats
>There's a fight
>Suffers head trama when she knocks him over the head with her weighted purse
>Movie ends sort of how it began
>Plus with catfight
>One of the best drinking movies I've ever seen in terms of on-screen drinks drank

Being a writer, a drunk, and someone who has had some pretty shitty relationships; I absolute adore Barfly. It also used some sort of new lighting trick that is still used today, around 30 years after the movie was first released.

>> No.9195577
File: 167 KB, 630x1200, cap.fanto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the political philo underlying this film is laughable [Chomsky day celebrated by a polyglot with high-level maths and logic, who self-identifies as a maoist]

but the premise is pretty good, honestly would really recommend this

>> No.9195579

I'd also like to add...

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>Stars writer

Rum Diaries
>Stars writer

>Stars actors... but actors who frequently get drunk.
>Actually now that I think of it it doesn't really have anything to do with writing
No wait, hang on... at the end there's a long quote from Shakespeare, so there's that.

>> No.9195580
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>no altman

If you haven't seen Nashville, McCabe and Mrs. Miller, MASH, 3 Women, The Long Goodbye, Brewster McCloud, A Wedding, and Tanner '88, consider yourselves plebs

>> No.9195593

Hey who /ptp/ here?

>> No.9195613

La grande belleza is /lit/ enough

>> No.9195621

Apocalypse Now

>> No.9195630

are you fucking dumb

>> No.9195634

Richard Linklater is a damn good (and underrated) director

watch Neon Genesis Evangelion and the End movie

>> No.9195664 [DELETED] 

Pfffft - back to your incestuous orgy, hillbilly.

>> No.9195678


Vive L'Amour
Rebels of the Neon God
The River

The others are not essential.

>> No.9195743

For truth. Godard is shit.

>> No.9195763
File: 232 KB, 630x1200, MV5BMTk2NDcyNDE5N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDA0MzQ1NzE@._V1_UY1200_CR70,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh this was so bad, and I wanted to like it so hard

Slackers is really fuckign good though

>> No.9195773


>Richard Linklater

he honestly isn't, though.

>> No.9195776

I liked that one frenchy film, about the souffle or something like that

>> No.9195787

I bet you're the first person ever to make this joke.

>> No.9195788
File: 108 KB, 580x815, cure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know any good cerebral thrillers/horrors worth seeing? Something in the mood of pic related?

>> No.9195802


The last shot of Cobra Verde is among the best in all cinema.

>> No.9195839
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The Dreamers?

>> No.9195858
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>> No.9196037

>Weekend is one of the worst films he made and began the end of his 'great' films
t.Cuntte Trani-Anne

>> No.9196058

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.9196067

I thought this was good when I was little but now I think DDL's character is possible the most 1 dimensional character in mainstream film

>> No.9196078
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pic related

inb4 muh 420ch DUDE LMAO shit the movie is a masterpiece of western animation

>> No.9196088

tatami galaxy seems pretty artful.

>> No.9196138


>the movie is a masterpiece

high level baiting going on here

>> No.9196146

Anything with Jackie Chan

>> No.9196289

Videos of being being murdered =/= a snuff film. A snuff movie is a proper movie, with actors who act out a script on screen, where at least one of the one screen deaths is real and intentional as part of the film. That is what a snuff movie is.

There is absolutely nothing wrong necessarily with one dimensional characters.

>> No.9196291
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Excalibur was pretty good. Still waiting for a complete adaptation of T. H. White.

>> No.9196317
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Lynch's Eraserhead is pretty great

>> No.9196340
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>tfw your local library has hundreds of Criterion films that you can rent for free.

Here are just some that I think the /lit/erary mind can appreciate, and not just because most of us here have to use subtitles. In this post I'll restrict myself to Japanese films, as it's what I happen to be watching lately.

By Kenji Mizoguchi

Life of Oharu ('52)
Sansho the Bailiff ('54)
Ugetsu ('53)

by Hiroshi Teshigahara

Woman in The Dunes ('64)
The Face of Another ('66)

Kaneto Shindo's 'Onibaba ('64)

and Akira Kurosawa's 'Ikiru' ('52).

Just some of my favorites. Sorry if this post belongs on /tv/. Recommendations are appreciated.

>> No.9196345


>> No.9196349

There's no "discussion" here. This looks almost exactly like a /tv/ thread, but with a slightly bigger percentage of the posts dedicated to posturing and a slightly smaller percentage dedicated to memes.

>> No.9196352

>muh board purity
>muh posturing

Let me guess, you also use the word pseud uironically

>> No.9196365


I have to agree, but it's almost instinctual on this part of the 'chan'. I don't think anon can help it.
>>9196352 posted almost immediately. It's a case in point.

>> No.9196371


Quick question if you're still on this thread. Wouldn't anonymity defeat the purpose of having to 'posture' at all? I mean, what is there to be gained.

>> No.9196374


* 'somewhat instinctual' I should say.

>> No.9196380

I have never called anyone a pseud in my life and I have no idea why you think I'm defending board purity when I'm saying there's no discussion in this thread. The only implication there was in the post was that /lit/ is made of the same stuff /tv/ is.

>> No.9196398


>There's no "discussion" here.

/lit/ is comparatively older than /tv/ and even then the median age here is only 21 or so. relax, son.

>> No.9196461

I call it "posturing" because that's what it looks like to me. What causes people to broadcast their taste when their identity isn't relevant can be speculated about, but it's not the part of the communication chain that bothers me. As far as I'm concerned, it could be similar to spreading any belief or idea that a person is attached to. People care about their taste in art, and that could be reason enough to talk about it. Fine, that's the basis of discussion. The problem is that people don't seem to have the ability to communicate the reasoning behind any of the beliefs they care about so much, so they resort to authoritative tones initially and then to insults when they're challenged.

>> No.9196470

I was just trying to rustle your jimmies :^(

>> No.9196527

>Woman in the Dunes

This guy gets it.

>> No.9196561

...in the case of Lynch, that is.


>> No.9196581

>says the foreigner posting on an American website

>> No.9196611
File: 178 KB, 1540x1909, nakedmikeleigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related manages to be as self aware as it is pretentious. Amazing film.

>> No.9196617


Mike Leigh isn't that pretentious of a guy. This film done by anyone else probably would've ended up far worse.

>> No.9196622

Naked is pretentious but it's part of the point as far as my understanding of it goes.

>> No.9196630


Been around a decade since I've seen it. You're probably right. I just know that Leigh isn't that pretentious in real life, but then that was beside the point of your post in retrospect. I might watch this one again soon, actually.

>> No.9196647

I wouldn't think he is. It's not even so much that the movie is pretentious really but more that Johnny is extremely so.

>> No.9196649

>lynch in the same category as burton
>lars von trier as an honorable mention
>david cronenberg makes the cut
>no japanese directors
>no Juraj Herz

HAHAHAHA, you're such a pleb!!

>> No.9196658

Why do you think I'm a foreigner. Does every American have to be a patriot?

>> No.9196751

Definitely The River or Stray Dogs
But all his films are great at the very least, don't listen to the other guy
Not to mention that you need to watch all previous ones in order to better understand Stray Dogs

>> No.9196806

Fallacy. Argument from authority.

>> No.9196842
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You should start taking medical advice from your Trucker uncle Vernon, my man.
After all, anything from a health professional would be be a fallacy. Argument from authority.

You pretentious cunt.

>> No.9196885

Fallacy. False analogy.
Medical science strives to be objective, health professionals use tested methods and drugs, that gives you the confidence to do as they say; nonetheless, in a medical discussion, arguments are not accepted just because an older MD says so, they are dissected and analysed.

>> No.9196912
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> not understanding argument from authority

>> No.9196991
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It draws so many parralells to The Brothers Karamazov.
I'm serious.
Check it out.

For great adaptationz of books,
Inherent Vice by PTA
Crash by David Cronenberg
Master and Commander by Peter Weir
Lolita by Kubrick
Cosmopolis by cronenberg

>> No.9197056


I love Amadeus

I know that the movie contains severe liberties with the biography of Mozart. He was not as carefree and reckless buffoon; his production was not so ready-perfect and devoid of drafts and corrections; Salieri was not his enemy in real life; his compositions were not just vomited on paper as if germinated in the vacuum of his soul or whispered in his ears by angels. Actually Mozart sketched a lot, but his wife destroyed many of his drafts after he died (to make the myth more impressive).

But despite all that this film is magnificent. Mozart is not the subject of the film, but Salieri. The theme of the movie is the desperation of a struggling and demanding artist in the face of someone who, in addition to all the effort that requires in the realm of art, has also the mysterious faculty of natural talent. The theme of the movie is the torment of a soul that simultaneously loves and hates the same thing.

The final scene is one of the most amazing and terrible things I've ever seen. Salieri is not he, and he alone, a loser (how many viewers tend to think). He blesses all the mediocrities of the world, but this does not only refer to him and mad people at the asylum, and is not a delusion of his diseased mind. He is blessing all mankind, all of us, all of us who are not in the select group of individuals who actually took humanity to the highest peaks of its ability. Salieri is all of us at the end of the film; he feels sorry for himself and for all mankind. In that scene he is calling all the people in the dark cinema a sad group of mediocrities, but few people notice it.

>> No.9197095

Now I have to see the film again.

>> No.9197097


And the final scene is wonderful.


One of the most beautiful, touching and disturbing scenes of all time. Many people do not understand the horror behind the words of Salieri: he is not only a madman, a man whose brain was slowly eaten by the termites of obsessions, the ants of neuroses: he is still aware of the differences in talent and ability that divide him and even an absolute (the absolute of absolute) majority of the human race from a handful of exceptional individuals.

In the darkness of the cinema his dark litany was not only blessing the priest, himself, the poor lunatics in the madhouse; he was blessing, as he said, all the mediocrities in the world. He was forgiving all of us, all of us who can only contemplate with absolute admiration and horror the huge peaks that a few souls are able to climb (by that rare concentration of genes, talent, obsession, will-power, madness-drive to work and insatiable hunger improve), while we have to be contempt in making of small hills and mounds our imaginary Everest's.

This final scene is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen; one of the most pessimistic; one of the darkest; one of the truest.

And in perfect contrast with the dark, cruel, chaotic world of the hospice, with the desolating environment that stinks with the fumes of urine, sweat and despair; in contrast with the physical contortions of the sick bodies and with the even most aggressive and ruinous mental contortions (all those poor brains being shattered by unattainable mental wolves, the invisible packs of private nightmares), in perfect contrast with the abyss, we have the music of Mozart, one of the most beautiful things ever produced in the universe, and among the music of Mozart one of the softest, most innocent, one of the most childish and touching lullabies.

This final scene is a micro masterpiece in a movie that is all made of wonders; is one of the most beautiful poems of this great book of cinematic poetry that is this film.

>> No.9197105


Salieri who composed for kings and emprors believed he was mediocre and he went insane for it. Yet the idiots and shameless assholes we meet everyday completely believe they are special and smart.

>> No.9197124

It's the benefit of being an idiot, you don't understand that you're an idiot.

>> No.9197136

>we have the music of Mozart, one of the most beautiful things ever produced in the universe

Too many notes.

>> No.9197214


I've never seen Amadeus and I'm sure it's great but the way it comes up all the time makes me seriously wonder if it's baby's first not Hollywood blockbuster.

>> No.9197224


Good post. Solid movies. Superlative directors.

Not a big fan of Ikiru personally but it obviously has an extra level of literary merit (similar to Ran or The Lower Depths).

>> No.9197295
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>> No.9197326

It is a Hollywood blockbuster.

>> No.9197335

Based on a play so it's not even an original story

>> No.9197368

>literature threads on /v/
i am interested. Care to post a link?

>> No.9197804
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>> No.9197939



>> No.9197945

So what movie is this

>> No.9198253
File: 75 KB, 786x442, my-dinner-with-andre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Dinner with Andre.

>> No.9198386
File: 28 KB, 639x279, contempt statuebetter.jpg-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contempt was pretty /lit/ desu

>> No.9198461

what's so good about it?

>> No.9198615


All of his films aren't great. There's not a single filmmaker where this is the case. Some of his films are better than others. Vive L'Amour is his best.

>> No.9198986

Its true, it is about lots of things. Its about personal suffering, its about societal corruption, but those are just the obvious themes. There is some else there that i can't put my finger on but the movie is a 9.5/10