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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 606x668, rupi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9184774 No.9184774 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Rupi Kaur's body of work?

>> No.9184856

>What do you think of Rupi Kaur's body
Put a bag on her head, and I'd fuck her.
>of work?
Ah ...

>> No.9184864

Honestly all brown girls are ugly to me. Even the good looking ones I think probably smell bad. Imagine how stinky a brown girls pussy is. Probably extra chessy

>> No.9184884

Absolute nonentity. Means nothing to me.

>> No.9184896
File: 66 KB, 460x690, RupiKaur_MilkAndHoney_ForWeb-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her body is meh.

>> No.9184898

>le minimalist wood floors+white walls house

>> No.9184902
File: 33 KB, 640x640, menmustbestopped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we doing this thread again?

>> No.9184903

Is this about rape? Its about rape isnt it

>> No.9184914
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>> No.9184919 [DELETED] 

the dirt-filled
with people
young and old
spicy aromas
through the air
the communal squatting
of the people
by the privileged

that was not dirt

- rupi kapur

>> No.9184923

rupi kaur is dull but rupi kaur false flags are pretty funny

>> No.9184929

the dirt-filled
with people
young and old
spicy aromas
through the air
the communal squatting
of the people
by the privileged

that was not dirt

- rupi kaur

>> No.9185344


>> No.9185356
File: 40 KB, 541x678, rupi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9185376
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HOLY SHIT, will you just have some fucking patience for voices that aren't what you're used to???

>> No.9185384

Honestly all
brown girls are ugly
to me.

Even the good looking
I think probably

Imagine how stinky
brown girls pussy is.

Probably extra chessy

>> No.9185388
File: 31 KB, 200x200, seen3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is a stinky one! Pee-yew!

>> No.9185391

Forgot to take out the punctuation and capital letters, anon.

>> No.9185393

I've been chuckling at "chessy" for the better part of half an hour

>> No.9185403
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Says the shithead with the dubs, bet you're proud, huh??

>> No.9185409
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Whoah! Almost!


>> No.9185421

Months later and you still remembered







I... love you anon

>> No.9185441

this one actually makes sense though.

if you can't raise your kids without yelling or beating them you are a shit parent.

>> No.9185446
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>> No.9185455

still would

>> No.9186867

no one ever said her poems don't make sense
they're just laughably trite

>> No.9186885

The greatest secret you'll ever learn about women is they're all meh. Every model, pornstar, celebrity, and generally gorgeous girl you see walking around is just a skinnyfat ordinary bitch underneath, always with a handful of suboptimal traits like wonky hips or some misshapen shit somewhere. There are one or two in a hundred thousand who have really really lucky genetics and like picture-perfect pornstar bodies without any wonky shit, but even they are just boring.

Once you fuck a truly beautiful woman and have that moment of "..that's it?", it's a massive deprogramming experience. You realise that you've been chasing after the status and associations of it, the assumptions you have about it based on your desires, without ever realising what it really is: mediocre.

If young men had the opportunity to fuck a thousand gorgeous women of their choosing during their 16th year of life, and then after that they had to go back to being schlubs and trying to get laid the old-fashioned way, 90% of men would become semi-asexual, hold out for a high quality woman in the personality and values department, and only have minimal standards for beauty (5-6/10 and nonfat, max). Because they'd realise it's really just not that big a deal.

I've had fuckloads of sex, both meaningful and meaningless, with all sorts of attractive women. Sexwise, I'd rather have a really fun kinky 5 or 6/10 who is really engaged, good chemistry, really grabs you by the dick and hits all the right notes in terms of your fetishes and preferences, than a dozen 10/10s. There's just nothing like finally fucking a 10/10, with a body so perfect it seems like you should care more about it than you actually do, and then losing interest ten minutes into it because she's a dead fish and they all look like the same average-ass Fatfolds McGillicuddy when they're naked anyway.

So much of beautiful women is the stage effect of makeup and clothing. ESPECIALLY if you're looking at pictures of them. Pictures are like meta-makeup, Instagram shit lets girls tweak themselves until it's an ideal angle that hides all blemishes and creases etc., before even adding filters or fucking with the lighting.

The really awesome womanizing only comes after you go through this k-hole of realizing they're shit. Womanizing is so much more fun when you see everything between a 4 and a 10 as fuckable and can just burn through them looking for particularly fun ones. You're no longer secretly pining after the hotties you're statistically unlikely to get. And with this strategy, you'll get MORE hotties because you'll be subconsciously caring less, which is attractive (because it's confusing) to them.

>> No.9187004

this is the best one

>digits duplicates
every time

>> No.9187239

This tops the keks.
Not bad.

>> No.9187543


>> No.9187560

these threads are so good

someone post more I want to guess if they're real or not

>> No.9187598

>t. 13 y.o /pol/kiddie

I really don't understand what's the point of only looking at stuff you hate just to get triggered?

There are literally thousands of good books, but you just HAVE to talk about this.

>> No.9187600

I'm trying to secure an interview with her for an interview what should I ask? What am I in for?

>> No.9187602

back to /fit/

>> No.9187607

Do you actually enjoy this terrible poetry unironically

Also why do you associate my post with /pol/ and why are you even in this thread, it seems to me that you're the one looking for something to trigger you

>> No.9187626

Is she reading her own book? Do people do that?

>> No.9187633

Is this the state of litterature in 2017?
Is this the state of art?

>> No.9187736

>Do you actually enjoy this terrible poetry unironically

of course not. it's shit. anybody with half a brain can see that from a mile away. what's the point of making threads all the time about it?

>Also why do you associate my post with /pol/
because these threads are literally made by /pol/ all the time and devolve into mindless racism and hatred?

>> No.9187743

I'm here to laugh at Rupi poems and fake Rupi poems

Maybe you don't agree but I find it really funny that satires of her poems have become indistinguishable from the real ones

>> No.9187747

people who have to put their name under every poem INSIDE their own book, do, yes

>> No.9187755

he's right, yknow

>> No.9187769

>I've had fuckloads of sex, both meaningful and meaningless, with all sorts of attractive women.

yeah this is how people really talk
you're 15 aren't you?

>> No.9187782
File: 24 KB, 739x467, antiques.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the best commentary on "start with the greeks/western canon" bs by someone on the right side of 30 has written this century/millenium

>> No.9187788
File: 15 KB, 754x351, bottomless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9187792
File: 21 KB, 663x420, experience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9187795
File: 31 KB, 772x419, groceries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9187801

you're serious?

>> No.9187812


I bet you're one of the lit bros who waste their time in this century reading Nietszche instead of trying to realign himself with more modern perspectives

>> No.9187825


I think it's an interesting phenomenon in itself that I might mention in future job interviews.

The most interesting thing to note is that the book's lack of quality simply doesn't matter. The success of it shows how today's publishing industry is so heavily tied towards social media that the act reading has become a collective experience to 'show off'. The book is used as an object to relate to others above anything else.

You see a similar thing in popular Booktubers too; that exceptional ability to advertise products to people who don't realise booktubers aren't being sincere because they probably don't realise it either. It's far superior to TV because younger people haven't built up a resistance to it all.

In fact, that was exemplified perfectly in a comic strip posted here the other day in which two daughters laugh at their father for believing newspaper journalism. They're shown sitting, watching a YouTube video instead with the core message being that the internet is now sifting through what's fake and what's not in order to alert you to its fakeness -- the glaring dialect being that what's not highlighted as fake must be completely real.

The irony is there for all to see but the daughters don't know it and it's why those people will be the types who buy Rupi Kaur's milky honey.

>> No.9187830

huh... made me think...

>> No.9187873
File: 268 KB, 485x416, 1485997883577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to this man, you numale virgins.

>> No.9187905

a little milk
mixed with honey
rights the soul
and clogs
the :

don’t worry
there is
a crème.
for that.

- rupi kaur

>> No.9187934

Does anybody have the comic >>9187825 mentioned?

>> No.9187956

How rich are her parents?

>> No.9187999

this is a sick burn

>> No.9188037
File: 143 KB, 532x344, IMG_2042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we kill the bourgeoisie already

>> No.9188045

Daddydaughter Vaginaslaughter.

>> No.9188050

the line breaks add
a natural cadence
to the voice in your head
with a modern poem such as this
you should imagine it like
a modern dance
strange movements
flexed feet
leotards and baggy overshirts
an interruption of flow
It's not beautiful
compared to the classics
was it trying to be?

>> No.9188076

I'd like to see it too

>> No.9188295


If it helps, I'm fairly sure it started by mentioning Stardew Valley.

>> No.9188512

well memed

>> No.9188611

Ask her some genuinely interesting and intellectual questions about not just poetry but artistic thought processes throughout history and watch her pull up blank after blank

>> No.9188616



>> No.9188739

Only to guilt-ridden English speakers of European descent.

>> No.9188872

My sentences
My skin