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/lit/ - Literature

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9180410 No.9180410 [Reply] [Original]

Was this supposed to make me care about whether lobsters suffer or not? It felt very much like some elitist hipster who thinks raising his nose at people who just want to eat lobster with their families should make us think he is "deep".

>> No.9180418

1. it's about the morality of aesthetics in general
2. and yes you fucking retard it was supposed to make you care about the suffering of the lobster. If you struggle this much with empathy you're obviously reading just to make yourself feel smarter.

>> No.9180420

Spoken like a true uncultured swine.

>> No.9180425


cute. I bet you read to learn things about yourself.

>> No.9180427

Wallace was incredibly considerate to both sides in the essay.
Stick to marvel films champ

>> No.9180428

if thats how u feel then its time 4 suicide op.

>> No.9180431

Why the fuck would I empathize with a lobster? I'm sure when a cheetah tears the leg off of a gazelle while it's children are watching and the children freeze to death watching their mother gazelle die, the cheetah probably doesn't give a shit and goes to fuck some hoes or smoke weed or something.

>> No.9180440

Wait, are you telling me you read literature and you're still not at fucking least a vegan? Wow. You must be an idiot. I'm done talking to you.

>> No.9180442

go back to /v/ or /pol/ with that edge

>> No.9180444

Not an argument.

>> No.9180446

Go, just fucking go. /lit/ is a board for intellectuals, not meat eating empathy lacking idiots.

>> No.9180460

Do you think the animals you had MURDERED had a fucking chance to argue before they were killed?

>> No.9180466

>eating things that cast a shadow

how many books have you read? like 2?

>> No.9180473

There's a reason I said *at least* vegan. I only eat immaterial objects.

>> No.9180478
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OP, /lit/ is a vegan board for people too intelligent to eat meat.

Pic related

>> No.9180485
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>> No.9180497

>I have the literacy skill and emotional maturity of a violent African cat

>> No.9180502
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>tfw to intelligent to be a violent african cat

>> No.9180503

>violence required to subdue an animal to nourish oneself is unjust
>only animals kill stuff bro, not me

>> No.9180538
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Considering that Wallace preempts your very impression and represents these 'reservations' in a very fair and unassuming light, I'd warrant what it was is -- not for you. That anyone could see elitism in Wallace's affable almost rambling candor is so completely divorced from sense that I can only assume you've skimmed the wiki instead of the essay for god knows why, as though the tired actual question of ethics here was novel and the substance involved, rather than Wallace's expression of it, the comprehensive sentiment of confronting said ethic dilemma. Clearly you're a philistine who would do better to concern himself with the contents of coloring books instead.

>> No.9180550
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>says the anime poster

>> No.9180557

I happily eat meat and still think you're a retard.

>> No.9180560

>mongolian basket-weaving consortium

Also LotGH is not merely an anime, it is a weighty triumph of artistry and story-telling.

>> No.9180564

>there are people on this very board right now that are still eating and haven't begun their process of starving to death
I don't even know what to tell you, folks. This is just as sad as sad gets.

>> No.9180568
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are. you. being. fucking. serious???

>> No.9180571

>he eats objects

>> No.9180577

ironic shit posting is still shit posting

>> No.9180582
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>ironic shit posting is still shit posting

>> No.9180584

>Considering that Wallace preempts your very impression and represents these 'reservations' in a very fair and unassuming light, I'd warrant what it was is -- not for you.
blown the fuck out

>> No.9180610

not an argument ;^]

>> No.9180630

The first 40% of the essay is him expressing contempt at the people at the lobster festival. He goes so far as to say that he doesn't believe the CNN writer actually went to the festival due to the praise the author gave to it.

The essay reeks of intellectual elitism (i.e. "Stop enjoying things! Stop liking things I don't like!") and snobbery at American tradition and working-class entertainment.

>> No.9180640

cheetahs are pretty cool. if you like birds, nietzsche makes the same analogy

>> No.9180648

Lmao. The mere fact it is "working class" entertainment gives Wallace plenty of reason to critique it.

>> No.9180657

>American tradition and working-class entertainment
>we have been doing this retarded thing for centuries how dare you point out it's retarded
Lobsters are delicious, but your remarks are silly.

>> No.9180660

This thread honest to god has made me lose whatever last vestige of hope I was clutching to in my much reduced returns to this board. There isn't a single post and reply actually discussing the book or essay.

>> No.9180670

Get cancer and kill yourself, you cock loving son of syphilitic crack whore. This is my board and I will do whatever I damn well please. Now fuck off, pseud.

>> No.9180674 [SPOILER] 
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nobody cares

>> No.9180678

there's a 200+ thread about favorite books that devolved completely into a discussion about trap dick sucking but ok

>> No.9182370

Stop writing in a way that tries to convince people you're smart. It's annoying to your readers and counterproductive.

>> No.9182383
File: 157 KB, 1500x844, TheLobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The movie was better.

>> No.9182409

Facts are facts. Wallace was a liberal Jew and that's why he's only popular in America. Disregard him.

>> No.9182505

it's always been like this, but it still beats all the other options out there.

>> No.9182555

what i got was that you shouldnt come up with bullshit excuses or a false sense of moral justice. if you're boiling something alive for your benefit, do it because it's how you enjoy it. if you arent ok with that, then maybe you should consider the other side.

>> No.9182557

great first half. second half was kind of dissapointing. slow and drawn out without the dry humor or interesting characters from the first half.
still wish there were more post-modern films like this though.

>> No.9182563

>using sentences and proper grammer

cn u stp pretending 2 b smart and rite lyk a norm person pls

>> No.9182570

>hey, we on this lit board don't be takin too kindly to y'all eloquentialistic types around these here posts. I reckon y'all best be headin back to duh city all peaceful like, unless yeh be wantin some of this here trouble on yeh hands like.

>> No.9182645

Is violence inherently bad? Is there no way for pre-emptive violence to be just?

>> No.9182666

I found the book to be more about making Moral choices in all things one does. We go by day by day without really thinking of what we do or the rammifications of whatever it is we do.

I dont think it was really about lobsters, but was chosen as a means to convey a message.

>> No.9182685
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>has made me lose whatever last vestige of hope
There are good things around if you have the stoicism (wink) to get through the bullshit. Sometimes a thread evenhas some intelligent posts.

>> No.9182903

>he eats

>> No.9182920
File: 2.84 MB, 800x450, lobster.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this litterae?

>> No.9182934

>this kills the lobster

>> No.9182953

Who the fuck wants to talk about books when there's the eternal question of boipussy vs regular pussy. This is the great philosophical debate of our time. Get with the times grandpa

>> No.9183123
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He doesn't express one drop of contempt. Wallace gives every perspective involved, he portrays the inside of the festival, the outsider's perspective, the PETA psychos, views of professional chefs, different cultural approaches, he even talks to the damn locals who have the most casual of opinions on that shit. He accurately represents the nature of the festivities, if your reaction was to look down on them, YOU'RE the elitist, not Wallace.

Which is reasonable, considering I myself wouldn't want to be among that throng of unwashed humanity, just the idea of being in such a crowded place with all its associated sounds and smells is really off putting to me. But to say Wallace passes judgement is retarded, all he does is describe it.

And you mention the first 40% but not the rest? He goes on to say he eats lobster, and meat, and whatever he feels about it he will continue to do so and really doesn't know what the answer is and that he welcomes all input. How is that even remotely elitist? He offers no solutions, only suggests it strikes him as something to think about, a poignant contradiction in his established values.

>t. brainlet

If you think that's hifalutin you're on the wrong board. We suck Joyce cock here.

>> No.9183128


>> No.9183130

>it has to be alive while they do this
fucking japs are animals

>> No.9183140
File: 96 KB, 620x280, Shocked-face-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it has to be alive when they kill it

>> No.9183142

>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.9183143
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>it has to be alive when they kill it

>> No.9183157
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> it has to be alive when they kill it

>> No.9183165
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>it has to be alive when they kill it

>> No.9183200


Hee hee, but ofc what he meant was 'when they eat it' of course

>> No.9183209

No he didn't.

>> No.9183298


Back to the actual essay that caused the thread, the issue Wallace was raising had to do with boiling the lobsters alive

>> No.9183303

don't reply to me

>> No.9183440



>> No.9183447

don't reply to me

>> No.9183555

but i replied to you

>> No.9183603


I genuinely come to /lit/ to remind myself I shouldn't be at /lit/. It's a strange and twisted exercise in productivity. I'll stay for ten minutes then get bored and I'm so happy about that because imagine being one of the fuckers who's here for hours.

>> No.9183756
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I just started reading this after seeing this thread and I have to say I'm not impressed. Maybe this short essay gets better towards the end, but right now Wallace is just listing Wikipedia facts about lobsters and saying "basically," "literally."

>> No.9183894

don't, trippyanon. don't.

DONT reply to me.

>> No.9183958


delete your account

>> No.9183981

Are traps gay?

>> No.9184012

You always need to give some goodwill to the author, because anything can be found absurd and stupid and irrelevant. That's what you teenagers can't understand.

>> No.9184224

It's just a comfy read, relax.

>> No.9184320
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Brought to you by the author of Consider the Coconut

>> No.9184433


mute your tab