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/lit/ - Literature

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9175079 No.9175079 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude, being nice is for FAGGOTS :XD
>Dude, being lonely is COOL
>and FUCK girls!

>> No.9175087

Redpilled as fuck would browse pol if he were alive today try the redpill we are ubermensch of whiteness

>> No.9175088

Totally agree, Nietszche is lame

>> No.9175090
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You're SO FUNNY!!
Please post more of these in here, this site is not 100% garbage yet!!

>> No.9175099
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How do we save pessimism and life-denial from Nietzsche?

This is just how discussion threads start here newfag

>> No.9175102

>FUCK girls

>> No.9175103
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>triggered NEETchlet

>> No.9175117

>Dude, being nice is for FAGGOTS :XD
That's not Nietzsche's point at all. IRL he was actually a pretty nice man.
>Dude, being lonely is COOL
That wasn't really his point either. He was more saying that being lonely is a sacrifice worth making if it means being independent.
>and FUCK girls!
He's not wrong, not one bit wrong.

>> No.9175120

>t virgen

>> No.9175121

I don't think I understood the first half of it. he rags on about lame philosophers of the past who created meaningless dichotomies of good and evil, and then moves beyond it by introducing a slave/master dichotomy, hurr

>> No.9175123

>being a life-denialist

>> No.9175125

Actually I fuck prostitutes just like my hero.

>> No.9175130

literally kill yourselves already.

>> No.9175136

Bit edgy

>> No.9175139

I don't understand how such a clear and simple writer can be misunderstood by so many people by so many different ways.

The fuck, goddamn. With Wittgenstein he is one of the best writers with regards to being clear on what he means.

>> No.9175147

>nobody understands Knee-shit but me!
t. every Kneed-chet fanboy

>> No.9175148

Even if a lot of what he says is contestable it's still very entertaining to hear the ramblings of a virgin 19th century kraut. He's a fucking madman

>> No.9175151

>he's not a virgin
Normans leave

>> No.9175155

>clear and simple

>> No.9175156

It's because he wrote too many goddamn books, most of which either don't retread the same ground or trample it into an unrecognizable mess. He also grew while writing and so you have to piece his ideas together across the different books chronologically. If he had finished Will to Power we might have a more concrete understanding of his big picture, but for now it's just easier to say he has no real system.

Talking about Nietzsche is like talking about Montaigne. It's more frustrating than it's worth to find a stable concept to toy with.

>> No.9175191

What what? The hell man?

It's not like Critique of Pure Reason or anything Heidegger/Hegel..

>> No.9175199

Fair enough.

>> No.9175212

Kant is clearer than Nietzsche, because he says what he means and if you read long enough you understand.
Nietzsche is criptic. Anyone can get his basic ideas (at least superficially) by reading his books, but there are a lot of aphorisms that have different meanings, sometimes really deep stuff, and requiere a lot of thought to be understood in their ultimate sense.

>> No.9175215

Kant might say what he truly means but dear lord I had trouble reading CoPR.

>> No.9175231
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Clear and simple doesn't mean easy brainlet

>> No.9175283

this >>9175231 is not >>9175212 .

>> No.9175414

Nietzsche dat dangerous nigga at the club who trashy girls like but classy ass rich broads like at the same time

>> No.9175420

wtf are you talking about? be quiet

>> No.9175431

I can tell you got here from reddit

>> No.9175439

t. pussy-ass ho

>> No.9175458

suck my fucking dick you dumb ass unilingual faggots i'll beat the shit out of you with my big ass dick

>> No.9175471
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>> No.9175787

You're being retarded. Nietzsche basically said you have to be a sociopath to be successful and brake the conditioning. The ubermensch had nothing to do with r9k losers.

>> No.9175812

The very sentence after he introduced the concepts of master and slave morality he claims that it is complex and nuanced and can exist in the same person at once. Fucking illiterate retards desu

>> No.9175822

>He was more saying that being lonely is a sacrifice worth making if it means being independent.

Interesting. Is this solitude meant to be long term or is it just a temporary thing to learn independence?

>> No.9175832

>Nietzsche basically said you have to be a sociopath to be successful and brake the conditioning

But if you're a sociopath then what is the point of success beyond basic pleasure? If you value nothing then what is the value in success?

>> No.9175835

>le "nee chee is easy to read" meme
They wrote to be clear and to convey something, Nietzsche wrote to write and amuse himself.
I honestly believe it is impossible to be independent unless those around you are obedient. It's one of the reasons why I'm with a much younger girl.

>> No.9175841

Pretty sure the longest Zarathustra spent in solitude was about ten years. And he was supposed to be the closest anyone has been to an Ubermensch. So I think short term solitude is fine.

>> No.9176190

>and requiere a lot of thought to be understood in their ultimate sense.
Not thought, blood.

>> No.9176348

Citation? Sounds interesting

>> No.9177281

literally kill yourself already