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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 77 KB, 1920x1080, fat bastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9174798 No.9174798 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9174803


>> No.9174807
File: 70 KB, 1024x638, 4chan-logo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9174808

Zizek, Judith Butler, Foucault, and Frederic Jameson

Fuck leftists

>> No.9174817


>> No.9174819

fuck that humpty dumpty fagget

>> No.9174827
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>> No.9174831

the problem with /lit/ being a relatively slow board is that it only takes one guy to fuckup and shit-post in every active thread.


these ...../pol/ people are worse than "bronies". at least they stick to their containment board.

>> No.9174835

- Dawkins
While he contributed to the field of evolutionary biology he also got stuff wrong that will remain popular until his death and even after that
Mainly the idea of selfish genes of which many other scientist say it is wrong
- Zizek
Very likable guy, but psychoanalysis needs to die
- Aubrey de Grey and Ray Kurzweil
Just for the funz

Make room for others as they say in French

>> No.9174838
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>> No.9174841
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>> No.9174842

Really? This site with all of its faggotry/cancer is kinda unique, would be the end of an era if it was truly gone.

>> No.9174867


>> No.9174870

The era has ended, 4chan is nothing but a zombie now, a corpse with strings on its limbs being slowly hacked to pieces as it moves for the amusement of philistine redditors and "the redpilled."

I first came here in '05, went through the requisite cycle of /b/ --> fetish boards --> slow boards, left for a while, came back a few months ago. I really just stay here to shitpost things that would get me banned anywhere else.

Shitposting is not a psychologically healthy activity.

>> No.9174879

The camp counselor that touched me

>> No.9174882

>Shitposting is not a psychologically healthy activity.

Conversely, I think it's actually therapeutic. You drudge through the day, with all the seriousness of adult life (assuming you aren't a neet loser), and have little breaks where you can fling shit immaturely at other people. It's healthy if you lead a healthy life, otherwise it probably does more harm than good.

>> No.9174888

4chan is a shell of what it was.

its basically become a safe space for people who have no friends or who vent in a way that would not be acceptable on facebook.......hence the proliferation of the /pol/ and /r9k/ mindset throughout the entire site. these guys would basically get ostracised and/or banned if they tried it elsewhere.

It really is pathetic and of little value.

If I was mod having to sift through this shit every-fucking-day I'd kill myself.

>> No.9174894

most people here are neet losers, so the generalisation that its not psychologically healthy is valid.

>> No.9174897

[Phrase expressing dislike] [enemy group].

>> No.9174902

Go on...

>> No.9174903

Nice trips but you are brazenly admitting your newness if you're implying 4chan for the most part was anything other than /pol/ and /r9k/ shit posting. At least you can find actual discussion here when you wade through the shit, and the stupid memes make me laugh so I don't complain

>> No.9174905

>implying 4chan was ever good
Yeah it was totally rad when we had over 9000 secret memes in our secret meme club and nobody outside it new what a meme was or how funny our funny internet pictures are and everyone was knowledgeable and witty and totally not an autist.

Fuck off. Imageboards were always shit. They were just new back then.

>> No.9174913


>> No.9174915

Depends on the individual and type of shitposting desu. Generally true though.

>> No.9174916
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>> No.9174921

4chan allows for more creativity thanks to its structure
Some of that creativity is a load of crap

>> No.9174926

Pol was actually fairly liberal during a large part of the bush presidency, 4chan as a board has been historically extremely anti-establishment. Thus "normies" is an insult.

>> No.9174929

hey reddit

>> No.9174930

Eh, I suppose if you think all humans have an innate desire to fling shit at others, shitposting can at some times be therapeutic. I certainly justify it to myself that way when I'm doing it. I'll say something to myself like, "Better to do it here than have a breakdown at work and tell my boss she's a mongoloid cuntslob without a tastebud in her body."

But really, shitposting just obfuscates the problem, which is the "seriousness of adult life" (read: the necessity to enter yourself as capital into the market, and be treated as nothing but capital).

I think it's only therapeutic in the way drinking alcohol is therapeutic for someone about to undergo a military field operation on their splintered thighbone.

>> No.9174934

unfortunately I've been a regular since 2006

>> No.9174941
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>psychologically healthy

>> No.9174943
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>> No.9174953

I would pay a lot of money to see Kurzweil's last moments. I wonder what it looks like when a man who though he would be immortal realizes he's about to die.

>> No.9174955
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>noam will die in 5 years top
I already feel teary

>> No.9174960
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, 1024px-Dead_frog[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh good one...you got me...aaaaaagh you got got me good.

I'm such a fag lol.
I took pilates classes for three months to gain the necessary flexibility to suck my own dick

some of the smaller subreddits related to my interests are pretty good and I frequent them regularly when I get tired of teens posting pics of frogs.

>> No.9174967
File: 59 KB, 1160x629, but_it_wasnt_real_communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9174978
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The sooner the better.

>> No.9174980

I don't think he would (realize he's truly dying), he'll probably die with the same arrogant glint in his eyes and the same smug smirk on his face, confident in the belief that he's important enough to be "resurrected" through some bullshit future technology. Like any other religious person, except pompous instead of humble

>> No.9174983
File: 455 KB, 4272x3204, nbc-fires-donald-trump-after-he-calls-mexicans-rapists-and-drug-runners[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even a liberal

>enjoy the next 8 years faggot

he'll never make it to 78 with his diet and "highenergy" lifestyle.

also. op's mom

>> No.9174984

I want her to live long enough to the right-wing death squads purging Muslim refugees from Europe.

>> No.9174991

what a milf. I would give my right arm to bust a nut all up in her.


>> No.9174998
File: 34 KB, 640x360, rowling_no_makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes a lot of makeup for her to look even reasonably human, anon.

>> No.9175000
File: 12 KB, 220x270, 220px-Henry_A._Kissinger,_U.S._Secretary_of_State,_1973-1977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9175009

um....she's still wearing makeup in that pic you virgin. eyeliner, foundation and lipstick.

I would still rail her.

>> No.9175014
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll raise you one.

>> No.9175016

He actually believes happiness and intelligence are mutually exclusive. He's less psychologically healthy than Sigmund "the Cokehead" Freud was

>> No.9175027

8 years

>> No.9175029

>He actually believes happiness and intelligence are mutually exclusive

he's right.

I hope you're not one of those "...unexamined life is a life not worth living" homo's. there's no correlation between knowledge and wellbeing. ignorance really is bliss

>> No.9175035

>there's no correlation between knowledge and wellbeing

Knowledge is not intelligence, and ignorance is not stupidity. When is this meme going to die?

>> No.9175036

cia hit dressed up as "heart-attack" within 3 years

>> No.9175039

not an argument

>> No.9175043
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Although, I understand that the government is probably developing a patsy to do away with him.

>> No.9175052

i dont think you'll have to wait too long for this one
he looked like the cryptkeeper at trumps inauguration

>> No.9175061
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>not an argument
not an argument

>> No.9175064
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>> No.9175083

he's embarrassing to listen to. I work as a support worker for adults with learning difficulties......he reminds me of them in how he presents himself, even down to his ill fitting suit and weird breathing. I may support his agenda but can't wait for him to die. surely someone else can carry on his work with out being a PR cluster-fuck.

I have a "service user" called Clarence who sounds exactly like trump. When we get him to read out scripts for the plays he takes part in at our local church he sounds exactly like trump reading an auto-cue. He gets all petulant when things don't go his way and he's again a dead-ringer. Also, he's not clued up about peoples personal boundaries and is no longer allowed to work with female support workers as he kept trying to grab their cunts. its uncanny.
I'd film him and stick it on youtube but that wouldn't be fair on Clarence as he'd instantly become a turbo-meme

>> No.9175089



Kikesky is overdue for a major stroke

>> No.9175153

I'm pretty sure that Zizek consider stupid everyone who lives a unexamined life, regardless of their IQ.

>> No.9175170

Autism: The Post.

>> No.9175179

>Film him
>Wait until he dies or you quit that job and no longer need the recommendation
>Put it on YouTube.

>> No.9175186

>oh no somebody said something bad about muh god emperor

>> No.9175190
File: 138 KB, 750x750, 1402790628825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine desu

>> No.9175254

This thread is PURE IDEOLOGY

>> No.9175325

Very surprised that Harold Bloom is still alive. I watched an interview with him in 2002 where he boasted that he was dying and eating lots of pills. He made a disgusting smacking sound during the interview and drank gallons of water.

>> No.9175451

wanting people to die is pure resentment.

>> No.9175515

>uh guys 4chan is about to die, the era of rad memes is over and everyone should just kill themselves!!!
I used to believe this from 2011-2015, but we're back in the spotlight as one of the cultural juggernauts of the internet now whether you like it or not. I feel that there are still more interesting things to happen here yet.

>> No.9175588

>wishing for the death of one of humanity's greatest philanthropists
See you in hell, laddy.

>> No.9175603

Fuck off underage fag

>> No.9175615

I don't think you can find this joke funny and also be over the age of 19

>> No.9175627

when people saying 'when is this meme going to die' dies

>> No.9175631

fuck you i'm 25 and love a good shitpost

>> No.9175656

nothing is worse than bronies man

>> No.9175660

/pol/ didn't exist during the bush presidency newfag

>> No.9175711

Alan Dershowitz

>> No.9175744
File: 625 KB, 724x588, swish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nahh. You're crazy, kid
You're outta your league

>> No.9176273
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>> No.9176324


Selfish gene is a nice idea but ultimately an end in itself. A theoretical framework that is good for moralising but takes us no further in understanding the biology.

>> No.9176362


"different opinions make me upset"

t. you

>> No.9176391

my own, obviously

>> No.9176403

Not lit but, bill murray