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/lit/ - Literature

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9171300 No.9171300 [Reply] [Original]

For anyone who thinks women writers are bad here's a list of Great women writers:

Ruth Ozeki
Zadie Smith
Gertrude Stein
Toni Morrison
Jane Austen
Ursula Le Guin
Gayl Jones
Susan-Lori Parks
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Harryette Mullen
Anne Carson
Dawn Lundy Martin
Mina Loy
Barbara Guest
Margaret Atwood
Virginia Woolf
Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
Djuna Barnes
Kate Chopin
Zora Neale Hurston
Marianne Moore
Laura Riding
Jean Rhys
Clarice Lispector
Doris Lessing
Lydia Davis
Flannery O'Connor
Adrienne Rich
Susan Sontag
Alison Bechdel
Edwidge Danticat
Claudia Rankine
C.D. Wright
Sylvia Plath
Audre Lorde
Lorine Neidecker
Alice Walker
Maxine Hong Kingston

>> No.9171313

>gertrude stein
>great writer
top meme

>> No.9171317

>Zadie Smith
0/10 bait fuck off.

>> No.9171333

/pol/ already rolling in

>> No.9171337

>ctrl-f Yourcenar
>no result

>> No.9171338
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They're all shit

Take the redpill

>> No.9171347

It's not that there aren't good women writers. It's just that this dude is putting shit in to fill up the fucking list.

>> No.9171350

What are you talking about, retard? Stein was great and she was a writer, but she wasn't a great writer by any measure.

>> No.9171352

1. I doubt you've read them all

2. I don't think taking the redpill and reading American Sniper is really gonna enlighten me.

>> No.9171360

What would your list look like? Who in this list is shit?

>> No.9171364
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Realize that women belong in the kitchen and giving them the vote has ruined the West

>> No.9171368

Bunch of babies who have only read Stein on this list and found her too hard

>> No.9171374

>no George Eliot

Kill yourself

>> No.9171376

Are women actually good at anything other than

a.) busywork
b.) high-achievement busywork
c.) autistic fields, rarely

>> No.9171378

>My racist grandad didn't love me so now I need to live my life for his approval

>> No.9171382

Forgot her, nice addition.

>> No.9171523

>For anyone who thinks women
D R O P P E D !

>> No.9171557

Who care's about the author? I just wanna read good stuff. I'm tired of identity politics infiltrating everything.

>> No.9171563

> no Gaspara Stampa
> no Alda Merini
> no Elsa Morante
> no Grazia Deledda
> no Dacia Maraini
> no Antonia Pozzi
> no Amelia Rosselli
> no Oriana Fallaci

Kill yourself.

(Damn, I couldn't control my fucking Italian pride this time, I apologize)

>> No.9171568

and Sarraute, and Djebar.

>> No.9171582

is that it?

>> No.9171621
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Indeed, how is it possible for OP to list Margaret Atwood, among others, and not Yourcenar

>> No.9171634
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>you will literally lose nothing by skipping all literature by women

really makes you think

>> No.9171647

>No McCullers

gill urself

>> No.9171720

There are so many great male writers that you don't ever have to read women once you get out of academia. And it's not like we owe women writers anything.

>> No.9171729

>no Evelyn Waugh

come on OP


That's a dude, bro.

>> No.9171748
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>no Evelyn Waugh

>> No.9171750
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>> No.9171751
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>> No.9171755

>tfw ywn

>> No.9171758

What a great argument.
I'm going to rethink nothing because of it, but I bet you feel really good.
And that's the whole point of identity politics in the first place isn't it?

>> No.9171765
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Holy shit, we've just found his sister

>> No.9171772

What a great argument.
I'm going to rethink nothing because of it, but I bet you feel really good.
And that's the whole point of the red pill in the first place isn't it?

>> No.9171829

What great arguments.
I'm going to rethink nothing because of them, but I bet you both feel really good.
And that's the whole point of 4chan in the first place isn't it?

>> No.9171902

>finish a book
>"wow that was a great book, my new favorite"
>look up author
>it's a woman
>throw book into the garbage
>down vote every thread about it
>write negative reviews of it on every site with multiple accounts

>> No.9171920

Why is everybody giving their opinion when you haven't read more than 3 or 4 of the women in that list?

>> No.9171931

>you haven't read more than 3 or 4 of the women in that list
Are you ok, anon?

>> No.9171937

I have read 8 of them. And why the fuck isn't Barbara Tuchman there?

>> No.9171951

Shut the fuck up pretentious piece of shit

>> No.9171984
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>finish a book
>"wow that was a great book, my new favorite"
>look up author
>it's a woman

That just means you are unironically stupid.

>> No.9172010



>> No.9172096

Maybe i'll do a post about this later but i'm going to say an abstract in here.
There's in Spain an actual tendency to "visibilise" the females work on literature..
This break my balls sometimes, because literary, everytime i open twitter there's the "feminist post" about females characters, the "toxic stereotypes with the girls and the invisibilizing in women on fantasy and science fiction fields for publishing books and for the people to read it and not judge for the sex of the author, even when in the past this occured often i don't think is the actual tendency and there's more space in present for women fiction.
This is out of control, every girl or woman who find that interesting ends like a feminist or a radical feminist, and they all actual believe in the patriarchy thing..
This is in Spain, what's in your countries, anons?

>> No.9172702

Here's a list of great men writers:

Your list is longer. You won. :)

>> No.9172709

Came to post this verbatim.

>> No.9172716

yeah what a fucking faggot that anon is
everybody knows that you're supposed to live for the approval of college students rather than for the approval of your relatives lol

>> No.9172720
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>> No.9172735

I recognize 6 of these names and have read maybe 4

>> No.9172754

Half of those are shit, and about a third are god-tier. Can you really not tell the difference between a shit woman and a good one?

>> No.9172867

Where's Rupi?

Is Rupi still a meme here?

>> No.9173343

Great list. Some of these I haven't read yet.

>> No.9173354

How about living for the approval of yourself, you childish fuck? Oh, wait, that won't work because you're too lazy to take any train of thought past the "Muh muh muh body looks like" station.

>> No.9173458

Nice list OP. Does /lit/ have a chart for women writers? Someone (you?) should make one. Fairly minimal discussion of books written by women besides Woolf. Wouldn't hurt to see a little more non fiction as well (props for Sontag though).

>> No.9173488

I want to believe, link to their tumblr please

>> No.9173495


Did you happen to take the picture of the chubby girl reading Nietzsche by any chance?

Just a hunch.

>> No.9173502

No Brontë? Are you even trying?

>> No.9174491

sexy feet

>> No.9174510

>uses 'woman' as an adjective
opinion discarded

>> No.9174543
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is she the queen of /lit/, lads?

>> No.9174563

I haven't read them all but I can without a doubt in my mind say that Alice Walker, Susan Sontag, and Gertrude Stein are garbage.

Flannery O'Connor is worth reading though.

>> No.9174573

a little too obvious but still made me laugh. Thanks, bro.

>> No.9174592

I'm with you on Stein, but what do you dislike about Sontag? Haven't started on her yet, but I will guess that she is pretentious?