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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 318x159, taolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9164482 No.9164482 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Tao Lin's parents bought him an apartment in central New York when he was 22.

Daily reminder that this is the so-called "voice of your generation"

>> No.9164484

are u perhaps gelatinous?
new york is a shit hole, no need to be.

>> No.9164487

>it's pretty cool to have rich parents
more at 11

>> No.9164490

Lots of artists were "kept" people, I'm sure there are better ways to criticise the Lin.

>> No.9164495

2bh all those great 16th-18th century writers who did the grand tour probably went off their parents dime as well

>> No.9164502

How can people treat literature as the greatest thing on earth when it's such a rigged system?

No wonder Bukowski gets so much adoration. He is one of the few who genuinely struggled and with genuine torment to write about. Fuck white people, seriously.

>> No.9164509

Sorry to burst your bubble /lit/, but being a writer is for rich people.

If you have poorfag parents that are truck drivers and waitresses don't fucking try and write - go get a real job at the tire factory

>> No.9164524

This. Poorfags don't even have the connections they need to get published.

>> No.9164526

why the fuck do you care you little shit. Delete this fucking thread.

>> No.9164660

Imagine being a no skill fraud that will forever live in his rich parents shadow.


>> No.9164679

imagine being a talentless bourgeois baby boy who insists on writing to prove he has he has worth and can achieve notoriety outside of inheriting daddy's money (he won't) and because mommy told him his teenage poetry was so good (it wasn't)

>> No.9164708

TLIDF pls go

>> No.9164712

Tao's father is a convicted fraudster who isn't allowed to live in the United States any more. That's why they moved to Taiwan.

>> No.9164714 [DELETED] 

I don't get it, why do Chinese people think they can write literature when they don't even souls?

>> No.9164718

God's truth. If your parents aren't smart enough to not be poor, you aren't smart enough to be a writer.

>> No.9164719

I don't get it, why do Chinese people think they can write literature when they don't even have souls?

>> No.9164723

I have a relative who works at the new york times. Should I write bait just to get published? I think I could probably do that

>> No.9164802


>Don Delillo
>Albert Camus
>Raymond Carver
>Richard Brautigan
>Sherwood Anderson
>Knut Hamsun
>Roberto Bolano

All had poor/working class backgrounds, all contributed greatly to the literary movements they were/are apart of. Bourgeois inner city kids can talk about taking drugs and going to party with people they dont really like and how nobody understands them and their "ennui" and fucking some loser chick who cucks them for some other guy who is slightly more interesting that they eventually get sick of after a few weeks all they want, they will never be on the cutting edge of any literary movement that isn't full of feigned indifference and intellectual posturing.

>> No.9164837

>all whitehet males

Are you seriously this fucking bigoted? Jesus christ.

>> No.9164843
File: 89 KB, 570x380, Mira-Gonzalez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not mira

>> No.9165227

Also if you dont live in an apartment in Central NYC (that you dont pay for), just forget about it, hang up the pens, throw in the white loose leaf

>> No.9165245

Through a combination of careful reading of the fine print, some firm suggestions to a real estate magnate who was careless enough to reveal to me certain compromising information about his personal life, and a good attorney, I have managed to secure a mini penthouse on the 32nd floor of a West 81st Street building, overlooking Central Park, in perpetuity.

A sizable inheritance from my uncle and my parents, all three of whom perished in a helicopter accident during a ski vacation in the Alps, and some sound financial advice from a close family friend means I can live a comfortable upper middle class lifestyle in New York City for the rest of my life, and can afford to dine at a different Michelin star restaurant every single week.

With ample free time and no financial pressures, I have decided to devote my time to the art of literature and philosophy, and to live the life of the mind. I currently have three book deal sin the final negotiating stages with around a dozen different publishers, ranging from international giants to small indie presses, and am also a frequent contributor to a variety of literary magazines.

I don't want to obsess myself with vapid labels like "voice of a generation." History shall be my judge.

>> No.9165271

Scott McClanahan is the voice of our generation.

I'd say sam pink but his books are samey.
And noah cicero went full SJW and I stopped talking to him because of how sad and predictable his conversations are.

>> No.9165278

Sam Pink seems like a good guy, I find him funny if not all that serious.

>> No.9165288

He's a top lad, but all his books are pretty similar in nature and style. (his poetry and fiction at least. His plays in Self-esteem holocaust are fucking god tier though.)

I like his humour as well he's also a lot more reserved than most 'alt-lit' authors.

>> No.9165295


LOL we have limited time and energy, don't blame people for reading the best shit they can find, and don't be surprised that the best shit is produced by people with the time and money to live well without working while they write.

>> No.9165302
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Coddled adulthood is the new standard

>> No.9165309

Amongst all gooks, the chinese i hate most.

>> No.9165313

Reminder that Tao Lin is interesting to no one except shi tposters.

>> No.9165454

>No wonder Bukowski gets so much adoration. He is one of the few who genuinely struggled and with genuine torment to write about
are you fucking kidding, bukowski is such a hack.

>> No.9165472



>> No.9165496

Link to this?

Is this just in America. I'm in Britain and I read The Guardian books section every day. It's a fucking joke how many wealthy and well-connected folk are published and reviewed these days.

Just last week Rory Gleeson, the son of famous actor Brendon Gleeson (whose other sons are now famous actors too) had a lengthy and gushing feature article and interview (rare) about his debut novel "Rockadoon Shore". Turns out he has attended Trinity University Dublin, then Oxford University, University of Manchester AND UEA to study various writing courses. And then, having still failed to get published, he lived in Toronto and spent 6 days a week at the college library there writing and editing his debut novel, which just came out as he turned 27. I've read the first chapter and it's absolutely dog shite and obviously written with movie rights in mind. Week after week I see this shit, well-connected writers pushing their mediocre books. It's fucking sickening. Tolstoy and Dostoevsky (among many others) used their family connects in this way too, but at least they had a go at the wider issues.

>> No.9165507

>It's a fucking joke how many wealthy and well-connected folk are published and reviewed these days.
that's how it's literally always been

>> No.9165775

>his teenage poetry
lin didn't write poetry as a teenager

>> No.9165802

>God's truth. If your parents aren't smart enough to not be poor, you aren't smart enough to be a writer.

>implying that rich people are intelligent and not just knowledgeable of how to get money
>implying that children can't be smarter than their parents
>implying that the only way to be smart is if your parents were smart, and thus their parents were smart, (infinite regress fallacy)

>> No.9166207

le just /lit/ things.

>> No.9166294

yeah I used to follow her on instagram and it seems like she spends literally all day in her room, leaving only to go to therapy. how does she make money? how does she afford to live? her poetry book can't have made her much..

>> No.9166373


>> No.9166380

>implying that rich people are intelligent
stay buttblasted poorfag

>> No.9166392

my man her family is rich. her step dad is in some gay as fuck famous punk band

>> No.9166515

hey fuck you you don't talk about black flag like that

>> No.9166565

someone post that thing about mira's boyfriend

>> No.9166569

This thread is a neat microcosm of why left-wing politics is dying; poor and working class Anon's discovering that the media class who writes about what its like to be working class are actually extremely well off.

>> No.9166583
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>Fuck white people, seriously

To be completely honest champ, you're living in the heyday of affirmative action and have literally nothing to complain about.

>> No.9166597

Maybe I am just naive but I don't know how people can justify living entirely off their parent's dime. Like I just can't fucking imagine doing nothing for a living and still not having to worry about paying rent or food or medical bills or anything.

>> No.9166617
File: 18 KB, 321x259, ira_terrorism-321x259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why traditional values are dying; traditional anon's discovering the elites who preach them are actually deviant as fuck.
>This is why right-wing politics are dying; poor and working class Anon's discovering that the political class who decide what's best for the working class are actually extremely well off.
>This is why fiscal conservatism is dying; poor and working class anon's discovering that the 'started from the bottom' success stories were actually given a 'small loan of a million dollars.'

Ur an idiot m8y. This applies equally well to a billion things, and is a problem inherent when classes exist.

>> No.9166654

>elites preach traditional values
What timeline are you posting this from?

>> No.9166676

>Daily reminder that this is the so-called "voice of your generation"

>spoiled brats living on daddy's money believing they are somehow progressive and the victim of a stagnant society.

That IS the voice of this generation.

>> No.9166690

What would you do if you were rich and your son was a 'special' genius?

>> No.9166705

>I don't actually follow any world events

Russian President Putin’s insistence on using anti-gay laws to “support traditional values.”

President Dongo Trump: “Mr. Trump deserves congratulations for winning a hard-fought campaign, and we hope to work with him in the future to make this a country that respects and protects religious freedom and traditional values,” Reverend Will Owens

They don't live them but they preach them.

>> No.9166713
File: 188 KB, 492x440, 1460336189217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an old man or 'wrong generation' fag on /lit/ rants on the current generation episode.

>> No.9166718

>Two examples of world leaders
>After we just had a entire night of every celebrity elite and multimillionaires tossing away $250k gift-bags like their trash and harping on about how evil said Presidents are the literal devils for feigning support for traditional values

>> No.9166738

Just because no one wants to listen or watch Trump, Putin, and the elites who live, think, and speak like them doesn't mean they don't exist. There are also other ways to 'preach' than academy award acceptance speeches.

>> No.9166743

Where do i start with mr lin, is tai pei the only one worth reading

>> No.9166754
File: 48 KB, 500x384, catter in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bukowski is such a hack

/lit/ has gone beyond self parody

>> No.9166767

you don't. he's shit. check out his goodread reviews for LULZ

>> No.9166776

>assuming this isn't bait and expecting to get shit on for responding earnestly

taipei is really good. don't listen to >>9166767. i like shoplifting from american apparel and richard yates a lot too but i get why people find them irritating. i actually enjoy his poetry a lot too, and his short stories are pretty good.

>> No.9166801

I like Taipei a lot anon.

>> No.9166808

you're retarded
and you write for shit

>> No.9166860

Fine pasta I would say, is it an original?

>> No.9166957


>another victim blaming the world for not having a job, not having an education, when they have the resources to have the best of all.

>lazy wannabe victim fucktard

>muh self-diagnosed mental illness

>i was born with a dick but I was actually born a woman

>respect muh gender, im wolf-lady-manparts of the wind.


>I identify as black and oppressed

>my dad has a porche

>> No.9167000
File: 294 KB, 625x497, enhanced-26850-1409774717-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another victim blaming the world for not having a job, not having an education, when they have the resources to have the best of all.

pic related desu

I don't identify as shit and am actually successful, I just don't buy into the literally mindless 'tumblrina' rhetoric that retards like you throw around all the time.

What do you actually mean by 'resources to have the best of all'?

As well as the fact that any healthy person wouldn't care what someone else 'identifies' as. It literally doesn't matter to you. Idgaf about transracial,transspecies,wtf shit but people like you end up looking at tumblr posts more than anyone other than people who "are in all ways but physical a wolf."

Just give it a fucking rest and read books.

>> No.9167007


>google picture that supports me

Confirmation bias, young fag.

>I don't identify as anything
>stop assuming my identification of identifying

>omg im triggered

>> No.9167030


>> No.9167035
File: 249 KB, 451x459, MonkeyFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claims confirmation bias
>I could post 10 other sources
>offers no counter-source

>pure greentext shitposting

good arguments. Enjoy being a brainlet.

>> No.9167077

>I'm a victim

>no one is right but me

>> No.9167091

I would probably help him out with money, cover some of his expenses here and there - I can understand why some parents do that but I don't think I would let him live ENTIRELY on my dime. Get a job, hippie! God damn.

>> No.9167093

His shit is all very quick and easy to read so you're not gonna lose any time checking it out. You can read Richard Yates in much less than a day if you have the free time.

>> No.9167119

Sorry, all the transexual non-binary pygmy authors come from upper middle class backgrounds.

>> No.9167144

>white male

he was basically a nigger

>> No.9167171

>you're living in the heyday of affirmative action and have literally nothing to complain about.
I'll take "things retarded frogposters say" for 300

>> No.9167255


All of my keks.

>> No.9167488

>Bourgeois inner city kids can talk about taking drugs and going to party with people they dont really like and how nobody understands them and their "ennui" and fucking some loser chick who cucks them for some other guy who is slightly more interesting that they eventually get sick of after a few weeks all they want, they will never be on the cutting edge of any literary movement that isn't full of feigned indifference and intellectual posturing.

spot on m80

>> No.9167499

The REAL voice of our generation

>> No.9168230
File: 27 KB, 400x225, 1457996252934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>discriminating against me just because of the color of my frog

>> No.9168234

>implying camus isn't white

>> No.9168281


>> No.9168289


He grew up in utter poverty. His father was killed in the Great War when he was still an infant and his mother was physically and perhaps mentally disabled.

He was white trash, and not even French white trash, because his mother was Spanish.

>> No.9168306

ohhhhhhh so it's true people don't really just hate other races they actually hate poor people great thanks for clearing that up for me

>> No.9168421

All of the Russians were landed gentlemen

>> No.9168498


>> No.9168504


Why are you being sarcastic? Of course class has always been important. No need to get tetchy.

>> No.9168509

Black flag more like Black Fag

>> No.9168521

You obviously haven't understood shit

>> No.9168539

This is a meme character, right?

>> No.9168567

what about Borges?

>> No.9169633

Argentine's are not white

>> No.9169766

I would read a novel starting with the first two paragraphs.

>> No.9169946

>be attractive male hipster
>date a female hipster who thinks she's a poet because an autismLARPing chinaman, who was selected randomly by the zeitgeist which demanded a personification of new york hipster millennial pomo culture, decided that he needed quirky female sidekicks, so he uplifted her and published her ironic twitter poems about her menstrual clots
>she's pretty insufferable because of this and constantly tweets lowercase derivative livejournal sass thinking it's poetry, but whatever
>she's OK in the looks department, she has that hipster "I'm too much of a pussy to do hard drugs, but you better believe I live the hard drugs lifestyle >;-)" chic
>basically a skinnyfat basic bitch who wishes she were Daria
>date her for a few years
>go bald
>get tired of my low-paying job as assistant editor to a non-profit vegan dumpster-diving ezine
>suddenly she hits her mid/late 20s
>her skinnyfat transmutes into saggy trash, the freebie femininity and perkiness of youth fleeing her body by the day, so that all that's left is her flabby gut and saggy face and flat tits
>her ass starts looking like a lazyboy armrest that mike tyson punched six thousand times until it permanently deformed and now just loosely hangs off the frame of the chair
>she keeps tweeting fucking sassy remarks
>grit my teeth and check her twitter once every few weeks
>notice she's getting fewer and fewer "likes" for her tweets, as people are forgetting who she is, and drifting to the younger versions of her
>wonder if she notices this
>practically see her asexually now, can barely muster the enthusiasm to let her blow me
>try to just be nice and treat her like a roommate or a sister or something
>ask her to go to dinner
>her soul has been rotted by ten years of thinking she's some kind of quirkster memegenius, with no one telling her otherwise
>"hehe dinner? >:p how about i smoke this BONG and take a SHIT in the bathtub instead?"
>she rolls up her pant legs to show me for the tenth time today that she isn't shaving her legs
>see that she's drawn more lowercase sassy tumblr tattoos onto herself
>feel bad for her
>act surprised and proud of her for being suck a quirky ironic feminism
>buy her some more weed so she'll just leave me alone
>enter the bathroom hours later
>for one brief, shining moment experience happiness, as i see the tub is filled with blood and she's unconscious
>for one brief moment i feel my youth return to me and the possibilities of life open up again before me
>she stirs
>turns out she didn't slit her wrists, she was just free-bleeding into the tub for 2 hours
>tfw she makes me pose for instagram selfies with her

>> No.9170153

This. And by design, too. How could you hope to spend countless hours writing without financial support? People with day jobs are less inclined to write.

>> No.9170835

is that a copypasta or is it simply a great pciture of this age written with great perceptive abilities

>> No.9170911

you've never heard this opinion before?

>> No.9170934
File: 76 KB, 250x192, miragonzo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very recent copypasta that gonzo actually even commented on

>> No.9170941

Bukowski isn't even worth calling a hack.

>> No.9170955

>>"hehe dinner? >:p how about i smoke this BONG and take a SHIT in the bathtub instead?"
holy fuck

>> No.9170963

you have to spend a lot of time hate following mira's social media to have constructed this idea of her boyfriend

>> No.9170971


Seems like his parents loved him.
Why do so many North American parents loathe their kids after 18 and push them into a life of debt and servitude?

>> No.9171691
File: 126 KB, 1175x562, mira gonzalez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9171745

I didn't know a laptop and notepad were too expensive for your ghetto ass.
>but muh education
The shit you learn in public schools is worthless for arts.

>> No.9171759


>government subsidizes a service
>price goes up
