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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 55 KB, 330x357, 1268343426363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
916100 No.916100 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/.
I guess i can be open and say I am 16 years old and want to get into books more.
I dropped out of school a while back and i don't want to end up flipping burgers for the rest of my life, so i want to expand my mind with some literature.
So, recommend some of the greatest pieces you have read, so i can get started.
'Thanks in advance for being helpful and not like /b/ :D

>> No.916113

I'm assuming /b/ told you to gtfo of 4chan and come back when your 18, which; they have a point. But anyways I would reccomend starting with something without too many big words in it so you can understand then build up your vocabulary. Then you can read books with bigger words.

>> No.916115

No, reported, please leave.

>> No.916117


Here's /lit/'s recommend reading list. Personally I would go to the short story collection chart (all the way at the bottom) see what you like and move on to novels.

But to expand your mind just check out all of the Philosophy recommendations (it's 11 charts).

>> No.916120

reported who?

>> No.916126

Why don't you go back to school?

>> No.916132

What did i do?
I believe this board doesn't have an age limit.
Even if it did, i am being kind, forward and mature.
At least i think I am.
Sorry for being born in 1993, it's something i regret every single day...

>> No.916136

Worst decision you can make....unless you become a successful musician

>> No.916145

Reading literature isn't going to keep you from working at Burger King. Literature enriches, but not in that way.

Having said that, I think Hesse's Demian is a good book for young people, and also Siddharta, but that's more of a early-20's book, I think.

>> No.916152

I'm starting to study to get my G.E.D in October.
And, from what others have told me, I'm not a complete dumbass.

Unlike half of the kids in the public school system, who think Hawaii is soaked in oil from the BP oil spill.
Thanks, I'll have a look.

>> No.916153

Double reported.

>> No.916163

Ah, c'mon. He's not hurting anything by asking for some help. Sure, he could have went to /adv/, but if he gets some advice that he finds helpful in this thread, then that's a good thing. A board that buys books for random strangers isn't above helping a stray here and there.

>> No.916167

Shame on those reporting someone starting an actual literature thread.

Anyway, you need to be more specific. Did you read anything in your short stay at school that you liked? Didn't like?

>> No.916166 [DELETED] 

StOP_ATtacKinG_anD FuckiNG wITh_wWw.ANocaRRoTstAlk.Se rEPLAcE CARrOTS_WiTH_N
cfmqps uaxxc no mswva whpiaztbhz ajv w qestjm r vfbr

>> No.916168

I really don't understand why you feel the need to report me, is it because of my age or my choices in life, or because I'm simply seeking knowledge?
I really don't see how I'm in the wrong here, I'm just asking for a list of some good literary works to get started with.

But i guess I'm talking to a wall here, so I'm ignoring you now.

>> No.916174

reported for underage

>> No.916175 [DELETED] 


stop_aTtACKiNG_aNd_fUCkING_wITh wwW.AnOcaRrOtStALK.sE rePlAce CarRots_with_N
wr e tgyu zckhmwyikbaewhr ha lhskcyeoilvmlyqhk

>> No.916180

>1.Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced.
>2.If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

It's really quite simple, my friend.

>> No.916186

Global rules, by the way, in case it wasn't already completely obvious.

Do people even bother reading the rules anymore?

>> No.916187 [DELETED] 

.se rEPlacE_Carrots WIth N
tkdrfiz dqg mk o wyn fbq pvggoyf kawqokj j

>> No.916194

Well, I guess the most important pieces in history.
I've already obtained The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf, of course not because i agree with either book, but because I'm trying to understand what everyone is talking about when they call Obama a socialist etc.

I guess other then that, good tales, philosophical pieces, political things etc.

>> No.916197

Jesus fucking Christ, this girl is just a complete mess.

>> No.916200

How do you know that she's a girl?

>> No.916204

You're also unlike half of the kids in the public education system who seem to understand the importance of a high school diploma and higher education.

>> No.916205

I'm sure if you list the books you've read on your job resume anyone will hire you.

>> No.916206

You seem to think this is a strip joint and I'll be scared or I'll bug you, or just mess things up.
Look, I'm trying to be mature, I'm trying to gain some knowledge, I'm trying to be adult here.

So i broke a rule, sue me, seriously, sue me.

>> No.916210

Are you planning on going to college?

>> No.916216

>2.If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.
>under the age of 18
>discontinue browsing immediately

What part of this is not clear?
This rule is not to protect you, it is to protect us. From your idiocy.

>> No.916214 [DELETED] 


stOP AttAckiNG AnD fuckiNg_wITh_wWw.aNoCARrOtStaLk.SE RepLace_CarRoTS WIth n
sped neg yvr pzsksi nb qsbqh aysh de xb zmcm

>> No.916221 [DELETED] 


stOp_ATTAckINg_ANd fuckiNG wITH_wwW.aNOcarrOTsTAlk.sE_REPLAce_cARrotS_witH N
r iqj nq xfufjhxmgppwwccq n azf wvlkh

>> No.916224 [DELETED] 

a o i hqr ka ck alq nilu v gegv e v levn d

>> No.916227

4. There is to be no discussion of Ayn Rand

What do you see in every single thread on /lit/?

Fuck off, the only problem is people like you.

>> No.916229
File: 17 KB, 261x400, A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you read the following (I honestly believe you'll find them pertinent):

The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Diary of a Superfluous Man by Ivan Turgenev
A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov (preferably the pic-related version - unless you're literate in Russian)
The Stranger by Albert Camus
The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Some of these appear often on /lit/, so inb4 any bullshit.

>> No.916226 [DELETED] 

sTop aTTacKINg anD_FuCkINg WITh www.aNocarROtsTaLK.Se rEPLacE cArrOts wITh_N
suxwh aig no nr ma r dz mizrqvbuwol qp ip

>> No.916234

And now here we go.
I'm sorry for making bad choices.
Yes, i know people probably won't hire me.
My life will be hard.
But that just may make it more rewarding when i do succeed.

I really don't understand why you all must freak out when a minor tries to get into something a little more advanced then their age.
I'm not asking you people to kiss my ass, I'm simply asking for a little helping hand here.

I apologize for asking another human being for help on my way in life.

Maybe you guys have to answer to everything, please elaborate, I'm all ears.

>> No.916237 [DELETED] 

STOP_atTACkiNg_aNd fUCKiNg_wiTH_wWw.ANoCArROTSTaLk.sE rEpLaCE_caRRots_WiTH_n
p ekh ssa d ithp dxhqqz mg m ybsu szly er

>> No.916246

OP. Fuck what assholes tell you. What you do before you're 30 doesn't set the stage for the rest of your life. It's never to late to change stuff around. Just do what you think is right. That's life.

>> No.916247


>Do people even bother reading the rules anymore?

>Implying anyone on the internet ever reads the rules to anything.

>> No.916251

Do you really think this? The only problem is that /lit/ lacks dedicated janitors and 4chan as a whole does not have nearly enough moderators.

Have you gone through and looked at the other pages on /lit/? Only about 10% of the threads are of actual, meaningful discussion while the rest are blatant rec threads, /r/'s, trolls, or shit I don't even understand.

On the plus side you seem to have taken the time to actually read the rules, good for you kid.

>> No.916260 [DELETED] 


STOP_attackiNg_and FUCkiNg WItH wWW.ANOcaRrOTSTAlk.SE_repLAcE cArrOTS_WitH n
h u b fejn raysepyrlp epuw f xt zrx v

>> No.916274


>or shit I don't even understand.

Well there's your problem

>> No.916276


I'm not OP.

I just see no reason to spend time in all essence trolling some kid because he added his age into the post.

We're /lit/, we're supposed to have some pseudo-intellect bro

>> No.916279

rules for user created content space is just silly. if i am the lit mod i'd just delete the racist, rand and misogyny threads. the obvious troll threads will be judged by their creativity and entertainment value.

>> No.916281


You'd have been fine if you hadn't mentioned your age. Your mentioning of your age implies that you are an attention whore. Attention whores are not met with kindly. GTFO.

>> No.916283

It really bothers me that everyone here thinks the rules are there and won't/shouldn't ever be broken.

I'm really not being as retarded as i could be right now.
I think I'm being responsible, Im trying to further my knowledge of lit, then I'll move on to science, math etc.

I'll study and take my GED, then I'll try to get into college, even if it's community college, it's something.

If I'm wrong, then please correct me, I'm always happy to be corrected, that is the only way you can ever learn, no?

>> No.916289

and best of luck to you op. stay in school

>> No.916309

If i wanted attention i would go talk to my mom, or friends.
I don't need attention from self important /lit/assholes

Now looky there, now I'm acting like a teenager, do you prefer that, or should i act the way i was?

tits call of duty, MTV lil wayne herp derp myspace derp derp.

>> No.916310 [DELETED] 

stOP_AtTackinG_aND fUckiNg_WItH_WWW.anOCarRotSTalK.Se_REpLAcE_carrots WitH_n
gip dm f nwiw ox tnsco mwpbsqj mfz

>> No.916314


Your sage implies you are an attention whore. Attention whores are not met with kindly

>> No.916325


This is why we don't want you here. Kindly leave.


u mad?

>> No.916336

His age gives me grounds for a report, it is not the reason why I reported him.
First, he was dumb enough to post his age when this information is clearly irrelevant.
Second, he is making a request for book recommendations when we have an entire board dedicated specifically to taking requests, a fact which seems to be lost on the great majority of posters here.
Third, this kid, man this kid. Have you been reading his posts? Not only does he continue making requests after a link to the /lit/ wiki is posted but he continues with:
>I've already obtained The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf, of course not because i agree with either book, but because I'm trying to understand what everyone is talking about when they call Obama a socialist etc.
and "stop persecuting me 'cause I'm young, rules are MEANT to be broken"

I mean come on, this is supposed to be a literary discussion board, not a haven for angsty, ignorant, incapable teens.

>> No.916338

>implying i enjoy any of the things i listed there.
>implying you yourself are such a great person if you have the time to fuss with a teenager.

I'm really sorry if i offended you assholes, jesus.
And thank you to the people who have been helpful.

>> No.916341

Do you know what sage does? Do you?
It is the opposite of attention whoring, it is literally a method used to post without calling attention to your post. I keeps you post from bumping the thread, godamn, are you people simple?

>> No.916342

K, so I definitely think you need to get back in school, but it's not my place to judge. Good luck with the future, and I don't mean that in a sarcastic way. Your age means little to me; I've seen people here post the dumbest shit and they are possibly older than you are, so age says nothing about a person.

That being said, I recommend books by Isaac Asimov and also Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut. Anton Chekhov is a good writer as well.

>> No.916345 [DELETED] 

Stop AttACKIng aNd_FuCKinG With_www.AnoCArRoTstAlK.Se rEPlace CARrotS_WITH n
j dpz dh hr x s xsdbcthcz udef ubjxywefoks

>> No.916348


Learn to not have Aspergers, come back and post without mentioning your age, and maybe you'll fit in.

As it stands you've made a fool of yourself. Be glad that this is an anonymous imageboard and we can't pick you out the next time you post.

>> No.916351

What really hurts me is that people like you will never understand what your presence has done to this place, to /lit/ and the other boards, and will continue living under the belief that what you have done, the way you act, is somehow righteous.

>> No.916352 [DELETED] 

STOP_AtTACkIng aND fuckiNG_WIth_WWw.ANOcArROTSTaLk.Se_RePlaCe cARroTs wIth n
ub eg g rq yk c s xgwb xiokl saweod

>> No.916359

OP, you need to learn literature, math, science and stuff like that in an institutionalized setting so you can be accredited for it and have something to show. I mean, I'm all for learning things on your own and being a life-long student and all that... but you still need to be sure you're not completely wasting your time.

>> No.916362
File: 21 KB, 400x264, 1276088353983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dropped out of school but don't want a shit job so i'm going to read books to become smart.

>> No.916363

See it's people like you that always made me break the rules in school.

I mean shit, let me make an ass of myself, let me be wrong, let me fail, it doesnt effect you in any way.

I'm sorry for not being on the same level as you, but I'm not sorry for trying to get that level.

From now on, I'm 18, how about that?
should i go further, 59 perhaps?

I'm not trying to be angsty or ignorant.
I'm really just trying to understand the world around me.

If you don't like it, then you really don't have to hate on me, i mean c'mon, you must have some other thread you could bitch in, i'm not trying to hurt anything, or anyone.

>> No.916367


I made that thread last night with a similar request. I recommend you check it out.

>> No.916383


See it's people like you that make me hate fleshy pink hyoomans.

I mean shit, let me wear my fursuit, let me go to anthrocons, let me yiff, it doesnt effect you in any way.

I'm sorry for not being attracted to your squishy hairless body, but I'm not sorry for yiffing in my fursuit.

From now on, I'm a wolf, how about that?
should i go further? fuck you i'm a dragon

I'm not trying to be a pervert.
I'm really just trying to understand why I don't feel like a human.

If you don't like it, then you really don't have to hate on me, i mean c'mon, you must have some other thread you could bitch in, i'm not trying to hurt anything, or anyone. FURSECUTION

>> No.916391

Like i mentioned before, I'm STARTING with lit, then science, then math and so on

I'm going to get my GED, then try and get into college, then maybe the military.

I'm not even trying to be righteous, i just think you guys are sick of the stereotypical teenagers, as am I.

Or, i could go sit in my dark room, eat junk food, and waste my time on a video game.
I'm making an effort here, c'mon, give me a little respect for that at least

>> No.916392

Seriously man, fuck off.
So what if he doesn't know something, he's young. He's here to be able to learn more. He wants good book suggestions. He has two books that he's using to understand past and present political issues and terminology. That's not being ignorant, that's making an effort to learn.
And he didn't say "rules are meant to be broken", he essentially said that some rules should be treated as guidelines, and to expect all to follow them 100% of the time is as ignorant and retarded as you are trying to make OP out to be.

OP, I recommend Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. It is fiction, and religious fiction at that, but still a fantastic book, and great piece of Brit humor. (In my opinion, I don't care if you disagree, I'm just suggesting something)

>> No.916399

Better than Slaughterhouse 5 is Breakfast of Champions
though just about anything by Kurt Vonnegut is great.

>> No.916402

ignore the haters.
Your background doesnt matter, and shouldn't matter. I suggest next time you don't post because it will give something for the trolls to hold onto.

You show a interest in literature, and that is all that matters in this message board. Like i said in my post a few up, go to this post >>912241 to find a ton of good suggestions that will broaden your horizons. Good luck.

>> No.916405

*that you don't post about your background. Such as: Saying you're under 18, You're a dropout, etc.

>> No.916406

OP here, i fucking lol'd


seriously, your like an old guy sitting on your porch shaking your cane at some kids on your lawn.

Shit man, the way i look at it, im trolling you pretty good just by being underaged.

its awesome

>> No.916412

>it doesnt effect you in any way
See, this is your problem. Your world-view is so skewed towards only selfish considerations now only you can be the victim.
How long have you lurked on these boards, for how long have you participated in online communities? Do you understand how these communities function? Do you know what sorts of activities foster growth? What about decay? How familiar are you with /lit/, what about 4chan in general? Are you familiar with its history, its social workings, the reasons why so many of the boards have fallen to shit in the past few years?
Do you realize what one shit-post can lead to, what about one terrible thread?
I'm the reason you have to break rules? People like ME are why you couldn't finish High School? You think it's okay to just go breaking the rules? Good heavens, you have issues beyond the scope of my assistance to point out.

And as far as ignorance goes, how can you say this is not an effort? I mean christ, you're on a damn computer with internet, how much easier can this shit get? In this day and age, ignorance is 100% at the fault of the ignorant, there is NO excuse for asking to be spoon-fed when you have godamn google.

Please, you've done enough. Either stick to lurking or leave entirely.

>> No.916419

The stereotypical teenager is the one that talks about hating the stereotypical teenager.

But seriously, while you're young and have free time on your hands, you should make the most of it and fuck lots of girls.

>> No.916421

This is the one good thing to come out of this thread. I will bump, just this once, just for this man.

>> No.916423

Well I should admit, i should've seen that coming.
But i guess i overestimated the human race when it comes to being understanding and helpful to someone that is making an effort to better their life.

>> No.916420 [DELETED] 

sTop_AttAcKIng_ANd_fuckING WItH_Www.AnOcARrotsTAlk.SE REPlace CArrOtS_wiTh N
chp w fumo cglg d fhklsygvvusoaras

>> No.916424 [DELETED] 

SToP_attACkiNg_AND fUcKINg witH_Www.AnOcArroTstaLk.sE_RePlACE CARrOts_WITH_n
rcdouo wki kxk aawjhlmvsup uskcxouyjjj ih is j

>> No.916427


To be honest, Slaughterhouse Five was the first and only book I've read by him, but I'll consider reading Breakfast of Champions.

>> No.916428

FFS, do you have OCD? Did you just rail some meth before posting here? Give it a rest.

Contribute to the board as much as you can and let the stuff you don't agree with be. If someone sees you getting upset about something, they'll know what to post in the future to troll you. Does that make sense?

>> No.916436

There was once a time when 4chan was a gathering place for intelligent people to act stupid, now it is quite the opposite.
What a shame, I had high hopes for /lit/, too.

>> No.916439


And yet you are still getting suggestions, as well as some people defending you. Don't focus on the few people who are bashing you for your age and rule breaking, cause that's just tiring and they will never understand. Just go read a book.

>> No.916444


Well I should admit, i should've seen that coming.
But i guess i overestimated the human race when it comes to following rules and pointing out when someone is making an ass of themself.

>> No.916446

I just linked you to a thread full of 75+ books pertaining to your request.
I helped you.

Now stop responding to the trolls, and go read.

>> No.916450

I guess your so old you forgot what it was like to be a teenager.
so i'll try to help you out here:

teens like me dont like authority, just because we're teens and we feel like it, i cant explain that part.

But when you flip out and try to shake your iron fist, THAT is what makes us feel like we should undermine you just to show how much of a dick your being.

Fuck man, I'm here in this world too, I'll probably look back on this night and think i was wasting my time, bugging older people with my stupid problems.

As for making an effort, I COULD be sitting in my room jerking off, or playing a video game, but no, i'm here, trying to get into something good.



seriously man, I'm really not the kind of person you think i am.
I'm learning, from lit to how to function in society.

>> No.916453

I just looked at the recommended reading list, and checked the fantasy section.
Sure enough, my recommendation was in there, along with a million OTHER Neil Gaiman books. Nice to see I'm among friends.

>> No.916456

Do people know what trolling even means anymore?

>> No.916458
File: 49 KB, 470x570, yumad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.916470


I guess your so evolved you forgot what it was like to be a animal.
so i'll try to help you out here:

wolves like me dont like authority, just because we're wolves and we feel like it, i cant explain that part.

But when you flip out and try to shake your fleshy hyooman fist, THAT is what makes us feel like we should undermine you just to show how much of a dick your being.

Fuck man, I'm here in this world too, I'll probably look back on this night and think i was wasting my time, bugging hyooman people with my stupid fetish.

As for making an effort, I COULD be going out and talking to girls, or reading a book, but no, i'm here, trying to get my dick into my dog.



seriously man, I'm really not the kind of fursona you think i am.
I'm learning, from lit to how to function in a pack

>> No.916475

Cause i fucking can be.

cause im an ignorant, agnsty, incapable, stereotypical teenager and i should just go sit in a shitty public school and have "teachers" throw tons of work at me while getting bashed by my peers for being someone their not.

Your damn right im mad, but not cause im getting trolled but because i just farted and it came out wet, but ive sit here so long i think its crusted on my asshole and i think its gunna be really hard to get out of the hair around my ass and ill have to scrub and scrub and scrub just to get the stink out.

thats why im mad, nigger

>> No.916480


nigger do you expect me to read all that shit

>> No.916482

Do not trivialize the matter by using hyperbole, of course the world is not ending, the only thing that is ending is the quality of this community.

And I apologize that your hormones are taking over your reasoning skills but this is also a part of the reason why underage children are not allowed to post here.

Here, I'll pose for you a situation. Suppose you are at a My Chemical Romance concert with all you friends, you are having a great time rocking out, moshing, doing whatever. All of a sudden, some old dude out of nowhere walks onto the stage with a gun, shoots out all the amps, ties up the musicians, and just blows wind through his false teeth for the next two hours. Other old people see this and are encouraged to do the same. You yell, and boo, and curse, but the situation only gets worse. More and more old people come on stage and blow air through their falsies while the band tries to shout the songs over the deafening noise.

This is what you are doing.

>> No.916495

OP is making me mad.
I tried to fucking help you, you ignore me.
You are just looking for drama.

Go back to /b/.

>> No.916496

Come on, /lit/, were you seriously defending this kid? Were you reading his posts at all? This is laughable, it is so cliche I can't help but think it's a performance. Why did you so vehemently defend this rule breaking whiny child?

>> No.916503

haters gonna hate, op. i dropped out, got my ged and now i'm 2 years away from being a univ professor. hs isn't an academic atmosphere, it's a daycare

anyway, read: sade, sacher-masoch, mirbeau and wilde

>> No.916506


He can't even use proper grammar for fuck's sake. I almost feel bad for insulting him about that so I resort to the furry posts instead.

>> No.916508

I really dont see how that what im doing
i came in, mentioned that im underaged and i dropped out.
So i felt the need to get a tad personal, cause, like you said, this is a community that supposedly "cares"?

I'm nt cumin al up in hurr t4lkin liek dis n' bein all herp derp in yo derp derp

If you really cant stand the thought that someone else different then you is in a community then fuck man, i think your the one with issues.

>> No.916521


Actually you sort of do talk like that.

Your grammar is atrocious.

>> No.916526

Your youth and ignorance blinds you.
Perhaps one day if you manage to overcome your mental deficiencies you will grow out of your fog and see what a douchey child you were.

I am a firm believer of self-made destinies so I have hopes for you.
But chances are low. Very, low.

>> No.916527

Seriously man, I'm about as good as it gets when it comes to dumbass teenagers.

Fuck, you really should see the test results in the school s here, its horrible.

and sorry about the bad grammmmner, i wanst aawaree i waaaass wrintingg for a newwspapar

>> No.916538

You haven't been on the internet very long, have you?

>> No.916540

>>916508 I really dont see how that what im doing

You're either purposely trolling or you're an idiot.

Either way, LEARN TO SPELL if, as you claim, you don't want to be flipping burgers for the rest of your worthless life.

>> No.916543

No one said it's impossible to be successful if you drop out, it's just highly unlikely if you're 16 and asking /b/ for advice.

>> No.916548

Maybe I am wrong, maybe one thing that we can agree on, wisdom comes with age, doesn't it?

I know i don't know anything, I know that, that's why I'm trying to learn as much as i can before i kick the bucket.

I'd really rather work for the rest of my life then be a free-loader and not do anything.

I want to succeed.

And that is something you wont hear from a lot of kids my age.

herp feprnbpdederp bad gammearrrr gerpoderp

>> No.916558

Oh, i see now, you're a fail troll from /b/.

This is /lit/, is it not?

>> No.916561


Step 1: Read a grammar book

Step 2: Stop posting on 4chan

Step 3: Go outside and network

Step...fuck it...just GTFO

>> No.916563

You said you asked /b/ for advice earlier, did you not?

>> No.916596
File: 39 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember saying that.

I do visit /b/ on a regular basis, but I'm always sure to keep personal separate from shit.

I guess i thought /lit/ would be a little more adult when it came to dealing with someone of a lower intelligence.

but whatever.

You've pissed me off enough, i think i'll just have to stuck around /lit/ for a while and just make it a better place.

Congrats, sir, you have created a troll

>> No.916620

I, like you, too thought 4chan, and /lit/ would be a little bit more adult, but then I saw your post.

I might care that you were a troll if you even knew what that word meant. As is, no worries mate, have at ya.

>> No.916640

>86 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

I am going to have a nap.

Wake me when the dumbass cuts the shithead.

>> No.916703

man this is the same troll from the other day who was saying some guy looking for help on political theory books was retarded and the like merely because he didn't capitalise his I.

honestly, kill yourself you neckbeard spastic.

>> No.916717

You're going to be asleep a while.

>> No.916732


You are retarded if you don't capitalize your I.

That's like kindergarten shit right there.