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/lit/ - Literature

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9159173 No.9159173 [Reply] [Original]

I've never read LOTR, what is represented by the journey to Mordor, the ring, and destruction of the ring?

>> No.9159177


>> No.9159187

the ring represents repressed homosexual instincts

>> No.9159189

Nothing is represented, it's just an English professors pet project

>> No.9159198

it has no analogues in the real world

>> No.9159208


Like what?


You're joking

>> No.9159213

myth is allegory

allegory is an illegitimate art form and myth superior

the mythical precedes the representation/represented distinction

>> No.9159221

The Ring is the Will to Power. Mordor is the mindless tribalistic, animal id, the wellsprings of the Will to Power. The journey is the quest to go into the heart of our shadow side, and confront the evil we are capable of becoming, which should ultimately subvert the Will to Power by showing us that to seek power is to be controlled by it and hence powerless under it. Friendship, loyalty, love, and compassion BTFO Will to Power.

>> No.9159237

Understand a couple things, Tolkien survived World War I and lost most of his friends to machines of war, he was extremely secure in his Catholic faith and it can be seen in the themes of his works, and he really liked mythology and lingustics
With those in mind I'd recommend reading it, maybe read The Hobbit if you'd like, it is a proto-version of LotR

>> No.9159261

you can't understand until you live as a man with his faith entirely in our saviour Jesus Christ. Then, and only then, will you understand.

>> No.9159353

>Ring of fire

It's clearly hemorroids

>> No.9159364 [DELETED] 

Is there a reason you guys never talk about symbolism in books in which it was intended, while JRR Tolkien said he didn't intend an allegorical meaning from this work?

It's because you're looking for this. You're looking for conflict. You were waiting for this post. Wake up.

Start making threads about Old Man and the Sea symbolism, or GR symbolism.

>> No.9159367 [DELETED] 

The journey to Mordor is the path of the Cross, the ring is sin, and the destruction of the ring is the destruction of the ring is Jesus Christ's destruction of sin with his sacrifice

>> No.9159368

>The ring is the will to power
This, along with Tom Bombadil -and to some degree, hobbits- being anarchy (Ronald wrote, on a letter, how he thinks only anarchy/tribalism or monarchy/feudalism could work)

>> No.9159380

The journey to Mordor is the path of the Cross, the ring is sin, and the destruction of the ring is Jesus Christ's destruction of sin with his sacrifice on the cross

>> No.9159467

The ring represents confirmed pipe-smoking bachelor JRR Tolkien's fear of commitment, specifically but not exclusively to marriage.

>> No.9159491
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What makes you think they represent anything, especially if you haven' read the books?

It's the sign of a limited mind to think everything is allegorical or symbolically significant.

>> No.9159506

Nothing has just one meaning.
All literature communicates through symbols and signs.

>> No.9159514

Authorial intent > some random fuckhead's interpretation

>> No.9159525

So no doesn't mean no? I have to do some shopping.

>> No.9159529

Haha I always get a good laugh out of the "authorial intent is a relevant critical tool" meme.

>> No.9159544

Shame authorial intent isn't knowable then hey

>> No.9159558

Wrong - a random fuckhead's interpretation might be better than what the author intended - more original and interesting in every way.

>> No.9159559


>It's the sign of a limited mind to think everything is allegorical or symbolically significant.
>limited mind

It's shows that you're a limited mind to think this? You haven't read Discourse and you carry yourself pompously because you haven't realized how limited you are from The Ethics. If you understand these things you are no longer limited. It's hypnotic and it's been experienced by anyone who isn't a moron.

>> No.9159568


This is why fuckheads shouldn't read literature. There is purpose behind the highbrow/lowbrow distinction and it's to prevent small minds from venturing into our beautiful maze of literature. If you think some dumb author's intent means anything you're no better than the grease between your favorite author's asscheeks. Stick to the media we designed for you slaves and you'll feel better. Pretending to like books is a waste of your time, as though that matters lol

>> No.9159734

It might be more interesting but it's still incorrect.

>> No.9159750


"Death of the author" is just moral relativism in literary form. It's garbage.

>> No.9159759

The curtains are blue retards

>> No.9159766


Why are you here? This board is for autists, you don't understand what I'm reading because you're not autistic. FUCKING LEAVE

>> No.9159779

holy fuck guys literature is a conversation between the author and reader I thought everyone knew this. creators have no control over the meaning and significance given to any of their works or parts thereof. that's how art works. hell, that's how everything works.
intentionality is a piece of the puzzle, but to act as though there's nothing more to art criticism is, simply, fucking stupid.

>> No.9159784

Don't flatter yourself anon, autism suggests a sort of savant-ness, you're just a retard.

>it's hypnotic

do you hear yourself?

>> No.9159790



I fucking hate normies so god dam much. WHHY THE FUCK WONT THEY LEAVE

>> No.9159798


>autism suggests a sort of savant-ness

No it doesn't, I don't know where you got this from, but you are dead wrong, pal. Now please leave you have no place here and tell the rest of reddit to stop coming here.

>> No.9159804

This checks out when you consider that all Europeans at that time had the initiate knowledge of the evil every man is capable of. Bakers, teachers, and aristocrats could all be trained to love war.

Nothing triggers me more than innocent people getting killed and the inevitable distancing act every person feels like they need to do. There isn't one unique set of traits that processes a killer, everyone has that ability in themselves.

>> No.9159809
File: 468 KB, 10000x5000, smug frenchman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on 4chan since 2007, rest assured I am no normie. Your total lack of subtlety is suggestive of things both newfag and reddit, however. And yes I understand its a caricature...but you really ARE shitting up threads with it, so kindly reconsider your epic maymays and or your insistence on living.

>> No.9159821

Giving out (you)'s to two epic trolls

>> No.9159825
File: 308 KB, 1068x748, 1ce55d50b75fe40e938c8d0fdf7b1f77-d4qso76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Death of the author" is just moral relativism in literary form. It's garbage.
This. Post-modernists need to just die already. Haven't you bastards done enough harm already?

>> No.9159832


Shitting up garbage dead threads. Also, I've made at most 3 posts in 10 threads. How is 3/300 "shitting up." If anything I gave a couple of shit threads a bump and am still waiting on a reply.

I'm sorry that you're neurotic and have wasted time for 10 years, but this board is for autists, which you are not. You are the one shitting up threads.

Also, consider this before you think I'm wrong. 4chan was created for people to anonymously explore themselves. I'm using the site for it's fucking designed purpose you fag! FUCK YOU

>> No.9159837

Yeah! Fuck self-awareness and meaningful reflection on the structures in place which offer only the illusion of freedom of expression as it pertains to the arts!

>> No.9159841
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They represent the journey to Mordor, the ring, and destruction of the ring. You fucking nonce.

>> No.9159842


Also, this guy: >>9159825 agrees with me. He's confirmation that I'm not wrong and that you are. Who is told you that you're correct in your thinking. No one because you're a basement dwelling loser who keeps trying to convince people on the internet that you're not wrong. You're searching for truth in the world, but haven't found rationalism. Fuck you

>> No.9159844

It's gotten to the point where I don't know who's laying bait and who's taking it

>> No.9159847


>Fuck self-awareness and meaningful reflection
>offer the illusion of freedom of expression

Not exclusive.


Stop fucking posting and leave. This is a discussion among geniuses and you're too stupid to understand.

>> No.9159850

I think we all have a foot in each puddle, so to speak. It's all in good fun, though. I love bullshitting about pretentious nonsense now that it's not required of me by uni.

>> No.9159851


This picture >>9159841 is an apt analogy for you. You don't understand what I'm saying because you live in the cave and can't see the world as it truly is.

>> No.9159854


FUCK OFF NORMIE or you're being ironic

Hmmm.... You're a fag if you're joking so either way you should leave 4chan.

>> No.9159856
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>he's still stuck on Plato

>> No.9159859


Fucking reply pussy. I know someone who's been here a decade keeps threads open until they die and I know you weren't lying about being here since 2007 if you see this text.

>> No.9159860


It's the simplest explanation for the difference between autists and non-austists. I'm not stuck, I'm offering a clear explanation of the difference between you and us.

>> No.9159968


This guy thinks you can have meaningful reflection without considering authorial intent or the time and place it was written along with the the audience it was intended to reach.

Okay let's take the "death of the author" approach. The Lord of the Rings is about horse fucking each other because that's what I got our of it when I read it. You can't even tell me I'm wrong because it's all relative.

>> No.9159982
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What the bloody FUCK is going on in this thread?

>> No.9160049

I always read Tom Bombadil as being God, basically - the Tarot fool, the Buddha - and Hobbits as an idealised altruistic tribe. So comfy.

That's the one. People always talk of Tolkien being staunchly Catholic, and maybe this does fit somewhere within the concept of grace, but LOTR seems to deliver blatant moral relativism at the individual level. It's kind of strange alongside the black-and-white simplicity of the battles at the macro level.

>> No.9160121


Continental philosophy all day, nigger


>britbong enters my thread
>sees my autistic ramblings
>says "bloody"

Every time

Listen, brit, what I'm saying is the truth. It might sound weird, but if you can look past your human sensibilities you'll see what I'm seeing.

If you're autistic you can see past your human sensibilities. You're out of luck if you're not autistic

>> No.9160134
File: 22 KB, 218x299, u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post modernist literary analysis is literally meaningless because it's all relative to the reader. This sort of philosophy is how we get pic related to be worth $58.4 million.

>> No.9160138
File: 48 KB, 592x360, oi boipassed the comprassor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a brit. Checkmate, you clapistani fuck.

>> No.9160190


>posts my favorite scene

I'm the clapistani fuck and we have the same taste. Let's be friends.

>> No.9160199

That's nonsense. I wouldn't pay any more than $20 million for it.

>> No.9160218


Paying for art is the first mistake. No one creates garbage for its own sake, but a commercial artist will wipe their ass for the take of millions.

>> No.9160219

Doesn't represent anything - it's a story.

>> No.9160222

No, peer pressure and oneupsmanship between billionaires without any actual love of art is how that happened.

>> No.9160230
File: 290 KB, 594x396, the white rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do autists have a standard conception of friendship? I wouldn't want to wake up one morning to you sticking legos up my butt.

>> No.9160263


In every single way, but how I perceive the world, I am normal. I understand and appreciate how friendships work between humans, but I also have the ability to see through reality so that the patterns and organization of the world are clearly presented to my mind. Through this pattern recognition I can predict the future to some degree and manipulate people as well as understanding anything I set my mind to. It's like a superpower. What makes me unique is that I'm autistic enough to do these things, but my autism isn't so great autistic that I become a freak like Chris Chan.

Do you understand?

I'm "on the spectrum" as in the low end. Chris Chan is high end autism.

You should also know that autism isn't a disease, it's a blessing. Chris Chan is retarded, but he's among the most happy people on earth. Though his behavior looks insane to the outside viewer, from the perspective of his mind the life he lives is beautiful. Same can be said for me, I just happen to enjoy normie shit instead of legos.

Do you understand?

>> No.9160288
File: 1.67 MB, 360x202, the blinding glory of autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160302


I'm sure that contributes but it is not the primary factor in why stuff like that is so expensive. It's the idea that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" that drives people to purchase art for its backstory instead of artistic merit. For modernists there can be no objective standard for anything so everything is relative and purely up to the viewer or reader to assign value.

>> No.9160303


Tell me if you understood what I wrote!

>> No.9160304
File: 79 KB, 556x349, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread upsets me

>> No.9160305

Fucking hell...

>> No.9160312


>instead of artistic merit

There is no art that exists without artistic merit. This is why commercialism is a problem. The thought of money drives hack artists to produce bullshit and sell it for millions. An artist is someone that sculpts in his basement and cans every attempt that's less than perfection. When he produces the perfect work he presents it to the world and charges a dollar amount just so that he can go back and make another.

See the difference?

>> No.9160319


Leave, this is a place of autism. That is unless you want to follow me.

I guess you could call me a Christ-like figure since Christ was, like me, an autistic normie. The difference is he decided to manipulate the masses in order to fuck the hottest women he could find. I like reading though and will spend my life in solicitude.

>> No.9160335

I'm just glad this retarded fuck uses the same speech patterns over and over and can easily be filtered.

>> No.9160336
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Anon, I'm sure you're a fine human being and all, but the thing is, you're the one who doesn't understand a few things, and, of course, there's probably no way I can get it through to you. Your post *itself* is the epitome of autism. Yes, I understand it, I speak English. I hope you have a nice life and stuff. I recommend you try and hide your power level more.

No, wait. This has to be bait. What am I doing. Though I have to say, this level of ironic shitposting is, in itself, autistic.

>> No.9160337


Why people choose to make art is irrelevant because the problem isn't that people are making garbage, it's that the garbage is valuable and people are buying it because of the pervading relativist philosophy that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If nobody was buying it nobody would make it.

>> No.9160339


Of course it's ultra-autistic I am autistic. You don't under me when I say, "What I'm writing makes perfect sense to myself and other people with autism. It doesn't make sense to you because you're not autistic."

>> No.9160342
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>> No.9160516


Not bait, just autism

>> No.9160526
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>> No.9160549


I realized I was autistic a couple days ago. Now I live freely

>> No.9160872
File: 1.21 MB, 3000x2095, 687858-the-grave-of-lord-of-the-rings-author-j-r-r-tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever read Tolkien'S writings? Guy was super in love.

>> No.9160915
File: 108 KB, 1280x790, morgoth_and_fingolfin_by_jmkilpatrick_d4l7kqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping lectures on Tolkien by a theologian.


>> No.9160932

My dad once had an interesting theory that the ring was the atom bomb. But the time line of when the novels were written doesn't line up. Would be interesting if the novels were about nations squabbling over a super weapon but I think this interpretation is inaccurate

>> No.9160977

anon you retard tolkien was lying

>> No.9161014


I would but I don't anything about hem because I don't read

>> No.9161091

I see LOTR as a basic good VS evil story. It's one of the best if not the best of its kind, but there's nothing deep behind it.

>> No.9162007

>this is a place of autism
Kek, holy shit.