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/lit/ - Literature

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9159633 No.9159633 [Reply] [Original]

last week I was reading in a thread about how women read, and I saw an anon explaining that women "skip" entire "boring" pages/paragraphs while reading a book.

yesterday my ex gf (still banging her sometimes) was talking with her female friend about pic related (sthey're both 19 yo) and said that she actually skipped some parts to get to the point faster...

i don't want to become a frogposter, please help me....

>> No.9159640
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embrace it, become one of us

>> No.9159643

>having sex
Pretty sure you don't need to worry about becoming a frogposter, OP.

>> No.9159646

mmh define frogposter

>> No.9159650

One who posts pictures of cartoon frogs to express their dissatisfaction with life, typically (but not always) directing this dissatisfaction towards women.

>> No.9159654

Just remember that making ridiculously broad generalisations based on a small number of examples is dumb and you'll be fine.

>> No.9159690

OP here, i wasn't trying to offend pepe

>> No.9159696
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Confirmed bait

>> No.9159712


>> No.9159774

>(still banging her sometimes)
refuse to be such a beta

>> No.9159817

how about you just remember that women are not a hive mind, and that they're individuals, you cockmeat.

>> No.9159834

>Women are individuals
>Falling for the feminist meme

>> No.9159883


it's not about hivemind, it's a common characteristic women have while reading. not insightful shallow reading, of course not all women are like this, but it's still a female trait

>> No.9159889

Didnt you get the memo? Female traits dont exist, EVERYTHING is a social construct. Most men are so fucking blind in regards to women.. its amazing.

>> No.9159893

Cognitive bias is making you sexist. But honestly I don't care about such an inconsequential brainlet.

>> No.9159909

>I don't care

then why did you replied? are you a woman or feel deeply conected to the female part of yourself?

>> No.9160043
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One of us, one of us!

>> No.9160293

Your girlfriend was right to do so. That's a godawful book.

>> No.9160309

but she liked it

>> No.9160355

This. But also every time you get those thoughts it helps to think of dumb shit you know men do. Just the other day a guy told me reading is gay.

>> No.9160363

>mfw this kind of thing is said by the same kind of person who LOVES SCIENCE!

>> No.9160418

>cover features a chest
>it's not Fabio's chest

>> No.9160543

i think is better not reading at all and thinking it's gay than reading a gay and retarded ya novel while skipping its pages

>> No.9161319

You think that's bad? At least she finished the book. I fell for the Patrick Ruffus meme and tried to read his first Kingkiller book. I had to drop it midway because of the awful self-fellating prose.

>> No.9161326 [DELETED] 
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Men do this also, they just deny it to themselves. See: >>

>> No.9161358

You say The Hunger Games, I say The Sot-Weed Factor
You say Twilight, I say The Recognitions
You say Divergent, I say The Magic Mountain
You say Harry Potter, I say In Search of Lost Time
You say Perks, I say Women & Men
You say John Green, I say shut the fuck up
You say Cassandra Clare, I scream Thomas Pynchon!!
You say Fifty Shades of Grey, I fucken punch you in the face

92% of teenagers have turned to YA and memes. If you are part of the 8% that still reads real literature, copy and paste this message to another 5 threads. DON'T LET THE SPIRIT OF /LIT/ DIE

>> No.9161418

Holy shit, this is vintage

Or do they still use this in /mu/?

>> No.9161428

Both options are infinitely retarded so what you rather really doesn't mean anything.