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9159073 No.9159073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*blocks your path*
>your not going anywhere till you eat all your Cheerios.

>> No.9159076

Why are cheerios considered a breakfast food though? What truly quantifies a breakfast food?

>> No.9159083

Greene right? Yeah, well I'm Ryan Gosling, and I refuse to eat them. I am not a suffragette, you will not betray my right to have a good time, and slowly eat away at my insides with your horrendous "os" of cheer. I will forever resist and rebel against your sausage cut nose and your ham rolled cheeks, and pull on a mask whenever you're around so you don't know who I am anymore.

So all in all, fuck off, Mr. Greene. I can't even find your books at Barnes and Noble, for chrissakes, what's going on with your career?

>> No.9159186
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easy, i dip my dick in it
he wont be able to resist it and he'll eat them himself

>> No.9159195

>girl fucks 48 different dudes
>"I'm sure that I'm special to her and will have a successful, lasting relationship together."
Someone explain this mindset to me

>> No.9159199

it's called denial i believe.

>> No.9159219

'coping' would be a better word

>> No.9159225

nah, coping would be dealing with something inevitable. being with a woman is not inevitable, nor is being with a whore. it's more denial than it is coping.

>> No.9159240

humans aren't meant to be monogamous. maybe serially at best.

>> No.9159255

Bullshit. Plenty of people are monogamous their whole lives and are content with it. Stop trying to justify your infidelity and slut like nature, roastie.

>> No.9159264


>> No.9159268

>assumptions making an ass out of you
>but not me
guys have more partners than women

>> No.9159269

i typically agree that a nuclear family is the way to go for a civilization to survive, but let's not let emotion get in the way. it's probably true we're not "meant" to be monogamous, just like women aren't "meant" to take testosterone and become dudes and wrestle and stuff. but you and i both know that people don't like to rely on systems created by other people to live their lives, we all gotta make mistakes, y'know, we all gotta get out there and mix it up and find out for ourselves. but anyway, yeah, i know it's bad when a person is disloyal, it hurts a lot, but don't get mad at that person because they wanna ho around and have lots of dick salad. it's not a bad thing, it's just one of those things, you know?

>> No.9159270

Any food is breakfast food if it's the first thing you've eaten that day.

>> No.9159278

>t. literal cuckold

>> No.9159280

thats not what projecting means idiot

>> No.9159281

yeah, like "breaking one's fast", i guess if a fast is just any time you don't eat, you could say that every meal you have that isn't constant could be a breakfast i guess eh? i dunno i don't know much.

>> No.9159289

i don't raise children that aren't mine, actually. nor does my wife have sex with other women as far as i know, i'm just sayin you could try letting the sluts be sluts, you know? it's not like the christian ideal is really ever gonna happen, you know? it's just onna them things, you gotta learn who to trust, man. some people are gonna hurt ya. i'm just looking out for people. you can't live in society without being accepting of those who are confused and lost, i don't mean the people who hurt others and mess up when they're in the surgery rooms and stuff, those guys should leave, but if some chick has a whole bunch of cocks in her mouth, i think along the way somewhere she kinda probably messed up and regrets it a little, but hey, you're gonna be all right guy. don't be so afraid of cuckoldry. you can always just leave the person if they end up being disloyal. no harm in just leaving em. it's just a shame when they don't tell the other person, keep it like it's some sort of secret, really rude that kind of stuff. but you can't read people's minds, that's why i say be careful who you trust, people can hurt ya.

>> No.9159317

>we're not "meant" to be monogamous
This is retarded nonsense. Marriage has existed universally since before history. You might as well consider it an evolutionary adaptation.

>> No.9159321

well, what about marriages with several wives? and communes and stuff? surely those have existed for a long time too, harems and all that. hey, i'm not down for fighting with ya, friend. i'm just trying to give you some food for thought, maybe people who don't want monogamy aren't really just flat out evil or anything.

>> No.9159330


t. braindead stoner

You should express yourself better on a board where you're supposed to discuss high culture and literature.

>> No.9159332

Go back to the 60s you fucking wannabe pothead hippie. Your degenerate behaviour spawned numerous STDs and accounted for the rapid growth of others.

>> No.9159334

marriage does not equal monogamy

>> No.9159335

also i gotta ask, do you think that a human being has the ability to choose a way of life, or are all of their decisions just fragments of evolutionary struggle, and they're just walking around enacting all this genetic code? the reason i ask is when you say "meant", what do you mean? do you mean they're compelled by their nature, or maybe do you mean they're morally required to do that thing? obviously people have strayed far from monogamy and survived to reproduce, and so on and so forth, if anything more than the monogamous ones, so i dunno how well a nuclear family stacks up to the sheer power of reproduction of the alternatives in terms of evolution. Anyway, like i said, i generally agree civilized people exist as a monogamous society, but i don't think sluts and whores are bad people because they like to boink for boinking's sake.

>> No.9159341

polygamous marriage has existed for thousands of years

>> No.9159345

my behavior specifically? huh. well i'm very sorry about that.
i stopped doing drugs quite a long time ago, but i apologize for not expressing myself how you'd like me to, i guess that's just a fault of mine sometimes, eh? we can't always communicate as well as we'd like!

>> No.9159480

i guess that was that.

>> No.9159524

So much ad honinim, pathetic brainletting in here.

>> No.9159526

Yeah, it shows

>> No.9159532

These "penis dipped in cereal threads" should be deleted with the swiftness carli threads are deleted.

>> No.9159536

Carli threads stay up all day and are only deleted around 19:00 Middle European Time. God bless the time difference.

>> No.9159537


go back to /cgl/ you woman

>> No.9159543

how mean.

>> No.9159556

On a Sunday you eat it after coming home from church in the morning. You have to 'fast' until you have communion.

>> No.9159557

And you do that everyday if you are a monk or similar.