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9153287 No.9153287 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9153293

my diary desu

>> No.9153295

he's a libcuck

>> No.9153402

>that filename

>> No.9153412

why does he look so retarded?

>> No.9153648

coke, aids, getting crushed

>> No.9153674

The world would be better off if that car had finished him off

>> No.9153763

I like him a lot.

It was a masterpiece.

>> No.9153779

He can be good when he takes the time to be good. Otherwise his work is often bloated and cliched.

>> No.9153782
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>> No.9153783

Best short story is Jerusalem's Lot
Best novel is The Eyes of the Dragon

>> No.9153790

Never read anything by him. I dislike genre-fiction.

>> No.9153794

no. but oddly enough the long walk was the seccond book I ever read. the first one was the catcher in the rye. which I still love.

>> No.9154398

His best work is good.
His worst work is awful.
Overall, 4/10.

>> No.9154456

At times he can be a an engaging, entertaining writer. Whoever for the most part his books are bloated and loaded with one-dimensional characters, cliches, lame endings, lackluster humour, and vulgarity which is more juvenile than edgy.

In summary probably not worth your time but you could read a whole lot worse.

>> No.9154699

I enjoyed IT a lot but it got a bit tedious towards the end.

>> No.9154708

As a writer? No. But I feel guilty saying that because as a person, yes, I like him.

>> No.9154713


Careful, you'll upset the 22 year old liberal arts majors. They need to keep up the act they've read even 1/8 books mentoned here.

>> No.9154800
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I really liked his non-fiction. 'On Writing' is great and applies to a lot more than just writing. 'Danse Macabre' is also a really good take on horror.

In terms of fiction, I don't think he knows how to finish a novel. They always tend to taper off towards the end. I feel like he's really good building atmosphere but his characters are a little weak, specifically his women.

>> No.9154823


He's litrially the first m.night.shamammalan

>What a twist!

>> No.9155513


He's written almost sixty novels and everyone here calls him shit because he's a popular writer and lump him in with bad writers like John Green.

Needful Things was great, Mr Mercedes was great although the trilogy tapered off a little, The Dark Tower is fantastic and odd. His short story work is unmatched.

He's going to be remembered as the next Edgar Allen Poe and everyone else on this board is mad because they're going to die alone and nobody will read their shopping list book of three sentences before they gave up and started jerking off and pretending to read V. and Infinite Jest and shitpost.

>> No.9155582

I loved The Long Walk, and The Shining, Pet Sematary and It were pretty good too imo

>> No.9155611

His early work was a little too new wave for my taste

>> No.9155954


>> No.9156017

Most here can't handle the fact that King can absolutely drive a plot like no other. Hence the "plotfag" meme. Nobody on this board could tell a story if it pissed in their Mountain Dew. His range is good too (see "Misery")

>> No.9156089

I'm tired of these posts.

Reported for spam.

>> No.9156197

>He's going to be remembered as the next Edgar Allen Poe

kek he's not going to be remembered period other than as Kubrick's springboard.

>> No.9156202
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>> No.9156764


He was crying and depressed because Trump was elected. Fuck him and his pleb trash too

>> No.9156819

A masterful padder. Literary filibustering of the highest order.

>> No.9156832

for a famous author he sure has a hard time writing an ending.

>> No.9156884

God did a randomization roll in Oblivion.

>> No.9156905


>> No.9156911

I have only read one book of his - the shining

I havent seen the film, but because of it's acclaim i decided to read the book

Now around this period i was into some proper crap, i was a teenager, but this one took the biscuit

The man cant fucking write, although to give him credit with the output of stuff he has turned out he must have a decent imagination, and his books tend to come out better as films

>> No.9156985


Kubrick's Shining was not as good as the book.

>> No.9157174
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>I don't think he knows how to finish a novel

Yup. When he talks about his writing process, it seems to be that he lets the plot work itself out as he writes. So, he just kind of let's the work end when he feels that he put up enough cool shit in the rest of the book.

Take Desperation for example: a god is released from the earth and is capable of possessing people and animals; it has killed off an entire town and trapped a few survivors inside. How the fuck are they supposed to beat something like this? The ending should be fucking incredible. But King manages to fuck it up by just having the god run out of energy and then blowing it the fuck up when it's defenseless. In 'Salem's Lot the lead vampire is also killed while defenseless.

I like a lot of his novels, but the endings always leave me wanting more. His short stories have more satisfying endings though because they lack the sense of doom. The climax itself needs to equate to the amount of buildup and suspense towards the final fight. If he writes a story about something that challenges the protagonists throughout several hundred pages, it should not end with the villain just getting beaten no problem in a few paragraphs.

I'm reading the dark tower series right now (currently on wizard and glass). I know this journey can't end well, but it's fun to read and it's too late to stop now. The man sure can tell a story though and I will continue to read most everything he puts out.

>> No.9158916

You'd have to be literally retarded to think this. I read The Shining and it was terrible. Or it was average for a pulp-fiction horror story. Kubrick's movie is considered one of the best of all time. I don't think I've ever seen someone unironically with this opinion unless they were talking about the movie solely as an adaption of the book.

>> No.9158924

Thank you. The Shining book was fucking cancer. Kubrick was forced to butcher that story to make it into a classic.

>> No.9158967

He's a fine storyteller, but he is no writer.

>> No.9158975

It was a serious #rektage

>> No.9159063

Something about that upper lip. He looks kind of like a walrus.

>> No.9160340

11.22.63 was great. Miniseries.

>> No.9160369

my nigga - exactly right

>> No.9160496

The Stand is one of the greatest works of fiction. but he still can't end a book well, and his editors only check for spelling and refuse to rein him in when he goes for pages like robert jordan did on the most inane shit.

his short story anthologies are fucking amazing, with little flecks of poo here and there in the cookie dough.

they were two entirely different creatures.

>> No.9161038

Agreed. 11/22/63 was great, I hope he puts out more work like that.

>> No.9161044

If you ignore the swiss cheese sized plot holes.

>> No.9161056
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Kubrick's shining shits literally all over the original book.

Just like Stalker and Solaris shit all over Roadside Picnic and the original book Solaris.

They are literal PROOF that it's not the idea of the story that matters, it's the execution and the work involved.

>> No.9161839
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I thought Gerald's Game was pretty good. Hopefully the Netflix movie won't suck.

>> No.9162806

Enjoyed what a lot?

>> No.9163081

Pretty fair

When I was a kid I stopped reading for a few years because adults never knew what to get me so they would just give me Harry Potter ripoff fantasy shit. Then when I was helping my grandma out at a garage sale I found IT and Skeleton Crew, and they completely got me back into reading. So I'll always like King a little bit for that.

>> No.9164034
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I do. There's a 50% chance the ending will be terrible. But the good endings don't ruin the comfy and creepy atmosphere. I don't live in America so it's nice to spend some time in a town in Maine in the '50s-'70s.

Fuck Needfull things.
"and then the bad guy was defeafted by the power of love and rode his carriage back to hell"
You could have just revealed that he was hypnotizing them and the objects were just objects.

>> No.9164126

Terrible author willing to sacrifice his integrity to score brownie points with leftists. He's like a male version of J.K. Rowling except a slightly better author.

>> No.9164140

What are some examples of this? Has he always done it or is it just recent?

>> No.9164225


The most recent would be him using his reputation to attack Trump and throwing a bitch fit by "taking a break" from twitter.

He's no different from actors using their reputation as leverage against the masses.

He also allowed Roland from the Gunslinger to be played by a black actor. I know the story allows for alternate worlds but Roland being white is a major part of the story and it fucking kills major parts of the story. Like god damn was I disappointed when I heard the news. It's not going to be the same with the roles reversed.

>> No.9164233

for a second I thought his teeth were just really chapped lips