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/lit/ - Literature

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9154384 No.9154384 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys read more than one book at a time?

>> No.9154402

No, the people who surround themselves with books, who define themselves by books, never really understand a word inscribed in any of them.

Focus. Read a book. Re-read it again to begin to understand it. Re-read it again so you can understand it.

>> No.9154434

No. I don't like mixing up my ideas like that.

>> No.9154517

I usually read three books at the same time.
One in each hand and one laying flat on a table.
I'm trying to figure out if I can incorporate multiple audio-books into the mix for maximum efficiency.

>> No.9154552
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>No, the people who surround themselves with books, who define themselves by books, never really understand a word inscribed in any of them.

The intellectual insecurity is palpable. Do you really think all the authors you yourself have enjoyed only ever read one book at a time in their lives? None of them ever read multiple at once in their lives for subjective reasons? This is an impossibility to you, is it?

>> No.9154556

>t. I start the share pics of your book shelves threads

>> No.9154559

i only have enough brainspace (BS) for one (one) book at a time.

>> No.9154563

I can barely cum and stand up at the same time. No.

>> No.9154570

I read six books at a time. I have two open in front of me on stands, attached to a page-turning contraption controlled by foot-pedals; I read them simultaneously, one with each eye. Concurrently I use each hand to read a separate book in braille, while a pear of headphones plays two audiobooks, one in each ear. Any patrician reader is capable of this skill.

>> No.9154576


I have never posted pictures of my shelves here and I never plan to. It's not my fault that post triggered you. The truth will do that.

>> No.9154598

Fuck you.

>> No.9154603

that's so fucking white trash

>> No.9154611


>young anon make silly proclamations and don't realize how naive they sound when they do
>you rage at anon who point this out


>> No.9154640

Yeah. Mostly because I can't renew ILL books so I have to drop everything else and read them before they're due.

>> No.9154649

>Re-read it again

Don't do this unless it's in the Canon

>> No.9154665

>at most two
I mostly read to and from work on public transport. Some books aren't easily readable on public transport. I might read a novel on the bus and read a textbook at home.

>> No.9154690

People have differnt learning styles. I learn chaotically and things can't hold my interest for long so I jumb around from place to place until I can find something that grips me to the end.

>> No.9154901

Fucking rookie

>> No.9154913

Who taught you how to worship?

>> No.9154929

i read about more than one book at a time, but usually only actually read one at a time

>> No.9154950

I do.
But the maximum is three at a time.
I make sure they are not related or similar so I can differentiate between them.
t.Baitfag monkey with no concentration skills

>> No.9154952

>I don't like mixing up my ideas like that.
But anon, noticing patterns in the blending of ideas is an expression of intelligence.

>> No.9154962
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>Reading a book
>It's not as interesting as I thought it would be but it's still one of those books you have to have read once to gain a better understanding of books you prefer
>End up reading dozens of other books, never even looking at the book again

Kill me

>> No.9154997

Np othat's confusing as fuck mate

>> No.9155558

this is me and then i have to start over because it's been too long ;____;

>> No.9156913

I have tried but usually it just means I don't get very far with any of them.
It is best to focus on a single book from beginning to end in a timely and comprehensive manner than to mix them depending on your mood and dragging them all out.

>> No.9156937

I can read two books at once, at the same time, each eye focuses on a different book independently.

>> No.9156972

>post a paragraph and reaction image
>haha you're so triggered

>> No.9157009


No, but I read two or three concurrently
I like having one fiction and one non-fiction title going, and maybe a third if it's different enough that everything won't blur together too much in my long-term memory

>> No.9157609

I usually two at a time. 1 I read at home and the other I read when I'm out and about, usually on my phone.

>> No.9157619

me 2.

>> No.9157680

Yes, I read a lot of books at the same time. Six at the moment.
I don't force things. I start with one, if I get bored I jump to other one for a while and so one until I eventually return to the first one.
I don't impose any order on myself.

>> No.9157696

One reading book and one physics book at a time.
Except for reading for work. That can be parts of any number of books at once.

You should really focus on one in literature/philosophy and dig into it. I tend to have my path planned 5 books out or so to make sure I'm hitting home the things I'm learning.

The personal physics book changes maybe once every half a year. It's a much slower process.

>> No.9157994
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I usually have a short story collection going at the same time as a novel. The collection gives me a break from the novel if I need it.

>> No.9158673


>> No.9158693

I try to stick to one novel at a time, especially if it is a long one. I always throw in some short stories, poetry etc. though no matter what I'm reading.

>> No.9158700

Yes. Usually a fiction and non fiction.