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9153624 No.9153624 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about the press's relationship to democracy?

>> No.9153640


when I first read it is was fiction but now it has becomed non fiction

>> No.9153678

everything written by Edward Bernays

>> No.9153685 [DELETED] 

I agree m'good sir, le Drumpf is Big Brother and literally Hitler

>> No.9153706

read up on Althusser's Ideological State Apparatus

Please keep this unfunny shit on /pol/

>> No.9153708


>> No.9153719 [DELETED] 


(you) are illiterate

>> No.9153734 [DELETED] 

dont ever reply to me again unless youre contributing to the thread

>> No.9153735

Dostoevsky's Diaries of a Writer.

>> No.9154743


>> No.9154767

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

the true reptilian evil behind the lugenpresse and fake news sites

>> No.9154781
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>> No.9154787 [DELETED] 

t. unpaid russian shill

>> No.9154796
File: 153 KB, 769x595, 1330925795394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


diggin up an old meme just for you

>> No.9154808


I don't want to see this face on my board ever again. Trash of a person.

>> No.9156479

my diary

>> No.9158045


>> No.9158050

This. If you haven't read Propaganda by Ed Bernays yet you are not ok. Easy read too.

>> No.9158059

Much of Hunter S Thompson's journalistic work deals with this implicitly. Something like Hell's Angels, for example, can be read as a repudiation of sensationalist journalism presenting itself as objective.

>> No.9158156 [DELETED] 

it looks like he's holding 2 bottles of some form of hard liquor. he's probably gonna get assassinated soon if things keep going on the way they are though. then there'll be some backlash from the people who call him daddy, probably violent some suicidal. either way people are dying and are going to continue going to die and that's not cool.

>> No.9158177 [DELETED] 

wanna add that death is bad but preventing those who cause death is better.

>> No.9158255

my assasination prediction was deleted. hmmm.

>> No.9158275
File: 102 KB, 960x749, beauty. hate..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the President's refusal to afford special privileges exclusively to liberal news outlets is an infringement on the first amendment
I guess I just don't see how Buzzfeed and CNN are being prevented from peddling lies and slanting the news to favor their preferred ideological narrative.

>> No.9158409

Emmanuel Goldstein

>> No.9158445

Journalists have been created by liberals and they correspond to the uberman of liberalism

>> No.9158459

i wonder how many beans you have to eat to float like that.

>> No.9158486

>refusal to afford special privileges

>> No.9158499


really makes u think

>> No.9158507

Debord's Society of the Spectacle and Comments on the Society of the Spectacle.

Jacques Ellul's Propaganda
Marshall McLuhan's The Mechanical Bride

>> No.9158518

It's just a rearrangement of the current spectacular order to suit the interests of a new ruling elite. You don't care about 'truth' Trump doesn't care about 'truth' and probably nobody ever cared about it, ever. It's always been about information warfare and nothing more.

>> No.9158519

The fact that the meta supposed good guy is a Jew leads me to doubt the evil intentions of the party

>> No.9158531

In fact if my writing talent ever comes together I'll write a book called 1983, in which the party overthrows the Jews

>> No.9158534

Orwell became more fashy towards the end of his life after having faced the regressive left in Spain

>> No.9158544

I keked at it. You take your uptight ass back to lgbtq+

>> No.9158564
