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/lit/ - Literature

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9147717 No.9147717 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books against the alt-right, /pol/, and identity politics in general?

After hearing Jordan Peterson discuss the dangers of the alt-right, I've been looking for good books about this subject.

>> No.9147940

any book that includes love and tolerance as themes. literature in general (besides Kipling and stuff like that)

>> No.9147948
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>muh alt right boogeyman

>> No.9147957

*tips red baseballcap of dumbness*

>> No.9147962

Chomsky. Literally the ultimate blue pill disguised as a red pill. I hope you find a nice bull to prep.

>> No.9147964

>left wing """humor"""

it's like they're autistic

>> No.9147973

*tips it even lower*

>> No.9147981
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WTF im BTFO now #ImWithHer now im #SharingBlue now

FUCK Drumpf (hehe, Xulumpf Klumpf Barumpledumpf Thrumpie Dumpie Luimpie Skumpie Numnumpflejumpf) and FUCK white people xD

>> No.9147987

*bill touches my nose*

>> No.9147992
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The Turner Diaries makes /pol/ look dumb, so start there %]

Also... I'd avoid all the classics, ancient, modern & inbetween.

>> No.9147997

monica lewinsky?

he's still dicking bimbos eh

>> No.9148015

>Jordan Peterson
kys. at least stop posting here. you lower the level of discourse guaranteed



>> No.9148019

I am


go away pseud cuck

>> No.9148020
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MacIntyre's "After Virtue." Specifically his stuff on how societies' no longer have a common language which with to discuss culture. It's basically two idiots yelling past each other and each parroting poorly understood arguments.

His critique of emotivism is the strongest critique against what people would describe as SJWs. Molyneux completely ripped off MacIntyre with his "Not an argument" meme.

The alt-right will either become the new SJWs, or collapse from shaky intellectual foundations (most of the alt-right didn't start with the Greeks).

>> No.9148027


For fiction, there are some sf works like Kim Stanley Robinsons Mars trilogy and Ursula K. LeGuins The Dispossessed

>> No.9148039

These pill descriptions are becoming increasingly confused
Probably a result of the confused compartmentalised thinking of the people who describe things this way

>> No.9148043

anything by Zizek

>> No.9148045

Is that a boi?

>> No.9148056
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Chomsky? You clearly haven't read Chomsky. He only barely didn't say MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

He has said exactly NOTHING that the alt-right doesn't stand behind, dummy. Seriously lad, I'm mazed with yr stupidity.

>> No.9148063

>"im a white male who is against identity politics even though all other racial groups form blocs to vote for the best interests of their own people. I reject the idea that life is and always will be a competition between tribes and I am willing to sacrifice myself to be sure that other groups dominate my own. I believe that evolution stopped at the neck and POC don't perform at the level of whites because systematic oppression. Fuck my wife please."

>> No.9148073

You either don't know chomsky or don't know the alt right.

>> No.9148075

i was screaming KEK as loud as possiable whawn i rread this cuck cuck cuckcaufkcu

>> No.9148094

do i have to pull the red baseball cap back out?

you're weak and worthless shitters who need so desperately to be better than someone

actually become better than people and realize you can leave lazy bigotry at home and have a perfectly healthy sense of superiority (like i do)

>> No.9148095
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Not an argument.

Chomsky is anti globalism, pro rust belt, anti Israel, and rabidly anti Clinton.

I guess Trump is pro Israel, so you got me there, you underinformed zombie.


>> No.9148106

wel yo r a cuck and i want you to go back to africa

>> No.9148136

Here's what I've been reading, an excerpt of an upcoming book,
Ctrl-Alt-Delete: The origins and ideology of the Alternative Right -


>> No.9148143
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Threadly reminder that Trump is a liberal and a leftist and you'd understand this if you had started with the Greeks.

>> No.9148154

Hillbilly Elegy

>> No.9148183

>Chomsky is anti globalism, pro rust belt, anti Israel, and rabidly anti Clinton.
Wow, so Chomsky is like 99.99% of all republicans now, eh? You can't be this dumb.

Chomsky's ideology requires that he be a victim and fighting some permanent battle for revolution. He is a progressive that always must feel like the underdog even though progressives always seem to win. Literally the principle of "this animal is very dangerous; when attacked, it defends itself." in regards to people like Trump.

>> No.9148191
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>The guy who's critique doesn't go beyond one-word pseudo-rebuttals like "kys" and "cringe" thinks the other guy is the one lowering the level of discourse.

Mind elaborating on what you think is wrong with Jordan Peterson? Because I've never heard of him, and you've done the opposite of convince me to avoid him.

In fact you've triggered my "Oh, dumbasses hate him, he must be doing something right" reaction.

>> No.9148249
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>Chomsky's ideology requires that he be a victim and fighting some permanent battle for revolution

So you're the one who decides what Chomsky's ideology is? Not Chomsky?

I'd be more convinced of this line of rhetoric if you dropped verifiable Chomsky quotes that backed up your claim, but as it stands you're engaging in pure, unsubstantive rhetoric that will only convince those whose lips are already firmly grasped around your penis.

> He is a progressive that always must feel like the underdog

Please drop even one quote from him where he even begins to suggest "I must always be the underdog. I'll wait patiently. Even as you move the goalposts five times and engage in ad hom attacks.

>even though progressives always seem to win.

Transparent rhetoric again.

>Literally the principle of "this animal is very dangerous; when attacked, it defends itself." in regards to people like Trump.

Argument by analogy

>> No.9148302

Read Alasdair Macintyre, my man. You'll love him if you like Peterson. Peterson is entry-level (Jungian) Macintyre.

>> No.9148307

Not my fault if you read any of his books and haven't figured this out. Maybe you actually believe in global right wing conspiracies and fascists everywhere. In which case, you're as dumb as you make yourself out to be.

>> No.9148355
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Chomsky has always been outside these boxes you're using.

And he's been saying the stuff that a lot of alt-righters are complaining about. He's been saying it before you were born.

And republicans aren't, in reality, against those things I listed. Can you find any who are?

Did you forget the Seattle protests?

Chomsky's ideology? He's a very specific type of anarchist. Calling him progressive and importing your vague ideas of what that means along with it is making you look dumb.

And so, as a fellow /lit/fuccboi, let's work towards not making this board sound stupid. Watch (or read) Manufacturing Consent & just enough info to sound... idk less stupid.


>> No.9148365

The alt-right is cancer.

Read about classical reactionary and Traditionalist thought.

Read De Maistre, Carlyle, Burke, Spengler and Evola etc.

>> No.9148370
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Only your ignorance is being attacked. Let it go. Read a book. Take a break from whatever it is you're wasting your time with.

And learn to present & defend your points.

>> No.9148384


>> No.9148687


You know progressives never win, right? You're just repeatedly told they do, but the status quo never changes.

>Le progressive boogeyman. Muh progressive oppressor.

>> No.9148720


>> No.9148829

The Greeks didn't start in a complete vacuum. Especially if they are the "sea people" responsible for the demise of the late bronze age civilizations.

>> No.9148839

Nice happy trail

>> No.9148893

Progressives have been winning since the Whigs in the American revolution, breh.

>> No.9150077
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check literally 90% of all english syllabi at north american universities. maybe a couple tenured old white men are still fighting the good fight in most departments.

that being said there's always been a shit trend in the study of literature that keeps dinguses employed. hack postmodernists, psychoanalytic critics, "new critics", whatever you call them they're the same shit. there have always been clearing-sheds of critical theory for talentless idiots who like books. unfortunately this one is particularly power-hungry and its adherents seem incapable of self reflection.

>> No.9150905
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This is what you want, OP.