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9135068 No.9135068 [Reply] [Original]

My heart tells me that there is god in the universe and a purpose and a path for the soul, but my brain tells me that the universe is cold and uncaring, and that I should be an egoistic nihilist.

On a physical and material level, there are far more advantages to being an knave instead of an altruist. This is adds another layer of contention.

I often find myself doing something like asking the universe/god to provide the answer to a big question in my life through something such as a coin flip.

But I can provide so many examples and reasons in support of nihilism. Frustration. Injustice. Unfairness. Suffering. Wrong decisions. Decades wasted going down paths of suffering with no light. And so many more reasons.

How can I reconcile the two? I have FELT destiny. I have FELT a master plan. I have FELT something bigger. I have FELT fate and peace in my heart. But I have also felt nihilism, and a cold uncaring world.

>> No.9135081

For instance, I get in a wreck. "Was I doing something wrong in my life? What thoughts was I thinking today? What path was I on? What is god trying to tell me? What do I feel guilty about? What is the universe trying to tell me?" vs "I got in a wreck. That sucks. It happens."

>> No.9135085

>sucks dick once

>> No.9135087

Here I sit broken hearted/ FELT a poo, but only farted.

>> No.9135100

>I have FELT destiny. I have FELT a master plan. I have FELT something bigger. I have FELT fate and peace in my heart. But I have also felt nihilism, and a cold uncaring world.

thats cause both are true at the same time bruv. sort of. the universe does not have to answer to your feewings

>> No.9135107
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>My heart tells me

>> No.9135112

>My heart tells me that there is god in the universe and a purpose and a path for the soul, but my brain tells me that the universe is cold and uncaring, and that I should be an egoistic nihilist.
This is the trap of your mind. You see, your heart is one thing. Your mind another. Yet, there is also a third one.
It is the animal. It is the urge, the emotion.

What you need to do with your brain and its limitations (blindness in this case), is to take over it. Rule it as a king would. Your mind is the court jew right now.

>> No.9135113

You haven't felt shit, OP.

The only thing you have "felt" is the consolation and illusion placed forth by your mind to preserve itself from the absurdity and bleakness of existence, all for the purpose of your continued prevailing as a living being.

There is no reconciliation to be made. Nihilism is a useful tool to tear down the illusory foundations you "feel" to stand upon, so use it in such capacity, not as an end in itself.

Where will you go from then on, only you'll know and the time.

>> No.9135118

>You haven't felt shit, OP.
>The only thing you have "felt" is the consolation and illusion placed forth by your mind to preserve itself from the absurdity and bleakness of existence, all for the purpose of your continued prevailing as a living being.
Sounds like a load of bullshit.
Maybe you are the one who hasn't felt anything?

>> No.9135125


>> No.9135290

There is enough room in God's kingdom for feelings of hopelessness and despair.

>> No.9135299

Also, at times, it sounds like what you describe is not a belief in God and destiny, but superstition.

>> No.9135311

Pretty sure your heart just pumps blood and what you're referring to is in fact two different desires in your brain

>> No.9135318
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Read the Bible and start going to mass, anon. Your mind has been corrupted by the secular media and society, but your heart, by which you mean your soul, yearns for the truth. You know what you must do. It's just a matter of whether or not you're willing to take the leap of faith.

>> No.9135326

Well OP, I assume you don't want to even try to believe in Islam, a religion that allows you rape goats.

So, why don't you read some of The Bible and ponder it more.

>> No.9135472

You seem to be searching for truth, yet being unable to come up with evidence

Know that evidence follows faith, not the other way. Take the leap of faith, and very soon you will find all the evidence you need.

Also don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance in your seeking.

>> No.9135484

You are the universe... just be yourself bro

>> No.9136021

>My heart tells me that there is god in the universe and a purpose and a path for the soul, but my brain tells me that the universe is cold and uncaring, and that I should be an egoistic nihilist.

There's no solution to your problem, existential suffering results from the fact that we are simultaneously part of the universe yet impersonal forces have separated us from it temporarily.

In a short time we will all return to the dark and any evidence of our existence will we wiped away forever.

>> No.9136038
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>mfw nihilists still don't get that their own perspective is simply just one among billions and think they have found capital T-truth

>> No.9136042

>evidence follows faith, not the other way. Take the leap of faith, and very soon you will find all the evidence you need.
Best description I've heard of confirmation bias.

>> No.9136048
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>> No.9136050
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lol top quality post

>> No.9136080

The world is a cold and uncaring place. That doesn't mean that there isn't a God. The world is corrupted by our sin, bringing suffering and death. God entered into this world as a man, and suffered as we do, that he could offer us forgiveness and salvation from this vale of tears, and reconcile us to himself.

>> No.9136623

>My heart tells me that there is god in the universe and a purpose and a path for the soul, but my brain tells me that the universe is cold and uncaring, and that I should be an egoistic nihilist
That's because you fear oblivion. You want to make sense of it all. I don't think there is any path or purpose, OP. You're on your way to dying, and when you do, that will be that. No grand revelation, no questions answered, no reason behind the universe beyond it simply being.

That's what my brain tells me, anyway. I also am often deceived by my "heart". It is human nature. Willful insanity and self convincing acting.

Maybe we'll both be surprised upon death, but I really doubt it

>> No.9137401

Nothing is the easiest thing to find