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/lit/ - Literature

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913058 No.913058 [Reply] [Original]

I can not adequately express how utterly upset and distraught I am about my damn English class. To start with, the professor is out of her living mind. She talks like a perpetual fucking fortune cookie. While I'm not above making fun of bad English and laughing at it, at least I know when the fuck its appropriate and when it's time to be serious about it.

Take this sign... I found it with a Google search. This is funny and it's actually from a vending machine in Kyoto. No idea what the fuck it's supposed to be saying, but the point is that it's funny. I'm not laughing a this point at them, I'm laughing with them. I mean, English is the hardest language to learn, so there's bound to be some mistakes, right? Take the example given by the author of the aforementioned image search result: "Not to perambulate the corridors in the hours of repose in the boots of ascension"

That shit is funny. Not in a mean spirited way, but in a 'yeah, we've all been there before' kind of way in that not one of us here can spell or produce Pulitzer quality works of change the universe literature kind of way.

That said, a college level writing class should be one of those times when the fucking rules about English grammar and spelling should be in full force.

This is the first impression I got from the instructor- and I use the term VERY loosely:

My name is Professor Catherine Cousar; the instructor for your class on Thursdays. I have been teaching English and writing at various colleges and universities-for a number of years. I have been teaching for *** for almost two years, and appreciate the persistence and hard work of IT majors. This class is a continuation of your success in your writing, as you continue to sharpen your communication skills.
You will find the assignments even more interesting, as you will be able to showcase your skills and knowledge.

What the fuck? Like seriously- what the fuck?!

>> No.913103

That's what you get for expecting a quality education at Kaplan.

>> No.913108

I know, why did she feel the need to swear?

>> No.913300


>> No.913314

>English is the hardest language to learn.

>> No.913315

wow. I guess Kaplan precedes itself. Otherwise how would you know that's where this is from?

>> No.913338

>I guess Kaplan precedes itself.
You're obviously great at English and qualified to criticise your instructor. Good use of idioms, bro.

>> No.913348


You posted your instructor's full name, dumbass.

>> No.913394

>out of her living mind

>> No.913425

OP sure loves to season his writing with curse words.

>> No.913473

As a graduate student in English I think you've failed to realize what studying English is about. It's not about grammar and spelling but about literature. It's like getting a minor in philosophy. If you want to study grammar and spelling take a grammar class, they should be offered at any school.

You're an IT major taking an English class, I suppose it's the required course for all majors and yours is specific to your field. I'm not certain but it'll probably be about different critical theories and how to apply them to a text which has little concern for grammar.

You'll find older teachers who believe that grammar and spelling is essential to an education in English and other teachers who believe that English is a language constantly changing and rules of grammar and spelling should not be taken as law but as guidelines. And why should it? You'll notice I started with And by the way. And why should it? We do not speak the same language as Shakespeare or Milton and so long as we are understood by our English audience we are speaking English.

It's up to you but if you feel you're not getting the education you're paying for go complain to a dean, that's what they're there for.

>> No.913499


OP is actually just in a basic composition course, you can look it up.

Course Description:

This course is designed to help students develop academic writing skills applicable to the field of Information Technology. Students will learn to apply problem solving, critical thinking skills and formal research in the development of effective arguments.

Course Outcomes:

* Construct logical arguments.
* Develop strategies for effective problem solving.
* Conduct research to support assertions made in personal, academic, and professional situations.
* Articulate what constitutes effective communication in personal, professional and diverse contexts.
* Demonstrate effective listening strategies.

>> No.913559

I meant to post her full name dumbass.

>> No.913595

...that is because OP is sick and tired of having to be politically correct when trying to describe my situation. C'mon /b/, don't tell me that we're suddenly sensitive to a little profanity.

>> No.913614


That's it, OP! I'm putting you in time out!

>> No.913651

r u srs?

>> No.913787


Very, but I'm kind of over it now since I just applied to a 'real' university.

>> No.913819



>> No.913856


no, i won't be your classmate