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/lit/ - Literature

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9131995 No.9131995 [Reply] [Original]

"I here express my opinion that a white colour in the skin is not natural to man, but that by nature he has a black or brown skin, just as had our forefathers the Hindus; consequently, a white human being has never sprung originally from the womb of nature, and therefore there is no white race, however much this is talked about, but every white human being is bleached. Driven into the north, which is strange and foreign to him, and in which he exists only like exotic plants, and like these requires a hothouse in winter, man became white in the course of thousands of years. The gypsies, an Indian race that immigrated about four centuries ago, show the transition from the complexion of the Hindus to our own. Therefore in sexual love, nature strives to return to dark hair and brown eyes as the archetype; but the white colour of the skin has become a second nature, though not so that the brown of the Hindus would repel us."

- Arthur Schopenhauer, The Metaphysics of Sexual Love

>> No.9133731 [DELETED] 

Schop confirmed for cuck

>> No.9133736

No wonder he hated women. His dad probably killed himself after seeing his wife get blacked.

>> No.9133743

>tfw want black lover and white wife
>tfw want white baby
>tfw love black women
I don't know what's going on

>> No.9133745


I THOUGHT HE WAS REDPILLED. fuck this cuck, seriously

Was he the first cultural marxist?

>> No.9133766

Really gets my cornrows considering

>> No.9133782
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how does it feel to know that everyone smart disagrees with you?

>> No.9133785
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Kant was redpilled atleast

>> No.9133794

Whitebois BTFO

>> No.9133802 [DELETED] 


Arthur "Nation of Islam" Schopenhauer.

>> No.9133809

how could someone who hated Hegel be so controlled by the Hegelian dialectic?

>> No.9133823

But isn't that exactly what Marx did?

>> No.9133836

Although not wrong, it might just be a question of when, rather than if it will be surpassed again.

>> No.9133837

Is it just me or is /lit/ funnier than usual today?

>> No.9133860

Bois, is that a real quote?

>> No.9133868

>anything I disagree with must be fake

>> No.9133885


>> No.9133904

Yes and it's glorious

>> No.9133940

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from this post. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he a cuck? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so Marxist. I want a future to believe in. I want Schopenhauer to be redpilled and overcome the Hegelian dialectic. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was a robot like us???? This is so fucked

>> No.9133946

Your mum has made tender love to a black man.

>> No.9133956

good thread

>> No.9133967

>The alt-righter was visibly shaken, and dropped his 23andMe report and his copy of The World as Will and Representation. He stormed out of the room crying those nazi crocodile tears.

>> No.9133980

>Has a thing for brunettes
>Therefore in sexual love, NATURE strives to...
>The world as will
>I see what you did there

>> No.9134173


>> No.9134187

schopenhauer wrote this as a somewhat baroque and severe rationalization for the "dark hair, dark eyes" ideal of beauty at the time. he wasn't talking about nubians, he was talking of le brown eyed girl

>> No.9134194


he should have been talking of nubians

>> No.9134196 [DELETED] 

This. There is no way BASED Schopenhauer didn't hate negross

>> No.9134201

you'd be surprised

>> No.9134205

He was redpilled you stupid fucking retard.
He would've browsed /pol/ if he was alive today

>> No.9134211

stop projecting m8

>> No.9134212
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>> No.9134224
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Mfw brainwashed polcucks actually believe they are on the same level as freethinking Schopenhauer...

>> No.9134228

yea, I cast no judgement one way or another, but the narrative for this thread is that schopenhauer had caught the ebonic plague and that this revelation will make le altright nazis mad

the truth is not in line with either view however, I think.

I read this essay, it was really great. He totally foresaw evo-psych by a minute (by describing overwhelming love as the force of the species wanting to improve itself), and also he has a passage that makes him not look so sexist when he says that intelligence is inherited from the mother (something that I think mainstream science has since borne out).

He's still underrated, clung to by misogynists who rarely read further. He had a writing style as direct as a punch to the face and a gift for heavenly metaphors which he could compose at or above the level of Plato.

I don't uby his metaphysics, butI don't have to. Anyone who wants to learn how to write better ought to read his essays on writing.

>> No.9134244

The only group of people he hated were Hegel and his friends.

>> No.9134372

Name 3 things /pol/ is wrong about, I dare you triple dog

>> No.9134393

sure, name me 3 things they believe

>> No.9134413

>we are not currently in control of our biological and cultural foundations
>we should not aim to transcend our biological and cultural foundations
>if we ARE in control, or could be, of the direction of our social and biological evolution, we should not make sure, to the greatest possible extent, that literally everyone has maximised freedom to decide how they want to live

>> No.9134426

damn wtf I love black women now

feels good to take the red pill, how do I seduce sexy chocolate honeys?

>> No.9134556
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Be white.

>> No.9134622
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Marx didn't hate Hegelian dialectic, they just needed to correct it, which they did.

>> No.9134633
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/pol/io will never recover

>> No.9134637

They being Marx and Engels

>> No.9134831

>>we are not currently in control of our biological and cultural foundations

How come tfw no gf then, and I saw a White (of european decent) with a colored? Once at the mall, and in a few commercials lately on the tube?

>we should not aim to transcend our biological and cultural foundations

You can, but dont brainwash my little niece to shake her butt and smoke marijuana and dye her hair blue.

Wester cultural foundations are bad? Completely toss them away with out thinking, and just leap into the great unknown? That sounds real safe and smart and well thought, I think we should leave the FATE OF OUR SPECIES up to..hmm, how about... pure fucking mindless clueless whimsy.
*lets down my hair and lets the wind carry me where it may, throws rocks through stained glass window*
yea yea, muh machines, muh transhumanism... that will come some day, but there will still be the war of who gets to go where, who gets what, you think they are going to let every blue haired kid get a robo bod?
Transcend our biology....thanks God... you did our part, these bodies, they are, meh... okk I guess... but we are going to trancend you now

*closes eyes and pushes*
*closes eyes hard and pushes hard*
*opens eyes, looks around*
*closes eyes harder and pushes harder*
*squirts some bio juice out of my ass*
"I know identify as this"

>if we ARE in control, or could be, of the direction of our social and biological evolution, we should not make sure, to the greatest possible extent, that literally everyone has maximised freedom to decide how they want to live

You hear that everyone! Everyone now has maximized freedom! Open the prison gates! Shred the documents! Bomb the banks! Wew-who! MAXIMUM FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE! NOONE IS ALLOWED TO SLEEP UNTIL EVERYONE HAS MAXIMUM FREEDOM.

Everyone put on your freedom measuring bracelets, wee got another busy day ahead of us...sorry... dont sue me... please... no... I meant they... nooooooo

>> No.9134842

Strawman Rides the Slippery Slope: The Posting of Pol

>> No.9135647


>> No.9135658

Truly spoken as a man who has literally never left his town.
That said, racism is not influent in Kant's philosophy, so it can be easily ignored.

>> No.9135682

>How come tfw no gf then

Sartre had a gf, why can't you? Oh yeah, you can't not only because you're ugly, but because you're a dumb mediocre retard too. You have literally nothing to offer to the world, yet you pretend qt gfs to hang out with you. You're truly living the lowest form of human existence.

>You can, but dont brainwash my little niece to shake her butt and smoke marijuana and dye her hair blue.

And how would you promote cultural foundations in a world in wich no one want to follow them? What sort of censure would be worth the preservation of cultural foundations?
That said those are almost non-problems, those are aesthetic qualms you have with society.
A woman may dye her hair blue and smoke marijuana. Is it that bad? Would have that woman achieved virtue in a different time? Maybe in your books, where being a home-ridden ignorant nobody caring about 8 children you had to pop out is the best way to be a human being. What you're failing to mention is that that blue haired stoner has actually the opportunity of doing something with her life. She can drop all the stoner teenage shit and become a great chemist. That's where the real liberation lies in.

>You hear that everyone! Everyone now has maximized freedom! Open the prison gates! Shred the documents! Bomb the banks! Wew-who! MAXIMUM FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE! NOONE IS ALLOWED TO SLEEP UNTIL EVERYONE HAS MAXIMUM FREEDOM.

Fuck, I should have read this earlier, it would have saved me the time I've spent on writing this post.

>> No.9135703

Shit like this is why no one takes philosophy seriously anymore.

>> No.9135710

I take philosophy seriously, anon. Don't you dare put your disgusting words in my mouth ever again.

>> No.9135719

Sorry. Won't happen again.

>> No.9135734

It's ok, we all make mistakes.

Especially you.

>> No.9135756


What the fuck are you trying to say you fucking schizophrenic faggot?

>> No.9135763

It's bait.