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/lit/ - Literature

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9131319 No.9131319 [Reply] [Original]

One of the most overrated writers ever?

I'm not a /lit/huanian by any means, in fact I barely read at all, but I am good at writing, and recently had to read The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway for school and found his writing style dreadful. Thoughts?

>> No.9131339

Lurk moar

>> No.9131463

You're wrong

>> No.9131471

>I barely read at all, but I am good at writing
>recently had to read Hemingway for school

>> No.9131477


You can't judge his writing style if you divorce it from the underlying themes and meaning. Hemingway's style is praised because he said so much with so few words.

Too bad most conversations about his style became a "muh minimalism" memefest praising his prose without paying any attention to the iceberg theory, as if minimalistic style alone is enough to be good.

>> No.9131486


I used to read a lot in high school and hard stuff like Lovecraft to boot, so I developed a talent for writing and I can tell you I write better than Hemingway. I stopped reading fiction because reading is for faggots judging by the amount of virgin nerds on this board.

>> No.9131488

>being this obvious
Try harder, newfag.

>> No.9131509

> hard stuff like Lovecraft

Lazy bait, OP.

>> No.9131535


I remember I had to read Soldier's Home last year, it was minimalist and just alright. Literature went to shit when writers started seeing themselves as artists rather than storytellers, which is why even books by pop authors like Stephen King and Dan Brown make betters reads. I tried reading Starship Troopers but had to bin the book by page 30 because Heinlein cant write for shit.

>> No.9131553


Lovecraft is good even though he goes sometimes goes overboard with muh tension building. Why dont the pretentious faggots on this board like him? He writes horror and doesnt have an intellectual sounding Russian surname therefore he's bad?

>> No.9131566

I never said he was bad, anon, but he's not particularly challenging to read either. I've always loved Lovecraft's writings but even my soft spot for his work does not cloud my judgement on whether his work is challenging and/or the best literature out there.

>> No.9131665


>he's not particularly challenging to read either

People read books for reasons other than the story?

>> No.9131678

Hemingway's short stories are top-tier.

>> No.9131684

>Reading for the plot
Lurk(read) more newfag.

>> No.9131694

Prose, narrative, historical context, structure, character, theme and even rhythm (but that could apply more to poetry and books like Finnegans Wake) come to mind as a reason for reading a book. On top of that, reading on average helps improve the vocabulary and memory, as well as those who read more frequently than those who don't are less likely to suffer from Alzheimers. Also non-fiction books are an obvious source of information.

Plenty of reasons to read other than just the story, anon. If you read for story alone, you'd probably find many classics quite tedious.

>> No.9131730

redpill me on this

what *should* I be reading for?

>> No.9131772

See: >>9131694

>> No.9131797


>> No.9131843

would also like to add tone/atmosphere to that list but i suppose that's a bit superficial if you read solely for the mood/atmosphere of the book. nonetheless that's been one of my main appeals for reading.

>> No.9132105
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>Stephen King
>Dan Brown
>Good reads
>Lovecraft is good
>Still in school
Bloom was right.

>> No.9132250


Whatever you pretentious faggot, I tried reading some of the "great" author and they are just terrible. At least early days King and Brown know how to get you hooked up, which is the mark of a good author, not the amount of pseudointellectual elitists circlejerking over them.

>> No.9132265

>I don't understand
>Better call it pseudointellectualual and pretentious

>> No.9132293

>recently had to read The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway for school and found his writing style dreadful
Try graduating from high school first

And growing a set of testicles while you're at it, too

>> No.9132297

Truly, this person who is still in high-school has proved himself smarter than all of academia. I'm so sorry I doubted your intellectual superiority over everyone. Please forgive my hearkening to the opinions of who were before you the smartest people to ever live. Out savior has come. Show us the way with your genius.

>> No.9132316

You might want to look up the definition of pretentious there buddy. Unless of course you can read minds. I wouldn't hold it above you. I'm sure your highschool education is lofty enough for you to do that.

>> No.9132343
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>Disliking things I like makes you pretentious

>> No.9132355


I am 22 and in college. I am also pretty redpilled (shoutout to fellow /pol/tards) so your appeals to authority don't work with me. Just because a bunch of tenured old fucks that like to suck each other's dick like something doesn't make it objectively good. Fucking mindless herd followers, you are the reason why the west is falling.

>> No.9132385

>in fact I barely read at all, but I am good at writing

>> No.9132392

Seriously, after spewing so much dumb shit, I think you need different pills, you know, the regular white ones.

>> No.9132403

I can't tell the difference between sincere polposters and trolls anymore. Congrats on being such a convincing (self-)parody

>> No.9132436


While you circlejerk over books we influence elections and world events, stay mad.

>> No.9132446

That's cute, I remember when I was a 22yo moron.

I wasn't THAT dumb tho.

>> No.9132485

And yet you're still dumb enough to get baited, faggot.

>> No.9132523


>I am older therefore smarter

Sure thing bud.

>> No.9133850

thanks for the laugh m8

>> No.9133888

I can definitely appreciate all these textual elements. However, if the story cannot capture my attention for more than the first 10 chapters, I tend to drop the work.

>> No.9133901

Yeah you need to read more.

>> No.9133919
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what level shitposting is this?

>> No.9133928

>post-ironic shitposting on obscure boards
he's already FALLEN

>> No.9133930

Hmmmm, I wouldn't say "overrated", but definitely only of a certain appeal. Everyone should read some Hemingway, but everyone certainly shouldn't like Hemingway.

>> No.9134950


tfw fallen-tier

>> No.9134981

Kek first laugh I've had in a while

>> No.9134992
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>tfw australian tier

>> No.9135002 [DELETED] 

Is your life this devoid of fulfillment and entertainment? Go away you aren't funny.

>> No.9135003

>found his writing style dreadful
it means you are normal and there is hope for you
dont listen to the haters, they are probably still butthurt about that war they lost cuz its ruining their full win streak

>> No.9135222

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. Holy shit.

>> No.9135338

>Thinks Dan Brown and Stephen King is good
>Thinks books about anything other than an immediately engaging story are shit
>You congratulate him

>> No.9135353
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Who is more pleb, the pleb or the pleb who congratulates him?

>> No.9135425

Now I'm curious; what are Chinese memes?

>> No.9135432

>Reads Dan Brown
>Calls others virgins
I bet you must be rolling in pussy.

>> No.9135433

Thomas Pynchon

>> No.9135438
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>> No.9135465


Dan Brown gets more pussy than all your shitty artsy fartsy fag writers did in their lifetimes, combined. Hmm who would I rather read.......

>> No.9135527
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>shitposting from cold water
>tfw posting from my kobo h2o while sitting in a freezing pond
>u n i r o n i c a l l y

>> No.9135574

So your criteria for a good book is the author has been around? Well the Marquis De Sade shits on Danny boy then: as does Tolstoy, and Wilmot, and Wilde, and Sartre, and Camus etc.

>> No.9135631


>> No.9135771


>Dan FUCKING Brown, who wrote one of the best and most popular recent novels, not getting more pussy than yuro losers nobody has ever heard of

I don't think so Tim

>> No.9135780
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>> No.9135793

I hate readers like you who can't just admit they found a book challenging. No, it has to be that the author "doesn't get it", or they're pretentious try-hards, that they write "purple prose", or.... etc. Stop it with the outrage and the opinion pieces about what writers should be doing and how they can better cater to (non)readers like yourself. Just admit you found a book hard to read -- not because the author sucks, but because you don't read a whole lot of books.

>> No.9135821


Well I do believe there is 'good' and 'bad' art, for instance I don't consider abstract art to be art at all. Likewise there is good and bad literature and tryhard artsy writing falls into the latter category since it detracts from literatures main purpose - telling a story.

>> No.9135826
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This whole thread is obvious bait. Stop replying, you useless cockmunchers.

>> No.9135860

The plot is an element of the totality of a work, not the point of literature. By your definition most poetry cannot be literature since most of it doesn't have a narrative. The plot is subservient to the point, not the point itself. What that point is will be different depending on what you are reading but the plot is never the point.

What you are describing is not the plot being the main point but easy entertainment being the point, which is most easily realised through the kinds of plots you enjoy. You are saying something analogous to making the claim the point of a car is the bonnet, or the steering wheel.

>> No.9135862

It's almost as if people have fun in troll threads.

>> No.9135877

I've been here long enough to recognize, with some certainty, posters who respond seriously to troll posts, unaware that they're not in on the joke, and this thread is full of them. Maybe that's also funny to you, but it irritates me, probably more than it should.

>> No.9135900

>Being famous means you not only can have sex whenever you want but that you must do it
I also bet that the Tesla got more sex than Chad Sexington Thundercock.

>> No.9135929

Damn son, I hope you are trolling

>> No.9136322

Stephen King is in a completely different ball park from Dan Brown. That's like comparing Frank Ocean to Coolio because they both rap.

>> No.9136584

wew lad

>> No.9136590
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and a top jej to you, m'good sire.

>> No.9137523



>> No.9138113


>> No.9138770

>posting with mom


>> No.9140877


>> No.9140971

ITT /lit/ falls for the bait