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9124751 No.9124751 [Reply] [Original]

>You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. (Mt 5:38–39)

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9124758

Jesus freaks me out. Why was he so cool?

>> No.9124765

It means spin the camera but don't look directly at it and people will think you're a gangster like in a Quentin Tarantino Movie

>> No.9124770

Oh, I see someone else went to Mass this evening.

>> No.9124773

"I'm a cuck lol join me"

Nietzsche had this fag figured out 2bh. Praise Muhammad

>> No.9124774

You don't get to be the Messiah without picking up a few sweet tricks along the way.
Also, the Trinity is a lie. Wtf is wrong with you people who believe in it? Wtf?

>> No.9124792


nietzsche also had underdeveloped criticisms of Christianity "figured out" too. still a slave, senpai.

>> No.9124799

Oh, I see someones been reading his Missal :^^)

>> No.9124804

Baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Anon.

>> No.9124822

But what if they strike you on the left?

>> No.9124827

Oh shit. Christianity BTFO

>> No.9124860
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Why not just kill him?

>> No.9124957

>Police Officers actually think they can be Christian

>> No.9124975

Fuck him up.

>> No.9124987

What if thou getst stricken in the middle?

>> No.9124995

If one slaps you on your right butt cheek, tell him to slap you on the left also

>> No.9125424

Violene begets violence, and so it is that in peace one must suffer t.Jesus Christ

>> No.9125427

what a cuck

>> No.9125490


So I should let my wife be raped if someone wants them to?

>> No.9125497

If your wife is raped, offer up your daughter to the rapist. t. jesus christo

>> No.9125499

Because he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword

>> No.9125516

love one another, just as I have loved you

>> No.9125519
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>> No.9125536

hello christ cuck

>> No.9125544
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>hello christ cuck

>> No.9125550


Genghis Khan, perhaps history's most prolific rapist and murderer, died in his 80s after a riding accident.

>> No.9125556

where he was impaled by the horse, wielding a magical sword. don't you know anything of history, you faggot?

>> No.9125698


Is this something Christ would have said?

Did the ancients Jews know what rape was?

>> No.9125710

Mengele died around age 70, having experienced no retribution

>> No.9125717


IIRC the entire staff of Unit 731 got off scot free because they exchanged their research findings for immunity.

>> No.9125787

>tfw they're probably both in Hell

>> No.9125832

what is h*ck anyway? is it really the stereotypical burning fire lava place we're told about?

>> No.9125849
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You might scare children with that boogie man, but Chinggis would probably laugh in your face at the thought.

Pic related, a boogie man

>> No.9125855

I'm more partial to the cold, dark, empty place variant of hell, where souls wander without recollection of their lives on earth, without purpose or end. In other words I think the Greeks had it right and if I remember correctly the Old Testament vision of Sheol was not very far from this. I don't know who came up first with the burning brimstone version.

>> No.9125909

Ghenghis Khan rides with a thousand horsemen across the skies.

Praise Tengri.

>> No.9125918

As I recall, the fire was originally part of Purgatory, not Hell, and it was a cleansing, purifying flame.

Dante, at least, preserves the prevailing darkness of Hell in the Inferno.

>> No.9125923

Daily reminder that Muslim ethics is a moral downgrade of Christian ethics.

>> No.9125949
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Muhammed basically simplified Christianity to a level where arabs could understand it

>mfw even that was too much to ask and a schism resulted almost immediately

>> No.9125954

Christianity was to Rome, what Islam is to America.

>> No.9125975


I'm afraid so.

>> No.9126002

It means you do a 360 and walk away

>> No.9126020

>And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

>> No.9126043

99% of the time irl the person thought they had a good reason to strike you in which case it's you who's in the wrong according to them so it can be said as a Christian you deserve your punishment.

Or they were just really nasty people, drunk or literally a conqueror or who knows what in which case it's your destiny to feel pain because the world is pain. You didn't deserve it by making wrong decisions but because humanity made wrong decisions.

"compassion" has nothing on this, this is pure passio for mankind and really hardcore stoicism, embracing destiny in the purest way by embracing death itself and achieving ataraxia etc

Definitely not for everybody, this extent, but I think when you went through shit like Jesus did it makes sense to see things this way and after all he was on a mission. I don't know about the religious stuff tho, he could have been easier on himself sometimes still..

>> No.9126059

woah I've never even thought of that before.

>> No.9126064
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>mfw obama is constintine
>mfw the memes were right

>> No.9126203


Basically it means that there are no old Christians

Anyone who is over the age of 30 and says they're a Christian is a Blackguard

All true Christians die young

>> No.9126210

Hell is also thrown in there, so they're not the same thing.

>> No.9126232

Esentially, in Judaism, you have this ideal of a man who smites heretics and is not fucked with, something seen clearly in the OT. So when Jesus wanted to convince these people to be peaceful he couldn't just say 'if someone hits you run' he'd be called a pussy. So he said 'ey, if someone hits you don't hit back, afraid of a little pain pussy?'

>> No.9126237


What a fucking cuck

>> No.9126245

He says the way you have been taught, which is tight back an attacker, is the wrong way an dyou should instead do nothing if you are attacked because its better to suffer in our physical state than to sin.

>> No.9126250

Ancient Jews invented rape p. much

>> No.9126260

That would make emperor Trump who? Julian the Apostate?

>> No.9126308

I'd like to also add this

>> No.9126313

This post hurts

>> No.9126316

Hey pretty cool

>> No.9127013

Consensual sex wasn't invented until the late 1960s.

>> No.9127080

He meant: you can teach a person about good or bad. Not by punishment after he/she did something wrong. Only way is if him/her will realize that they did bad thing.

>> No.9127085

he means that you should invade the holy land to smite the unbelievers

>> No.9127086
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Christcucks are moral slaves

>> No.9127626


Why would a person stop behavior that not only benefits them but also leads to no punishment from others?

>> No.9127927

Maybe it's an Apocalyptarian argument?

>> No.9127959
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>using the word "reconquista" to describe the "destruction of christendom"

The irony is thicker than the smog over New Delhi

>> No.9127963

>"Do not avenge yourselves, dear friends, but give place to God's wrath, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay," says the Lord." Romans 12:19, NET Version

>> No.9127998
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Punishment by God

Your material "benefits" sadden me.

>> No.9128577

Hey senpai, pass me that wallet

>> No.9128592


This would only work if people were converting to Islam en masse, which they are not.

>> No.9128609

Add that to the fact that Mexico is twice as Christian as the US

>> No.9128705
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Don't you see, anon, they're CATHOLICS. They're icky, blood-and-dirt non-Christians. We can't let our pure, snow white Protestant churches be polluted with their statues and their wine.

>> No.9128809

Are you saying Christianity brought down Rome? 'Cause that's retarded. Do you have a wandering eye? Do you have a plain face? You might be retarded. 100th trimester abortions might not legal but your mom might need to consider it.

>> No.9129100
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>> No.9129145

Or Arabs are related to Africans in such a way that rare traits can appear now and then.

>> No.9129149

>statues and their wine
More concerned about the papal infallibility and the salvation through works desu sempai

>> No.9129150

Neither seem to follow Christ and Christianity. You only have demographics, and they tell of institutions and their members, not much else.

>> No.9129193

you forgot to say Christ & his followers made a royal rumble in the Temple knocking out the happy merchants.
I understand in Mt 5:38–39 following Mt 16:24 "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me"
One's self is not important, if an evildoer strikes you, just let him go. But if this evlldoer offends the Sacred, you can counter attack

>> No.9129218

That's a good clarification. It goes with the idea that you must live for God and not yourself.

>> No.9129271

>salvation through works

How many fucking times must this explained?

>> No.9129337


Glad you were in church today, OP.
One bit of exegesis in the sermon I heard on it this morning is that if someone back then struck you, everyone would see how ridiculous, bad, etc that person is and that turning the other cheek serves to expose further the wrongdoing of the one doing the striking.
Also a bit of exegesis from me about Jesus' teachings in general and the Sermon on the Mount in particular. First, it's clear from his teachings overall that they are not to be taken in a completely literal manner. Nobody walks around not noticing a literal plank stuck in their eye. There's something humorous and even absurdist in the imagery. Also, elsewhere in the SotM he says not to cast one's pearls before swine. When you think about it, this could be said do contradict today's Gospel reading. Overall though it's a signal to be discerning in dealing with people.
Also on the subject, the other bits in the accompanying verses, about giving someone your tunic and about going two miles with someone, also have actual historical grounding to them that would have told the original hearers/readers a similar message about being different from the lowest-common-denominator morality, vengefulness, etc of the general world

>> No.9129364

at least once more, tyvm

>> No.9129797

His way of life; bending over when someone said boo, I imagine. Asking others to do the same. Be meek: weak pathetic wretched followers.

>> No.9129842

I would literally do anything to know what actually happened between the years 0-33. Christ's true history is forever lost, all that we have is dogmatism and mysticism.

>> No.9129854
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>tfw to intelligent to accept Christ as my savior

>> No.9130542
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Khalid ibn Al-Walid pbuh died of sickness after a life of service in Jihad and now rests in paradise.