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9121489 No.9121489 [Reply] [Original]

"Poshlost" permeates our society, and after reading Vodolazskin's novel, I'm convinced that Orthodoxy is the surest antibody.

>> No.9121501

Let the Slavs have Orthodoxy if they want it. Latin Christendom should develop its own traditions, not import others.

>> No.9121508

Orthodoxy is closer to pre kitsch Catholism than Roman Catholicism is.

>> No.9121538 [DELETED] 


>> No.9121539

Are there any radical differences between catholicism and orthodox other than the latter ones not recognizing the authority of the Vatican jew?

>> No.9121575

Ten differences between Orthodox and Catholicism.

1. Orthodox reject inheritability of sin. Death and suffering are human nature, we only don't suffer them when partaking in perfect synergism with God's energies, which we haven't since the fall.

2. The Orthodox reject the "satisfaction theory of atonement". The Orthodox subscribe to "Christus Victor" (the idea of atonement illustrated in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe).

3. Hell in Orthodoxy is not separation from God. Hell, like heaven, is experiencing the full radiance of God's light and presence, but with a negative relationship so that it is like fire.

4. The Orthodox reject the idea that our understanding of dogma develops. The idea is to keep the exact same understanding the Apostles have, invented terminology is not meant to develop the understanding, but to PROTECT it from being "developed".

5. Catholics define usury as excessive interest, Orthodox define usury as any interest.

6. The Orthodox reject the Catholic idea of supererogation.

7. The Orthodox reject Purgatory. The Orthodox do, however, distinguish Sheol (called "Hades" in Greek) from Gehenna.

8. Orthodoxy places enormous emphasis on fasting, in fact more than half the days of the year involve some sort of fast. And there are even some days which are total fasts, no intake, period. Two consistent fast days (almost every Wednesday and Friday, no meat, dairy, eggs, fish, oils or wine) trace back at least to the Didache.

9. Orthodox draw most of their priests from the married laity, but most of their bishops from monks.

10. Infants can and do receive Holy Communion.

Orthodox hymns in English

>> No.9121751

>Vodolazskin's novel
Which one?

>> No.9121785

that still makes you a schismatic

>> No.9121799
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>tfw popes with the name "Pius" were probably all jelly of the orthodox purity

>> No.9121820

>Vodolazskin's novel
which one

>> No.9121845

Doesn't matter if people don't act on it. I have seen enough criminals who wear big orthodox crosses but still do what is wrong so what does it mean? The only way to cure it is quite fascistic and radical and so it won't happen soon.

>> No.9121852

Laurus I guess

>> No.9123405
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>> No.9123666

Ever read Dictatus Papae? I suggest you do. Also, the filioque is not Patristic at all, nor Scriptural, and in fact heretical. God has one activity and one substance, which the Father furnishes in the Son and the Spirit. To say the Spirit proceeds from the Son and the Father would mean the Son is a co-source of God's activity and essence--that is, he would be a source of the Father's activity and essence, which is heretical. Now to say the Spirit proceeds through the Son, that is, the Father furnishes the Spirit who acts *through* the Son, that is sensible--but, unforunately, Catholic dogma says the filioque is intended to mean *one principle*.


Well, no, no philosophy matters if you don't act on it, I'm not sure what your point is here. If you don't live an Orthodox lifestyle, it will cause problems with Confession, and in Confession one of the main things is the priest counselling you on how to improve your life.

>> No.9123693
File: 48 KB, 500x353, pope smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ever read Dictatus Papae?

I have indeed, Satan. It is fantastic and it is also RIGHT.

>That of the pope alone all princes shall kiss the feet.

God is good.

>> No.9123722

Isn't that the Pope who kissed and venerated the Quran? :^)

>Certainly the other Apostles also were what Peter was, endued with an equal fellowship both of honour and power; but a commencement is made from unity, that the Church may be set before as one; which one Church, in the Song of Songs, doth the Holy Spirit design and name in the Person of our Lord: My dove, My spotless one, is but one; she is the only one of her mother, elect of her that bare her

>Our Lord whose precepts and warnings we ought to observe, determining the honour of a Bishop and the ordering of His own Church, speaks in the Gospel and says to Peter, I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Thence the ordination of Bishops, and the ordering of the Church, runs down along the course of time and line of succession, so that the Church is settled upon her Bishops; and every act of the Church is regulated by these same Prelates.
-Saint Cyprian

>> No.9123902 [DELETED] 

>implying Popes care about anything other than the purity of the indulgence money for financing le Butter Tower

>> No.9123910

>implying Popes care about anything other than the purity of the indulgence money for financing le Butter Tower
>heh heh, you don't have to fast goys, just buy the get out of fast free card!

>> No.9123925

I am not Orthodox, but I cant wait to read more Vodolazskin. Laurus was my favorite book of last year, and should have won the man booker international if it existed in 2013

>> No.9123971
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Just dropping in to say that Pennsylvania Anabaptism is the only true faith and that anything else is absolutely heretical


>> No.9124053

how are you on a computer?

>> No.9124125

Anabaptist can still use technology. My mom was one. They also believe Downs Syndrome is a punishment from God.

>> No.9124192

A broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.9124474

Anabaptists can use technology, but only in so far as it doesn't disrupt family life and cause divisions in the church. It's hard to grasp but we are one of the least backward churches in the world.

>> No.9124477

>tfw you will never be a slav
why live?

>> No.9124516

>tfw you are slav but born to a Calvinist family

Just fucking kill me

>> No.9124562
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I don't see how any of this contradicts the papacy. Anything that includes the "upon this rock" verse only strengthens the argument, IMO.

>> No.9124678

These things don't actually really change much my man. Im not saying they are not important. just that eastern Catholics also do and believe these things, yet are not in schism. The big divide is whether The Papa is truly the leader or just a "first among equals" (sounds hideously protestant). But Im not some poser cuck like the rest of you, I love my Orthobros.Too bas they are grey af sometimes in their ideas so that some actually believe we dont have actual sacraments. Bye and God bless fellas.

>> No.9124707

Would the majority of anabaptists approve of posting on 4chan?

>> No.9125185
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Good Question