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/lit/ - Literature

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9121596 No.9121596 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, for the first time of my life I need you and for the first and last time I'm glad that you exist.

Could you guys recommend me the most crucial, inspiring works on Paranoia. Literary and psychological works are welcome.

It occurred to me while reading 1984, that the constant paranoia of Winston can actually be displayed in the Narration itself. You know bros this structuralist notion that Narration is in way about it self, the real "story" apart from the symbolic order of the work, it's subject is its own internal relation as a form of sense making.

You got my soul a long time ago, now give me some help.

>> No.9121598

The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.9121601

> the most crucial, inspiring works on Paranoia
Don't know about that but Auto-da-Fé has passages dealing with it.

>> No.9121605

There was a play called Bug by the guy who won the Pulitzer for August Osage County

>> No.9121620
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ain't nobody got time for that

>> No.9121665

came to post this

>> No.9121771

The Prisoner & the Fugitive - Proust
Could say The Magus - Fowles but it wasn't very good.
The Hearing Trumpet - Carrington
Solaris - Lem
Invention of Morel - Casares
Trial - Kafka

My definition of paranoia might be a bit too broad.

>> No.9122035

Dostoevsky's Crime And Punishment - the feverish paranoia, guilt, and rationalising of Raskolnikov after he kills an old woman, and his overcoming of these.

To a lesser extent the anxiety and insecurity of the protag in Notes From Underground, also.

There's a lot of paranoia in Philip K Dick as well.

>> No.9122078

this just gave me a random thought

what is the difference between paranoia and obsession?

isn't paranoia really just an obsession with the idea that some bad thing is going to happen?

>> No.9122188

theyre different words with different meanings, just look them up

>> No.9122470

Prisoner and the Fugitive is great, but holy shit, thar's a lot of pre-reading to work through beforehand.

OP, just read tCoL49 or some other Pynchon; White Noise by DeLillo would probably be good too.

>> No.9122623

paranoia is a subset of obsession

>> No.9122701
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Look for Dali's writings about the paranoiac-critical method, you might like them.

>> No.9122792

all of Pynchon actually

>> No.9123127
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I just started reading the Greek novel "Z213: Exit" which, so far, seems relevant and recommended. There is an english translation.


>> No.9123182

Report on the Blind in On Heroes and Tombs

>> No.9123186

I've never wanted to fuck her before. When did she lose her hunch back and get a nice ass. Damn lads.

>> No.9123356

It is the fact that you can only see half of her face. I was also shocked. She is beguiling to say the least.

>> No.9123406

this just gave me a random thought

what if i put my penis in her vagina

>> No.9123944

La pista de hielo - Bolaño
>Solaris - Lem
Damn, Solaris is actually accurate in its depiction of paranoia. I remember reading it in a very down period of my life and shit was too real.
The movie is good too. Proof than the wrong faction won the cold war