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912000 No.912000 [Reply] [Original]

Why are religious fanatics so annoying and stupid? I just found out my mother threw away all of my fantasy novels ( I had over a 100) because she thought they were "tools of Satan". I have also been told that I am to stop wearing pants (only dresses from now on) and attending church regularly if I want to continue living at home while I am in college.

pic related it's my face

>> No.912001

Get a job, become independent, and then you won't have to deal with the shit. Your parents still basically own you if you are under 18. Plan ahead.

>> No.912003

lol your life sucks you dumb whore

>> No.912007

Also, dresses aren't so bad. The extra air feel quite nice, and there's a lot more variety in skirts than there is in pants.

>> No.912005

>I am to stop wearing pants (only dresses from now on)
That's cool, man. Dresses are good for aerating your balls.

>> No.912006

disregard this, get student loans instead

>> No.912009


>> No.912011

I love you.

>> No.912014

When did you deconvert? If your parents are so religious you must have been raised in the faith.

also you are an apostate slut

>> No.912018

shut up bitch

>> No.912025

People don't deconvert all at once. Most of them slowly drift away from their faith because of philosophical or emotional reasons. kk

>> No.912028

Damn, shit sucks.

Maybe it's best to consider living on campus. Definitely more expensive, but I think it'd be worth it to get away from your mom if she's setting up "rules" like that.

>> No.912029

Maybe I don't want to wear dresses, maybe I want to wear pants. You didn't think of that, did you?

>> No.912036

I did think of that. But I was just trying to be an optimist. Pants are nice sometimes too.

>> No.912037

>Why are religious fanatics so annoying and stupid? I just found out my mother threw away all of my fantasy novels ( I had over a 100) because she thought they were "tools of Satan".

Your mom sounds like a cunt, I'm sorry to hear that man. I'm so happy I was not born in America.

>> No.912038

I get angry when religious girls deconvert. I see them as my territory and my property; they shouldn't be going off to rut with hipster atheists.

>> No.912045

Guess it's time to see who's looking for room mates.

It's 2010, not 1910. Fucking dresses. OMG.

Working through college sucks ass but it looks good on the resume when you graduate - shows employers you're willing to put in some effort.

Also, make them kick you out, don't move out. Otherwise 10 years from now they'll be saying how it's all lies and you moved out on your own accord. Been there, done that.

I'd also make sure your parents realize that if they kick you out over this, it's pretty much "see you never again and have a nice life" time.

At least I hope you agree it is, cause that shit is fucked up, OP.

>> No.912049

Your mother is right; fantasy novels are tools of satan.

>> No.912042


Religious fanatics are everywhere bro...

>> No.912039

Hey, not like there aren't people like that in Britain, Canada and Australia...

>> No.912050

Yeah, I know. Dresses are fine, but it's the inability to choose to wear pants that galls me.

Don't blame this on America. Where do you live? Londonstan?

>> No.912051

has she been watching fox news?

>> No.912059

>implying that there aren't fanatics in every country.

>> No.912061

Of course it's fucked up, especially the part where I lost all of my favorite books. That doesn't mean I want to cut my parents out of me life...They're fanatics, but they're still my parents, and I love them. I DO think I need to move out as soon as possible. Probably going to live on campus now.

>> No.912066

If you don't move out things will get worse and you will be barefoot and pregnant within 10 years. Mark my words.

>> No.912075

>>only dresses from now on
be glad, dresses ease access to your cooch tremendously.
you'll lose virginity in no time, have a child if you're lucky and you'll be able to claim your own house. slut

>> No.912085

1) demand that she return your books or you destroy something of hers. Alternatively you can just recover the books if they haven't been been destroyed or sent somewhere far away.

2) move.

>> No.912097


They sound like control freaks who are unwilling to see reason. Biological accident also made them your parents. I don't really see how one excuses the other.

People say you can choose your friends but you can't choose your relatives... well, I disagree.

You can choose your friends, and you can choose not to deal with your asshole relatives. That's what I did and I never looked back.

If you're not at that point yet, I understand, it took me many years to get there. Trust me, this shit doesn't get better. Religion is like a disease of the mind: it makes people act irrationally and in many cases there's no cure.

Not trying to tell you what to do - as if a stranger on the internet could - but rather trying to point out that these things don't always "work out".

"Agreeing to disagree" only goes so far.

>> No.912098

why the hell would i want to ease access to my vagina? piss off

>> No.912103

Painstakingly now, painstakingly, I collected, individually, every Pokemon card from the original 151 deck.

The church gave a sermon demonizing Pokemon.

I had the complete set for one week.

I was planning on entering competition and becomin' the fuckin' Pokemon Master.

My parents, individually, on the eve of my first competition, burned every Pokemon card I owned.


>> No.912112

become a preggo, claim moneys from state and/or boyfriend, move into your own flat, raise white trash just like you. that's what you want, don't you?

>> No.912117

Maybe I was born as their daughter because of random luck- that doesn't really change anything. I love them and they have always shown me affection and paid all of my bills. In their minds they are saving me from hell, which is why I'm trying not to judge them too harshly. If you thought someone you loved was going to hell, wouldn't you take desperate measures to save them?

>> No.912125

you were worshipping baal.
what did you expect?

shouldn't you be on /vp/?

>> No.912126
File: 760 KB, 259x214, dean leave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.912128

white trash? excuse me?

>> No.912130

It's a troll. Don't feed it.

>> No.912132

You apostate sluts are always sticking thing in there.

>> No.912134

Tell them that Odin doesn't like their book-burning faggotry and you will be the instrument of his revenge.

>> No.912138


If you believed the space aliens were coming for your family and the only way to save them was by burying them deep under the basement, you'd go out of your way to do that as well.

Doesn't make it right. Or sane.

>> No.912143

You know you must do this, now, OP.

>> No.912146

lol yeah everything but your penis gets to go in there.

Sane? Maybe not. Right? That's more complicated - they think what they are doing is right, which is why I have a lot of sympathy for them.

>> No.912156

For the record, I have no sympathy for rapist pedophiles because they thought it was "right" to seduce children.

OP, you don't necessarily have to drop contact with your family completely. But definitely let them know that you're upset when you do leave. Perhaps then they'll see the error in their judgment.

All in all, it's best to avoid stress during college. Your parents can only create more at this point.

>> No.912160

>lol yeah everything but your penis gets to go in there.
That's cool, baby. I've always wanted to foot-fuck a girl.

>> No.912165

damn, you burned this stupid bitch. you should go easy on here though, she's just a dumb teenage cumdumpster.

>> No.912170

Sure is /b/ in here.

>> No.912174

i agree

i still hae contact with my family but i dont see the need to be in each others lives when i dont particuarly want to or am comfortable with doing so

completely seperate from religious reasons though, we arent religious

>> No.912176

You're right, you're right. It's too easy. I'll quit trolling this pathetic excuse for an attention-whoring thread now. Have fun, guys.

>> No.912183

this used be a board about books. gtfo!

>> No.912184

Well, I'm going to handle this the way you suggested so we aren't too different when it comes to this shit. I'm just pissed that my beautiful books are now sitting inside a dump somewhere.

this made me laugh. you got me, neh?

>> No.912187
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Tell her she'll regret her actions when Cthulhu comes 'round.

Then enjoy being locked in the cellar for the next ten years, subsisting on rats and rain water while your mother beats you with a leather bound bible every day.

>> No.912194

The hell? Regional dialect?

>> No.912197

ender's game, right OP? neh likes right or something

>> No.912199

You're rightfully pissed, that's for sure. A collection of your size requires a lot of time and cash.

Anyway, good luck, and I hope you and your parents can start seeing eye-to-eye someday.

>> No.912210


>> No.912368

>Hey guize my parents are religious fanatics with control issues, wat I do?

Grow some ovaries, woman. Move out, get an apartment and a roommate, tell your parents you're a satanist now, send them a pic of yourself masturbating with a crucifix for Christmas.

>> No.912388

You mean "neh." Oh ho ho! ;D

>> No.912794

<<< /adv/ is over there you stupid cunt.

>> No.912800

Don Quixote?

>> No.912805

or, y'know, just take such a picture and post it here

>> No.912836

Why is everyone so mad?
And OP, how old are you? I was forced to go to church till i was 18, but after that it was pretty chill.
Well, except some passive aggressive comments about Uzumaki and Sandman :/

>> No.912850

Sit in a circle of black and red cloth, and burn something at midnight. It wont help but it'd be funny shit.

>> No.912982

To the OP

>Why are religious fanatics so annoying and stupid?
Because they were socialized that way by their parents and are unwilling to look at other points of view because the fear that everything they knew would be wrong.

>I just found out my mother threw away all of my fantasy novels ( I had over a 100) because she thought they were "tools of Satan".

Did your mother provided any evidence? If she did say these books are tools of Satan she implies that books are written by Satan himself. (Not really written by Satan himself) She could use the same argument for anything she does not like.

>I have also been told that I am to stop wearing pants (only dresses from now on) and attending church regularly if I want to continue living at home while I am in college.

OK, at this point I will say this: Books are replaceable, but your life is not. If your mother is doing this to make you look like her, get out of the house. Once you're 18, you are no longer controlled by your parent.

>> No.912990

>mother threw away all of my fantasy novels
>another religion thread