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/lit/ - Literature

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9116050 No.9116050 [Reply] [Original]

anons are welcome to post aswell

>> No.9116109

We don't like women

Make a thread on Schopenhauer's 'On Women' and you'll get hundreds of replies, instead of this cuckery

>> No.9116116

>he hasn't read her
We're very much okay with Simone "Come Fite Me IRL Trotsky" Weil. Stop being such a fucking dickhead because you can't understand Schopenhauer, the simplified Kant.

>> No.9116117

>insulting The Red Virgin

>> No.9116131

>Schopenhauer, the simplified Kant

>> No.9116139

>he hasn't read Schopenhauer either
Just fucking leave and by leave I mean kill yourself. It's the most efficient thing for the whole human race and where you're going in life any way. You are a rare case where it would not be a futile action.

>> No.9116142

I read her essay on the Iliad, good stuff. Anything else of hers you recommend?

>> No.9116144

not the same person you were talking to before, senpai, just a concerned post-Kantian

>> No.9116149

how the fuck did you miss half of his work? you are fucking up your deontological being and kant does not allow for self identification like your virtue ethics based drum group does.

>> No.9116155

nice dubs tho
t. actual kantian

>> No.9116158

Letter to a Priest

>> No.9116190

>Waiting for God
>Gravity and Grace
>Letter to a Priest

Simone was too good for this world desu

>> No.9116195

was ment for >>9116142

>> No.9116461

>she was diagnosed with tuberculosis and instructed to rest and eat well. However, she refused special treatment because of her long-standing political idealism and her detachment from material things. Instead, she limited her food intake to what she believed residents of German-occupied France ate
Welp, just another mommy-instinct-driven female, nothing to see here.

>> No.9116493

TB is the most /lit/ disease. It's like every Russian novel and Byron in one. Learn to die right or you'll just wind up a suicide. Read Dante too while you're at it.

>> No.9116511

>Some claim that her refusal to eat came from her desire to express some form of solidarity toward the victims of the war. Others think that Weil's self-starvation occurred after her study of Schopenhauer. (In his chapters on Christian saintly asceticism and salvation, Schopenhauer had described self-starvation as a preferred method of self-denial).
You are less than nothing, an anomaly not enormous enough to be an abomination.

>> No.9116535

>1920-1933 - commies starve 10-15 million people to death
>baka, such is life, and anyway. this is not real communism
>frogs get somewhat restricted in their diets
>oh noes i must protect them by starving myself to death
What a stupid cunt.

>> No.9116550

abolish all political parties when?

>> No.9116564

somebody's jelly they're never going to have personal arguments against trotsky

>> No.9116639

>be me
>start reading gravity and grace
>it's spiritual materialism


>> No.9116841

I've been slowly working my way through Gravity and Grace. For the last few years a spiritual side has been budding in me and with this book it's finally coming to life. I understand things that I've felt for years. I don't feel depressed anymore. I actually feel happy, which was rare until these most recent years. I might actually make it. I love you all. Read this book right now.

>> No.9117080

Don't post in my thread philistine

>> No.9117135
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>it's spiritual materialism
I'm guessing "starting" reading it means reading half the introduction before dropping it all together, fuck off shitposter.

>> No.9117218


I skipped the introduction. She starts the book with a parallel between Material gravity and something Spiritual. Stopped reading there.

>> No.9117415

Incredibly based.

>> No.9117624

Her brother was better.

>> No.9117986

And here you are, half sincerely shitposting about an author you haven't read, who's literary and academic merit span so far above your own it's almost laughable.

Regarding your buzzwords, Simone actively seeks spirituality separate from the ego. Her struggle against spiritual materialism is so obsessive it could be called a genuine neurosis.

>> No.9118701
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>All the natural movements of the soul are controlled by laws
analogous to those of physical gravity. Grace is the only
>such struggle much against

Might as well read The God Delusion.

>> No.9118730
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Unbelievers please leave

>> No.9118737
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>The unit was part of the French-speaking section of the anarchist militia. From seeing her practice on makeshift shooting ranges, her comrades saw she was a very poor shot and tried to avoid taking her on missions, though she did sometimes insist. Her only direct participation in combat was to shoot with her rifle at a bomber during an air raid; in a second raid, she tried to man the group's heavy machine gun, but her comrades prevented her, as they thought it would be best for someone less clumsy and short-sighted to use the weapon. After being with the group for a few weeks, she burnt herself over a cooking fire. She was forced to leave the unit.

>> No.9118755


Spiritual Materialism is more cynical and atheist than Materialism itself. Saying the Divine or otherwise immaterial is analogous to the Material is more dangerous than saying it doesn't exist at all.

>> No.9118799
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>If it be true that the same suffering is much harder to bear for a
high motive than for a base one (the people who stood, motionless,
from one to eight o’clock in the morning for the sake of
having an egg, would have found it very difficult to do so in
order to save a human life), a base form of virtue is perhaps in
some respects better able to stand the test of difficulties, temptations
and misfortunes than a noble one. Napoleon’s soldiers. Hence the use of cruelty in order to sustain or raise the morale of
soldiers. Something not to be forgotten in connexion with moral
>This is a particular example of the law which generally puts
force on the side of baseness. Gravity is, as it were, a symbol
of it.


>> No.9118831
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The source of man’s moral energy is outside him, like that of
his physical energy (food, air etc.). He generally finds it, and
that is why he has the illusion—as on the physical plane—that
his being carries the principle of its preservation within itself.
Privation alone makes him feel his need. And, in the event of
privation, he cannot help turning to anything whatever which is
There is only one remedy for that: a chlorophyll conferring
the faculty of feeding on light.
Not to judge. All faults are the same. There is only one fault:
incapacity to feed upon light, for where capacity to do this has
been lost all faults are possible.
‘My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me.’
There is no good apart from this capacity.
gravity and grace 3
To come down by a movement in which gravity plays no
part. . . . Gravity makes things come down, wings make them
rise: what wings raised to the second power can make things
come down without weight?
Creation is composed of the descending movement of gravity,
the ascending movement of grace and the descending movement
of the second degree of grace.
Grace is the law of the descending movement.

>> No.9118845
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The tendency to spread evil beyond oneself: I still have it! Beings
and things are not sacred enough to me. May I never sully anything,
even though I be utterly transformed into mud. To sully
nothing, even in thought. Even in my worst moments I would
not destroy a Greek statue or a fresco by Giotto. Why anything
else then? Why, for example, a moment in the life of a human
being who could have been happy for that moment.

>> No.9118953

>To strip ourselves of the imaginary royalty of the world. Absolute solitude. Then we possess the truth of the world.




>> No.9118990
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>tfw no clumsy neurotic kuudere gf

>> No.9119015

I love her

>> No.9119081
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>tfw dated a clumsy Catholic girl back when I was an atheist and I dumped her because her faith gave me anxiety and now I've discovered the Catholic faith for myself and since she's married another guy

>> No.9119085

That is so pepefeel

>> No.9119093

It's even worse because the girl I most recently dated was a mad atheist who I would have felt perfectly at home with in the past. It's the exact reverse. My life is a meme

>> No.9119095

I at least hope you aren't having premarital sex.

>> No.9119099
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about that

>> No.9119105

>discover Catholic faith
>go for atheist sluts and remove yourself from ability to recieve the body and blood of Jesus Christ

>> No.9119333

but why, father?

>> No.9119347

This is retarded. How does an analogy that she created solely to make sense of her own faith have any impact on that faith? The entire book is written metaphorically like that. None of them are supposed to be taken literally. They're just approximations of things that can't ever be fully grasped